Lone Star Defense & Arms, LLC CONSIGNMENT SELECTION Houston’s Best Deals on Quality Pre-Owned and New firearms for Buyers…. Along with the City’s Lowest Consignment Fees & Top Service for Sellers! VINTAGE / COLLECTIBLE HANDGUNS & LONG GUNS USED - Charter Arms UNDERCOVER (.38 SPL) Factory Blued w/ Original Wood Grips $199 USED - Colt PEACEMAKER (.22 LR) Case Hardened w/ .22WMR Cyl & OEM Colt Grips $550 USED - Colt LAWMAN MK III (.357 MAG) Original Factory Blued w/ OEM Colt Grips $699 USED - Colt ARMY SPECIAL (.32 – 20 WCF) Original Finish w/ OEM Colt Grips – RARE $699 USED - Colt NEW FRONTIER (.22 LR) JOHN WAYNE “THE DUKE” w/ Custom Wood Case $1,199 USED - Colt PEACEKEEPER (.357 MAG) Original Factory Blued – Vintage/Rare Model $1,699 USED - Colt M1914 KONGSBERG (.45 ACP) Norwegian w/ Holster, 3 Mags – RARE $1,699 USED - Colt BISLEY FRONTIER (.44 - 40) Original Finish w/ OEM Colt Grips – RARE $2,499 USED - Enfield NO. 4 MK I LONG BRANCH (.303 BRIT) Wood w/ Original Equipment $199 USED - Hi-Standard R-106 (.22LR) Factory Box & Accessories – PRISTINE CONDITION $399 USED - Llama XA 1911 (.32 ACP) Original Finish w/ Factory Box & Accessories $450 NEW - Marlin Model 9 (9mm) Factory Fresh w/ Original Box & Booklets (2 Avail) - RARE $575 USED - Mosin Nagant 91/30 SNIPER (7.62x54R) Scope, Cover, Sling, Matching #’s $999 NEW - Norinco TT OLYMPIA (.22LR) Custom Grips, OEM Accessories, Factory Box $399 USED - Norinco SKS-M (7.62x39) w/ OEM AK-Style Magwell w/ Ultralux Scope - RARE $850 USED - Norinco HUNTER AK-47 (7.62x39) w/ 4 Chinese Mags and Ultralux Scope $850 USED - Soc.It.Flli Gallesi BRESCIA (.25 ACP) Original Finish w/ 1 Mag & Holster $199 USED - Smith & Wesson 10-7 (.38 SPL) w/ OEM Bluing and Wood Grips $450 USED - Star ULTRASTAR (9mm) w/ 5 Magazines & OEM Case & Booklets - RARE $475 USED - Star MODELO SUPER (9mm Largo) 2 Mags w/ Factory Box and OEM Ammo $499 USED - Steyr 1912 MOD. 1911 (9x23) Chilean Military w/ OEM Grips and Low S/N $899 USED - Walther MODEL 4 (.32 ACP) Factory Finish w/ One OEM Magazine - PRISTINE $475 USED - Winchester MODEL 61 (1942) (.22LR) Original Finish, Stock w/ Beautiful Patina $599 Consignment items are CASH ONLY* *Credit/Debit Card Purchases will lose the 3.5% cash discount & WILL incur sales tax. Property of: Lone Star Defense & Arms, LLC 8314 Long Point Rd. Houston, TX 77055 (713) 465-1820 SEMI-AUTO PISTOLS NEW - Canik TP9SFT (9mm) Black w/ 2 Magazines, Threaded BBL & OEM Factory Box $399 USED - Chiappa M9 (9mm) BERETTA CLONE w/ 2 Mags, Custom G10 Grips – Like New $475 USED - Colt COMBAT COMMANDER (.45 ACP) Circa 1982 w/ 4.5” Barrel & Original Box $750 USED - Colt GOVERNMENT RAIL GUN (.45 ACP) Bi-Tone w/ HOGUE & WALNUT Grips $850 USED - Colt 1911 LW (.45 ACP) BLUED w/ G10 VZ and Original Grips and TWO MAGS $899 USED - Colt McCORMICK OFFICER (.45 ACP) Stainless w/ Colt Grips & Case - RARE $1,299 USED - CZ 75 SP-01 (9mm) BLACK w/ 4 Magazines, Night Sights & CZ Case - Like New $550 NEW - CZ SHADOW 2 (9mm) BLUE GRIPS 3 Magazines, Adjustable Rear, F/O Sights $1,199 USED - FNH FNS-9C (9mm) w/ FOUR Magazines and Ambi-Controls & Case LIKE NEW $375 USED - Glock 22 GEN 3 (.40SW) w/ Three 15 RD Magazines, OEM Case; VG Condition $375 USED - Glock 30 GEN 3 (.45 ACP) w/ Three 10 RD Magazines, OEM Case; VG Condition $450 USED - Glock 19 GEN 3 (9mm) LONEWOLF Stainless Threaded BBL & Brownell’s Upper $499 USED - Glock 20 GEN 1 (10mm) w/ FIVE 15 Round Magazines & Factory Night Sights $575 USED - Para-USA C7. 45 LDA COMPANION (.45 ACP) Stainless w/ OEM Factory Box $499 USED - Para-USA 1911 SSP (.45 ACP) BLUED w/ Hardwood Grips and Stainless Parts $750 USED - Randall COMBAT 1911 (.45 ACP) CUSTOM 1911 Stainless w/ 1 Magazine $899 USED - Ruger AMERICAN COMPACT (9mm) Ambi Controls w/ 2 Mags & OEM Hard Case $285 USED - Sig Sauer P230 (.380 ACP) *Made in Germany w/ 2 Magazines; Very Good Condition $499 USED - Sig Sauer P220 EQUINOX (.45 ACP) Equinox Finish w/ Hardwood Grips & 1 Mag $699 USED - Sig Sauer P220 ELITE (.45 ACP) STAINLESS w/ Hardwood Grips & Night Sights $750 USED - Sig Sauer P220R ELITE CARRY (.45 ACP) w/ THREE Mags & Night Sights $699 USED - Sig Sauer P220 ST (.45 ACP) STAINLESS STEEL w/ 2 Magazines - RARE $799 NEW - Sig Sauer P226 MK25 (9mm) “OPERATION HAT TRICK” w/ Medallion & Knife $1,100 USED - Smith & Wesson M&P40 (.40 SW) Black Melonite Finish w/ One 15 RD Magazine $299 USED - Walther P99 (.40 SW) Stainless Finish w/ Polymer Frame, Decocker & One Mag $350 Consignment items are CASH ONLY* *Credit/Debit Card Purchases will lose the 3.5% cash discount & WILL incur sales tax. Property of: Lone Star Defense & Arms, LLC 8314 Long Point Rd. Houston, TX 77055 (713) 465-1820 REVOLVERS, DERRINGERS & SINGLE SHOTS USED - Colt DETECTIVE SPECIAL (.38 SPL) (1981) Blued Finish & Pachmayr Grips $500 USED - Heritage ROUGH RIDER (.22 LR) Blued Finish & OEM Wood Grips w/ 9” Barrel $99 USED - Heritage ROUGH RIDER (.22 LR) Blued Finish & OEM Wood Grips w/ 6.5” Barrel $99 USED - Smith & Wesson 66-1 (.357 MAG) STAINLESS Finish & OEM Vintage Grips $699 USED - Smith & Wesson 24-3 (.44 SPL) Blued Finish & OEM Wood Grips w/ 6.5” Barrel $750 USED - Smith & Wesson 17-3 (.22 LR) Blued Finish & OEM Wood Grips w/ 6” Barrel $750 USED - Smith & Wesson 25-5 (.45 LC) Blued Finish & OEM Wood Grips w/ 4” Barrel $799 USED - Smith & Wesson 34-1 (.22LR) Original Blued Finish & Vintage/Rare Slim Grips $850 USED - Smith & Wesson 29-2 (.44 MAG) Original Nickel Finish & RARE 4” Barrel $1,199 MODERN BOLT / LEVER / PUMP-ACTION RIFLES USED - Browning A-BOLT (30-06) w/ Nikon Scope & Custom Mcarbo Spring Trigger Job $499 USED - Henry BIG BOY (.44 MAG) Hardwood Stock w/ Polished Brass Finish $500 USED - Henry BIG BOY (.45-70) Hardwood Stock w/ Polished Brass Finish $500 USED - Marlin MODEL 336Y (30-30) Compact Lever-Action w/ Blued/Hardwood Finish $375 USED - Mossberg MODEL 454 (30-30) Lever-Action Rifle w/ Blued/Hardwood Finish $399 USED - Remington 700 CUSTOM (.300 WIN) McMillan Stock, Timney Trigger $799 NEW - Ruger PRECISION RIFLE (5.56) w/ 2 Magazines, OEM Box – NEVER FIRED $799 USED - Winchester MOD. 670 (7MM) Original Blued Finish w/ Simmons Whitetail Scope $450 SHOTGUNS USED - Benelli SUPER NOVA (12GA) CUSTOM TACTICAL w/ Mesa Tactical Equip., Pistol-Grip Stock, Side Saddle, Side Rail and +2 Tactical Extension Tube $625 USED - Beretta AL 391 TEKNYS (12 GA) Beautiful OEM Finish w/ Briley & Beretta Chokes $1399 USED - Remington 870 EXPRESS MAGNUM (20 GA) Tactical Variant w/ Extended Tube $299 USED - Tri-Star RAPTOR TACTICAL (12 GA) Semi-Auto Benelli M4 Clone w/ Picatinny Rail - $275 Consignment items are CASH ONLY* *Credit/Debit Card Purchases will lose the 3.5% cash discount & WILL incur sales tax. Property of: Lone Star Defense & Arms, LLC 8314 Long Point Rd. Houston, TX 77055 (713) 465-1820 SEMI-AUTO RIFLES / AR & AK-STYLE PISTOLS/ COMPLETE LOWERS & UPPERS USED - Adams Arms AA-15 (5.56) Piston-AR w/ Sightmark Optic & Magpul Accessories $650 USED - Aero Precision X15 (5.56) w/ Sig Romeo 5 Optic, Magpul Access & Custom Handguard $999 USED - Aero Precision X15 CUSTOM (12GA) Pistol w/ Burnt Bronze Cerakote, EOTECH Optic, VOLTR Handguard, Troy B/U Sights, Noveske Flaming Pig & Four Magazines $1175 USED - Cobray / SWD, Inc. M-11/NINE (9mm) MAC-Style Pistol w/ 2 Mags & Faux Can $499 USED - DPMS LR-GII (.308) AR-10 Rifle w/ One Magazine, A2 Sights - LIKE NEW $599 USED - DPMS GII RECON (.308) AR-10 w/ Magpul Equip. & Suppressor Muzzle Brake $950 NEW - FM Products FOXTROT MIKE (9mm) Side Charging Pistol w/ Magpul & Red Dot $599 USED - German Sporting Guns GSG-5 PISTOL (.22LR) H&K MP5 Clone w/ Two Mags $275 USED - H&K MR 556 A1 (5.56) w/ EO Tech, Streamlight TLR-1S, 6x HK 7x Colt Magazines $2,799 NEW - I.O. Inc. IO-G9 (9mm) AR-Style Pistol w/ Extended Glock Mag Compatibility $499 USED - Kel-Tec SUB-9 (9mm) Aluminum Receiver – Pre-Sub 2000’s - RARE $599 NEW - Krebs Custom C39-V2 CUSTOM (7.62x39) Krebs Kote w/ Custom Upgrades $1,499 USED - Kriss VECTOR CRB (.45 ACP) Black w/ 3 Magazines and Trijicon MRO Sight $1,450 USED - Kriss VECTOR CRB (.45 ACP) FDE w/ Red-Dot & Custom Alloy Handguard $1,499 USED - Mossberg 715T (.22LR) FDE w/ Tactical Red Dot Optic & Full Picatinny Rail $225 USED - Palmetto State PA-15 (5.56) Custom - SIG ROMEO 5 Optic w/ MLOK Handguard $699 USED - Professional Ordnance, Inc. CARBON-15 (5.56) Stainless BBL w/ Hogue & Brace $450 USED - Rock River Arms LAR-15 TARGET (5.56) Bull Barrel, Nikon Scope, Magpul BAD Lever $975 USED - Ruger MINI-30 (7.62x39) Blued/Hardwood w/ 9 Magazines & Ruger Scope Rings $699 USED - Sig Sauer M400 (5.56) Black w/ Custom MLOK Handguard $850 USED - Sig Sauer SIG 716 PISTOL (.308) Factory OEM Parts and Sig Flip Up Sights $1,799 USED - SOG Armory SOG-15 (5.56) ODG Custom AR w/ Upgraded Timney Trigger $550 NEW - Tactical Edge RD9 CUSTOM (9mm) Camo Cerakote, Adj. Brace & Trijicon RMR $1,850 Consignment items are CASH ONLY* *Credit/Debit Card Purchases will lose the 3.5% cash discount & WILL incur sales tax. List Updated Bi-Weekly - Please e-mail for availability and/or photos. E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: (713) 465-1820 Tuesday-Friday (10AM to 6PM) Saturdays (10AM to 4PM) Sundays & Mondays (CLOSED) Consignment items are CASH ONLY* *Credit/Debit Card Purchases will lose the 3.5% cash discount & WILL incur sales tax.
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