Check List 10(1): 106–121, 2014 © 2014 Check List and Authors Chec List ISSN 1809-127X (available at www.checklist.org.br) Journal of species lists and distribution Fish larvae from the Gulf of California to Colima, Mexico: PECIES S An update OF Raymundo Avendaño-Ibarra 1,2*, Gerardo Aceves-Medina 2 1 ISTS 1,2 2 2 3 L and Carlos J. Robinson , Enrique Godínez-Domínguez , Roxana De Silva-Dávila , S. Patricia A. Jiménez-Rosenberg , Homero Urias-Leyva 1 Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur (CUCSUR), Depto. de Estudios para el Desarrollo Sustentable de la Zona Costera, Av. V. Gómez Farías 82, CP 48980, San Patricio Melaque, Jalisco, México. 2 Instituto Politécnico Nacional. CICIMAR. Departamento de Plancton y Ecología Marina, Av. IPN s/n, Fracc. Playa Palo de Sta. Rita, CP 23096, La MéPaz,xico. BCS, México. * 3 CorrInstitutespondingo de Ciencias author. del E-mail: Mar y [email protected]ía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, Cd. México, Distrito Federal, 04500, Abstract: of 579 taxa belonging to 119 families, 256 genera, and 423 species were recorded. The list was compiled using 14 publications An updated taxonomic list of marine fish larvae from the Gulf of California to Colima, Mexico is presented. A total oceanographic cruises made from the Gulf of California to Bahía de Banderas, Mexico, from 2003 to 2007 (this study). The moston fish important larvae research families (1974-2012), in this study and were the the fish Myctophidae larvae identified (28.3%), from Engraulidae 315 samples (25.0%), collected and with Clupeidae Bongo nets (15.4%). during The 10 most abundant species were Cetengraulis mysticetus (18.2%), Benthosema panamense (13.9%), and Opisthonema libertate (12.7%). The compiled taxonomic list shows the addition of 296 new taxa to the previous list published 10 years ago, and also the need of an increase in the effort on the taxonomy of fish larvae forms not identified to species level. Introduction The main objective of our study was to incorporate all Ichthyoplankton studies in the Gulf of California began the new taxa we recognized during the 2003-2007 study, almost 40 years ago when Moser et al. (1974) collected plankton during six oceanographic cruises made during communitiesand those from present the last in the10 areayears from of published the Gulf of fish California larvae tostudies, Colima, into Mexico. an updated taxonomic list of the larval fish 1956-1957 and published the first list of the occurrence and abundance of marine fish larvae. Moser (1996) provided Materials and Methods whichthe most account important for antaxonomic important tool number for the ofidentification species in The study area includes two biogeographic provinces: theof the Gulf early of California,stages of fish while larvae Aceves-Medina in the California et al .Current, (2003) the Mexican and the Cortez provinces; and it is located at list to that date. Many other early ichthyoplanktonic front of Mexico (Figure 1) comprising from 32° N to 20° studiescontributed targeted with only the thefirst main and commercialmost extensive species systematic such as Nthe and northernmost from 116° regionW to 105.5° of the EasternW. The Gulftropical of California Pacific in et is a semi-enclosed dynamic sea where strong changes al in temperature, salinity, and currents are related to the the MorePacific recently,sardine andichthyoplanktonic the northern anchovy research (Hamman related . 1988; Green-Ruiz and Hinojosa-Corona 1997). Water masses, which cause latitudinal and coastal- and their relationship to environmental factors and oceanicseasonal gradients flux of the in Gulf the ofphysical, California chemical, and Tropical and biological Surface mesoscaleto the study processes of fish was larvae conducted abundance, throughout distribution, several characteristics (Gaxiola-Castro et al. 1999). This area areas from the Gulf of California to the oceanic area in provides a unique environment where the southern front of Colima (Franco-Gordo et al. 1999; 2003; Ávalos- tropical, subtropical, and northern temperate marine García et al et al et al. biota develops (Castro-Aguirre 1995; Aceves-Medina et al. 2008; Peguero-Icaza et al. 2003). Based on bottom topography and physical et al . 2003; Sala et. 2003; al. 2008; Sánchez-Velasco Avendaño-Ibarra et2004; al 2007; González-Armaset al. 2010; Contreras-Catala in the Gulf of California (Lavín et al. 1997; Lavín and et al.. 2012;2008; Avendaño-IbarraSilva-Segundo et al Marinoneprocesses, 2003).five contrasting The Northern regions Gulf have of California been described region . 2009; León-Chávez (NGC), located to the north of the archipelago of the large the same time, a strong sampling effort. 2013). (10 oceanographicSome of these islands, has an anticyclonic circulation most of the year, included taxonomic lists of the fish larvae identified. At communities and other zooplankton components and (Jiménez et al. 2005). In this area, the ichthyofauna is theircruises relationship from 2003 to to the 2007) pelagic directed environment, to identify provided fish larvae the while in June and September it reverses to a cyclonic gyre clues to determine a change in the status of our knowledge archipelago zone (area around Isla Tiburón, Ángel de la primarily of temperate affinity (Castro-Aguirre 1995). The of the diversity in the Mexican Pacific area. Guarda, and San Esteban), represents a boundary between 106 Avendaño-Ibarra et al. | Fish larvae from the Gulf of California to Colima the northern and southern gulf (Figure 1), with thermal (Kessler 2006). In this area, submarine canyons, a narrow continental coast, an intense mesoscale activity consisting depth) of the archipelago that maintain low temperatures of fronts between the California Current, Gulf of California, (Lavínfronts inducedet al by vertical mixing at theet al sills. 1999) (≈400─600 and high m chlorophyll concentrations throughout the year (Pegau et al . 1997; Soto-Mardones areand observedTropical Surfaceyear-round Water (Torres-Orozco masses, and eteddies al. 2005; and filaments et(related al. 2007). to windThe presenceoriginated of coastalall these upwelling) features, . 2002; Espinosa-Carreón and Valdéz-Holguín 2007). The and also of a number of islands, may promote and enhance ofSouthern the Baja Gulf California of California peninsula, (SGC) and is located it is characterized from the lower by, aZamudio wide variety of habitats linked to a complex and diverse amonglimit of otherthe archipelago features, strong through upwelling Cabo San and Lucas oceanic at the fronts tip ichthyoplanktonic community. The oceanographic region particularly during winter-spring, deep basins with depths from Jalisco to Colima presents a narrow continental shelf (Filonov et al temperature with small variations throughout the year of the Costa Rica Coastal Current (CRCC) almost all the that range from et1000─3000 al. 1999; Lavín m, and and warm Marinone sea surface2003). year, which is. more2000). or It less is influenced intense according by the poleward to the change flow This area presents a mixture of tropical and temperate of position of the intertropical convergence zone, and species.(Soto-Mardones The continental coast of the gulf is characterized by plays an important role carrying tropical and subtropical a broad continental shelf and mostly sandy beaches, while biota to northern latitudes. The variability in this region the peninsular side has a narrow continental shelf and generated), and higher frequency (storm-induced) signals (ise.g. influenced by interannual, interseasonal (equatoriallyet al. 2001; Caborocky Corrientes, beaches. The Jalisco) Entrance is located Zone ofin thethe gulf Eastern (from Tropical the tip 2008). of the Baja California peninsula and El Dorado, Sinaloa to A coastally total of 315 trapped plankton Kelvin samples waves) were (Zamudio collected during ten oceanographic cruises from November 2003 to August waterPacific brought (ETP) in to front the area of Mexico. by the poleward It is a transitional Mexican Coastal ocean 2007 (this study). These included three transects made Currentregion associated (Kessler 2006;with the Lavín seasonal et al. confluence2006), and of subarctic tropical Bahía de Banderas (Figure 1). The cruises included the followingin the gulf months:from Bahía November de La Paz, 2003, Baja 2004, California 2005, Sur and to water from a branch of the California Current System which, instead of flowing westward to join the North Equatorial Current, flows equatorward parallel to the coast of Mexico 2006 (S-189, S-195, GOLCA0511, and S-207); March, Figure 1. Study area and sampling grid stations covered during the 10 oceanographic cruises made from the Gulf of California to Colima, Mexico, from 2003-2007. NGC = Northern Gulf of California, SGC = Southern Gulf of California. Dashed line indicates the 200 m depth isoline. 107 Avendaño-Ibarra et al. | Fish larvae from the Gulf of California to Colima the number of forms registered per family, per author is CGC0505, CGC0509, and CGC0603); and January and July presented. Lists of species from bays or coastal lagoons in 2007May, and(GOLCA0701 September and 2005, GOLCA0707). and March Cruises 2006 were(CGC0503, made the study area were not included. Altair Alejandro The species list presented by Aceves-Medina et al. de Humboldt (2003) was used as baseline to determine the historical on board the B/O ElH05 Puma of theand Universidad B/O H03 Nacional addition of new taxa in each of the 14 lists and in this
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