32 ART HISTORY Forged in the Florentine furnace Rediscovering a Renaissance sculptor whose art most resembled Dante’s or any visitor to Florence today, the ANDREW BUTTERFIELD sculptor’s work lacked “the fully rational on the Gates of Paradise is the first in English sublime beauty and supreme import- thought process of Renaissance art”. Richard to embrace the new understanding of Ghiberti. Fance of Lorenzo Ghiberti’s Gates of Annamaria Giusti, editor Krautheimer’s 1956 study of Ghiberti is widely In her view he was fundamentally “an artist Paradise seem obvious. After a difficult but considered one of the finest monographs on an interested in books and ideas, fascinated by IL PARADISO RITROVATO triumphant restoration that was completed Il restauro della Porta del Ghiberti Italian artist; and yet Krautheimer routinely the science of vision and deeply engaged in in 2012 after more than thirty years of work, 352pp. Rilegato. $59.50. played down the sculptor’s achievement, stat- the period’s revival of classical learning”. She the monumental gilded brass doors shine in 978 88 7461 247 5 ing that he was not a “genius” like Donatello, attempts to show that the Gates are a kind of all their majesty and splendour at the centre of “not a decisive figure” like Brunelleschi and summa of late medieval and early Renaissance the recently reopened Museo dell’Opera del Amy R. Bloch Masaccio, and “no scholar” like Alberti. In knowledge and give “a comprehensive vision Duomo. Now, for the first time in a generation, Krautheimer’s view, for much of his career of civilization”. She argues that this is true in one can see what every Florentine in the LORENZO GHIBERTI’S GATES OF Ghiberti was a “Gothic craftsman”, and the two senses: the Gates illustrate both the histori- Renaissance knew: that the Gates of Paradise, PARADISE greatness of the Gates of Paradise was due in cal evolution of human culture, and the range installed in 1452 on the east side of Baptistery Humanism, history, and artistic philosophy in the no small part to the supposed intervention of of activities that comprise human society. To Italian Renaissance and facing the main door of the cathedral, held 336pp. Cambridge University Press. £64.99 humanist advisers, especially Alberti, and the make the first point, she observes the change pride of place at the spiritual and artistic heart (US $99). learned monk Ambrogio Traversari. in the building types through the course of the of the city. Gazing at the newly cleaned reliefs 978 1 107 09916 6 In light of the recent cleaning, such judge- ten reliefs; the earliest structures depicted are of the Gates, with their glowing surfaces, and ments now appear absurd. The new estimation primitive huts, whereas the later are magnifi- their powerful narratives drawn from the Old of the artist is expressed in the opening cent public edifices. The development follows Testament and overflowing with penetrating restorers in Florence of a new technology sentence of Dora Liscia Bemporad’s essay in exact detail the history of architecture as depictions of both natural detail and human for cleaning sculpture with the use of lasers. in Paradiso ritrovato where she observes, described by Vitruvius, an ancient author emotion, it is easy to understand why for some Whereas before dirt had to be removed either rightly, that for fifty years Ghiberti’s work- Ghiberti is known to have read. Similarly, 200 years Renaissance painters and sculptors chemically or mechanically, in either case shop was the “furnace” in which so many pro- Bloch suggests, the clothing of the figures and looked to Ghiberti as a founding father of risking potential damage to the surface of the gressive Florentine artists, from Donatello to the sculptural ornament of the buildings and their art. No less an expert witness than Leon sculpture, now it became possible simply to aim Antonio Polliauolo, were formed. What did armour in the ten reliefs show progression Battista Alberti ranked him in importance a pinpoint beam of intense light at each spot they learn there? We shall never know for sure, towards ever greater refinement. Even the with Donatello, Masaccio and Brunelleschi, of grime on the work. Under the impact of the but possibly one thing was a new attitude development of writing is indicated, since a and Michelangelo called the Gates of Paradise laser, the dirt vaporizes instantly without harm- towards modelling and drawing. Ghiberti was Latin inscription appears for the first time in the a work of divine beauty. ing the sculpture. Although full of technical the first artist to write that modelling was the David panel, in accordance with the widespread Yet before their recent cleaning, the high information, the essays in this book are lively “mother of sculpture” and the first to say that belief that Latin letters were invented sometime reputation in the Renaissance of the Gates and throughout, and the illustrations, principally “disegno” was the foundation of both painting after the life of Joshua and before that of David. of Ghiberti seemed something of a mystery to by Aurelio Amendola and Antonio Quattrone, and sculpture, an idea that soon became stan- Ghiberti, she suggests, wanted the Gates to many art historians. The basic reason for this two of the greatest photographers of art working dard in Renaissance art theory. An expert Lat- portray all the fundamental activities of human was the sculptures’ degraded condition. In the in Italy today, are exquisite and revelatory. inist who kept a library of books in his studio, society, from agriculture to government, as out- late eighteenth century, the gilded magnifi- lined in Aristotle’s Politics. This is a striking cence of the Gates was deemed offensive to hypothesis, and one that is quite possible. But in neoclassical taste. They were painted over with pursuit of this idea she oddly cites Marsilius of a dark varnish; several more coatings were Padua, an early fourteenth-century theorist, and applied in the course of the next hundred years. leaves out evidence that would have been much By the early twentieth century, the crust of more pertinent to her argument, namely the grime was so dense that no one could see the great revival of interest in the Politics in Flor- gold on their surfaces; the clear projection of ence in the 1420s and 30s. Indeed, this revival space and the exact description of psychology was prompted in part by a new translation of the and anatomy in the reliefs had become wholly book from Greek into Latin by Leonardo Bruni, unintelligible. The Gates were cleaned in 1948 the humanist who is documented to have writ- to great acclaim, but five panels were dislodged ten the first, although subsequently superseded, in the flood of 1966, and not reinstalled for three draft for the iconographical programme of the years. Modern air pollution quickly covered all “Gates of Paradise”. (We don’t know if he had the sculptures with a filthy and scabrous patina. any hand in planning the actual programme As a result, it was for less than twenty years in of the doors.) Bloch’s attractive proposal needs the past two centuries that the doors resembled closer investigation. their original appearance. In Bloch’s view, the earlier artist Ghiberti The cleaning of the Gates of the Paradise most resembles is not a painter or sculptor, is possibly the most important restoration of but Dante, an author he is known to have Italian sculpture ever undertaken, comparable read and admired. The Gates of Paradise are a in significance for the understanding of Renais- kind of epic, into which the sculptor poured sance art to the restoration of the Sistine Ceiling. everything he could draw from both Judaeo- The story of the cleaning of the Gates is told Christian and classical sources. Although at in exhaustive detail in a new and lavishly times fanciful in the analysis of iconographic illustrated book, Il Paradiso ritrovato, edited by details, Amy Bloch’s book nonetheless makes Annamaria Giusti. This relates every phase in Detail from the Gates of Paradise, by Lorenzo Ghiberti an indispensable contribution to the study of their conservation from the first tentative efforts Lorenzo Ghiberti. Unfortunately, however, it to treat one panel in 1979 to the installation of The removal of the muck befouling the Gates Ghiberti was also among the first to proclaim is physically a poor specimen, printed with the doors last year in the Museo dell’Opera del has not only disclosed their astonishing beauty; that an artist should be a master of all branches pale ink on thin paper; this is one case where Duomo, where they are housed in a gigantic it has also prompted a new view of Ghiberti. of knowledge, including history, medicine and the ebook might be the better option. vitrine made of nearly invisible glass and filled For much of the twentieth century, it was philosophy. He wrote that one goal of art was Ghiberti wrote that he made the Gates of with nitrogen, an inert gas, in order to prevent common for art historians to judge the sculptor to investigate “in what way nature functions”. Paradise “with the greatest diligence and the future corrosive oxidation of the metal. As the in harsh and pejorative terms. For example, The ideal of the artist as a Renaissance man, greatest love”. Thanks to the recent cleaning book explains, the innovation that made the writing in this paper in 1957, John Pope- today commonly associated with Leonardo da and new research, we are closer to grasping the restoration so extraordinarily successful was Hennessy called him “priggish” and not a Vinci, was initially embodied by Ghiberti.
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