22 (! Mackay r Jim McClure-Jerry (! iv e 75 e R Sawtooth "! Hemingway-Boulders Peak Wilderness Idaho Fishing Seasons &Rules2019-2021 idfg.idaho.gov s i Wilderness "!2 1 o Wilderness Jerome (! B r k F o e R !( k h o i s iv e r e t B Atlanta e !( MAGIC VALLEY k r r X o r Y F r C Howe o l e REGIONAL d Mile 136.2 Bridge l C i N d i a (North Fork r M y OFFICE T k R ££93 Idaho k Big Wood River) ! r o ( o d t F o National m Baker Sun as o S k E W Laboratory g Lake e ig Arco Arrowrock i e Valley B (! ^ Trinity ngs r £ _ R B i £ !( v r C 20 Reservoir i e B Lakes r p S a Featherville X r rm Y ££ a u 93 C Mile 122.2 ££ W g 26 Lucky e h £ r £26 s Bridge C e W Peak i v r Be a i l o National Forest ££ l 20 Reservoir o "!75 B w C S r Little Wood o Anderson Ranch e Glendale Rd e Reservoir u k Bridge X Reservoir Y t Craters h (Dam) Hot Springs Carey of the Moon F o r k Fairfield X Little Camas Y (! Landing Lake Reservoir ££93 Wilderness X Y (! ££20 Magic s C Silver Creek Carey CYN D I C OU LTE R ID F G/I FW IS 2 0 1 9 a m a r e e k Reservoir C (separate map) (Dam) X Y Ri ch f Maps for general ie l d reference only. nal ! C a Taylor "Bear Tracks" ( X Y Magic Valley Mountain Williams Recreation Area "!67 Home "!46 (! e r Grand W iv Richfield (! View §84 Glenns i g o od Rive R Craters of the Moon ¦¨ B r American C J Strike Ferry L d National Monument (! ittl e o o Falls "!78 Reservoir Bliss ! W and Preserve (! ( £2 6 (! Reservoir (! Bruneau Dunes Shoshone !( k e Gooding Bruneau State Park S n a Hagerman "!24 (! "!75 (! (!Wendell Jerome (! American (! Minidoka Hagerman Area Lake r Falls (separate map) Walcott Minidoka e Fort Hal l R i N W R v "!5 1 v e Devils Corral Creek i Reservation r e R ££30 Vineyard Creek (! k Rockland a (! Buhl !( ¦¨§86 r n e S (! r Twin ¨¦§84 v a S i e l Burley m Falls Rock ££ R v o 30 n C W r i e t a F e r National f k m R a l C a Forest l £ £ r C s 93 eda ee u r R k J C C Sublett a r a r !( e National Reservoir e e r e b k Sublett e Forest n i d Cedar Creek k u (Roseworth) g !( r e Reservoir Rogerson National Forest Creek Rd B e R - Thre National ge d i i Forest rb v Ja 0 10 20 e Sixmile r MILES Duck Val ley Salmon (Gunnel) Reservation ¯ Reservoir !( Falls Creek Murphy Hot Springs Reservoir NN EE VV AA DD AA UU TT AA HH (! r To R i e To Boise d v Gooding M a l a ¨¦§84 0 1 2 .30 ¯ MILES "!46 (Dam) E 2500 S (JUSTICE GRADE) LOWER XY SALMON Billingsley ) Creek FALLS D WMA R RESERVOIR B E & i I ll S S State H 5 1 Hagerman Wildlife Management Area in To 2 0 g C 9 5 Park 2 0 ![ Wildlife and Bird Viewing Areas Hagerman s T l E E e I Fishing Section Location Points Magic Valley XY y R ( kj Fishing Dock !( !i S Private Land E 2700 S T U P P E R G R A D E 0 Hagerman XY Bass West 00 3 2 Ponds E ( E 2 7 0 0 S ) Highway 1 C E Goose Pond r A n d e r s o n Pond 1 N e 0 kj a e kj t Bell Rapids 0 'l e k e 2 !i r k XY 2 Hatchery F i Access Area 1 ¯ sh H C XY R a 3 kj Riley diversion i y tc l e h E 2900 S e r V A D E R G R A D E 0 0.1 0.2 Creek y Rd XY Rest ![ HAGERMAN STATE M MILE !b P o n d s Pond a g ( E 2 9 0 0 S ) kj !i FISH HATCHERY ic !_ !? S Idaho Fishing Seasons &Rules2019-2021 idfg.idaho.gov Area 4 p r kj Settling Pond ings Rd !i !b!_ Hagerman ![ 2 !i S !i !b Local Paved Roads !i 1 kj WMA 1 Oster !i !_ 0 !i XY State Fish Hatchery Rd !_ (separate map) 0 3 (Dam) 0 !i 4 WMA Access Roads 5 UPPER E Riley 6 WMA Foot path 30 Cree k Lakes SALMON FALLS . Falls XY C Y N D I C O U L T E R ID F G / I F W IS 2 0 1 9 RESERVOIR Upper Owsley Salmon Falls Bridge ir Dam XY pp o U er Salm rv XY on e a k e r Fal es S n e l s R i v B e l l R R a p i d s R d Maps for general To Buhl reference only. Box Canyon Creek B O B B A R T O N H W Y k e e r C Empire Rapids Ponds s l ( Clear Lakes Grade ) Niagara Springs l a WMA F n S n a k e o STOP AQUATIC .3 0 R i v e ?! m r ™ l HITCHHIKERS! 46 a "! Prevent the transport of nuisance species. Niagara Springs S 23 To and Hatchery Clean all recreational equipment. Buhl www.ProtectYourWaters.net When you leave a body of water: • Remove any visible mud, plants, fish or animals before transporting equipment. • Eliminate water from equipment before transporting. • Clean and dry anything that comes into contact with water (boats, trailers, equipment, clothing, dogs, etc.). • Never release plants, fish or animals into a body of water unless they came out of that body of water. MAGIC VALLEY REGION General Fishing Season for the Magic Valley Region All Waters Open All Year Except as modified in the Magic Valley Region Special Rule Waters on Pages 25- 27. Fishing is not allowed within the posted upstream and downstream boundary of any fish weir or trap. Daily Bag Limits for the Magic Valley Region The following daily bag limits apply to all waters of the Magic Valley Region except as modified in Magic Valley Region Special Rule Waters on Pages 25-28. The possession limit is 3-times the daily bag limit after the second day of the season. Bass (Largemouth and Smallmouth) Trout includes Brown Trout, Lake Trout, Golden Trout, Arctic • Bass limit is 6, both species combined Grayling, Cutthroat Trout, Rainbow Trout, land-locked • None under 12 inches Chinook and Coho Salmon, trout hybrids (e.g. Tiger Trout) Brook Trout • Trout limit is 6, all species combined • Brook Trout limit is 25 • In rivers and streams, only 2 of the 6 trout may be Cutthroat Trout • Harvest allowed during any open season unless otherwise noted under Special Rules – if gear or bait restrictions Does not include Bull Trout and Brook Trout which are are listed, they must be followed when fishing for Brook listed separately Trout Walleye Bull Trout • Walleye limit is 6 • Bull Trout limit is 0, catch-and-release Whitefish • Whitefish limit is 25 Kokanee • Kokanee limit is 6 • Harvest allowed during any open season unless otherwise Sturgeon noted under Special Rules – if gear or bait restrictions are • Sturgeon limit is 0, catch-and-release listed, they must be followed when fishing for whitefish Magic Valley Protected Nongame Fish • Sturgeon must not be removed from the water and must includes Norhern Leatherside be released upon landing Chub, Shoshone Sculpin, Wood River Sculpin, and Bluehead Sucker (also know as Green Sucker) • Barbless hooks are required, • May not be harvested or possessed • Use of a sliding swivel device to secure a weight, and a All Other Fish Species includes bullfrogs and crayfish lighter test line to secure weight to sliding swivel device, • No bag, size or possession limit see Page 54 for details Tiger Muskie Check for potential fish consumption advisories. See • Tiger Muskie limit is 2, none under 40 inches Page 67. Special Rule Waters for the Magic Valley Region (See Pages 25-28 for details) Anderson Ranch Reservoir Empire Rapids Ponds Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir Baker Lake (Clear Lakes Grade-Niagra Springs WMA) Silver Creek Bell Rapids (See Snake River) Sixmile Reservoir (Gunnel) Silver Creek tributaries Big Wood River Hagerman Wildlife Management Area Snake River Big Wood River tributaries Jarbidge River and tributaries South Fork Boise River (upstream of Magic Reservoir) Little Wood River (see Boise River, South Fork) Billingsley Creek Magic Reservoir Sublett Reservoir Boise River, South Fork Malad River Sublett Reservoir tributaries (upstream of Anderson Ranch Dam) Niagara Springs Creek Trinity Lakes Box Canyon Creek Niagara Springs Wildlife Management Vineyard Creek Bruneau Dunes State Park Area Willow Creek Carey Lake Riley Creek (see Hagerman Wildlife (tributary to Camas Creek) Devils Corral Creek Management Area) 24 Idaho Fishing Seasons & Rules 2019-2021 idfg.idaho.gov Special Rule Waters for the Magic Valley Region For waters not listed below, see Page 24 for fishing seasons, bag and possession limits, and rules that apply to all waters within the Magic Valley Region.
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