02 Chapter 1 Introduction Monaghan County Development Plan 2007 - 2013 01 Chapter 01 Introduction 'Every planning authority shall every six years make a development plan' 03 The Monaghan County Development Plan builds on a Western Region as defined under the National Spatial review of the previous Plan which has guided development Strategy (NSS). It is one of three Ulster Counties bordering in the county for the last six years. Since the adoption of the with Northern Ireland.The county shares 108 miles of border County Development Plan in 1999, Local Area Plans were with Northern Ireland,giving the county the longest share of adopted for nine villages – Ballinode, Glaslough, Scotstown, border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of all Threemilehouse, Smithboro, Emyvale, Newbliss, Rockcorry southern counties. and Inniskeen in 2002. Monaghan is one the country's landlocked counties, The review of the development plan has taken into account characterised by rolling drumlin hills and wetlands, its recent key development trends and national, regional and topography having been shaped during the last Ice Age. It local policy developments. contains 129,093 acres of land or 1.9% of the total area of the Republic of Ireland.Of this total, 69% of the area is dedicated This plan provides a vision and outlook for the future devel- to agriculture (mainly grassland), 4% to forestry and 1.7% opment of the county up to 2013 with a longer term view covered by lakes. There are five major towns in the county: also taken beyond 2013. Monaghan, Carrickmacross, Castleblayney, Clones and Ballybay. Monaghan however remains a predominantly 1.1 Background Summary rural county with approximately 23% of its population living in population centres of over 1000 people. County Monaghan is located in the Border, Midlands and Writers Centre, Inniskeen 04 Chapter 1 Introduction Monaghan County Development Plan 2007 - 2013 01 1.2 Legal Basis This Monaghan County Development Plan 2007 – 2013 is Section 9 (1) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 unique in that it is the first plan for the County to be pre- states that: pared under the Planning and Development Act, 2000. It is 'Every planning authority shall every six years make a also unique in that it is the first time that the County development plan' Development Plan has been prepared concurrently with the Urban Development Plans for the towns of Monaghan, The elected members of the Council adopted the Carrickmacross, Castleblayney, Clones and Ballybay. Monaghan County Development Plan 1999 and Ballybay Town Development Plan 1999 in April 1999. These plans 1.2.1 Content of Development Plan incorporated the aims, objectives, policies and guidelines of the County Council to provide for the proper planning and Section 10 of the Act prescribes the content of the Plan. sustainable development of County Monaghan and the town of Ballybay (Ballybay although designated as a town It states that a Development Plan must: council in the Local Government 2001 Act, is not a planning authority for its functional area). Be consistent, in so far as possible, with national plans, policies and strategies which relate to proper planning The Town Development Plans for Carrickmacross, and sustainable development Castleblayney, Clones and Monaghan towns were adopted by their retrospective Town Councils, as individual planning It also states that development plans must also include authorities, between 1999 and 2001. the following objectives: i) The zoning of land in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. (ii) The provision and facilitation of infrastructure, including transport, energy, and communication facilities, water supplies, waste recovery and disposal facilities (iii) The conservation and protection of the environment, including the archaeological and natural heritage (iv) The integration of the planning and sustainable development of the county with the social, community and cultural requirements of the area and its population (v) The preservation of the character of the landscape, including the preservation of views and prospects, and the amenities of places and features of natural beauty and interest (vi) The protection of structures of architectural,historical, Archeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest (vi) The protection of structures of architectural,historical, Archeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest (vii) The preservation of the character of architectural conservation areas (viii) The development and renewal of areas in need of regeneration (ix) The provision of accommodation for travellers (x) The preservation, improvement and extension of amenities and recreational amenities (xi) The provision or facilitation of the provision, of services for the community, in particular, schools, creches and other education and childcare facilities 05 This Plan consists of a written statement and maps. The for their consideration. Members have eight weeks to zoning maps give a graphic representation of the pro- consider the Plan as submitted before adopting or posals of the Plan and various objectives of the Council. amending it by resolution. They do not purport to be accurate survey maps, and should any conflict arise between the maps and the 1.2.3 Making of a Development Plan statement, the statement shall prevail. 1.2.2 Preparation of Draft Development Plan Section 12 of the Act provides for the notification of the making of a Development Plan to the Minister, certain Section 11 of the Act outlines the process to be followed government departments, prescribed bodies, state in adopting a development plan. organisations and authorities and owners and occupiers The first stage requires: of proposed protected structures. The Draft Plan is placed on public display for a period of at least ten (i) The publication of a notice of intention to review weeks, during which further submissions may be the current plan and make a new plan received from the public and interested parties. (ii) The serving of this notice on the Minister, certain Within twenty-two weeks of the notification, following government departments, prescribed bodies, the period of public display of the Draft Plan, the state organisations and authorities Manager must prepare and present to the elected (iii) The invitation to all interested parties and the members, a report that contains: public to make submissions and observations (i) A list of the names of all persons or bodies that Monaghan County Council, together with made a submission on the Draft Plan Carrickmacross, Castleblayney, Clones and Monaghan Town Councils, invited submissions and observations (ii) A summary of the issues raised in the submissions from the public, from 19 October 2003 to 19 December 2003. In addition a public meeting, with a facilitator was (iii) His response to the issues raised, having regard to held in each of the five towns and a weekly drop-in the proper planning and sustainable clinic was held during this period. development of the area, statutory obligations and government policies and the original Following the period of consultation, the Manager must prepare a report that contains: directions of the elected members (i) a list of the names of all persons or bodies who Within twelve weeks the elected members must consider the Draft Plan and this report before adopting or made a submission amending the Draft Plan as the Development Plan. (ii) a summary of the issues raised in the submissions If members propose an amendment that is a material (iii) his opinion of the issues raised, having regard to alteration to the published Draft Plan,a further four week period of public display and consultation is required, the proper planning and sustainable together with a further report by the Manager on the development of the area, statutory obligations submissions received, before the Draft Plan is amended and government policies and adopted as a Development Plan, by resolution. Within sixteen weeks of the closure of the consultation period, this report must be presented to the elected members of the planning authority for their considera- tion. Members have ten weeks to issue their directions to the Manager on the preparation of the Development Plan. The Manager shall then, within twelve weeks, prepare a Development Plan and submit it to the elected members 06 Chapter 1 Introduction Monaghan County Development Plan 2007 - 2013 01 Sustainable Development 2001-2012 identified a shared vision for the county as "an inclusive, outward-looking, progressive county, which enjoys a diverse, vibrant economy, a sustainable 1.3 Principles of Sustainable Development environment and a high quality of life for all" In preparing and making a Development Plan, the Local Agenda 21 and sustainable development is now Planning and Development Act, 2000 requires that woven into the fabric of local government. The elected members must have regard to the proper development of the County Development Boards and 1 planning and sustainable development of the area. partnership approach provide the mechanisms for public participation and inclusion in local government. Sustainability is the key concept in planning, merging The Development Plan is the main instrument for the the social, economic and environmental aspects of regulation and control of physical planning and society to protect the quality of life. The maintenance of development. The policies and actions identified within a balance between human activity, economic activity the plan must concur with the principles of sustainable and the environment is critical to provide for the future development to insure that the total costs of needs of society. The challenge of sustainable development, economic, social and environmental are development is to improve the quality of life of all accounted for. citizens while maintaining a rich and diverse environment, to provide for economic and social activity In order to maintain and develop good quality of life for whilst protecting our natural resources. all, proper long-term economic and social development must account for our natural and built resources.
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