4156 THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 5,1856. Thomas Turner, formerly of Russell-street, Preston, in the Ripon aforesaid, Distributor of Stamps for the Inland county of Lancaster, Public Baker and Striker in a Revenue, Bookseller, Stationer, Bookbinder, Printer, Smith}', then of the Forresters' Arms, Spring-street, News Agent, Print Seller, Picture Dealer, Patent Medi- Preston aforesaid, Beerselier, Provision Dealer, Puhlic cine Vendor, Dealer in Mathematical Instruments, and Baker, and Greengrocer, and late of Russell-street afore- occasionally Lodging-house Keeper, during all the fore- said, Labourer, and afterwards^Public Baker, his wife at going period his wife, Isabella Harrison, assisting him in the same time keeping a Mangle. the said businesses. William Knight, formerly of Mount Pleasant, Cheetham, Richard Holgate, late of Market-place. Dewsbury, York- Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, and late of shire, Fishmonger, Greengrocer, Licensed Dealer in Haworth-street, Waterloo-road, Cheetham, Manchester Game, and Dealer in Poultry. aforesaid, Excavator and Contractor. Robert Smithson, late of Three Legs-yard. Lpwerhead-row, Thomas Catarall, formerly residing in Church-street, Leeds, Yorkshire, Fruiterer and Dealer in Vegetables, Eccles, near. Manchester, and carrying on business at No. previously of Sidney-street, Leeds aforesaid, Fruiterer 44, George-street, Manchester, Copperplate and Litho- and Dealer in Vegetables, during the whole of the said graphic Printer, then a lodger at Monton-green, near time occupying a stall in Vicars Croft, Leeds aforesaid. Manchester, and carrying on the same business at No. Jeremiah Rooks, late of Hartishead, Moorside, Cleckheaton, 44, George-street aforesaid, in the name of John Catarall, near Leeds, Yorkshire, Card Maker and Small Farmer. and late a lodger at Monton-green aforesaid, and of No. George Henry Lloyd, late of No. 3, Broom-close, Highfield, 54, George-street, Manchester, Letterpress, Copperplate, Sheffield, Yorkshire, out of business, previously of Broad- and Lithographic Printer. street Park, Sheffield aforesaid, Bacon, Ham, Lard, Samuel Stopford, formerly of the Joiners' Arms, Higher Butter, Cheese, Flour, Eggs, Meal, Horse Corn, Beans, Hillgate, Stockport, in the county of Chester, Licensed Peas, Oats, Barley, Groats, Oatmeal, Bean Sharps, Victualler, and late in lodgings No. 8, Green-.place, Ard- Pollard, Bean Meal, Pea Meal, Indian Meal, Barley Meal, \vick, Manchester, out of business. German Yeast, Bread, Corn, and General Provision Isaac Grantham, late of Every-street, Manchester, in the Factor, and formerly carrying on the said businesses at county of Lancaster, a part of the time residing in Pro- the same place in copartnership with Willliam Wood vidence-place, Wit-lane, Pendleton, Salford, in the said Lownds, under th« style or firm of Lownds and Lloyd, at county, Butcher. that time residing at Talbot-street Park, and Wishington- road, both in Sheffield aforesaid. Before the Judge of the County Court of William Robert Bakewell, late of No. 3, Low Ousegate, in the city of York, and also of Thornhill-place, Wakefield, Essex, holden at the Shirehall, in Chelmsford, Yorkshire, previously of Aybrigg, near Wakefield afore- on Saturday the 20lh day of December, 1856, said, theretofore of Southgate, Wakefield aforesaid, occu- at Twelve o'Clock at Noon precisely. pying offices at George-street, Wakefield aforesaid, Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor, Money Scrivener, and Joseph Barker Kersey, late of Weeley, in the county of Agent for the Solicitors' and General Assurance Society, Essex, Beer-house Keeper and Journeyman Tile Maker, No. 52, Chancery-lane, London, and also for the Victoria in the employment of Mr. John Smith, of Tendring, Life Assurance Society. Essex, previously of Great Bentley, in the said county of Thomas Pickles, late of Nessgate, in the city of York, Essex, Labourer. and also of Cleckheaton, near Leeds, Yorkshire, Wheel- wright, Cartwright, Joiner and Carpenter, and Machine Before the Judge of the County Court of Repairer. Derbyshire, holden at Derby, on the 20th day James Atkinson, late of South Cottage, Grove-terrace, pre- viously of Meanwood-street, and formerly of Skinner- of December, 1856, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon lane, occupying warehouses at No. 3, Cross-court, precisely. Briggate, then at No. 25, King- Charles-street, and Job Walker, late of Eckington, in the county of Derby, formerly of No. 14, Trinity-street, all being situate Spade and Shovel Manufacturer, and carrying on the at Leeds, Yorkshire, Commission and General Agent business of a Milliner and Dressmaker by his wife, and also for the Patent Horsefeed. the British Economical from 1846 to 1851, being in partnership with one George Manure, Soap Ash, The Life, Fire, Glass, and Guarantee Wilkinson, as Spade and Shovel Manufacturers, at Society, Sykes' Anti-incrustation Composition, The Eckington aforesaid. Farmers' Protective Manure Company, Black Varnish, Lamp Black, Anti-friction Lubricating Grease, General Wares, and Woollen Cloths. Before the Judge of the County Court of George Keighley, late of George-street, Goole, Yorkshire, Yorkshire, holden at York, on Monday the occasionally residing at Selby, Yorkshire, No. 17, 22nd day of December, 1856, at Nine o'Clock Blanket-row, Hull, Yorkshire, and at Laxton, near How- den, Yorkshire, out of business, previously of George- in the Forenoon precisely. street, Goole aforesaid, Boot and Shoe Maker, Salesman, Robert Gray Mayne, late of No. 6, Boar-lane, Leeds, York- Dealer in Cloggs and Pattens, Potatoes and Vegetables, shire, Surgeon, and formerly of No. 10, Brandon-street, also Constable of Goole aforesaid, Assistant Bailiff of the Edinburgh, Surgeon's Assistant. County Court of Yorkshire, at Goole aforesaid, and Trea- John Thomas Atkinson, late of Bdgrave-street, Leeds, surer of the Ancient Order of Foresters for the District Yorkshire, in lodgings, occasionally acting as Clerk to an of Goole aforesaid, and also Agent to the Goole Literary Auctioneer, and Secretary to the Savings' Bank, at Otley, and Scientific Institution. Yorkshire, previously of No. 3, York-road, Leeds afore- Jesse Wass, late of High Tranmere, near Birkenhead, said, Druggist and Licensed Dealer in Tea, Coffee, To- Cheshire, out of business, at the same time carrying on bacco, Patent Medicines, and Vinegar, also a Dealer in business at Barge Dock Side, Goole, Yorkshire, as Bread Paints, Oils, and Colours, formerly of No. 8, Bank-street, Baker, Grocer, Licensed Dealer in Tea, Coffee, Tobacco, Leeds aforesaid, carrying on the business of a Wholesale Pepper, Snuff, Cigars and Patent Medicines, Ham, Bacon, Druggist and Licensed Dealer in Tobacco and Patent Butter, Cheese, Lard and Egg Factor, Flour, Meal, Medicines, in copartnership with John Moore Harrison,, Bread, Biscuit, Yeast, Horse Corn, Grain, Fruit and under the style or firm of Harrison and Atkinson. General Provision, and also Dealer in Brushes, and pre-° Joseph Kershaw, late of Girlinglon, near Bradford, York- viously of Barge Dock Side, Goole aforesaid, carrying on shire, Dealer in Stuff Pieces and Commission Agent, pre- Ihe said before mentioned businesses, also Treasurer of viously of the same place, Worsted Manufacturer, occu- the Independent Chapel, Goole aforesaid. pying a Room and Steam Power, in Frederick-street, Esther Hampson, late of Worsbro'-common, near Barnsley, Bradford aforesaid, also Dealer in Stuff Pieces, Commis- Yorkshire, Publican, Licensed Brewer, and Dealer in sion Agent, Linen Draper and Dealer, and Dealer in Tobacco, Cordials, also Dealer in Fruit, Potatoes, Vege- Butter, and formerly of Wheatley-lane, near Bradford tables and Pigs. aforesaid, in copartnership with John Waller, carrying on James Greenwood, late of No. 110, Westgate, Wakefield, business as Worsted Manufacturers, in Frederick-street, Yorkshire, out of business, and previously of No. 66, Bradford aforesaid, under the style or firm of Kershaw Northgate, Wakefield aforesaid, Manufacturer of, and and Waller. Dealer in Soda Water, Lemonade and Ginger Beer, William Jennings, late of Garnett-street, Leeds-road, Brad- Perry, Pine Apple and Raspberryade, also Keeper of the ford, Yorkshire, in lodgings, Wool Sorter, theretofore of Mechanics' Institute, Wakefield, Yorkshire. No. 31, and formerly of No. 29, Bridge-street, Bradford Joseph Hudson, late of No. 42, Bolton-road, Bradford, aforesaid, Linen Draper, his wife, Sarah Ann Jennings, Yorkshire, out of business, previously Lamp Lighter, and carrying on the business of Bonnet Maker. formerly Lamp Lighter, Grocer, Licensed Dealer in Tea, William Harrison, late of Market-place, Ripon, Yorkshire, Coffee, Tobacco, Pepper, Snuff, and Cigars, and Dealer Assistant and Manager to Messrs. Ann Johnson and Co., in Flour, German Yeast, Ham, Bacon, Lard, Butter, of Market-place, Ripon aforesaid, Booksellers, Stationers, Eggs, Cheese, Vegetables, Confectionery, Bread, Horse and News Agents, previously of the Castle of York, in Corn, Beans, Peas, Barley Sharps, Barley Meal, Oat the county of York, a Prisoner confined therein at the Meal, Beesoms, Toys, Pork, Pigs, Poultry, Canaryies and suit of Her Majesty the Queen (his wife managing the Singing Birds, and also Carter and Dealer in Coals, said business as aforesaid), and formely of Market-place, i occasionally employed as Gas Fitter and Laboure'r..
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