The NCAA Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association December 4,1989, Volume 26 Number 43 Fall finalists for NCAA Top Six awards announced Chtistopher Duplanty John Jackson Patrick O’Kelly Virginia Stahr Kern- Tashirv Jacob Young A 1988 Olympian and a National ginia Stahr, University of Nebraska, award winners as the College Ath- tion is based on athletics ability and A three-year starter at goalie on the Football Foundation and Hall of Lincoln; Kerri Tashiro, Colorado letics Top XII. achicvcmcnt; academic achieve- llC Irvine water polo team, Du Fame scholar-athlctc are among the College, and Jacob Young, Univer- The College Athletics Top XII is mcnt, and character, leadership and planty played a key role as the six student-athletes chosen as fall sity of Nebraska, Lincoln. part ofthc NCAA honors program, activities. Antcaters won the recent National finalists for the NCAA loday’s Top Six studcnttathletes will be chosen which also includes the Theodore Following are biographical Collegiate Men’s Water Polo Cham- Six awards. from 12 finalists for the awards, Roosevelt Award and the Award of skctchcs of the fall finalists: pionship. He also is a four-year The fall finalists are Christopher including the winter/spring linalists Valor. Christopher Duplanty letter-winner in swimming. Duplanty, University of California, listed in the October 30 issue of The Nominees for Today’s Top Six Duplanty has been a member of He maintained a 3.304 grade- Irvine; John Jackson, University of NCAA News. They will bc rccog- awards must be varsity letter- the t1.S. national A water polo point avcragc while earning a degree Southern California; Patrick nired at the NCAA Convention winners who complete their inter- team since 1986. The team won a in economics. Duplanty is currently O’Kclly, Seton Hall University; Vir along with six Silver Anniversary collegiate eligibility in 1989. Selec silver medal at the 1988 Olympics. ST Full, page 2 Financial aid, academic proposals offer some controversv J (Editor5 Note: This is the third in financial aid at the 1990 NCAA tory disclosure of graduation rates, Academics Specifically, such an individual o .suie.s of .sIx. urticles reviewing the Convention appear in the Presidents summer financial aid for incoming The lead item among the three would have to have complctcd 96 legislation thut will he considered (II Commission grouping, leaving only studcnttathletes, increases in initial academics proposals is a repeat semester units or 144 quarter units the 84th annual NCAA Convention three amendments in the academics grants in Division I-A football and from last year. The Big West Con- toward a sprclfic dcgrec to regain January 7-10 in Dullas. This install- section and I I in the financial aid the Pell Grant proposal. fcrence has resubmitted its proposal the fourth year of eligibihty. ment covers the proposuls in the grouping. But that does not mean the aca- to permit nonqualificrs and partial ademits and financiul aid group- The Commission’s grouping- demics and financial aid sections qualifiers in Division I to earn a That proposal was defeated by ings.) rrviewcd in the Novrmber 27 issue are bereft of controversial proposals. fourth season of eligibility for ath the Division I voters last January, of The NCAA News pulls out the The first proposal m each grouping letics if they are ctosc to earning a I35 to 179, with two abstentions. It Most of the major lcgislativc prop- legislation dealing with 19X9 Con- is likely to generate considcrahle degree at the start of their fifth was a rolllcall vote that time but is osals dealing with academics and vcntion Proposal No. 42, manda- Convention discussion. academic year 01’ enrollment. See Finanr ial. puKe 3 Green chairs Official Notice has been mailed The Official Notice of the 1990 in the oral report of the Council to given. The Convention will dscidc Commission’s NCAA Convention was rnailed the Convention during the opening hy majority vote of the ehgiblc from the national office November business session .lanuary 7. Accept voters whether to incorporate any 29, as mandated by the NC‘AA ante ot that report will constitute interpretation challenged in that Division II constitution. approval of the incorporation of manner. Asa N. Green, president of I.iv- Included in the publication is all thcsc interpretations in the Manual. Interpretation requests mgston University, has been chosen of the legislation submitted for ac If a Convention dctegatc objects For the third year, the publication by the Division II members of the tion at the Convention in accordance to inclusion of a particular intcrpre- offers an opportunity to mcmbcrs NCAA Presidents Commission to with the November I submission tation, that objection should hc to request, in advance of the Con- serve as chair of the Commission’s deadline. raised when the Council report is See Ojjk~iul. puge 2 Division II subcommittee for 1990 The Official Notice is sent to the and 1991. chief executive officer, faculty ath- Green was the only candidate tetics representative, athletics direc- nominated by the Division II Lower-rated conferences tor and senior woman administrator members in a process conducted by of athletics programs at each active mail. Balloting for new chairs of the member institution, as well as to Divisions I and 111 subcommittees could earn play-off spot member conferences and affiliated is under way. Those elected will join The NCAA Division 1 Men’s merit’s current format-64 teams, members. Green and Martin A. Massengale, Basketball Committee has recom- 30 automatic qualifiers and 34 at- Asa N. Green Included in the copy sent to the chancellor of the llniversity of Ne- mended a process whereby, when large teams will remain in effect CEO is the form to be used m braska, Lincoln, recently reelected more than 30 conferences qualify 1986. appointing delegates to the Con- as chair of the Commission, as the for automatic qualification to the The only other CEO to serve in vention. Only the chief executive group’s executive committee. Division I Men’s Basketball Cham- Division I Men& both capacities was Kenneth J. officer can make those appoint- The Livingston president will re- pionship, the regular-season cham- Weller, Central Collcgc (Iowa), who ments. The 144page book also con- Basketball place Thomas A. Bond as Division pion from the lowest-rated was NCAA Divsion III vice-prcsii tains instructions regarding the I I subcommittee chair at the end of conferences would “play in” to the Committee dent in I983 and the Commission’s appointment of delegates, as well as the 1990 NCAA Convention in Jan- first round of the basketball cham- Division Ill chair in 1984 and 1985. explanations of other NCAA Con- recommendation uary. Bond was clccted Division 11 pionship. Green is completing his second vention procedures. chair while president at Clarion year as a member of the Commrs- The basketball committee’s rec- would take effect in University of Penns+nia and assumed sion. He was a member of the New feature ommendation, which came out of 1991 the presidency at Eastern New Mex- NCAA Council from 19X3 through A new feature in the Notice this its November 27-29 meeting in lndii ico University this pa%t summer. 1986 and currently serves as a year is a compilation of past inter- anapolis, will be considered by the through the t 998 tournament. In Green will become the second member of the NCAA Committee pretations that the Legislative Kc- Division I Championships and Ex- 199 I, 3 t conferences will be eligible president in the six-year history of on Review and Planning, a group view Committee has approved for ecutive Committees at their Decem- for the 30 automatic berths; 32 will the Commission to serve as both an composed primarily of past NCAA inclusion in the 1990-91 NCAA ber 34 meetings. be eligible in 1992. NCAA officer and subsequently as officers. In 1983, he was a member Manual. The NCAA Council also Each year, the basketball com- a Commission officer. He was of the ad hoc committee that drafted has approved such inclusion. The NCAA Executive Committee mittee, using the NCAA’s Rating NCAA Division II vice-president in See Green. page 2 This procedure will be referenced previously agreed that the tourna- See Lower-rut&. page IO 2 THE NCAA NEWS/December 4.1980 Fall Continued from page I 1989 season with a career-high 13 Kerri Tashiro enrolled in UC lrvinc’s graduate goals. He is a two-time Big East An all-America in 1987 and 1989, school of management. Conference southern division player Tashiro led Colorado College to the A frequent speaker at elementary of the year and was a member of the finals of the 1989 Division I Worn- and high schools, Duplanty is active Big East all-tournament team. He en’s Soccer Championship and was in Special Olympics. A four-time was selected most valuable player in named to the all-tournament team. Big West Conference scholarath- I988 by Soccer America magazine. In 1989, she scored I6 goals in 20 Iete, he has worked as a volunteer in An academic all-America, O’KeUy games, including seven winning 1JC Irvme’s sports-medicine depart- maintained a 3.670 grade-point av- goals. ment and sports-marketing office. erage while earning a degree in An academic all-America, she He is the athlete representative for finance at Scton Hall. He is a mem- has maintained a 3.570 grade-point United States Water Polo Inc. ber of the finance and Irish clubs. average while earning a biology/ John Jackson He works at summer soccer clinics.
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