LENIN AND COLLECTIVE SECURITY AN EDITO RIAL Lessons of the New York Elections CHARLES KR U MBE 1N Unicameral Legislature in Nebraska E. RlCHARDS Woman's Place in the People's Front MARGARET COWL Marxism-Leninism for Society and Science V. .J. JEROME The Akron Municipal Elections .JAMES KELLER For a Free, Happy, and Prosperous South FRANCIS FRANKLIN ALEX BITTELMAN on L eninism nnd thr' PeojJle's Fmnt LENIN MEMORIAL ISSUE TWENTY CENTS Readings fo:r Lenin Memorial Day READ AND DISTRIBUTE THE EVE OF OCTOBER, by V. I. Lenin .05 STATE AND REVOLUTION, by V.I. Lenin. .10 LENIN AND SPAIN, by Et~rl Browder . .0 I A LETTER TO AMERICAN WORKERS, by V. I. Lenin .03 "LEFT-WING" COMMUNISM: AN INFANTILE DISORDER by V. I. Lenin . .25 LENIN SPEAKS TO THE YOUTH . .03 LENIN ON THE JEWISH QUESTION • .05 FOUNDATIONS OF LENINISM, by Joseph Stalin . .10 TROTSKYISM AGAINST WORLD PEACE, by Et~rl Browder .01 TROTSKY THE TRAITOR, by Alex Bittelmt~n .03 THE LENIN HERITAGE, by Joseph Stalin . .03 THE FOUNDATION OF THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL by V. I. Lenin • .10 THE NEW SOVIET CONSTITUTION, complete .10 LENIN, by Joseph Stalin . .10 HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 1.25 Edited by Gorky, Molotov, Voroshilov, Kirov, Zhdanov and Stalin • WORKERS LIBRARY PUBLISHERS P. 0. Box 148, Sta. D New York City VOL. XVII, No. 1. JANUARY, 1938 7he COMMUNIST A MAGAZINE OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MARXISM-LENINISM PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE U.S.A. EDITORS: EARL BROWDER, ALEX BITTELMAN, Y. ]. JEROME CONTENTS Review of the Month A. B. 3 Lenin and Collective Security AN EDITORIAL 17 Lessons of the New York Elections CHARLES KRUMBEIN 29 The Akron Municipal Elections JAMES KELLER 40 Woman's Place in the People's Front MARGARET COWL 46 Unicameral Legislature in Nebraska E. RICHARDS • 54 For a Free, Happy and Prosperous South FRANCIS FRANKLIN 62 Marxism-Leninism for Society and Science V. J. JEROME 7.? Book Reviews GRANVILLE HICKS HSIAO CHEN-KWAN 92 Entered as second class matter November 2, I927, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March :J, z879. Send checks, money orders and correspondence to THE CoMMUNIST, P. 0. Box z48, Sta. D (50 E. I]th St.), New York. Subscription rates: $2.00 a year; $z.oo for six months; foreign and Canada $2.50 a year. Single copies 20 cents. PRIJfTKD Ilf U.s.A. .... 209 V.I. LENIN V. I. LENIN REVIEW OF THE MONTH Lenin Memorial Days Are Here. The Bolshevik JiVay Versus the Social-Demo­ cratic Way. A Balance Sheet of History. Leninism and the People's Front. Our Tactics Serve Our Strategy. Big Business Demands Capitulation. Monopoly Sabotage Precipitates Entry Into New Economic Crisis. People's Ultimatum. Break Monopoly Sabotage and Save Masses From New Eco­ nomic Disaster. Political Strategy of Reaction and the Crisis. A New Reactionary Coalition and Its Program. Liberty League in Different Guise. Systems and Individuals. Timeliness of Communist Proposals. Labor and Farmer Get Together. A Significant Agreement. Build Farmers' Union. Small Farmer Must Become More Articulate. Soviet Elections Demonstrate Higher Type of Democracy. Camp of Peace Strengthened. Dewey Serves Trotsky and Trotsky Serves Hitler. Japanese Aggression and O'Connell's Resolution. Reminders on Recruiting Drive. T ENIN memorial days are here. "Leninism grew up and assumed definite L It is fourteen years since Lenin form under the conditions of imperialism, at died-January 21, 1924. But Lenin's the time when the contradictions of capi­ talism had reached a most acute stage, when teachings are more alive than ever, the proletarian revolution had become an and the army of Leninism is growing· immediate practical question, when the. old day by day. period of preparation of the working class Leninism, said Stalin, is the Marx­ for the revolution had reached and grown ism of the imperialist era. This meant into a new period of direct onslaught against capitalism." • that Lenin rescued the revolutionary substance of Marxism from all op­ This is how Bolshevism was born. portunist distortions and dilutions at leading to victory over capitalism the the hands of the reactionary leaders of working class and its allies on one­ the Second (Socialist) International. sixth of the earth. This is how the Lenin brought Marxism back to life as class' struggle in all capitalist countries the scientific theory and practice of was given a fresh impetus and a new revolutionary socialism. This meant turn. And particularly since the vic­ further that Lenin continued and de­ tory of the great October Socialist veloped Marxism to explain the na­ Revolution in 1917, this is how the ture of the new period and to meet class-conscious workers of all capital­ the tasks which this period placed ist countries have been set consciouslv before the working class of all coun­ on the path of preparation for the tries Of this new period Stalin said: • Joseph Stalin, Foundation of Leninism, p. 11. International Publishers, New York. 4 THE COMMUNIST "direct onslaught against capitalism." And what does it total up to? The It is a difficult path and by no means way of Lenin led to the triumph of a straight one. But it is the only one socialism and true democracy. The to the liberation from capitalism-to way of the reactionary leaders of So­ freedom, security and happiness. cial-Democracy led to fascism. Is there In the years immediately following any doubt about that today? None the first world imperialist war, the whatever. The collaboration of these toiling masses of the world were in reactionary leaders of Social-Democ­ a most advantageous position for a racy with the bourgeoisie paved the final and victorious struggle against way for fascism, made possible its vic­ capitalist and imperialist domination. tory, prepared the destruction of the Leninism pointed the way to victory. very bourgeois democracy in whose And victory it ·was in the former em­ name these leaders were suppressing pire of the tsar where the Party of the revolutionary movements of the Lenin and Stalin was leading · the proletariat. working class and with it-all toilers. Surely, the Lenin way was a difficult A victory which was finally crowned one and also a costly one. But what with the completion and triumph of about the cost to the masses of restor­ the socialist system, with the most ing post-war capitalism? What about genuine democracy and only real the cost of fascism? What about the freedom for the people as embodied in cost of the fascist wars against Spain the great Staliri Constitution. and China? And who has measured Had the working class of Germany, fully the cost of the crisis of 1929- Austria and Hungary been successful 1932? And the cost of a new economic in establishing firmly the power of crisis threatening us now? Finally, the the Soviets, which were set up in those cost of a new world war to which im­ countries in 1918 during the months perialism and fascism are driving­ of revolutionary upheaval, Europe to­ who has measured the cost of that to day would he socialist. But the reac­ the toiling masses? tionary leaders of Social-Democracy, The balance sheet of history speaks in whom the masses still had confi­ for itself. It speaks for the truth and dence, joined hands with the bour­ vitality of Leninism, for its eventual geoisie to save capitalism, to debauch triumph everywhere, for the greatness and suppress the revolutionary move­ of the genius of the man Lenin who ment of the masses. This was done by showed the masses the road to free­ means of "reforms," by false prom­ dom and happiness, for the greatness ises, by terroristic attacks upon the of the genius of the man Stalin who advanced sections of the working so wonderfully continues and develops class (remember: Noske and Severing), further the cause and teachings of by frightening the masses with the Lenin. "costliness" and "difficulties" of the It may not be apparent at first Leninist and Bolshevik way. glance how Leninism guides the Now, fourteen years after Lenin's struggle of the masses today against death, the peoples of the world have fascism and war, how the present-day before them a balance sheet of history. fight for the unity of the working class REVIEW OF THE MONTH 5 and for the People's Front bespeaks probed deeply into the fundamentals the vitality and truth of Leninism. of their position, but with results en­ That is why we must study Leninism tirely different from those arrived at and master Bolshevism. We must do by the Social-Democratic movement it for the sake of these very struggles from a re-evaluation of Social­ of today which prepare the basis for Democratic values. Not only did the final struggle of tomorrow. the Communists find the funda­ Only from the position of Lenin­ mentals of their position-Leninism- ism, with the help of its fundamental . valid and correct, but with the help teachings, was it possible to discover of these fundamentals they were able the correct and effective answer to to formulate an effective policy of the menace of fascism and war in the struggle against fascism, the united present world situation. This, too, is and People's Front, which almost al an historic fact. Faced with the com­ once was accepted and put to life by ing of fascism to power in several big large masses in France, Spain and capitalist countries, which the reac­ China with very great success, and tionary leaders of Social-Democracy which has been gaining adherence and helped to bring about, Social-Democ­ support from the masses of the peo­ racy as a whole was floundering and ples all over the world ever since.
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