See Pages 3, 4 & 5 SeeSee Page XX $1.00 WWW.5TJT.COM VOL. 11 NO. 4 30 TISHREI 5771 jb ,arp OCTOBER 8, 2010 INSIDE EXPLORING THE BEGINNING FROM THE EDITOR 5TJT Yeshiva Guide By Renee Jeret 15 BY LARRY GORDON Skate To Lose Weight Believing In Phyllis J. Lubin 25 Bibi Am I Too Fat? Pam Moritz 37 For now the important thing A Parental Roadmap is to get past Barack Obama and Chassia Boczko, Psy.D. 40 company as well as the sway he feels he still maintains over Adam The Fourth events in the Middle East. That R’ Jay Schwartz, LMSW 64 has to be just part of the think- ing as Israeli leaders consider an additional two-month conces- sion in the so-called settlement building freeze. Children at the Hollander Early Childhood Center at Yeshiva of South Shore learn all about Hashem’s amazing creation at their annual Bereishis Exploration Fair. See Page 77 Continued on Page 4 THE BEIN HA’ZMANIM THE LAST WORD HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE EXPERIENCE BY RAV ARYEH ZEV The Year In Israel, Part 10 GINZBERG Chicagoland Experience B YTALMID X CHOFETZ CHAIM TORAH CENTER BY LARRY GORDON Chicago enjoying the chag from Richard Joel to lead YU How was your flight back? The month of Tishrei is draw- a different vantage point while into 5T’s. See Page 13 Mostly pleasant, maybe a bit of ing to a close. For most of us, it These observations come to celebrating the engagement of turbulence? That’s good to hear. has been an exhilarating, uplift- you fresh from the land of Rod our son Dovi to Mari Ray, a Well, I’m glad you arrived home ing, inspiring, and yes, even Blagojevich, Barack Obama, and native Chicagoan. The details or safely, and hope you had an exhausting month. We had an Rahm Emanuel. They come to roadmap of how the shidduch enjoyable trip. abundance of meals and days you from a piece of the Midwest came about are a story that will Wait, you weren’t in Israel for off, many hours in shul, time that features rich, vibrant, and be told down the road a bit. For Sukkos? That’s funny—it sure with family and friends, and— diverse Orthodox and other now, this is about spending yom Jewish communities. Continued on Page 22 Continued on Page 10 We just spent the last week in Continued on Page 6 Celebrating Rav Nachman’s Life Jewelbilation AT LEAST IT’S Sharsheret To Celebrate 10th Anniversary At Gala A WET HEAT Mrs. Chana Glenn, a’h. Event See Page 62 B Y ROCHELLE Our Aliyah Chronicle MARUCH MILLER BY SHMUEL KATZ In the ten years since its Wow! What an amazing cou- inception, Sharsheret has dis- ple of weeks here. The atmos- PhotoByIvanH.Norman tinguished itself as an exempla- phere in Israel over the chagim ry not-for-profit organization. is always so special. Jews from Founded in November 2001 by all over the world come to fes- Rochelle Shoretz, who recog- tively celebrate our land, which Chassidim celebrated the 200th yahrzeit of Rav Nachman of Breslov over Sukkos in Far Rockaway. See Page 82 Continued on Page 12 Continued on Page 20 Community support for Frank Padavan. See Page 26 CANDLE LIGHTING October 8 – 6:07 PM October 15 – 5:56 PM 2 October 8, 2010 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES October 8, 2010 3 FROM THE EDITOR Clinton at the behest of his CIA director, FEATURES Continued from Front Cover George Tenet, and Pollard remains lan- guishing in jail. Around The Five Towns 49 What can possibly happen in those So what is Bibi thinking here, and P.O. BOX 690 LAWRENCE, NY 11559 additional 60 days that did not take place what can these next two months accom- 516-984-0079 Classified Ads 72 during the last 17 years of Israeli offers plish if at some point he gets his govern- [email protected] and concessions in the interest of gen- ment to go along with him? For the [email protected] uinely normalizing the lives of everyday immediate future, it is vitally important LARRY GORDON ESTA J. GORDON Daf Yomi Insights people on both sides of this equation so to get beyond the U.S. midterm elec- Publisher/Editor Managing Editor Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow 68 filled with suspicion and hostility? There tions on November 2. If all goes accord- YOSSI GORDON, YOCHANAN GORDON isn’t any need for a further freeze for Jews ing to what the polls and political Sales Managers The Dish in Israel. The foundation of the concept is experts are predicting, Obama will be CHANA ROCHEL ROSS Elke Probkevitz 32 unbalanced and prejudicial. Let’s hope it seriously neutralized, with the remain- Editorial Assistant doesn’t happen. ing two years of his presidency amount- SIDI BARON Insights On The Torah Firstly, no one—not the Arabs and cer- ing to nothing more than occasionally YAKOV SERLE tainly not Prime Minister Netanyahu— nice teleprompter-induced phraseology Sales Representatives R’ Yanki Tauber 76 wants to be blamed as the cause of the and lots of bluster. SHMUEL GERBER MICHELE JUSTIC R’ Ben Tzion Shafier 43 breakdown in the direct talks between The president will have to turn his Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor the parties. If the Obama company— efforts inward and focus on trying to CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Letters To The Editor 26 which includes Secretary of State Hillary save himself and a second term in the Hannah Reich Berman, Anessa V. Cohen, Clinton and special ambassador to the White House. I believe that unlike other Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg, Yoni Glatt, region former senator George Mitchell— presidents in recent history, who felt Toby Klein Greenwald, Rabbi Yair Hoffman, Luach 12 fail in this latest effort to jumpstart peace that their only foreign-policy success Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky, Shmuel Katz, talks, they will have no other option but would come at the expense of the State Phyllis J. Lubin, Esther Mann, Rochelle Miller, MindBiz Elke Probkevitz, Rachael Schindler, to turn full throttle to the blame game. of Israel, he will very possibly just walk Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow, Rabbi Avi Shafran, Esther Mann, LCSW 33 That customarily means that fingers will away from the whole mess and expend Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier, Rabbi Meir Orlian, have to be pointed at the Israelis for not his efforts elsewhere. Eli Shapiro, Ari Sher, Samuel Sokol Mother’s Musings being flexible enough. This idea of Egypt’s ailing President DOV GORDON, ELISHEVA ELEFANT Phyllis J. Lubin 25 Bibi’s approach so far has been good, Mubarak threatening that if these current Staff Graphic Artists fair, and tough. Though he features flash- peace talks fail the region can erupt in IVAN NORMAN, IRA THOMAS Puzzle es of weakness, he has so far outshone all violence is not helpful. What that type of Staff Photographers his predecessors involved in similar rhetoric shows more than anything else FRANKEL & CO. Yoni Glatt 48 types of talks over the years. I don’t think is that the parties involved in the current Design & Production that we are seeing the same Netanyahu process may just not be ready for genuine TALIYE CORLEY Real Estate who agreed to sign over 80 percent of peace despite the fact that all this time Art Director Anessa V. Cohen 42 Hebron to Yasser Arafat at the Wye has elapsed. Plantation meetings in 1998. You may Even more frightening as well as The Five Towns Jewish Times is an independent weekly news- paper. Opinions expressed by writers and columnists are not That’s The Way It Is! recall the then prime minister secured an unconstructive are the ideas articulated necessarily those of the editor or publisher. We are not agreement from President Clinton to earlier this week by former president Bill responsible for the kashrus or hashgachah of any product or Hannah Reich Berman 30 release Jonathan Pollard from prison. Clinton in a meeting with Mubarak in establishment advertised in the Five Towns Jewish Times. Bibi was ultimately double-crossed by Egypt. Clinton said that the lack of a con- 4 October 8, 2010 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES crete peace agreement between Israel diplomat Abba Eban was known to their agenda. ed that despite the many years and and the Palestinians provides the impe- have said, it was the Palestinians who Israeli leaders have a country to run extensive efforts dedicated to achieving tus for about half of all the terrorism in demonstrated this uncanny ability to and a population of seven million people peace, they have not managed to move the world. Not only is this a theory that “never miss an opportunity to miss an with myriad needs and requirements. past the idea of utilizing the process to has been proven baseless, but the senti- opportunity.” The country’s every moment cannot be hurt the image of Israel and delegitimize ment is essentially that the Jews alone are For now, Bibi is playing it very deliber- dedicated exclusively to being featured as the Jewish State’s existence. If it takes to blame for the great scourge of terror ate and smart. There was much made in intransigent and obstacles to peace on more time to move them past this ridicu- that has been inflicted on our world. the news the other day about how the CNN and the BBC. Israel has to take a lous and counterproductive notion, then It is unlikely that Mr. Clinton wanted prime minister was going to convene his break sometimes, step out of the news so be it.
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