AMSTERDAM I 26-27 Ma y2020 WE LCOME TO PLMA anu factu rer or retaile r, li fe in pri vate label is good. Mar ket sha re in Europe is nearl y 40% o r mo re in eig ht cou ntries and consume r accepMtan ce of retaile rbrands has n ever been highe r. Yes, comp etition is fie rce but the opportunities for new products and n ew business are ext rao rdinar y. The same applies to PLM A’s “World of Pri vate Label ” In tern ational Trade Show. Efficie nt, p roducti ve, it is simpl y the best pr ivate label sh ow in the world. More exhibi tors, mo re bu yers, mo re contacts than a ny othe r sh ow. Exhibit and see for you rsel fhowthe “ World of Pri vate Label ” can help you rcomp any’s pri vate label business. AMSTERDAM I The sh ow is o rganised for results PLM A’s “ World of Pri vate Label ” is mo re The exhibition o ccupies all 15 halls of Ams terda m’s RAI than the sh ow floor Exhibition Centre, but it is divided i nto food and non- food sections to simplif yretail visits. The sh ow offers mo re than exhibition spa ce, h owever. It p rovides participa nts with the l atest mar ket resea rch and a n Europa Compl ex p rese nts food, snacks and b everages. specia lpre-sh ow semina rprogramme. The re is also PLM A’s n Holland Compl ex p rese nts household and health unique Ide aSupermar ket with displ ays of pri vate label and beaut y. products and pac kaging f rom retaile rs a round the world. n Park Compl ex p rese nts b oth food and non- food Plus, the sh ow hosts th eIntern ational Salu te to E xcellen ce products. Awards th at gi ve recognition to retaile rs for inn ovation in pri vate label. Show hou rs a re con centrated i nto t wo d ays of sh ow floo r tim e so exhibi tors do n’t spend was ted time standing a round wit h Who exhibit s? nothing to do. The sh ow offers exhibiting manu factu rers specia l servi ces to p rom ote themsel ves and thei rproducts. Exhibi tors come f rom all ov er the world. The re a re la rge multi national corpo rations and small and mediu m si ze n Exhibi tors can announ ce n ew prod ucts online prio rto th e companies. The re a re also ma ny national p avilions, sh ow and ar ran ge me etings with i nteres ted retaile rs. prom oting thei rcou ntries and sp otlig hting the p rodu cts n Exhibi tors can submit inn ovative p rod ucts and packaging of thei r manu factu rers. For big companies, the sh ow opens for free displ ay in PLM A’s New Product Expo. the doo rto the pri vate label side of retailing. For SM E’s, the n Exhibi tors recei ve complime ntar yinvit ations th at can b e sh ow gi ves industry-wid eexposu re and insta nt c redibilit y. se nt to retaile rs, wholesale rs o rothe r business partne rs. n Exhibi tors can ad vertise thei r stands in the Officia l Don’t miss this opportunit yto build you r Catal ogue, online Show Previ ew and Show Navig ator. pri vate label business Few events can h ave as mu ch impact on you rcompa ny as particip ating in PLM A’s 2020 “ World of Pri vate Label ” International Trade Show. More than 85% of exhibi tors and pavilion o rganise rs ren ew thei r spa ce each yea r but the doo r is also open for you and you rcompa ny. To learn more about exhibiting, go to www.plma.nl/2020 or contact PLMA International Council at [email protected] or +31 20 575 3032. For more information on PLMA, visit www.plmainternational.com. 26-27 Ma y2020 Facts for Exhibitors Show Organise rs Stand Assignme nts Preliminar yBuyers List PLM A’s annual “ World of Pri vate Label ”is The t rade sh ow floo r is divided i nto food an d Exhibi tors recei ve a preliminar y list of bu yers organised by the Pri vate Label Manu factu rers non- food halls. All stand ass ign ments are base d 30 d ays prio rto the sh ow. The l ist includes al l Associ ation. It is the onl yorganis ation of it s on a fi rst- come, fi rst-ser ved bas is in o rde rof pre- regis tered retail and wholesale com panies kind, represe nting mo re th an 4.500 membe r recei pt of app lic ation and payme nt, produc t so th at a pp oi ntme nts can be ar ran ged i n com panies a round the glob e. PL MA prese nted eligibilit y and availabilit yofspace. ad van ce. its fi rst sh ow in the Uni ted States in 1980 an d its fi rst sh ow in Europe in 1986. Tod ay, PLM A provides servi ces to membe r manu factu rers i n Decora tions and Furnishings Special Show Invit ations mo re than 75 cou ntries. A full ran ge of exhibit furnitu re, fixtu res, electrical All exhibi tors recei ve a s et of com plime ntar y power and othe r servi ces can be rented from the sh ow invit ations to send to retaile rs, wholesale rs Show Loc ation official contrac tors using the o rde r forms from and othe r business partne rs whom th ey PLMA's online Exhibi tor Portal. Exhibi tors m ay wish to i nvi te to the sh ow as thei r guests at n o PLM A’s “ World of Pri vate Label ” is held at th e also use thei rown fu rnishings, provided th ey additional cost. RAI Exhibition Centre in Ams terdam, loc ated conform to t rade sh ow rules and s afety and f ire onl y 15 minu tes f rom Schi phol Intern atio nal regul ations. Air port and easil yreach ed by train, m etro an d New Product Expo au tomobile. PLM A also featu res exhibi tors’ inn ovative Official C atal ogue products and packaging in its annual New Product Trade Show Schedule All PLM Aexhibi tors recei ve a f ree listing i n Ex po. Partici pation is free for exhibi tors. Products the pri nted Official Trade Show Catal ogue . selec ted a re dis played in sh owcases i n the PLM A Satu rda y, 23 May The listing includes compa ny name, add ress , Idea Supermar ket during t rade sh ow hou rs. Stand Build- Up 08.00 – 20.00 tele phone numbe r, e-mail, websi te, produ ct descri ption and stand numbe r. Advertising s pace Exhibit Stands Sunda y, 24 May is available for exhibi tors who wish to highlig ht Single and multi-unit stands are available to Stand Build- Up 08.00 – 20.00 and prom ote thei r stand loc ation o rproducts. accommodate the display needs of all companies. Each exhibit unit measures 3m x 3m. Stand prices Monda y, 25 May Online Show Previ ew and Stand Build- Up 07.00 – 18.00 include standard fascia, grey carpet and stand Show Navig ator cleaning on both show days. Exhibitors are Pre- Show Semina rs 14.00 – 16.00 separated by white plastic laminate walls. PLM A’s online Show Previ ew provides All aisles are carpeted. category- by-c ategor y listings of exhibi tors Tuesda y, 26 May includin g full contact d etails and is made Trade Show Floo rOpen 09.00 – 18.30 available to all regis tered retail and wholesale Exhibit Rates visi tors 3 0days prio rto the sh ow to hel p them Wednesda y, 27 May ide ntif yexhibi tors th at t hey want to visit. Exhibit rates a re subject to reversed VAT. Trade Show Floo rOpen 09.00 – 16.30 In the Show Previ ew, exhibi tors can announ ce Net rates for PLM A membe rs a re: 1 Unit (3m x 3 m) € 2.900 Stand Brea kdown 17.00 – 23.00 thei rnewproducts, u pload pictu res and highlig ht thei r standa rd com pany listings by 2 Units (3m x 6 m) € 5.200 Thursda y, 28 May ordering o nline ad vertising s pace. PLM A 3 Units (3m x 9 m) € 7.500 Stand Brea kdown 06.00 – 14.00 regularl yupdates th e online Show Previ ew to 4 Units (3m x 12 m) € 10.000 include the l atest additions and adjustme nts. 6 Units (6m x 9 m) € 15.000 Once the sh ow starts , the Show Previ ew turns 8 Units (6m x 12 m) € 19.500 into the mobile-friendl yShowNavig ator, Non-membe rs must add a su rcha rge of € 2.500. which is f reel yacc essible to all visi tors and Ex hibi tors may be come membe rs of PLM A exhibi tors.
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