LK RATE ALL THE NEWS S. POSTAGE THAT'S FIT TO PITCH . ~p.rm~rw,.2419. ~. PI~Ctl FREE Jul y 1982 marks the two year pus) the summer of '80 heat LeRoL of course has hi s legion ~~F i~~e t~~ k~~5~r s~o~~l tgRdMor- wave) the Kansas City Black of followers (pg. 4). Brian Col­ ~~nng~~af~a~f tf~t PR~~~a~o. ris) William Burroughs and Al­ Educational Broadcasting sit­ gan's heavy meta I fanat 1c i sm Ci ty readers have experienced len Ginsberg) Frank Sinatra) uation. the Westport Ballet. (pg. 15) is backed by a cogent an incredible flux of events. Pere Ubu) Darius Milhaud. De­ the experimental years of musical philosophy. And Unkel Funkt) i-ela) and Chorne Parker. the K.C. Philharmonlc. and Bob Mossman (the world's old­ ~~~~~n~~a?nK~t~rpI~gR~ of the progress i ve film showings. est active radio DJ) keeps Various members of the PITCH a close watch on traditional The first year of PITCH pub- staff have conducted personal K.C. PITCH finds its way to good-time Jazz (pg. 9). Will ie I ication. under editor Warren interviews wi th such top of 46 states coast -to-coast. I rie. Donna Trussel L John Heu­ Styl us is now legendary. the pop personali ties as Tony and overseas. too. It has re- ertz. and Saul Tucker make Charles Chance. Jr.) editor Bennett (see next ish). John significant and lively contri- for one year thus far. has Hartford. Blue Riddlm Band) ~g~ar~ne~e~~ f~~dG~6t~¥~r g~~d. but ions. Others. too numerous proven hIs versatility. Pub- John Cale. Iggy PoP. Rodney Mayor Berkl ey (of Kansas Ci ty») to mention. including you. our I isher Hal Brody's momentum Dillard) Sun Ra) Cornel ius Swami Premgyan (of India). readers) have each added his has kept the PITCH pro~res­ Bumpus (of the Doobies») Martin Mull. and thousands of or her inimitable touch to the sive from day one and It looks John Cage) Joan Armatrading. readers in the local area. finished PITCH product. like the best 1s yet to come. Jonathan Richman) and Brian thanks to a growing interest Auger. Contributors to the K. C. PITCH among local and national ad­ have been among the most in­ vertisers. formed and/or least biased tal­ On the local scene. our cov- ents in their area of interest. erage has included t Win- Dick Wright. area me ia per- field and Possum T blue- lityand azz sc ar. cri- grass festivals. ning cu in CAKE BY MICHAEL PARISI OF of the PITCH CABARET CAFE. tPEttnWNE) PRESENTS LIVE FROM STBBPLBOBASB ItiA\Il?ILII~II3~ ill[3@@)ill00 John McNeil July 9 9-1 EVENING July102-5 MATINEE TICKETS $3.00 AT PENNY LANE MUSIC EXCHANGE JOHN McNEIL QUARTET CHET BAKER TRIO BUCK HILL QUARTET SHIRLEY HORN TRIO THE GLASS ROOM DAYBREAK EASY TO LOVE ALL NI GHT LONG SCS 1133 SCS 1142 SCS 1160 SCS 1157 JIMMY KNEPPER QUINTET KENNY DORHAM DUKE JORDAN TRIO CUNNINGBIRD SHORT STORY THE GREAT SESSION SCS 1061 SCC-6010 SCS 1150 BRANdsMART STEREO/vidEO/COMPUTERS 383-4499 1 333-15351 211 W. GREGORY • Knowledgeable Staff • Over 60 Major Lines • All Major Credit Cards Accepted • DISCOUNT Prices Every Day • Service and Installation • $25 puts Anything in LAY-AWAY LEON REDBONE July158pro THE UPTOWN open 7 days 753-0078 IKe PlTcn PAGE 3 SPARKS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 or the Dakota building? It· shere! SAUL's COUNTRY ••••••••••••••••••••• 17 Try to hold on. Must be another way. KC FLICK PICKS ..................... 18 We just can' t wai t another day! UNCLASSIFIEDS ...................... 19 KC PITCH ---MC Berglund 4128 BROAPWAi RECORD BEAT •• '••••••• ' .' .' ••••••••••••• 19 KANSAS CITY ~ Mlgig~~61~1M¢ CONCERTS/CLUB LI ST ••••••••••••••••• 20 MEMO: To all staff PUBLISHER •••••.•.•• Hal Brody LEWWERS FROM: Ronald Raygun EDITOR ••••••••.•••• Charles Chance, Jr. Be prepared to dispell all rumors con­ ASSISTING •••••••••• Rev. Dwight Frizzell THE PITCH ENCOURAGES READERS TO CON­ nected with the adverse weather conditions Jay Mandeville TR IBUTE--LETTERS~ ARTICLES~ POETRY AND ART. that occured during the Falkland engage­ YOUR ENTRIES MAY BE PRINTED. ORIGINALS ment. Production Coordinator WILL NOT BE RETURNED. SEND TO: • .••••.••• Rosie Scrivo Several sources have fabricated a myth Typing and Creative Input 4128 BROADWAY K.C. ~ MO 64111 connecting these abnormal weather condi­ • ••••••••• Violet Jackson Dear KC PITCH: tions with our use of Electronic Warfare En tertainmen t, Consul tan t Your May issue carried a letter from measures to support the British adventure. • ••••••••. Dino Chance Walt Snow, Lawrence, Kansas, complaining This is absolutely untrue. about current radio fare in Kansas City. Advertising Director In his letter he asked, "Does the Mid-­ Inform anyone who makes inquiries on this • •••••...• Bob McConnell Coast Radio Project still exist?" Here is subject that the Russians are responsible an answer, Wal t. for di srupting our wea ther • INSPIRATION: Pepper, LMB, Bley, DC. The Mid-Coast Radio Project exists in K.C. as a group of volunteers attempting Sincerely, to start a public access, non-profit com­ Ronald Raygun munity radio station. Right now the group is waiting for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to rule on its license application. If a license is granted, Mid-Coast will have a specific amount of WWit E. LRbE~l~\, time in which to raise money, ready a , r~ /1 studio, etc., and go on the air. Plans are for a 100,000 watt signal and a programming format that will be determined by the wi shes of the community. Mid-Coast is led by Barbara Blake, volun­ f1E[IJf1dS G> f teer President, and receives mail at 2800 McGee Trfwy, Kansas City, MO, 64108. Mid-Coast volunteers look forward to one day offering not only an alternative radio station, but also a format and ve­ hicle by which average citizens can par­ ticipate and learn by ,the powerful educa­ tion and communication tool of public ac­ cess radio. Nearly 60 other U.S. cities are ahead of us on this one, but we are Contents @ 1982 Brody Records hopeful that the FCC and the people of DEAR FRIENDS, JUST A NOTE TO LET YOU KNOW THAT I Af1 Kansas City will be supportive. STILL AROUND. ??????????????????? We need your money too, Walt. ? I"IUSlCALLY YOURS ? ?? HOWARD DRAKE?? Thank you, CONTENTS George R. Lear, Mid-Coast Radio volunteer. KC PITCH: Maybe you can print this in the paper. 63rd& Raytown Road 353-1833 Going Out OF Business Sale STARTING JUNE 28 ALL Lp·s & TAPES ON SALE AT COST A LARGE SELECTION OF 0atru®lliOw@ m@@@00~i]a@0 nOIl~ Records and Tapes @a@Q ~(1(1 l:l~1]1]~ill GOES ON SALE JULY 1 Record S-cores ........................................... CHELSEA/Evacua te LR.S. 70603 Produced by Mike Flicker. Believe it or not the PITCH cele­ Produced by Harry T. Murlowski. Midwes t rock ... There's jus t no brates its birthday, not to men­ Well right off, here's a good tion the dear old U. S. The PITCH escaping it !Tl:l.ere' $ plenty of Ii ttle record for your party. guitar licks here,' the usual is two whole years old in July, It' s a hot little uptempo number America is a few years older. I keyboard emphasis, and forget­ that's sure to get you going table vocals. Lots of power know a lot of people are out of right off the bat. Just chock work, watching the rich get full of powerful new wave, it's ~~d~d: 'c~~:~~;~~ t.;;:;:Q.e;::.; ~~··.~';~.iMI __ richer, and are ready to tell sure to please even when you al of the songs. There are a the powers that be to stick want to slow dance. BOOMTOWN RATS/Boomtown Rats of songs with hit Reaganomics up their collective CBS 38097 $6.98 list and the record ass. & Produced by Tony Visconti the well. Boomtown Ra ts . Now I don't really care what For those of you who want to your politics are, that's your dance at your celebration, here's per sonal choice, but if you are the record for you. It' s only a looking for a reason to celebrate four song EP, but you can play something for July, and you're it more than once. I t is a much feeling a little disenchanted better piece of work than their with America, what better thing previous album and you should be to celebrate than the birthday able have quite a good time of your favorite free rag? So of it this one. once you've finishedreading everything you want, which hope­ fully includes my short'reviews, KING CRIMSON/Bea t g g g g g I want you to (1) get out your GLENN FREY/No Fun Aloud WB 23692 .I. .I. .I .I. .I. champagne or whatever you like Asylum 60129 Produced by Rhett Davies to do when you celebrate, (2) buy Produced by Glenn Frey, Allan Yep, you guessed it. We hav~ one of the records I'm reviewing, Blazek & Jim Ed Norman. the record for all you art (3) take the KC PITCH and care­ Yes folks in a celebration as rockers to celebrate with. And fully tear it into little pieces big as this one we even have one what a record! You may want to of confetti, and then (4) crank for all those hip California kick back a little with this up the stereo, throw the con­ rock fans. Yes it's the Eagles' one, but it is guaranteed to get fetti and party all night long own Glenn (that' s two n' s) Frey you to that point you really remembering the KC PITCH gave with his first solo record-- want to be at, if you know what you the reason to have this Ii t- pc;cked with hil?' nose-:-bleed I mean.
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