/■ ■ /. s MONDAY, A p r i l i t , 1961 j M Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather PAGE FOURTEEN For tha Week Ended Foreceat of U. 8. Weather BUr«s« manrtrPBtpr lEoi^ning li^raUi March 11, 1961 Partly’ cloud" tonight. I>ow In Otficen of the Manchester Chap­ Program Listed 13,317 3Q|a. Wednenday partly cloudy nad ter. Dale Carnegie Alumni Aaao- About Town Member of the Audit aomewhat milder. High In SOa. ciation. visited the Meriden Chap­ ByLWML Group Bnrean of Circulation ter recently to judge apeechee for HOUSE &. HALE Manche.Her-^A City of Villa fie Charm The Emma NettletMi Group of the state convention to be held at The Lutheran Women's Mission­ Center OonjTe5“f*ou®J Church will Ocean Beach Park, New London, hold an open meeting (or husbands on May 20. Those from Manchester ary League (LW M L) of the Zion VOL. LXXX, NO. 168 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 18. 1961 (Claaatfied Advertlalng on Pag^ “(S) PRICE FIVE CENTS and friends of members tomorrow who served as judges wrere Axel Evangelical Lutheran Church will Norling. Howard Chace, and LUUan 8t 7 :^ p m. in the Robbins Room. meet vjrednesday at 7:80 p.m. In G. H. Parka will present an il­ Kleinschmdt. HAS lustrated talk on birds and flowers Uie church assembly room. and will demonstrate imitations of Daughters of Liberty No. 128 will Mrs. Louise Mertens, program bird calls. meet at the Holmes Eunerai Home, chairman, assisted by Miss Bhnily 400 Main St., tonight at 7:30 to pay Klssman, will lead a discussion on The Rev. J. Kenneth Pcarsop of respects to James Greenway, "Our Privileges and Blessings." the Methodist Church of Hazard- I whose wife, Elizabeth Greenway, Mrs. Ema Lashlnske will review HOME FASHIONS ville will speak on "The Wonder of is a member of the lodge. Khrushchev Urges Kennedy Halt Invasion the last LW M L topic, "Lutheran the Word" at the South Methodist Doctrine.” Church W SCa meeting tonight at Raymond E. Allard, seaman ap­ After the dlscusalon, Mr. and S In the chapel of the church. prentice. USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Wesson will show Raymond A. Allard. 89 Hilltop Dr., movies of their trip last Septem­ The Manchester Child Study is serving aboard the repair ship. ber to Hawaii. Members are re­ FROM Group will take a field trip tomor­ U.S. Cadmus, (g ra tin g out of minded to bring mite boxes. row to the Newington Home for Norfolk. Va. The Cadmus recently Crippled Children. The group will complete.d a two-week training Hostesses for the refreshment leave at 8:45 am. m private cars cruise in'the Cairibbean. and visited and social period will be Mrs. Of Cuba, Warns ‘Small W ar’ Could Spread from Buckle.v Schooh Kingston, Jamaica. George Adams, Mrs. Jacob Adamy, Mrs. Edith Andrulot, and Mrs. b _____________ Manchester Emblem Club will Manchester Chapter of Hadassah Raymond Baglln, .-e te, f ----------------- have an installation of officers to­ will meet tomorrow st 8:30 p.m. THE FLOOR... i i morrow at 8 p.m. at the Elks in the Temple Beth Sholom vestry. Lodge on Bissell St. National offi­ The program will include a film Fighting in Four Areas | S t C i t G N g WS - - 4 cers from Las Vegas. Nev.. will on medical research in Israel, and Education Budget Pledges Necessary conduct the ceremony. an informal talk about life in Is­ rael by Mrs. Joseph Salant. the for­ Workshop Topic mer Norma Bursack, <vho Is visit­ Rebel Forces CXsiim Foun^up ing her parents here. A workshop on the board of edu I Assistance to Castro cation budget reqaest of $4,453,469 ^ 0 € i t I A panel of four tegchers will will be held tonight at 8 o'clock answer parents’ questions at a in the probate court at the Munici­ Advance on Havana State Anti-Reds WILIJAM L. RYAN ♦ meeting of the Washington PTA pal Building. tomorrow- at 8 p.m. in the school (.\ssoclated Press News Analyst) The workshop will be the third _____ _ i Protest on Two cafeteria. in a series of such sessions on the Miami, Fla., April 18 (IP)— There is growing apprehension By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS « States asserted the invaders who Yale Speakers Robert S Andrew, .son of Mr. 1961-62 budget. landed in southwest Las Villa.'- | among informed persons in Miami today that the rebel strike Also to be .considered will be More than 24 liour.s after! and Mrs. Chester Andrew. 116 Province yesterday had struck against Fidel Castro’s Cuban regime may have been prema­ the $ 9 6 ,^ budget for the li­ the landings in Cuba, the anti-! Experience with the financial Coleman Rd., has been elected halfway acros.s the narrow island I New Haven, April 18 (^)— ture and may lead to disastrous consequences. vice president of Sigma Phi Epsi­ braries. Castro rebels were reported! to Colon. affairs of thousands of fam­ j The chairman of the Citizens ! These informants say that all the rebels claim about their lon fraternity at Dartmouth Col- moving inland in an area 90 With Cuba itself bjj^tked out for i Anti - Communist Committee ilies over the years has shown lege, where he is an economics .all newsmen except those of the j success may be true. But they see little evidence to bear out miles east of Havana. j I of Connecticut has protested that life insurance should be major. He has been active In the Communist bloc, news of the fight­ ' these claims, and they express fear that the operations may athletic council and the Russian Prim . Minister Castro took per­ ing was confined to sketchy claims over the scheduled appear­ expose the Cuban underground before it can act effectively. a man’s first investmenU For Club. sonal charge of the alten^t to I by the Cu’ban radio and by anti- ance of two men at a Yale life insurance is the invest­ hurl back the invader.., and a ; LECLERC Ca.4tro spokesmen abroad. l.aw School program tomor­ Moscow, April 18 (IP)— Premier Khrushchev today person- Daughters of Liberty. No. 17. Cuban broadcast said counter­ Castro told Cu'oans in a terse ment that gives your family Bookmobile Open for Visits FUNERAL HOME HAND HOOKED revolutionaries had marked him row night. ally urged President Kennedy to halt the Cuban invasion, communique at 12:55 a.m. (E STt: I immediate protection . the will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m.. in Orange Hall. Mrs. Margaret Bain. Washington School children tour the McGraw-Hill bookmobile that Is ' visiting Manchester In con­ for assassination. The broadcast "The revolutionary (C a s t r ol Edward J. McCallum, in an open | ! warning that “any so-called ‘small war’ can produce a chain announced the arrest of 27 per- letter to 'Yale President A. Whit­ investment that forms a solid Mrs. Charles Donnelly, and Mrs. junction with National Library’ Week. Townspeople can see’ the bookmobile tonight at Whiton Me­ FUNERAL troops continue to fight heroically ' reaction in all parts of the world.” foundation for your financial Earle Lewie will be in charge of morial Library from 6 to 9. Tomorrow,- the last day the bookmobile will be In Manchester, It can be aons, including Maj. Humberto in southwest I..as Villas Province ney Griswold, asked why Carl Sori Marin. Castro's former min- Braden and Frank Wilkinson are Asserting that “ it is no secret to anyone” that the United future. a social after the meeting. -seen from 9:30 am. until noon.at Barnard Junior Highe School: 1 to 3 p.m. at Robertson School; SERVICE where mercenaries disembarked and from 3:30 to 6 p.m., at Whiton. The bookmobile is displaying books for all ages and Is also ex­ later of agriculture. with imperialist support." permitted to make the appearance. Slates armed, trained and equipped the rebels, he said the The Connecticut Association of hibiting a book-making display. Miss Anna French, head librarian at Mary Cheney Library, urges W ALTER N. RUGS A spokesman for the attacking Ofisen’ers in Miami con.sidered McCailiim. of Stratford, said he United State.s “still can prevent” the Cuban fighting from WALTER R. Medical Record Librarians will all Manchester residents to visit the bookmobile. (Herald photo by Oflara). • LECLERC forces claimed wholesale de.sei-'! is significant that the u " " « ' • J’ plans to send pickets to the ; “spreading into a conflagration which it will be impossible to Director, Wednesday meetnig. hold its spring meeting in con- all cotton colonials in graceful ovals or oblongs, black, lions by forces nominall.v loyal to ' boastful Ca.stro made no victorj’ Yale secretary Reuben A. Hold­ cope with.” ' jimction with the Connecticut Manchester Grange will meet in Castro, including many of the claims. Khruschev's message was dis- PARTINGTON JR. Paul Schimmel, Son of Mr. and Allan B. Cox, 756 Vernon St., rose, green, brown, beige. en .said Braden and Wilkinson have Medical Society April 26 at Ham­ Orange Hall Wednesday at 8 p.m. Call Ml 9-5869 militiamen Castro had forcefully Both sides claimed the next few tribuled by the Soviet news agen­ 164 East Center Street Mrs. Alfred Schimmel, 26 Phelps and John C. Flynn II. 58 Chestnut not been invited by the ’ university den High School, Hamden, begin­ The home economics committee 23 Main Street, Manchester recruited from all ranks of Cuban | hours could be crucial in the fight cy Tass. (In Washington. White Manchester, Conn.
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