Company Registration No. 07986218 (England and Wales) EAGLEY JUNIOR SCHOOL (A COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE) ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 2020 EAGLEY JUNIOR SCHOOL CONTENTS Page Reference and administrative details 1 Governors' report 2 - 13 Governance statement 14 - 17 Statement on regularity, propriety and compliance 18 Statement of governors' responsibilities 19 Independent auditor's report on the accounts 20 - 22 Independent reporting accountant's report on regularity 23 - 24 Statement of financial activities including income and expenditure account 25 Balance sheet 26 Statement of cash flows 27 Notes to the accounts including accounting policies 28 - 47 EAGLEY JUNIOR SCHOOL REFERENCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS Members Mr M Hayes Mrs N Ashton Mr M Taylor Mrs L Hounslea Dr H Yates (Resigned 6th September 2019) Governors Mr M Hayes (Chair) Mr M Taylor (Headteacher and Accounting Officer) Mrs L Hounslea Mr D Warbrick Ms M L B Hickman Mrs K Hall Mrs J Roberts (Resigned 4 November 2019) Mr R T Tretheway (Resigned 4 December 2019) Mrs N Ashton (Appointed 1 September 2019) Mr M Flannery (Appointed 1 September 2019) Mr P Birchall (Appointed 1 October 2019) Miss L Mclauglin (Appointed 1 October 2019 and resigned 15 February 2020) Mrs J Barrow (Appointed 5 November 2019) Mrs R Murphy (Appointed 1 September 2020) Mrs P O'Donnell (Appointed 1 September 2020) Senior management team - Headteacher Mr M Taylor - Deputy Headteacher Mr N Gandhi (Appointed 1 September 2019) - Senior Teacher Miss M Dawber - Senior Teacher Miss S Barclay (Appointed 1 September 2019) Company secretary Mrs T Keegan Company registration number 07986218 (England and Wales) Registered office Off Chapeltown Road Bromley Cross Bolton BL7 9AT Independent auditor MHA Moore and Smalley Richard House 9 Winckley Square Preston PR1 3HP Solicitors Browne Jacobson Ground Floor 3 Piccadilly Manchester M1 3BN - 1 - EAGLEY JUNIOR SCHOOL GOVERNORS' REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 2020 The governors present their annual report together with the accounts and auditor's report of the charitable company for the year 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020. The annual report serves the purposes of both a trustees' report, and a directors' report under company law. The trust operates an academy for pupils aged 7 – 11 serving a catchment area in north Bolton. Structure, governance and management Constitution Eagley Junior School converted to Eagley Junior School (“The Academy”) on 1 June 2012. The Academy is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity. The Charitable Company’s memorandum and articles of association are the primary governing documents of the Academy. The Academy was incorporated on 12 March 2012 and commenced its activities on transfer from the Local Authority on the conversion date stated above. The governors act as the trustees for the charitable activities of the Academy and are also the directors of the Charitable Company for the purposes of company law. The Charitable Company is known as Eagley Junior School Details of the governors who served throughout the period, except as noted, are included in the Reference and Administrative Details on page 1. Members' liability Each member of the Charitable Company undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Charitable Company in the event of it being wound up while they are a member, or within one year after they cease to be a member, such amount as may be required, not exceeding £10, for the debts and liabilities contracted before they ceased to be a member. Governors' indemnities The Academy has purchased indemnity insurance to protect governors and officers from claims arising in connection with Academy business. The insurance provides cover of up to £10 million on any one claim. Principal activities The principal objective and activity of the charitable company is the operation of a school offering a broad and balanced education for pupils of mixed abilities between academic Year 3 and Year 6. The school also aims to provide facilities for out-of-hours leisure time activities in the interests of the local community where these do not conflict with the efficient running of the school. In accordance with the articles of association the charitable company has adopted a “Scheme of Government” approved by the Secretary of State for Education. Method of recruitment and appointment or election of governors The term of office is 4 years. Governors can be reappointed if they still meet the eligibility criteria. The Governors are appointed by the following: 4 Parent governors Elected by parents of the students of the Academy 2 Staff governors Elected by staff of the Academy 1 Trustee governor Appointed by Trustees of the Academy 4 Community governors Appointed by the governing body of the Academy Policies and procedures adopted for the induction and training of governors All Governors are provided with copies of relevant documents (Articles, Code of Conduct, School Development Plan, Budget, etc.) on appointment. Induction training is provided by the Chair and/or Headteacher and ongoing training is provided through BMBC Governor Support Unit and officers from the school’s accountancy and solicitors firms. On-going mentoring is provided by the Headteacher and/or Chair of Governors. - 2 - EAGLEY JUNIOR SCHOOL GOVERNORS' REPORT (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 2020 Organisational structure The Academy is governed by its Governing Body, whose members are directors of the charitable company for the purposes of the Companies Act 2006 and trustees for the purposes of charity legislation. The organisational structure of the Academy consists of 4 levels: the Governing Body, the subcommittees of the Governing Body, the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team. The Governing Body is responsible for setting general policies, adopting a school development plan and budget, monitoring the school’s performance, making major policy decisions and appointing senior staff. Certain elements of these responsibilities are delegated to the following subcommittees who make recommendations to the full Governing Body: • Finance and Resources • Standards Quorum is 3 for each committee. The following standing committees meet as and when required: • Staff Appeals (including Grievance and Dismissal Appeals) • Pupil Discipline • Curriculum, SEN & General Complaints • Admissions • Pay Nominated Roles & Responsibilities: SEND & LAC Mrs N Ashton English Mrs K Hall Maths Mrs T O'Donnell Science Mr P Birchall Link/Partnership Governor Mr M Hayes Health & Safety Mr M Flannery Safeguarding & Child Protection Mrs G Hounslea Equal Opportunities Mrs R Murphy Relationships & PSCHE Mrs J Barrow Safer Recruitment Mr M Taylor Training Mrs M Hickman Website Mr D Warbrick The Headteacher is also the Accounting Officer and has responsibility for ensuring financial probity. The Senior Leadership Team comprises: • Headteacher • Deputy Headteacher • Two Senior Teachers Arrangements for setting pay and remuneration of key management personnel The Trustees of the Academy may claim expenses in line with the provisions of the Academy’s policy for Governor expenses. The Headteacher’s pay and remuneration is determined by the provisions of the STRB pay recommendations, following a review of performance over the academic year. The review is carried out by the Pay committee which is advised by an external reviewer. The decisions of the Pay committee are ratified by the full Governing Body. The pay and remuneration of other members of the senior leadership team are made in line with the STRB pay recommendations following a review of performance carried out by the Headteacher. The Headteacher makes recommendations to the Pay committee, which are then agreed fully or in part by the committee. The Pay committee recommendations are then ratified by the full Governing Body. - 3 - EAGLEY JUNIOR SCHOOL GOVERNORS' REPORT (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 2020 Related parties and other connected charities and organisations The Academy is part of a number of informal networks with which it co-operates in the pursuit of charitable activities. These include: Cluster 1: a group of nine geographically close schools in Bolton MBC who co-operate in the areas of joint procurement, Senior Leadership CPD, moderation of work and other activities to improve standards of teaching & learning. BCMCS Youth Theatre : the school hosts the rehearsals for this local amateur operatic society which draws its members from the local community and our pupils in particular. Objectives and activities Objects and aims The main objects of the Academy as set out in its governing document are: • Establishing, maintaining, carrying on, managing and developing a school offering a broad and balanced curriculum; and • To promote for the benefit of individuals living in Bolton and the surrounding environs to school the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time activities in the interests of social welfare and with the provision of improving the condition of life of the said individuals. The academy aims to provide a high standard of education in a secure and caring environment. Objectives, strategies and activities The main objectives for the period were: • To ensure curriculum ‘end points’ and objectives are clearly mapped across all areas of the curriculum and link to school’s assessment approach. • To ensure planning, assessment and feedback systems and procedures are implemented consistently across school. • To establish and implement a ‘vision for reading’ across school. • Establish and embed positive behaviour management systems • To ensure key attitudes for learning are actively discussed and planned for as part of regular classroom practice. • Ensure there is a robust programme to support parents in actively engaging in their child’s education. • To deliver and embed a rigorous programme to develop relationships education, British Values and SMSC for all pupils across the school. - 4 - EAGLEY JUNIOR SCHOOL GOVERNORS' REPORT (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 2020 These were achieved by: • Clear curriculum intent and implementation mapped across school with end points demonstrating progression and mastery in each curriculum subject.
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