University of Texas at El Paso ScholarWorks@UTEP Combined Interviews Institute of Oral History 10-3-1989 Interview no. 783 Milton Ottey Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.utep.edu/interviews Part of the Oral History Commons, and the Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Interview with Milton Ottey by Dr. Charles Martin, 1989, "Interview no. 783," Institute of Oral History, University of Texas at El Paso. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Institute of Oral History at ScholarWorks@UTEP. It has been accepted for inclusion in Combined Interviews by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UTEP. For more information, please contact [email protected]. UNIVERSITYOF TD(ASAT EL PASO INsTI TUTEOF []RALHISTORY II.ITERViEL,JEE: Milton Ottev I NTERIJI E[.IER: Charle PROJECT: Histoqy of the Unj_versity DATEOF II.ITERVIEH: October 3, 1989 TER}4SOF USE: Unrestricted TAPEIiO: 783 TRANSCRiPT I-IO: 783 TRA}{5SRi BER : BI06RAPHICAL5Yf-l0PSI5 0F INTERVIEiaIEE: Born in Jamaica, raised in canada, came to urEp in 1980 on a lrack scholarship; srudenr-arhlere ar UTEP1980-85, 1989-90. 5UI,II4AR'/OF II'ITERUIEI/: Describes first impressions of El Paso; compares educational systems j-n Canada and U.S; tells about his track career as a high jumper including competition in 1984 Olyrnpics, gold medals at the Commonwealth Ganes in 1982 and 1986; discussion of UTEPts coaching staff; comments about track team members Bert Cameron and S. Nyarnbui and conments on high nurnbers of foreign athletes on Ted Bankfs UTEP traek team; describes UTEPTs winning the NCAA i-ndoor track championship. Length o{ Intenview: 45 rninutes Length nf Transcni pt 21 paees l'lil ton 0tte;r 0ctober 3r i?gF Charlee H. f4artin UTEP75th Anniuereary {DiamondJubiieei This is an interu iet4 cc,nductedin El Paso, on 0ctober 3, l9g? b'y f,harI es f4ar'tin uiith f4ilton 0ttev. f4: Al I r ight , i t seemeto be worlting nsw {or reasnns that are unknstrtnto us. i.Jha are hre to complairr. All night, nor\rNe can go back to r,+herewe r.tjere in sur {rame a{ mind {i{teen minutes aeo. I nrould I ike ta do is e.tar't out r,,rith just a brief descriptiorr o{ r,rrhereyou were borrr and ulher'eyou grerarup? And rarheneyou werrt to prep*ratc,ry schoel sr seccndary school c'r r,uh.*teuenthey wouid cail it? ftltay, I was barn in Jamaica, I rnouedto Eanadawhen I was ten years old and iiveci in Toronto. I at tended geuenal h i gh schoois, T imothy Eden being the last. 0: T irnothy Eden? l'l: $econdary schoel, 0: 0kal' and you graduated or l'll I graduated in 1?79, 14r Hot+did you, r,rell what kind o{ athlEtic career did vou have durinq voun {inal ysars? Hor.qdid you then lear'n about the Uniuersity o{ Texas at El Paso? 0: bJell, 197? I basicaliy becarnea high iumper at Uan. I"d been told that I could have been any athlete I uranted,whether it's {ootball, basl{etba11 or vcrlleyb'al I on whatevern in u;hateuer', track or {iEld. I excel led quicleer in the high jump arrd I enioyed it so I ltept with it. I eent letters o{{ to r.rarieusuniuergities in the *al1 c{'79. Sent one o{{ ta Ber.lteler, f,al i{srnia. John trledell, r.rrhor,uaE the assistant caach ther'e, trttey '7?, got in tsuch with me. I chose nnt to take a echolarehip th8t year, '80' because lraanteci to trtait anci tnain {or the 0lfmpics, in Un{ortunately. we boycotted, I got back to f,ledel1, in Berkeleyt and {ound out thai he had msuedhere to El Paso. Hp receiued the letter that Fer.kele:r had sent him, He got quickly back in touch rarithme; brought me dovlnfor a r,risit. And hene i arn. you MI gltay. l,rthatwere your {irst irnpre*:ions o{ El Paso, trrhen arriued? 0r l4y necnuit ing tr ip or F4. , e i ther your recru i t ing tr ip and or rrrhen yc'u { irst came here permanent I y? 0: t,leil, I"d never heard s{ UTEF, I'd neuer heand of El Faso. lalell, the oniv time I'd errer heard o{ El Paeowas in the westerns and that sounds real {unn1r. I had an imagecnming in becauset+hen the plane Ianded I cou'ldn't errengee the citr' All I saw r$asdesert and tumbie i'{eedE or whateuer have you until the plane turned around and dscked. f4y imagewas lik*, "This is in the degert.' It"s. lilte I visioned something iit<et somethingwith a Etone ual ls arsund it, an sasis Br sc'mething l il{e. A{ter the plarre turned arsund I started breathing a little easier rlhen I sald the c ity. I t trrasa bit scary. lt Nas a bit scary. BecausB ytru"re '/ou tal k ing to someone r.';ho's used to green. know: 9r'een tneesr gneen grasg. You knsw a lot o{ trees rrourrd. It'g a big di{{erence. M: Lrlhatraras your {irst impression coming oueF ts the camFUs Gr {irst irnpressionss{ caming ts the campus? 0: I lilted the campus. I lilced the ar'chitectural Istyle]r hor',,ihey build their buildings, the Aztec etyle, Bther than the {act that it wasn't gneen I thought it L\ras acceFtable, El Paso itse'l{: I iigured I r,tras coming here {s'r two reasons: one rrrasts do traclt, and tr^rswas to get an Bttey education, 5o obuiously I 1iked it enoughEs that I signed on, H: How did it +eel going {rorn north o+ the bc,rder down to the ssuther'n border in tenms s{ the mixed cujture here, the southraresternculturer ild the border cuI ture u.ri th l4exi cs here? 0: I can''t remember {eeling anvthing reall:r di{{erent other than the {act that it's extremely hot, I think I adapted quite well to El Faso. I got a litt1e homesicll. I enioy l4exican, '/ou ltnow, I like hst spicy thirrg:. That's a f,ar.ibbeanpart o{ me. 0ther' than the {act that I rnis.sedhorne I didn"t really {ind El Pasn all that badr although it wae uerv baring because unl ess you haue a car here you can't real I r get o{{ and do anrth ing. I't : Right. tlid:rcu notice any particular di{ferenceE that stand out in your mi nd between the Canadi an educati onal system and the Amer'i can educati anal system? In Canada etjen i{ ysu take the unirrerEitiesr /BU knorat;rc'shar.re colieges and you har,'euniver'Eities and there"s a big dif{erence. In United States there''s so many di{{erent colleges, junior cslleges, city colleges, state col I eges that I th irrk the standar'ds haue dropped tremendsusl]r ' The *ducat ienal I eveI is not qui te as h igh . Al so you tal{e Canadatath ich i:. also part o{ the conmonr,rrealthand r'elated to England, it still has a bit o{ the English educational system inuolued in it. Mr 0l(ayr 'rhy don't you describe ycrur careep here at UTEP, kind of chnsnologically, as an indiuidual and then rare'lI come back and tailt a I ittie bit rnore about your teammatesand the team success? [: fil{ar. hlel1, I arniued here in the {all of '80, If80. I had a gaod ccach John f,ledell. He taught me a lst. The {irst year indoors I tosl( secsnd in indc,or tracl{ ancif ieid, l.lCAA's,secnnd ouidoorE NCAA's. Fairly success{ul 0ttey year. I irnFroued by about { iue cEntinretErs. The {al I o{ the seccnd year , 1982, I impraved trernendously, I r.uonat the end of the year. I had carnpleted30 samething cc,rnpetitisrrsand ended up with 26 straight wins. Receiued the numberone r'anking in the warld. Had the highe:t high jurnp anyone has.ever had. tJery succees{ul, I wsuld gather. The iollonring year I br.oltemy leg, r'eall;v curtailed it, 1983, 1.4. Hnwdid ;vsu break your leg? [r : I was high jumpirrg. It (4aB the ?lst sf Februar.;* in Lc,sflngeles, approximatel:' ?:30 in the evening. And that lqind o+ curtarled things, 'l Fertunate {or fipr ese than {our sr { i ue months af ter I brnke m;vI eg I tias back in stif{ competitiorr. I pla.ced?th at the u,rorldchampionship in Helsinkim 1984. i,t : Hc'ld on. ldhenwere these worl d championsh ips? ll. The.v$sr.g in August o{ 1983. i'4 . And you placed ?th. f,lsv.rin these {inet ttoo yeers had you set a personal t i mean always ;vou set a personal hest, but do you nernember. particulanly urhat yaur best t^rasat that time? I'm tryirrg tc, rememheryou said that ysu liind sf set the record for Hf,AAor something? l*lellr I held th* Nf,AArecord,I had firany recordg, traclt records, UTEP recordr f,anadian commorrweBlthr'ecordr numepousrecords. But ag m;vslsn personai goal:. i dan't try to set any, I juet tr;r 1s jump as best as I can and as high as I can. Ss each year -- you know sal, it'd be nice i{ I iumped x but {ir.et let's r,rrinbe{ore we think o{ jumping, Right. So I've never' gons ts a /ear o{ saying, you knor,u,thie is rny goal that I wan.i ts i urnF,.
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