COMMUNIQUE #116 STARDATE 2015.08.13 THE BIG NEWS: NEWS FLASH: F&E Counters Through a go to press scanner dimly You might think that this is of no real interest to the Here’s how the 2015 schedule is shaping up. players of Federation Commander, but you’d be wrong. The F&E counters should arrive by 21 August, al- We have a list of products to do and are doing them in lowing us to return F&E Boxed Set and F&E: Advanced order. Everything on that list that gets checked off means Operations to stock right away. that Federation Commander: Fighters Attack is that much It will take another week or two for F&E Fighter Ops closer! So, let’s get to the lead story. 2015 to get a new cover and a new rulebook. This month’s big news is that we have sent to press The Federation Commander Scenario Log will be the countersheets for the new Federation & Empire: Mi- released to the wholesalers along with F&E:FO15. nor Empires and Federation & Empire: Fighter Opera- After that, we’ll wrap up the Deluxe printed edition of tions 2015 as well as the restocks needed for the Fed- A Call to Arms: Star Fleet 1.2 and release it in Septem- eration & Empire Boxed Set and Federation & Empire: ber along with the Klingon Master Starship Book. Advanced Operations. Those four products constitute Next after that will be the release of F&E Minor Em- literally half of the projects that stand between now and pires, which will bring the Vudar, LDR, and Seltorians Fighters Attack. The second pair (F&E:BS and F&E:AO) into that game system. won’t need any design work; we just take counters out After that, Captain’s Log #51 will be released. We’re of the carton and put them into the games. Fighter Op- facing a challenge there due to the continuing lack of erations is over 80% done, and while Minor Empires will fiction, so we need somebody to write a good story and need an entire month of work, it’s the biggest thing we send it to us. have to do before FC: Fighters Attack. The long-awaited Federation Admiral campaign sys- tem will follow next. This was originally designed as the RGT MB DN REPAIR CVS CWV campaign system for Federation Commander, but mi- 12 ND J 6J 6J nor changes and three or four extra pages meant it works 6 0 12 0-1 6-8 5-7 just fine with Star Fleet Battles, Star Fleet Armada, and BTS◆ MB SPM C 3DW DW even A Call to Arms: Star Fleet. 6 ◆ ■ JJJ J Then we have the big project to send to press: four 12 8 7 7-8 18 6 sheets of single-sided counters. These will include SFB REPAIR E2 E3 2ND LAP Module X2, Federation Commander: Fighters Attack, the RESV ◆ FLEET P missing sheet for F&E: Planetary Operations, and a sheet 0-1 SWAC HSWAC 1-4 for a special project we will tell you about next year. E2 C10 2ND E3 Stay tuned for a fun ride! Repair RESV SWAC FLEET HSWAC 1EW 2EW 14 PUBLISHER’S INFORMATION FEDERATION COMMANDER: COMMUNIQUE #116 is NCV CWV CVS CVD HDW CX published and copyright © 2015 by Amarillo Design Bureau, 6 6 6B 12 1 Inc., www.StarFleetGames.com, PO Box 8759, Amarillo TX 5-8 5-7 9-8 4-8 6-7 14 79114. FCR DW CLS LTT E3A F Elements of the Star Fleet Universe are the property of ■ [6] B◆ ■ 12 Paramount Pictures Corporation and are used with their per- 3-4 7-6 4-7 5-7 2-3 mission. Communique #116; Copyright © 2015 Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc. Index FOR 2015 NEWS FLASHES: • Communique #109: Federaton DN+, Scenario THE SEARCH FOR A SHIP 8CM96 Chasing Q. Last issue of Communique was scheduled to include • Communique #110: Klingon D6D, Scenario an Orion ship, but we couldn’t find one and did the Hy- 8CM97 Fox in the Henhouse. dran Scythian. Then people asked why we didn’t just do • Communique #111: Romulan Queen Eagle, Sce- an Orion carrier, and (shucks!) we slapped our foreheads nario 8CM98 Bonfire of the Peladine. and got busy creating one for this issue. • Communique #112: Kzinti DWD, Scenario 8CM99 Ghost Ship. SFBOL-2G TO END 31 DEC 2015 • Communique #113: Gorn DDO, Scenario 8CM100 ADB, Inc., and Franz Games jointly announce that Crockett and the Snipe. (with certain exceptions listed below) all remaining sec- • Communique #114: Tholian BW, Scenario ond-generation (2G) ship descriptions will be removed 8CM101 Holdfast Harassment. from the SFBOL system as of 31 Dec 2015. By that time, • Communique #115: Hydran Scythian, Scenario most of them will have been replaced by the superior 8CM102 Surprize Package. new third-generation (3G) ship descriptions. • Communique #116: Orion Mobile Carrier, Scenario Those that are not converted by that time will be 8CM103 Maintaining Momentum. converted as fast as possible in response to player re- quests. (If nobody uses a certain ship, we don’t need to RULES QUESTIONS get it done any time soon.) We want to thank everyone involved in converting nearly a thousand of the 2G de- Q: Why is damage based on the ship’s Baseline scriptions to 3G, which covers 80% of the ships actually Speed instead of its current speed (baseline plus accel- used. A special BBS topic has been set up for players to eration) as it moves into an asteroid hex? It seems to request the swift conversion of any 2G ship that they me that a ship moving at Speed 8 and using an accel- actually use. If players make such requests as soon as eration point this impulse should be treated as a ship possible, ADB, Inc., and Franz Games will make every moving at Speed 16. A ship with Speed Zero but using effort to convert them before the deadline. an acceleration point this impulse takes no damage, but These ship descriptions are (basically) SSDs or ship sys- one moving at Baseline Speed 8 takes six points. tems displays. As everyone knows, the second-generation A: Partly this is just a game simplification; looking designs were never authorized by ADB, Inc. These descrip- up one number is easier than keeping track of multiple tions had a major negative impact on the company’s sales of SFB products. ADB, Inc., has been more than patient and has factors (and FC was designed to be easy). Remember extended the deadline for their removal several times. The new that acceleration/deceleration is an abstraction; the ship deadline of 31 Dec 2015 will not be extended. We know that a using an acceleration point anywhere in the turn would small group of players really prefers the second-generation technically be going faster throughout the whole turn. ship descriptions, but ADB, Inc., cannot afford to have the 2Gs remain on the system as this amounts to giving away every SSD book in the line. ADB, Inc., has authorized the second-generation tourna- BATTLE GROUP REPORT ment ships to remain on the system permanently. by Jean Sexton, Battle Group Facilitator The following ships form an exemption, in that second- We are already getting reports from battle groups generation descriptions can remain on the SFBOL system un- and registrations of new battlegroups. See the special til 30 June 2016: early years ships, civilian ships, and non- web page at StarFleetGames.com/battlegroup.shtml for Alpha Octant ships. The following units form an exemption, in that second- more information. Once your group starts holding regu- generation descriptions can remain on the SFBOL system un- lar events, you can report your exciting activities (demos, til 30 Dec 2016: shuttlecraft, gunboats/PFs, fighters, and bomb- playtests, conventions) to us for posting on that page. ers. CADET SFB NOW ON VASSAL RANGERS LEAD THE WAY Long-time fan and player Les LeBlanc has created Jean Sexton has reorganized the Ranger Demon- a Vassal module for the Star Fleet Battles Cadet Train- stration Teams, sent Rangers their ing Handbook. This allows people to play this Cadet ver- long-overdue rewards, and is recruit- ET LE RA sion of Star Fleet Battles through the Vassal computer F N ing new Rangers. The Rangers recruit R G play aid website. (The book itself is available free on A E and train new players by means of T R various PDF download sites.) You can get more infor- demos conducted in game stores and S mation on this project at: at conventions. See the Ranger page http://www.vassalengine.org/wiki/ for more info: Module:Star_Fleet_Battles_ http://www.StarFleetGames.com/ Cadet_Training_Manual#Comments rangers/index.shtml Communique #116; Copyright © 2015 Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc. Universe News gence in 2015. New ships including the Klingon HF5 and Romulan SaberHawk are in development. More new Federation Commander is only one of the games in ships are in the CGI design shop and should be released the Star Fleet Universe. All of our games use a common later this year. The Klingon D7K failed in Master Mold historical background and technological database. Two and will have to be done over. This part of Communique has news on our other games. Our opt-in email newsletter Hailing Frequencies STARLINE 2500 goes to fans of all our games; each issue includes links The Klingon SD7, Orion DN, and Kzinti NCA are now to information for each game. on the shopping cart. We are reviewing sales data be- The latest news is in red (previous month in blue) fore deciding which miniatures to do next.
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