Il il ti iJ L] LI il ll Li i._l k I I Table of Contents I 1999 Salt Lake City Watershed Master plan I CHAPTER l lztroduction .........1 rNrRoDUCrroN ... i PLANNINGPROCESS.... ...,.....1 T DESTRED FUTURE coNDrrroN . t CIIAPTER 2 Watersheil Characteristics anil llses ............5 I CHARA.TERI'TI.S AND USE' 'ATERSHED CANYON-BY€ANYON CHARACTERISTICS AND USES .. , . 5 I A. City Creek Canyon . I' B. Red Butte Canyon . .......6 C. Emigration Canyon ..... t a D. Parleys Canyon . ... ..... T E. Millcreek Canyon .. C I F. Big Cottonwood Canyon ............. g G. Little Cottonwood Canyon . u WATERQUALTTY .. ..... 11 I BACKGROUND 4 DATA CONTAMINANT INDICATORS,SOURCEg AND FATE . ..,... .,. 11 COLIFORMBACTERIA I .... 11 SOURCES AND FATE OF TOTAL COLIFORM BACTERIA . ,.. L2 SOURCES AND FATE OF FECAL COLIFORM BACTERIA . , , . 13 I NUTRIENTS A NITROGENSOURCESAND FATE .. ......., . !4 I PHOSPHOROUSSOURCESANDFATE.. 15 TURBIDITY .. -. 15 METAI.SSOURCESANDFATE T ... 16 WATER QUALITY DATA INVENTORY . 7.7 COLIFORMBACTERIA .... i t WATERTREATMENTPLANTINTAKECOLIFORMDATA. ..... 17 WATERSHEDCOLIFORMDATA E WATERCHEMISTRYDATA I ........ 19 CREEKFLOWDATA... 19 ANALYSIS ...... 20 I CoLIFORM ....... n I Page i I I TREATMENT PLANT RAW WATER INTAKE TOTAL COLIFORM DATA . 21 I WATERSHEDCOLIFORMDATA . i NUTRIENTSANDTURBIDITY ............23 DISSOLVED METAIS & PHYSICAL DATA 4 t SUMMARYANDCONCLUSIONS..... ..... 24 I CIIAPTER 3 Watersheil lurtsdiction anil Ozonerchip . ........ 29 WATERSHEDJURISDICTIONANDOWNERSHIP ..... P A.SALTLAKECITYWATERSHEDAUTHORITY .......29 I 1. Utah Constitution ,2 2. State l.egislation ...........30 I 3. Federal Legisl,ation . !1 4. SaIt Lake City Watershed Ordin.mces .. ....... 31 B.SALTLAIGCOUNryLAND-USECONTROTS .. ............ 32 I 1. Zoning A 2. Site Plan Approval .. .... .. 34 I C.SALTLAKECITY{OUNTYHEALTH DEPARTMENT, ....... 35 D. USDAFORESTSERVICE 35 1. Forest Management and Planning ... ......,,. 36 I 2. Coordination with Salt Lake City E E. METROIIOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SALT LAKE CIry . 39 t F.TOWNOFALTA P G.SANDYCITY ...,.......40 H. JORDANVALLEY WATERCONSERVANCY DISTRICT . .... .. .. & I I. OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES . 4 J. MAJOR PLANS AND STUDIES INTHE CANYONWATERSHED AREA . 43 I 1. Wasatch4ache National Forest Land and Resource Managenrent Plan ... ...... 43 2. Salt Lake City Watershed Management Plan, 1988 ... ............ 43 T 3. Salt Lake County Planning Division Plans and Studies ........... M K.LANDOWNERSHIPSTATUS ... 45 I 1. City Creek Canyon . ............45 2. Red ButteCanyon & 3. Emigration Canyon . t 4. ParleysCanyon .. A 5. Millcreek Canyon ..... .....48 I 6. Neffs Canyon 49 7. Big Cottonwood Canyon ............ r18 t Page ii I I I I 8. Little Cottonwood Canyon. ..........49 L. LAND EXCHANGE . .- . .. 50 M. PUBLIC UTILITIES WATER RIGHTS AND WATERSHED PURCHASE I ........50 I CIIAPTER 4 Changes in the Watercheil ........,.,. 53 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES SINCE THE 1988 WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PLAN 53 A.LITTLEDELLRESERVOIR E I B. GROWTH ON THE EASTERN EDGE OF THE WATERSHED . ., . 53 I CIIAPTER 5 Recontmenilations ...., .....Ss TNTRODUCTION ..... 55 A. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW POLICY . .. .. 55 I B. WATERSHED EDUCATION Y 1. Watershed Education . .,.,,52 I 2. Current watershed signage is not effective in linking hurrran activities to impacts on water quality ,......61 3, Maintenance of existing partrcfships ... ....... 63 I 4. Lack of parhrerships to aide in watershed education efforts. ...... 64 C. DISPERSEDRECREATION A I 1. Dispersed recreation may adversely impact water quality, . ....... 64 2. Facility (restrooms, parking lots, picnic and camping sites) avaitability, operatior! location, and maintenance may impact water I quality. ....... 67 3, Mountain biking off tra;ls or on trails that are not designed for I mountain biking contributes to watershed degradation. 62 4. Unexpected fufure recreation activities/trends must be addressed. 69 D. LAND USE/COMMERCIAL AND RESTDENTiAL DEVELOPMENT . 69 I 1. Commercial development in the watershed may impact water quality. .. ....... 69 2. There is a lack of inspectors to monitor all development issues. 73 I E.LANDUSE/MINING. ...........74 1. Mining activities may impact water quality. ............74 I F.LANDUSE/GRAZING... ........76 1. Grazing in the watershed. re I G.LANDACQUISITION ............76 1. Increase funding of the Public Ut ities Watershed and Water Rights t PurchaseFund. ...,....76 I I I 2. Use of Innovative Land Use Control Strategies. ......... T7 I H. WATERRIGHTS .... ........., ,79 1. Protection of cu:rent water rights. ........79 2, Acquisition of water stock. ..........7g I 3. Irrigation Exchange Contracts. .,..... g0 4. Currently not ut:lizing Millcreek as a culinary source of water . - . 80 I 5. Water conservation. .......g0 I. PARTNERSHIPS .... 81 1. Maintain existing parbrerships. ...... ..,....., gL t 2. Form new partnerships, .. .........,. g2 3. Lack of parbrerships to further augment watershed management . gS I J. CANYON GARBAGE DISPOSAL AND OTHER SERVICES . 84 1. Current garbage disposal may affect water quality. g4 K.WATERQUALIry... ............85 I 1. Water quality monitoring. ...........8S 2. Water qua_lity in the watershed ........ C6 I 3. Zoning regulations. ...... gg 4.Watershedprotection/enforcement ............ g9 L.FIREMANAGEMENTPLAN ......90 I CANYONBYCANYONRECOMMENDATIONS .,... gI I A. CITYCREEKCANYON .......... 91 1. City Creek Master Plan ..... 97 2. Funding of City Creek Canyon ....... gz I 3. Construction of an amphitheater ...... 92 4. Altemate bike and car days ..........93 t B.REDBUTTECANYON . ..........93 1. Canyon Management . ......93 2. Increasein dogs and trespassers ...... ........94 I B.EMIGRATIONCANYON .........94 1. Relatively Poor Water euality ........94 I 2. Access to Red Butte Canyon . ...... 95 D.PARLEYSCANYON . ............95 1. Management of Little Dell Reservoir ..... .....95 I 2. Management of Mountain Dell Golf Course .. , . .. ,,.. 96 3. City picnic facilities in Affleck Park .. ......... 96 I 4. Fishing regulations . ....... gz E.MILLCREEKCANYON .,,......,.97 1. Current poliry goveming dogs and horses in the canyon . , , . 97 I I I I I F.BIGCOTTONWOODCANYON ............98 1. Dog permit system . .....98 2. Road management . ...........9E I 3, Back country permits . ......99 4. Skiing Interconnect . 99 I 5. Guardsman Pass .. ........p G.LITTLECOTTOI\WOODCANYON .......100 1. Town of Alta's dog permit system ... ........ 1@ I 2. Dog permit system . .....100 3. Road rnanagement ........101 I 4. Back Country Permits . ..... i.01 5. Skiing htercormect . ...........102 I ENDNOTES ....103 I APPENDD(A References . .. - - luJ I APPENDD(B Existing Docunrents Relating to the Plan Area . .....IO7 I APPENDD(C List of Preparers .........109 I BEARWESTCONSULTINGTEAM..... ,..,,1O' HANSENALLEN&LUCEINC. ....109 I PUBLICAGENCYWORKINGGROUP ...... .. 1q9 SALTLAKECITYDEPARTMENTOFPUBLICUTILITIES. ...... 110 SALT I/.KE CITY PUBLIC UTILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE . 110 t SALTLAKECITYPLANNINGCOMMISSION ....,...110 SALTLAKECITYCOUNCIL Ul I APPENDD(D I Summary of Public Comments and Responses ...... ......... 113 APPENDXE I 1991 Canyon Surplus Water Sales Ordinance ......... 139 APPENDD( F I Salt Lake City/US Forest Service Memorandum of Underst"oding . 747 I Page v I t APPENDIXG t Average Daily Traffic in the Watershed . 147 APPENDD(H I Housing Units in The Plan Area ..... L49 APPENDD(I I Glossary .... .. 1S3 I APPENDIXJ Water Quality Data .... ..........1.52 I Tables Table 1 I Fecal Coliform Contribution Per Capita From Hunan Beings And Some Admats ........13 I Table 2 Heavy Metals ............16 Table 3 I Treatment Plant Intake Coliform Period of Record . 1g Table 4 I Watershed Coliform Sampling Locations . ............ 1g Table 5 Total Coliforrn Statistics Summary ........... 20 I Table 6 Treatment Plant Raw Water Total Coliform I Years With Significantly Higher Means . .....27 Table 7 Watershed Data Total Coliforn Years Wilh T Significantly Higher Means ........22 Table 8 I Grab Sample Ammonia Data Above 4day Average 3a Use Standards .........23 Table 9 I Dissolved Metals And Physical Data Exceedences of State Water Quality Standards For 3a Cold Water Fishery Use Classification ..........24 I Table 10 Area-wide Ownership .....45 t Page vi I I I I Table 11 City Creek Canyon l,and Ownership ........46 t Table 12 Red Butte Canyon Land Ovvnership ......... 46 Table 13 I Enrigration Canyon Land O*'nership . ...,.47 Table 14 Parleys Canyon Land Ownership . 4T I Table 15 Millcreek Canyon Land Ownership ..........118 I Table 16 Neffs Canyon Land Ownership .....48 Table 17 I Big Cottonwood Canyon Land Or+'nership ............ 49 Table 18 I Little Cottonwood Canyon Land Ownership ..........4g I I I I I I I I I I Page I I I I CHAPTER 1 I lntroduction I INTRODUCTION The seven major canyons of the Wasatch Mountains, on the east side of the SaIt Lake I Valley, provide a high quality water source for approximately 400,000 people. The Salt Lake City Watershed Management Plan (L988 Watershed Management Plan) was formulated in 1988 to protect this valuable watershed. The Salt l,ake City Department of I Public Ut ities (Public Utilities), and other affected jurisdictional parties, are seeking to proactively manage this watershed by addressing issues that have arisen since the 1988 T Watershed Management Plan. To accomplish this, a planning process was initiated to develop the Salt Lake City Watershed Management Plan'99 (99 Wabrshed Plan). I The area encompassed by the'99Watershed Plan includes the seven major canyons of the Wasatch Mountain Range (the Wasatch Canyons),
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