Society for Founded 1966 Volume 41, Number 2 June 2007 ·-·- =- a&tm .....,,,. -- ... - - .. SCA Newsletter 41(2) ·----lillllliiiiiiiiliiiiiliiii_iiiiiiii._iiiiiiiiioiio_..===-=-=--- Regular Features From the President Stephen Horne . .~ SCA Business and Activities Legislative Liaison Reporl ...... ..... ... ........•......... .................... 4 Archaeology Month Report. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • . .. .. .. .. .. 6 CASSP Report . 6 Aquarterly nl!\\l>lencr or articles and infom1allon NAPC Report . • . 6 e:..-.cnlial to Cahfomia archaeology. Contribuuoru. are\\drome Lead article. ~hould be 1,500·!,000 Proceedings Reporl . 7 word' Longer article, may appear in iru.tallmems SM Liaison Report . 7 Send ~ubn11~1oru. ru. hard cop)' or on diskeue to SCA 2007 ~ l eeting Wrap ..........•...•......•.................•......•.... \1?1"/ell<'f. l>t.vartment or Anthropology. CSl Chico. Annual 9 Chico CA 95929-()..iO I or as e-mail or auachment:. to Web Sites of Interest . 21 <1,'Wh1t~(it csuch1co.edu> New Publications . 22 The SCA Executive Board encourages publication or News and Announcements a wide range or opinions on L-sues pertinent U> Announcements . 14 California archat•ology. Opinions, commentary, and On-Line Resources . 16 editorials appearing in 01e t\e1~5'letter represent the I iC\I'<; or the author.>, and not neces.>aril) those or the Meetings . 16 Board or Editor Lead article author.; should be aware The Archaeology Channel.org . 17 that their articlei. may appear on the SCA web site, unit", they n.'(jue>t othern1;e. Opinion and Commelll . .. .. .. 19 Calendar of Events . ............................. -i"' Ed11onal St:11I ~lanagmg F.d1tor Greg \\bite (530) 898-4360 [email protected] Documenting Colonial C1Ll.ifomia Contribuung F.d1toc M:.i!llant Editor. Patricia]. :.likkelsen Methodologies for Documenting Colonfal California: Curation . ............ Cindy Stankowski Case Studies from El Presidio de San Francisco Federal Agcl1C) i\(.'I~\ • • • . Jim C:L<;)idy Liz N. Clevenger, Eric Brandan Bli nd, Field NOie.' . Michael Sampson ;md Sannie Kenton Osborn . .............•......................... 22 Jhqorical Archaeology . R. Scott Baxter lnfonnatmn Ccntcl'\ ...... An1y lluberl:md :\l'\1 Pubhc:111oru. • • • .. Deime Thomru. 111e Tama.t-Huye Archaeological Project: OHP • • . • ~lichael ~lcGu1rt l..t.>gisl:ttion . • • • Stephen 8r111e Cross-Cultural Encounters in Sixteenth-Century No1thern California CASSP . Chris and Beth Padon ~latthew A. Russell .. .. ........................... 22 State Agenq t\l!\\'i> .... open t\en~/etter Deadlme, Assessing and Protecting Resources Along tl1e For l.1we . De:ulline Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail March . • . .. .. • . Februal) 20 Stanley C. Bond. ...... ........... .. ....... .. ........... 22 June. .. .................... May20 September . .. • .. .. ........ Augusl 20 Dt>cemher .. • .. .. .. Nol'ember 20 Mission San Juan Bautista: Zooarchaeologica1 Investigations at a California Mission Michelle C. St.Clair-Jerman..... 22 Calendar Subm1:..,1on~ P:unc1a \\cbh [email protected] New Sources for Early l 9d1 Century California History: .-\tl1tlll'ID¥ Rat,;.• 111 p:1gc . • . • . • • . • • . • . • • • s-o The Russian Naval Arcltives in St. Petersburg If! page . .. • . • .. .. .. • . • S IOO Glenn Farris. 22 Full pai:c $1,'i • 1\t.l~ tha1 nm thn_>e or more consecuti~ Making Pathways Through Traclitions: 1:-stl<':! receive a l'l'io dL<;(;()un!. An Update on the Kashaya Pomo lnteq>reti ve Trail Project Sara L. Gonzalez . ..... 22 Onth!!C01cr­ Archaeology PubLic Day@ cl1e 2007 Annual Meeting Cher./ S11111h-lintner JI nrirl; /11 David Reed Cohen and the /'re,idio ..\n.:haeo/og1 Lib n Photo h.1 .\ndt't.' f'n.'t'bt'QI Liz'.\. Clevenger ................... -- 2 -=-----------liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii• SCA H ewslett8 4 1(2 ) From the President By rhe wa,. the Proec.:cdingii from ta ... c year\ meccinl!; were <l lictlt.: underpopulated. Le~r thc.: papers and prcsenracion., from the San Jo'>c meetings become consigned to fading areas of memory, this year's contributor<; '>hould gee rheir President Stephm Home manu'>cripr-. pn.:pared '><>On for I.,2:?'i S\\ Quail Road publication in che Proccc.:ding'>. The Terrebonne OR <).,.,&l Proceeding'> arc one of chc.: SCA's mosc Tel ( 5·1 I l 9H "'T'8; imporcanc programs. le is incumbent on e-nrni l. ~phome@hotnuil .com presenters co -,upporr our Proceeding'> and co make rheirconrriburiom lmmedi:w l'•N P~ident frank E. Bayham Deparuncnt of Anthropolog\ arnilablc for furure scholar'>hip. Thi-; CSl'. Chico. Chico. CA. 959.!9 100. year, thc.: Socict) has made -,omc Tel !'iJO> l\{),~~~O; important changes in IH>\\ ~ind where e-mail: Flla~ham<e csuch1co.edu rhe Proceedings will be produced, but che most important point for Pre.11/t·m Fit'ct \lark \X Allen contributor'> i., char submi.,... ion'> should Cahfom1a State Pol)technic I 1111cr.i1y. Pomona be made directly co Sharon \\';ieehrer Oept. of Gt'OJ:r:iphr & ,\nthmpolol('i .~J l,l;t">t Temple \renue 1 puc rhc.: finishing rouches on (sha ron@farwcs~ern.org) rath<.:r chan co Pomona, CA 91768 h i'> lcrtcr, a wildfire is blowing che Business Office. Tel (<)09) K69.3511 hrough rhc juniper and e-mail mwal len(111csupomona t-Uu 11'>agebru"h a little more than a mile J use as several of my JHl.!dccessors from 111) place.: in central Oregon\ high ha\'e done, I ha\ c liscened to pointed Soudlt'm Iia'- Pre.ident jmnifcr Pcm dc.:scrc. The air ... melb of .,mokc.:. l\e complaint'> ,1bouc che qu.1lit' ofCEQ ,\ Pomona Colltoge. Dept. of .\mhropoh;g\. 333 '\orth College \fa) hitched up chc.: horse craikrand the archaeolog) and have noncctl more nntl more of u~ miking uhour rhc need Claremont, C:ahfomia 91711 livestock is ready for cvacuanon. lr"s Tel· !909) 482-099'i. exciting, bur not nearly ~is foc.·u.,ing as for professional standards, e~pecially e-matl 1cnrnforperry@ pomona t'tlu the lase month has bt:en-nn fir'>t for doing C EQA-rclaced "ork. Thi~ monch a ... SC\ President. It\ been an is'iue is gaining \team and I expect .\imht·m l1ce-Pre;ident \hchad :\t'\\land. interesting cimc. Ar rhe banqtH.:c in San that we" ill be.: ha,•ing more.: to report Anthmpolo!(1cal :>tudie. Ctnkr. Sonom:1 :>tate Jose I hoped for an incaescing yt:ar. in future i~suc.::-. of chis 1\,'cwslctter. The l"niVCNI}, Buildin!( 29. Cotati, Cl\ 9-1928 Society's I mmcdiate Past-President. ·1e1 c101> <iM n4. One.: shoultl b..: careful" har one wishes e-m:ul michacl.nL'wland@'>!muma.edu for. The phone\ ring at a bn'>k pace Frank Ba) ham, ha1> agreed ro continue "ork on chc l'>'>Ue of hcl\\ archaeology ;inti 111) inbo'\ fairh bur... c-. e\ <.:f\ dJv. St'Cll?t.111: R1,a Huo:tter \cruall~. the 1n-bo~ would probabl): .., done in chc.: context ofCEQ,\ . This Senllnel .\rchaeolog1cal \\\ell t:\c.:n more.: if folks had m' i'> a big job and he will be" <irking Research. 1.1.C: • .,,; Lnton Station Road correct e-mail address-an inc.·rnTecc c.:lose::ly "ich ch1.: Seate 11 i:-toric Cer.crvillc. CA 95·!'11, 170.,) ~~I 0,16 voice one \\'Cnt ouc c.:arlicr. The ri).(ht unc: Prest:rvation Officer. our O\\ n CEQ1\ e-mail n,a(o st!l1Unelcm1 com <[email protected]>. rn'>k force and the Profc.,.,ional ~candard ., and Guidclin1.:., Commicrce Tll':Ntn:r l..t'1gh Jonlan \\"e han: come co expcu char our rhroughour chc coming year. 126 Da\i-. l.;uic Pcnngrm1:. <:\ 9-t951-<J569; Socicr(s meetings arc ro"cs... c.:d of a Tel PO~) 66+0880; Bev Omz. of ch1.: Ea:-c B:I\ c.:c.:rrnin Jj, cli111.:s-,. Several nH:mbcr<, e-mail• lell(hjordan5686(i>·,hq~lohal.11et ha' e let me kno\\ that chc annual Rc.:gional Park District. and {.)regg meetings rn San Jose wen: no Casrro. Ohlone/Salinan, continue \\Ork Bu>int,.,_, Ofl1ci.• .\/;ma;:er Greg\\ l111e c.:xception and I c.:crcainh ... a\\ that this on che is ... uc of unauchori1cd di'>clo-.urc.: C:Sl Ch1l'o. Building !5, $mil· 10 I Chil'l1, n 95929-001 "a!> the c.:a\e m\ ... elf. There" ere.: of -,ice J(}(::1cion informarmn on park ,1nd other public lands. Fueled bv the Tel r 5.)0J X9X 1.~60 terrific paper-. <tnd man) opporruniricii e-mai l i.•wlutecr csuchico.edu co meet frienc.h and colleague.:,. The inccrn<::r and G PS ccchnology, th~ meeting... " ere.: managed our,randinglv broad. publit· dbseminacion of b) Jennifer I· arq11har and \ l:trk '>Cn~1ci' e and accurate ... ire.: location I h lkem:i: che '-,ilc.:nc A.ul·tion ''a'> ~rt:ar information I'> incrcao;ing. The Societ\ SC\ Bus in~ Office fon rhank-. ro Ste.: Ila tl'Orn' c.:arc.:lul .,hare~ thi., concern and Be'\ <:hmt.'I Frazcr·l\crll'\ prc.:pararion.... l'hc.: "ioc.:1c.:r\ owe., its ' ' orkshop in San Jose. eo-ch:11rcd with Ph '530) 891Vi., H Fx <'i.~Ol 89ll· 1JW apprec1ac1on ro all of our m;tn\ ( iregg. ha~ (conrinuccl f1'1!{c J9J SC \[email protected] l11u 'oluncc.:c.:r'>. SCA Newsletter 4 1(2) _._______________________ _ _ = = AdJ((J(l.C.ed AnnualMeetmg Plannmg ~ SCA Business, Tom Origer Tel: (707) 584-8200 Committee News, E-ma1 I: [email protected] ~ Armual Meeting local Arrangemeflts and Liaison Reports Matthew Des Louriers E-mail: [email protected] Annual~et111g Program Chair Dustin McKenzie Tel: (805) 215-2582 E-mail: [email protected] ArchaeologyMonth Repr.esefltat1Ye Summary: A bill to de:;signate ccrcain Lauro Leach-Palm Legislative Liaison Report Tel: (530) 756-3941 public land as wilderness and cercain E-mail: [email protected] Stephen Bryne, SCA ri\ crs as wild and scenic rivers in the Bennyhoff.Memorial Award Lcgislaci1·c Liaison Srate of California, to designate Kr1st1no Roper Salmon Restoration Areas. to esrablish Tel: (559) 561-6011 the Sacramento River N<Hional E-mai I: [email protected] Federal Legislation Recreation Arca, chc Ancient CA Arch Site Stewardship Progra11J 11 O'h Congress, 2007-2008 Brisrlecone Pine Forest, and for other Beth and Chris Padon Tel: (562) 432-1801 s.
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