ACTIVITIES IN THE SECOND WEEK WORLD OF ROAD SAFETY IN ECUADOR Commemorating the “Second Week of the Global Road Safety”, the consultant Cons ulvial Road Safety Education of Ecuador and the foundation Victim AssistAssistanceance Transit Casualty Hearts in Heaven developed a series of activities designed to attract the attentattentionion of road users to protect Pedestrian. Pedestrians account for about a quarter of the annual deaths from road traffic injuries worworlldwide.dwide. Due to the lack of attention to their needs and the tretrenndd in recent decades to promote private motorized transport; pedestrians now have a greater risk of deathdeatdeath,h,, injury and disability. Specifically in Ecuador last year according to statistical reports from the NatioNatiNationonalnalal Traffic Agency, there were 3,829 claims againsagainstt pedestrians, between violations and windings, which representsrepresents 18% of all claims arising from the tracks. Specifically in Ecuador last year according to statistatstatististicalsticalical reports of the National Traff ic Agency, there were 3,829 claims against pedestrians, between violations aanndd win dings, which represents 18% of all claims arising from the tracks. Noting the provinces with the highest rates of road aaccidents,ccidents, it took the wise decision to make the week of pedestrian safety in the Main city of the provinceprovince of Imbabura, Ibarra, considering that in big cities shares were held by other institutions . ANALISIS DE SINIESTRALIDAD VIAL PROVINCIA DE IMBABURA AÑO 2012 ACCIDENTES MUERTOS HERIDOS 686 84 532 TASA DE ACCIDENTABILIDAD x 100.000 HAB 165,84 TASA DE MORTALIDAD X 100.000 HAB 22,72 TASA DE MORBILIDAD X 100.000 HAB 128,61 POBLACION AL 2012 369718 FUENTE: AGENCIA NACIONAL DE TRANSITO ELABORACION: CONSULVIAL Consultora en Educación y Seguridad Vial. According to these data, there were in the province of Imbabura, from January to November 2012, 686 traffic accidents that left tragic result, 84 dead anandd 532 wounded. Also observed a road accident raterates,s, extremely high mortality and morbidity . COMPARATIVO INDICES DE SINIESTRALIDAD VIAL PROVINCIA DE IMBABURA AÑO 2010 AÑO 2011 AÑO 2012 TASA DE ACCIDENTABILIDAD x 100.000 HAB 163,18 159,08 165,84 TASA DE MORTALIDAD X 100.000 HAB 22,00 20,00 22,72 TASA DE MORBILIDAD X 100.000 HAB 136,83 133,84 128,61 FUENTE: AGENCIA NACIONAL DE TRANSITO ELABORACION: CONSULVIAL Consultora en Educación y Seguridad Vial. Av Eloy Alfaro N63-148 y J Molineros Telf.: 593 02 2804197 Quito -Ecuador The Imb abura Province ranks fourth highest rate of road accaccidentsidents per 100,000 population in Ecuador, is the third province with higher mortality in traffic accidents nationwide after Napo (tm: 28.53) and Orellana (tm: 25.10) and ranks sixth level of the provinces of Ecuador in terms of morbidity, beating Pichincha, Guayas and Manabi, which have even higherhigher rates and vehicular population. These trends in road accidents and their negative conconsequencessequences and also involve mainly the capital of the province of Imbabura, Ibarra city as a center ofof commercial development, education and population. Imbabura Province has a current population of 432,5 43 inhabitants, making for 6 Cantons Antonio Ante, Cotacachi, Otavalo, Pimampiro Urcuqui and Ibarra, the latter being the provincial capital. The Canton Ibarra currently consists of the urban parparishish Ibarra, and 7 rural parishes Ambuqui, Angochagua, Caroli na, Hope, Lita, Salinas, San Antonio with a projecteprojectedd population of 197 907 inhabitants in 2013. According to the analysis of road accidents conductedconducted in Imbabura shows an increasing trend of road accident rates through the years COMPORTAMIENTO DE INDICES EN EL PERIODO DE ESTUDIO PROVINCIA DE IMBABURA COMPARATIVO AÑO 2010-2011 2011-2012 2010-2012 TASA DE ACCIDENTABILIDAD x 100.000 HAB -2,5% 4,2% 1,6% TASA DE MORTALIDAD X 100.000 HAB -9,1% 13,6% 3,3% TASA DE MORBILIDAD X 100.000 HAB -2,2% -3,9% -6,0% FUENTE: AGENCIA NACIONAL DE TRANSITO ELABORACION: CONSULVIAL Consultora en Educación y Seguridad Vial. Av Eloy Alfaro N63-148 y J Molineros Telf.: 593 02 2804197 Quito -Ecuador Performing a comparative analysis of the behavior ofof road accidents in the Province of Imbabura, it is determined that there are variations through the yeayearsrs under study since, although in 2011 it reduces road accident rates in relation to 2010, in 2012 it reached alarming rates in the period under study in terms of accidents and traffic fatalities. DeterminiDeterminingng in 2012 an increase in the accident rate of 4.24.2%% over 2011 and 13.6% in the mortality rate over the same year, also observed a reduction in morbidit y through years. With the background described above, determine the needneed for actions that lead to improved road accident rates in the province of Imbabura, therefortherefore,e, has conducted activities related to awareness iinn the pedestrian occasion of celebrating this initiative worldwide in the city of Ibarra. Av Eloy Alfaro N63-148 y J Molineros Telf.: 593 02 2804197 Quito -Ecuador To this end, the following activities: Talks aimed at young people in secondary education scschoolshools on issues related to pedestrian safety made by Celestino Suarez-IRSA TRAFPOL Police Barcelona Spain, Alexander von Hilderbran representative of the Pan American Health Organization in Ecuador and Juan Santillán Andrade General Manager of Consulvial of Ecuador. Av Eloy Alfaro N63-148 y J Molineros Telf.: 593 02 2804197 Quito -Ecuador Additionally drawing competitions were held and slosloggansans on the pedestrian in the city at schools aiming at draw the attention of children and young people on the issue of pedestrian safety. Were also performed puppet shows w ith the participation of driver education department of the National Transit Control Ecuador where school childchildrrenen enjoyed a fun and raised awareness on the importance of care that should be on the tracks. Av Eloy Alfaro N63-148 y J Molineros Telf.: 593 02 2804197 Quito -Ecuador Finally, awareness campaigns were conducte d to the general public in collaboration with studenstudentsts of schools distributed informational flyers on the consensus of the Pedestrian. Av Eloy Alfaro N63-148 y J Molineros Telf.: 593 02 2804197 Quito -Ecuador You want to see videos of the activities you can go to these links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMXriJm0fao http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20gkPHGCC5g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usvEH0rzL0s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qUj_JOm6 -s A definitely very rewarding activity for all who participate with the sole satisfaction of helping savsavee lives.lives. Mr. Juan Santillán Andrade General Manager Consulvial-Ecuador www.consulvial-ecuador.blogspot.com [email protected] Av Eloy Alfaro N63-148 y J Molineros Telf.: 593 02 2804197 Quito -Ecuador .
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