Fort Hays State University FHSU Scholars Repository University Leader Archive Archives Online 3-24-1981 University Leader - March 24, 1981 University Leader Staff Follow this and additional works at: Content Disclaimer The primary source materials contained in the Fort Hays State University Special Collections and Archives have been placed there for research purposes, preservation of the historical record, and as reflections of a past belonging to all members of society. Because this material reflects the expressions of an ongoing culture, some items in the collections may be sensitive in nature and may not represent the attitudes, beliefs, or ideas of their creators, persons named in the collections, or the position of Fort Hays State University. Recommended Citation University Leader Staff, "University Leader - March 24, 1981" (1981). University Leader Archive. 310. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives Online at FHSU Scholars Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in University Leader Archive by an authorized administrator of FHSU Scholars Repository. " L I\' C: L l l! " <: r Iv· "'L l .. Iii'., -> I.(. I, -'IL "l..lLUlht, ILl'[r,,l ,.;~ ~he university Volume i'.! Tuesday morning .'Vumher ,ffi March 24, 1981 Hays, Kun. 6-ifj()J Fort Hays State University What's University officials defend media center spending News b,JI Do.oul. Clo.. ton President Gerald Tomanek, Ron The conflict stems from the fact ttje, March 18 meeting. "The ween amounts allocated for equip· News Senior Staff 'Wri,..,. Pflughoft, vice president for univer- that the new center is not what it Leg\slatur~ approved the function ment and construction. An effort by the Kansas sity development and relations, and was supposed to be, as decreed by and a program statement. That pro- The matter has been simplified Legislature to halt construction on Brien Murray, director of physical the program statement the gram staiement 5ays the remodeling somewhat as a result of the March The Kansas Senate \\'ays Fort Hays State's new media center plant and planning, appeared before. Legislature approved. In 1978. when was to take place in the library only. 18 meeting. An amendment has a11d ~leans Committee is has, for the moment. been thwarted, the Ways and Means Committee the Legislature allocated the We did not fund a separate building. been drafted and placed before the considering a bill to stnp March 18. Also present were Board $375,000 for construction. it was If FHS was going to have a change in and university officials are confident Ways and Means Committee for the construction -of the the matter will be dropped when it of Regents Architect Warren ·told the money would be used tu the original intent. it should have eventual Senate consideration. media center. L:niversity comes up for a vote by the Senate Corman and Senator August Bogina remodel the basement of Forsyth changed the language . in the pro- which would be attached to the Ways and Means Committee later Jr.,, R-Lenexa, who heads the Joint Library for the purpose of gram statement. If they were going Regents' Appropriations Bill 166. II officials belie\'e the bill ·\~·tll this week. - Committee on Building Construc- constructing a photo lab and moder- to do it like this .. why didn't they say would revise the FHS appropriation be dropped when the Co,i1- Senate Bill 411, introduced by the tion. nizing the audio-visual cenier. lt so in the lirst plal'e''" Bogina asked. to comply with what is actually mittee votes on it later this At the meeting, Tomanek, would also be used to add a wing to Senate Ways and Means Committee Rogina was also upset with the being done. 11 appropriates the same \\·..:·ek. See /)(lfW I. at the request of the Joint Pflugholt and Murray defended FHS' the library for a radio-TY production way the building was being funded. amount of money. S3i5,000, and Committee on State Building Con- actions in the matter, saying the facility. in dividing up the 5375.000 the changes the language. Bogina said. Gret>k Week bega11 struction, would have ceased con- university had followed all the cor- This part of the plan was changed university allocated in its budget. not Also, Bogina said, Corman will struction on the media center by rect procedures in obtaining ap- when it was discovered that the program st,1tement. ~:.!:.!5.000 for meet with the building committee to yesterday and will prohibiting any further expenditures proval for the construction. $380,000 would be needed to com- constructio() with the rest uf the re-affirm that committee's role in the continue all week . ..\ rac~. The introduction of the bill came from the $375,000 already allocated plete the project. To cut costs. it was money lo go for equipment. fees and approval process. , _ t~\k11l show a11d ba11qut:t for the project. At the time of the about as a result of legislative project adn\inistratitll\ and con- decided to construct a separate As to a request by FHS for an will be some of the bill's introduction March a total of discontent with the way the project tingency. 3, building west of the library. It was additional S88.000 for equipment. was being bandied; specifically, that acti\itit>s .See 1,uge :!. $150,000 had been spent on the this change to which Bogina ob- How~,·er. when bids for the con- Bogina does not think it will be a change was made in the original building's construction. jected. struction wJ·, · received it was found approved .. The bill is currently in committee. in!ent of th_e project without Th•.' ~pecial ( ll\'mpit·:-" that the Ju,,,,_ · bid of ~313.000 bv- Senator Paul Hess, R-Wichita and The committee will vote later this legislative approval. Bogina said in a "The building is above and beyond !Ptir11,rn1e11t 1.: i ! Pierce-Sdi,ppt•rs Construction Co. of chairman of the Senate \\'avs and bict:-kdhall week whether to put the bill to the March 12 interview that he intended what the Legislature intended." was Hays execeedt'd by 5~8.0UU the u,:.;c plM1' Tltt1r~day full Senate or whether to let it pass. to stop construction pending a the way Bogina described his '.\leans committee. comment~d last m, ,ney already carmarkl·d tor that week that he was sure the universitv i::1,,. i.lh :-s :tt drd .iv ,t t (1n, s, in effect killing the proposal. review of the project. feelings toward the project before purpose. Thoe S(1iution. uni\·ersity tif- would probably 'need m1,re mo11t·~- \It 111• ,ri_ai l'• 1ii ,t,1 1111. s, ,,. fiu<1ls dt•cided. was t!I make up the for equipping the center. He said r,< !I_}, . :!. difference out of tht' equipment that it would be up to the committ1•e Child development concern of group buJ~el as to whether FHS s_hould pay some Bugina said he thought this was type of penalty. · The slmknt kaclw1 by Heiman and KIDS' members will pay SI.SO Boe\·e said there will be an nwrely a 1,·ay to circu1111·1:nt the cost Hess presided over the \larch Is pr11gra111 ill Ft•rt Ila\·,- :-,t;i:_ A_._,anf Copy Editor admission. exchange with Emporia State of cunstruc1i11n . by usinll the money metting. Plughoft said that Hess let is ,•y,1iu.1tt"d by tht.' t·dut ,:· Universit'-'. Their executive officers Kappa Iota Delta -Sigma, a new "Stutheit will show puppet J ) now and asking for more mo:1ey for FHS koow that_ he was not singlin~ ti, ttl clepartnwnt ch;1irma:: organization developed by the techniques and how to incorporate will come to FHS and exchange i-qu1pment later. "Th,,t just doesn't the university out for wrongdoing ;q1rl thi~ ,;prin~·~ ~tt1d•·Pt education department, has been them in· teachiri"g," Neff said. ideas. thoughts and plans on their.- · h',iSh." he said. Hu,n:·1·er. attn last "It was actually fust a nieans . for '- ·~r,; ._.,·,.,, f'W!"' l. organized with child development as "Right now we're in the middle of early childhood program. weel(s met>ting . he wa~ willing to them to -say that we ,,,ant this co111- its primary concern. our spring membership drive for "We're pretty excitPd about KIDS. ronr,•d,• this µPint. ht• ,aid. alter ii mittee involved." Plugholt said. Cu11- "In the last five years, the Early KIDS. So far. it's been going at a full We feel that the waY we are located 1,·a~ µointed out that th,· !an~uagt> t>I struction will fontinue on schedult- Forum Childhood Education program at swing," Neff said. will represent a lot of people. in ihe th,· pr11!,!r;m1 st;1tement th,1t wa, ap- and hopefully will go quickly. Ii,· Fort Hays State has blossomed," best way we know how ... Link said. pro\· 1na~t.>::. 11'"> J1'.'tith.. ·t1un bet- said. Membership for KIDS is open for ·r, )ii 1( ,rt' I '·. , ' :---~,I '- .._\~ Denise Link, KIDS' president, said. students of all majors, community f.' [i\.'~ ' ~J_lt~~lii • '•. \.·., ,··,,I "KIDS has been developed to pro- members. educators, parents and ·1'1 ,\! mote concern for children. provid! day-care operators. "We want Student questions admission charges .Ju.:: i~ I t~\·i1.l·,.,-~·d. r, professional experience and offer people concerned with children - P(l\\< l!.ii\] t' ,;' ;! 11 ;1;'.h (f:,• program speakers for FHS students." not only the young, but of all ages," I , •: tdc(, p :;)'.
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