Fete .JIHRARY r'C RSITY Of OElAWAJi t Tea MAY 181959 Venture Po . will be feted + N£WARK, DEtAWAM a tea spon. h department ich awards the winn rs ual co~t e t. he tea and ntation Will tUl¢W heim, instruc. faculty ad. \ ·ul. 82 ~fa , · 15, 1959 se nior, wiLt Newark, Delaware No. 27 A cademy . f The [d Poetry Award Harold Bruce his "Flori d~ ritten in La • Robert Frost Reads Tonight * * * * * * * Crawford Will Reign /Tomorrow* Pops Concert Hillyer Greets In Afternoon Poet-Laureate; magazine w s Dan ce In Evening Personal Guest d m ay be ob · n desk In the TomoiTOI\··s .\J ay D y fc tivi - 1 ., tie ril l begin 1\iLh th crown­ Both Poets Hold .. liP IJ[ 1he q uePn of i hi year's Ji ~Y Court. :\Jary .-\nn Crawford, at 2:30 on the \ \.•)me n'" hockey Pulitzer Prize Page 1) field . By MIKE LEWIS Fod 11·i :1g th e f''lronatir)J1 , rec ­ R obert Frost, America's Poet . ··Typ" .Ylorris 1 oani;ion \\'i ll be g iven to the Laureate, will visit the univers . icki Dono\·a n, dlfferrnt m m'hcr · of the May ity campus tonight f or a read.. t iona! A ctinn ; 11om the fou r classes. Cnurt ing in Mitchell Hall, at 8 p. m. junior, Ed. fre. hmnn . oph0mor . junior. Frost, :ponsored by the English ra J Action; and ;:rnior. I n he nior cl a.:>s, Department, is a personal g uest sophomore, Jan e Prr<:on s \\' a~ elect ed maid of Dr. Hobert H illyer, H . Fletcher of Joan n - is clutch­ ho:1•>r. Ow Brown Professor of English . e:;s. and Joc:n ThrJmpso n and Admiss ion will be on a first . Gi n~cr Lanier arP the attend­ ant;;. come, first-serve basi s and the doors of the auditorium will be 'The junior cl.'l."" rlutchf'SS is closed when it i s filled to ca­ Ell en Seh 11·arz, ,,.; h :.\ l ol ly W ei ­ pacity. Due to the expected sel and Lerm a \\. l t. attend· as large crowd, Wolf Hall Auditor. ants. B ~rhara T omlin is S0 ph­ i um will be wired for the read. om orc rlil!'S clutch rss ll'ith K ar­ ing and it possilbl y will be en Kril l anrl Ginny Ca rswell as broadcast outside Mitchell Hall. altenr!an :S. r·, lh freshman cl;;ss. Vnhn· Hanh1· i. dutchess. Frost's poet ry has won him a 11·ith Jo Ellen Li nrjh and Bever­ p l ace in . the ranks of America's finest poets and in Vhe hearts of ly \ lr!< n~· as her attenda nts. a ll w ho have rea d it. His l y rical, GIRLS SERENADE Queen Mary Ann Crawford surrounded by her court will preside at May Day ceremonies. real istic poetry is rich in spi rit. Til frPshman .,irh \\' ill scr ­ ual i'ties and in actualities, every ad c rhc \lay Qu n a t 6:00 a. poem moving with the st rength I m. tomo rro w morning. of i mpl icati :m and observation .-\ftcr the ;: nn•>un c mcnt of AlumniToReturn Tomorrow; of a though tful and dbservant II the court. the Yar i•J U.-; \\'<~men' poet. resirl·nce halls an d w nman'.- or ­ The excellent rtcpiction of I nizations ll'ill r>rc.-cn t folk character and the rl escription of nc:e~ rcprcsenta !1·c of differ­ Will Attend May DayActivity entire scenes using only a sig· fore ig-n nat ions th rr>u g hou t nificant detail endear these he ll'nrlct . poems to the hear t of the reader. Th e rhnirmen and the dane­ Mr. and 1\l r. \\ . L no~c. co­ The all-day progr a m wi ll be. union by rhe traditional 'May The most significant appeal, in ordPr nf their a ppe:uancc ch a irmen of the Alumni A ssoci- g in with the meetings of the Day Dance at 9 p. m ., the theme however, is that Frost's poetry I· arc: th Folk Dance, ation of the university. have an ­ f i ve-year reunion clas es at 11 this year being "Gift from the not only teaches the reader some. lrrlnncl's St. Patrie!<',; Ji;z; Sea." thing new, but helps h im to re• nounced t·he plans of the or· a. m . The alumni wil l attend II ·n tar~ · Ec!u('ati0n class. The m aj or event of the day m ember something that h e may gan ization 'fo r their tHing Re ­ al.l the sc heduled activities for l8n rl's \n,Jntn· Dr~ncc; Su s­ for the alumni will be the lun - have forgotten. the day a nd will end their re- I ICon: inuecl ~n Pa ~ 12> union to be h ld t morrow. chcon an d general meeting in Frost will be the personal guest l he Dover Room at 12 noon. of Dr. Hillyer during his stay I T his w ill be t·he fi/st t ime the 1 lContinued on Page 12) a lumni will have the pleasure I Omicron Delta Kappa Taps; of a se mbling togefhcr for a H E · S h I meeti ng in rhc ·~t u de n t Ce n ter ! OIDe C. C 0 0 which just opened last Seplem. be r Initiates New Plan •d 0 lect wUrringtoll P resl ent As~~~~~~f~,~s h~~ill gu~~~~url cf ~~~ The proposed academic honor Gov. David P. Buck :on ; u. s. system of the school of home f Scabba rd and Blade; ·cal S n·ator. J. Jl0n I· rear, Jr.; U. s. economics h a · just rece ntly been Las! II'PPk ,· x si•Jr!rn; lcadr·rs (Tony) ~ur \ · it~h , a. ~ h c m ica l O t Rep. 'Harris B. M cDowell, Jr.; a pproved by both John A. Per· I 1 1 rlr r·~rd ·0 R":r~ . igma cir- cng1n >ermg ma,1nr. pJe sld.c~ t of ~Varri n g ~on, an agn~u .ura m~- - and former Judge Hugh M. Mnr- kins presi dent of the university of Om;c:·r,. 1 Dl t.J Kappa hon- . igma Phi E rsilon. part1c1pant )Or, president of tl~e en10 r Class, ris, retiring pre. ident of the and Students Persollal Problems vicC'-prc id nt of Alpha T ;.lU . , B d f T Commi ttee. This enabl es the r~· leaclrr< lip and !<Chola rshlp in varsity football. anrl mc mb e~ 0 IN'1it1·. I----- · --- OmC'ga and past I FC repre· I un iversity s oar . rustec H ome Economic's Senate to pre· ~ c n tallve, mem l er of Alpha Zc - 1 Ot·hC'r g u c~ts m cludC' t h e sent the honor ystem to the on . ·. ·' thn". ol lowing men "Giai"u Comes H er.e Ia and member of Tri-Bet :t; cl eans of the f1vc ~ncl ergrad u atc students. llllti<Ht r1 1n 1 > 11 t"irclc: "Gig i", a w itty Fre~ch mov1e, S t ~ve W el ch, a political sciencP sc lw ~ls of the umvcrslty; Pro- N inty-five percent of the :tu. 1~ith l:olwrt A . Ba illil', i. the l a<·l off ring thls year ~> f m<~jo r, presid ·nt of K appa \ 1- vost a rl J. Rce!':; Dean of · tu · dents i n the chool of home ec· hdfi hl'l·n c:lr>r: to•d at a prev- the ampus 'Cin ma. The movie p ha and past treasurPr, sen ior ~" 111 John E . Ho ult;. Dc.an of anomies must vote in the af. t:nw. stltrs Danie l Delorme. Franck representatiVe t? SGA treas- N~:nen Bessie ~ · .collll1s,. and firmative before the system can Cnrdr •y. Villard, Yvonne deBra ', and . of his JuniOr cl ass, and M1s. Joh n A. P I kin. • President be put i nto operation. Clas re- rr~ · 1 . prrsidcn ii pr,.,.rJen ta Gary M orl ey. UICr be of D l awar Rifle-. Perkin's wife. A l ~o honored at presentative. to the Senate have of , G.\ m em - 11 e of or . igrna . ·u anrl rep - om ing from a 1o ng '1 f me~a l r W arrington was elected the luncheon m cling will be given to each student a copy of nlati\p to IFC anrl pas t Pari ian courtesan ·. n?~c . o to the position of pre ident of profrs ·0 rs Fra nk Zozzora anrl the honor system so that each DK for the coming year, nu s 11 G. Stauff r, 1959 recip- girl may be orne familiar with . el i ·.': Sr>cre tary for whom have married. G1 ~ 1 I S a ' La l'! ~ · F:rrhwr, a busines livel y sixt n -yea r -n lrl girl. H er He will succeed William Walston ients of the Alumni ssocia - it. ·., Pl'•'s:dr 111 (J f . igma .Nu gran.dmothcr and grcar.aunt, of this past year . :\1ark Hurm tion's Excellence i n T aching There w ill be a mass meeting Pet~! r·h airma,J for thl' both rctir rl courtesans, .are was elect c1 vic -pre ..;id ·nt, re - A wa rds. of all onccrned students Wed· r:hip •·nmmit tN', mC'mher teaching- h r their profcsS I ~n .
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