The Clinton Independent. VOL XXX-NO. 48. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1896. WHOLE NO.—1560. Rev. Ryker, of Maple Rapids, a rep ­ OBITUARY. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. resentative of the Prohibition organ ­ THE WI HIT! ization, and formerly a Republican, but « PUBLIC SCHOOLS! EDWIN DEWEY WEBSTER ARKANSAS IS IN LINE! But no Fatal Result* Will Occur, How­ on account of the terms of the St. Louis Was horn in Franklin county, Mass., ever, Nominated by the Democrats, convention, “steped down and out,” Opened for Business on Tuesday- October 20,1828, and died at his home The Silver Candidate for Govern ­ On Saturday last while Bert Hildreth Silverites and Populists. was called out for remarks. He is Morning. in Essex township, Clinton county, was engaged in cleaning a bird gun now a pronounced bimetalist. He Mich., at 6:30o ’clock, Saturday evening, or Elected by 05,000. which carries a 22 ball, Chester, a 12- dwelt upon the hardships which the September 6, 1896, from the effects of year-old son of Mr. Hughes, manager A LAKOK AND HARMONIOUS CON­ single gold standard has brought upon The Attendance Is Unusually Large, the paralysis. LARGEST MAJORITY EVER GIVEN A for the Mercantile Co., was standing VENTION. the people. He compared in a vivid High'School Heiug Crowded to Its Utmost The deceased was the second son of CANDIDATE IN THAT STATE. by, hoy like, curious to see the opera ­ manner the effects of the gold standard Capacity —Each of the Three Hulldlngs Lyman and Dimis (Stebbins) Webster, tion, when the weapon was accidentally Have Received Many Needed Repairs and Every Towudlilp Fully Hepreimled Except on the products of the farm, etc. both natives of Massachusetts. Dewey, Entire Democratic State Ticket Elected by discharged, the ball taking effect in one Have Been Beautified by Fresh Coats of One —The Chicago Platform and Rev. Mr. Mudge, of Maple Rapids, as he was most familiarly known here ­ the Largest Majorities In the History of young Hughes ’ legs, striking the • Paint. ' Nominees Endorsed. and well and favorably known as a suc­ abouts, was only six years old when his of the State. knee pan, glancing, and taking a down ­ cessful educator in this county, was parents came to Michigan and settled in ward course. The ball was cut out two- called out. He said that, after having | The St. Johns schools opened for the Kent county and erected a saw-mill at inches below the pan by Dr. Weller. It The Ticket. The Democrats, of Arkansas, wou the For Judge of Probate — studied the financial question carefully, fall terra Tuesday morning. The at­ or near Grand Rapids. This was in the is a sore wound and may make his leg HENRY J. PATTERSON, of Bingham. he has declared for himetalisra and in tendance at the Central school is unus ­ year 1834. They remained there but a greatest victory in the history of the somewhat stiff. No blame is attached For Clerk— favor of the producing classes. He ually large, especially in the high comparatively short time, when they re­ state on Monday. No gubernatonal to anyone. EMORY E. URIE, of Bingham. candidate was ever given such an over ­ For Treasurer— showed clearly the iniquities of the school, where every seat is occupied, a moved to Ionia county, where they re­ JOSEPH R. BOHR, of Westphalia, single gold standard. He spoke at some condition which has not heretofore ex­ sided until f]837, when they came to whelming majority as that given Gen. Free Coinage Meetings. For Register of Deeds— length and was heartily cheered for his isted since the erection of the new Clinton county, settling upon what was Dan W. Jones at Monday's election. THOMAS H. EDDY, of Eagle. nENRY J. PATTERSON For Sheriff — earnestness and frankness. building. It is estimated that the at­ afterwards and up to within a few years Conservative estimates, based on the Will address the voters upon the money ROBERT M. 8 WIG ART, of Bingham. Henry Walbridge was called out aud tendance in this department during the last past known as the “ Webster pra- partial returns now received, places For Prosecuting Attorney — question at the following mention place. next year will be one-third larger than rie,” and latterly known as the “ Rolf Jones ’ majority over all opposition com­ HENRY WALBR1DUE, of Bingham. spoke as earnestly and firmly in favor All meetings will be held in the evening: For Surveyor — of himetalism as he has ever done, or last year, and Prof. Monroe says that the farm.” In 1850, when the gold excite­ bined at from 60,000 to 65,000. The re- ALFRED B, IDE, of Watertown. ment became great, the father went to turs are coming in slow, and many en ­ Maple Rapids, Tuesday, September 15. For Circuit Court Commissioners — more so. prospects are class of twenty will be Elsie, Wednesday, September 16. CHARLES J. SMELLING, Duplain. Almon Shepard, a young attorney of graduated at the close of the year. California with the view of prospecting thusiastic Democrats claim that when Eureka, Thursday, September 17. FRANK OSBORN, of Bingham, Ovid, was called for. and spoke plainly The records of the pupils entering the and mining, and later went to Australia the figures from the back counties are Eagle, Saturday, September 19. For Coroners — Riley Town Hail, Monday, September 21. MYRON N. DUNCAN, of Bingham. and intelligently upon the important high school from the country are much for the same purpose, since which time in, Jones ’ majority will run up to 75,000, CHARLES CRULL, of Duplain. question of the day. He asked for har ­ better this year thau ever before, which no trace of his whereabouts could be ob ­ an increase of 60,000 over two years ago. For Representative in State Legislature— The total vote is very large, being esti­ —Ed. Ross, a Detroit, Lansing & NEWTON A. DRYER, of Bath. mony and good will, and a united action speaks well for the work whiqh is being tained by his family aud friends. Northern brakeman, was crushed be ­ done by the country schools. Dewey, the subject of this sketch, was mated at 165,000. Neither the Repub ­ At a little after 11 o ’clock Chairman in accomplishing success in favor of the tween two cars while switching at Port­ products of the land. He has a bright Below we give the number enrolled in educated at tfye common district schools licans or Populists are making any land last Friday night. He died at mid­ Patterson called the convention to order, each of the rooms of the three schools : of Essex township. When at the age of claims. night. and after a few preliminary remarks future, because he is a close*student and an earnest young man. High school ................................................................ 121 23 years he was united in marriage with The campaign was fought on financial called Henry Webb, of DeWitt, as tem­ The convention took a ten minutes ’ Mr. T. H. Townsend's room..'. .......................... 58 Miss Elizabeth Farr, daughter of lines and shows clearly to what extent BUSINESS LOCALS porary chairman, after which the con­ Mr. Fred Knapp's room ....................................... 5'2 “ Uncle ” Tnomas Farr, who is now in the silver sentiment has grown in the recess pending the preparation of the Mrs. Bertha Whitlock ’s room ..............................35 Clinton County Fair. vention selected Geo. S. Corbit as tem­ his 97th year and still a resident of west and south. State Chairman Car- report of the conference committee and Miss Ada Cochrane ’s room ................................. 36 When you come to the Fair bring your porary secretary. These officers were the arrival of Judges McGrath and Essex. By this union two children were roll is in receipt of hundreds of tele­ family and friends to the City Bakery promptly sworn in, II. J. Patterson ad­ Miss Gertrude Mead's room ..................................40 Brucker. Miss Grace McDonald's room .............................. 32 born to them, being Mary D., (Mrs. O. grams from all parts of the Union con and Dining Room, foot of Clinton Ave., ministering the oath. Miss Florence Wilson ’s room ............................ 34 D. Casterliue) and Elizabeth H., (Mrs. gratulating him upon the magnificent west side, and be well fed at small price. The report of the committee on con ­ VR03IAN & Co. On motion the chairman selected the ference was read as follows : Miss Helen VVheelock's room ............................ 56 W. B. Casterline), brothers, and who victory achieved in his state. NORTH SIDS. following committees : Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Convention. reside near the old homestead, and who For Sale at Bargains. On Credentials —J. H. Burnes, Riley; T. H^ Miss Grace Hunt ’s room ..................................... 45 An Organ and a Gasoline Stoye. Your commitee selected as a conference Mrs Libbie Anderson's room .......................... 40 have given every care and attention to Eddy, Eagle; Andrew Scott, Olive committee to confer with a like committee Thos . C. Butler . SA9T side . this fond parent, who- was first visited On Conference Committee —J. H. Fedewa, selected by the other conventions held in thi 8 Bingham; W. N, Reddout, Green bush; A. J. Miss Anna Ketchum ’s room .............................. 38 with paralysis while enjoying the pro ­ OUR COUNTY FAIR! To the Hungry. village, (Democrats Union Silver and People ’s Miss Sara Pouch ’s room ................... 33 You will always find the freshest and Burnes, Watertown. Party parties) have met and conferred ceedings of the annual pioneer meeting On Permanent Organization and Order of If there is a an institution in which best made Bread, Pies, Cakes, Warm together, and after a careful and conscien ­ in the court house, in St.
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