rmtlllii , 'll 'Echo' Satellite Tops ' Day for .u.s. l 1'"NEW landa\\'s Bounces Ike's Voice Todays Weather SUPER hcornI.. partly cloudy ,.., .nd ...."ht with widely 1CIttwe4 VAlU From Coast to Coast aftemoon w nighttime thunder· sMwers northwest .nd .lIMme GOOD ~..... w.. t toct.y. W.rmer sautha... (See page 4 for story on the new altitude record set owon Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City today .nd hInItht. TKRU bl) the X15 rocket ship.) Associated Preu Leased Wire And Wirepboto - Herald Tribune News Service Features Saturday, August 13, 1960, Iowa City, Iowa lUG. WASIIINGTON (AP) - The United States, on one of its ~ 14 proudest days in the space age, Friday sent into orbit high above the earth a huge balloon that could lead to new marvel' of world communication. The balloon, tuU as a 10-slmy build­ ing but with a skin thinner than the plastic wrapping on a SMOKED pack of cigarets, was shot more than 1,000 miles skyward from Cape Canaveral, Fla. Quickly, a test bounced President Eisen­ Hancher Says Union Addition bower's recorded voice by radio retrieved but officials said all beam from California up to the flight objectives were achieved. balloon and down to New Jersey. A lillie later, a Polaris missile The baBoon, dubbed Echo I, also was fired down the Caribbean served as a sort of backboard or on a l ,lOO-milc flight to test re­ billiud cushion. fin ements and. increase the sub­ , Delighted sci~ntists and mili· marine missile's reliability before t.ry men were encouraged to an­ it becomes operational by October, ticipat. the cia... when m.ssages President Eisenhower was one of Sorelv Needed by, University II1II pictures of all sorts can be the most elated of all over'the Echo clTried unlimited distances clear· I achievement. Beaming and smil­ Iy and instantly. ing, he listoned to his own voice as The communications satellite, it bounced back from the great bal­ I the biggest but not the heavicst of loon , U.N. Troops Expresses Regret all man.made satellites, zoomed "Fine - I'm delighted," he told to its success on a da:y in which a small group at the White House, Ihe United States laid claim to Th. radioed-from·above m.s· other fantastic feats in sky and sag. called the experiment in Enter Katanga Over Court Action apace: communications a significant step 1. An Air Force test pilot. Maj, in the u.s. space program - a In a statement issued Friday, SUI President Virgil M. Robert M, White, hurtled his X-l5 porgram Eisenhower emphasized plane 131,000 feet above the earth was "for peaceful purposes for Peacefully Hancher exprc ' ed regret over the filing of a suit by hotel, - more than 24 miles and the the benefit of all mankind.' ' motel and . restaurant associations to stop construction of the bighest point man has ever reach· The President's message invited proposed $4.6 million addition to the Iowa Memorial Union, ed in recorded history. Belgian Withdrawal all countries to make similar ex­ Earl E. Harper, director of the Iowa Memorial Union, is on White radioed back from the periments with the baUoon. How· To be Discussed edge of spac. to his comrades at ever, space officials doubted that By Dag, Tshombe vacation, and couUl not be reached- for comment. Harper has Edwanb Air Force Base In Cali· the Soviet Un,ion could try an ex­ done much of the planning for lhe construction of the addition. fornia: "This is reall ... fantastic periment with it since its orbit ELISABETHVILLE, the Congo Thc suit, filed in Polk County Distirct Court Thursday, was Up here." crosses only the southern tip of IA'I - U. N, Secretary·General Dag brougbt by the Iowa Motor Coud -----------­ 2. After 12 failures, the Air that nation . Hammarskjold led a U. N. ta k .f! Force rejoiced over the recovery Association; the Iowa Hotel As- them, will be placed belore the France and Britain have plans force peacefully into secessionist sociation; the Iowa Restaurant As- court, as they have previously of a space capsule fired from an to lry to bounce some messages off Katanga Province Friday and soclaUon; a partnership oC Russell been put before the public. orbiting satellite. A Navy frog· Echo. opened negotiations for tull with- man, Robert W. Carroll, 22, tied T. Keith Glennan, head of the drawal o( Belgian soldiers. B. Miller and L. E. Smith; Ermal "Much study and planning has Loghry; John and Mary Teu(el; gone Into the proposed addition, a line from a helicopter to the National Aeronautics and Space A hitch in landing operations capsule in the Pacific near Ha­ Viola Lons; and Michael McLaugh- both on the part oC University per· ' Administration, said the record· and minor demonstrations at the lin, A2, Sac City, sonnel who are face to face on a waii Thursday and earned a foot· ing he took to Eisenhower was airport, including a cry of "Down dally basis with the demonstrable Dote in history for himself. so strong and clear that the with the United Nations," spiced N.med " det.ndant. in the ac· needs (or this facility , and by the The recovery of the instrument· President 5eemed not at first to his arrival and his blue·helmeted tion were the State Bo.rd of R.· members o( the State Board of packed capsule carried forward - realize it had been sent to the soldiers _ 220 fellow Swedes, gents - H.rry H. Hagemann, Regents , who have brought to bear perhaps further than the Soviet satellite and back. But there was a warm welcome pr.si.nt; .. nd D.vid A. Dancer, on this question all thcir individual Union has gone - the work to send The balloon. folded in accordion for Hammarskjold to this rich ter­ Proposed Union Addition secretary - Elwin T. JolllHe, business and educational experi. a man on a roundtrip into space, pleats in the nose cone of a tower- ritory of copper, cobalt and cattle This Is an Irchi.tect's drawing of the Iowa .ddition, (wing at upper I.ft,) concern.d in the SUI vice !H'esldent for Bush,.SI ences in keeping with their respon. and 10 create a dependable eye­ ing three·stage Thor-Della rocket, from Katanga's Premier Moise Memorial Union, showing the proposed $4.6 million law$uit fil.d b... hot.l, met.1 and r.staurant .nd Finane.; .nd Fin. H.m· sibilities to the State of Iowa In in·the-sky system for knowing was carried upward at 4:39 a,m. Tshombe, who only a week ago borg, SUI tre.surer. dctermining policy Cor this and aSiociations. what's going on everywhere. At 6:45, NASA announced it was was threatening war to bar the No temporary injunction was five other institutions." In addition to th.se victories, in orbit. Glennan called the launch· U. N. soldiers already occupying sought in the case because it is ex- The court .ctlon hed bMn .n­ I powerful Atlas missile, with a ing "well-nigh perfect." Gases the rest of the Congo's half dozen pccted that the case will be heard tlclpated since March when "the new and larger type nose cone helped inflate the great aluminum· provinces. In early September. thr" .t.... wI. org.nbatl_ fill,d with radiation-stud... de· .coaled plastic ball. Though he ha:l modified bis Reds Oust 3rd ,Tourist In his statement, President .clded by joint unanimous vote vices, wal landed on target after u.s. Hancher said: to lUe wit. The .,.,... .roups ,IlIn. As it whirled around the world, stand in the (ace oC a Security I S,lJOO.mile shot down the Carib· observers on the Pacific Coast Council mandate for replacement " We regrct that the hotel, motel t.nded thAt the addition _Id bun. The nose cone could not b. reported in the earl... morning of the Belgian soldiers, Tshombe and restaurant associations have put the University In competition ·t h' . appeared in high spirits. seen fit to bring suit to enjOin with prlv.te busln ....s. dar kness t hat I was 5 mmg sev· h Co en times brighter than the North T . ere was a warning to ngo In Powers' Pre-Trial Week development of this campus addi· The petition riled by Gibson, Successes Please tion which the University and the Stewart, and Garrett _ a Des .. Star. William J. O'Sullivan, de Premier Patrice Lumumba, No. 1 By The A.I.e,.ted Pre.. lot's family and several friends or Powers said he got the assur­ SUI Ph SICIStS sign.r of the sat.llite, said it political foe of Tshombe, that the Regents believe is sorely needed Moines law firm - contends that Y U. N, intends to carry out its mis· MOSCOW IA'I - The Soviet Union advisers also are going to Moscow ance in a letter from Khrushchev. in the program of the University. the Iowa Memorial Union belongs Jlmes Van Allen. head of SUI's would be as bright as Vega, the sion of maintaining order in the expelled a Kansas tourist Friday , for the trial. which begins Wed· American atorneys are urging "It Is well known that slmll.r to the University and therefore the Physics Department and promi· brightest star in the Northern Congo despite interference by Lu- the third American accused of spy­ nesday. Francis Gary Powers' Soviet de­ facllltl ...r. In u.. at oth.r rna· state. Unless the specific project IItnt spac. authority, is on va· Hemispher.
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