,_ ~ ~0 rn () .J rl Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Sport, Arts and C ulture Annual Performance Plan \ 1U SEUMS or ~O ll 111 MRl(J\ 2019 - 2020 J---. ~ ~ '" ·' ·; ntati·on ...... ,,J •• ----"'~ ....... --- Slide# 1. Introductions 3-4 2. Museum Definition 5 3. Background 6-7 4. DMSA Mandate 8 5. Vision, Mission & Values 9 6. DMSA Museums: Overview 10 7. National Museum of Cultural History 11 -19 8. National Museum of Military History 20-21 9. National Museum of Natural History 22-25 10. Performance Highlights 26-32 11. Governance 33-36 12. 2019 /20 Annual Performance Plan 37-52 13. Organizational Performance 53-56 14. Financial Overview 57-60 15. Human Capital Management 61 -62 16. Other Matters 63-68 17. Annexures A - E 69-78 - .. I t oduci g D NG ....... ,., ._._4•-·· ,,,..,,,., Dr Len Konar Karabo Rapoo Deputy Chairperson Yvunne Mashilela Dr Mbongeni Mdletye Chairperson Member: Audit Com Chairperson HRRem Com Chairperson Core Com Leanda Vifakazi Gr~gory Ontong Vuyokazi Menye Adv. Lufuno Nevondwe Member: Core Com Member: Core Com Member: Audit Member: HRRem Com Com NG Introducing DMSA Executive Management "'tt\t t1\f\ '" t Olltll \fll.h, _..._,,,··--···· __ From left to right: Dr Moleboheng Mohapi (Director: NMNH). Tersia Perregil (NMNH). Kennedy Kaposa (CFO), Annabell Lebethe (CEO). Dr Noel Solani (Director: NMCHJ, Sandi Mackenzie (Director: NMMH) M seu D fin it· on Ul\11'\l\llf \1Jlltll \Ult.\ The International Council of Museums {I COM) defines a museum as: "a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the t ngible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environ ent fi r the purposes f education, study and enjoyment." Background l\1 ''''" t ' I 'U Hit ~: ( .. _, ... _,.._ ... _. - Ditsong M useums of South Africa was formerly the Northern Flagship Institution (N FI); was established foll owing the adoption of the White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage in 1998, and became a cultural institution in April 1999 through the Cultural Institutions Act, 1998 (N o. 11 9 of 1998); is an amalgamation of 8 museums, made up of 3 main museums and 5 historical sites; In 2010, the NFI w as renamed Ditsong Museums of South Africa; has approximately Smillion heritage assets in 84 collections; core business enta ils exhibitions, public programmes and research. NG D SA Mandate l ~l\ \ h• I iot t I ' fl • · ( ' #.. ..,.. ,..,,_ ~"\_....... .... DMSA's mandate, as informed by the Cultural Institutions Act 1998 (No 119 of 1998 as amended), is: • Keep a proper record of the property of Raise funds for the institution. the declared institution, to submit to the Director-General any returns required by him or her in regard thereto an to cause • Hold, preserve and safeguard all movable proper books of account to be kept and immovable property of whatever kind placed in the care of or loaned or belonging Receive, hold preserve and safeguard all to the declared institution concerned. specimens, collections or other movable property placed under its care and Formulate policy management under section 10( l) • Manage and control the moneys received by • Determine, subject to the Act, and with the the declared institution, and to utilise those approval of the Minister, the objectives of moneys for defraying expenses in connection the declared institution with the performance of its function Generally carry out the objects of the declared institution. 0 Vision, Mission & Value I I \ HI \11 h .. ,., 1•• ­ "-• ... - ....... Vision Sustainable museums accessible to all. Mission To transform DITSONG into a catalyst for nation building, social cohesion, cultural diversity and socio-economic development. Values Accountability Excellence Professionalism Integrity Teamwork Ubuntu e. • DMSA s ms: 0 1ew 6.1 11\I ~ !\.I \ fl I '\I I• 11 I .,If ..::.--:.: .. ... National Muse ums - 4. Sammy Marks Museum - T ·- - \ - 5. Paul Kruger Museum - - - - 1. CULTURAL HISTORY MUSEUM -- - - - i.- 6. Pioneer Museum . - "-- 7. Willem Prinsloo Agricultural DMSA MUSEUMS - - - . - . ·-- - 2. NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM 8. Tswaing Meteorite Crater -· \ --- J - 3. MILITARY HISTORY MUSEUM 'I Site Muse ums @ C ltural History Museum (CHM) .__..,I\\\~ t\ 11' ~{ Ulll ' +\ The Museum seeks to be a window to the diversity of South African cultures. The museum, situated in Visagie Street, has permanent exhibitions, and hosts temporal exhibitions. Cultural History Museum also manages the following site museums: Kruger Museum, Pioneer Museum. Sa mmy Marks Museum, Willem Prinsloo Agricultural Museum, and Cultural H~story useum: Exhibitions ·hJ\I 1\\4._ 01 \110111 \lkh ' The San Hunter Gatherers Schroda Figurine Exhibition - { 1000 yr. old original c la y artefacts excava ted in 1974 ) Marabastad Exhibition (a fully integrated SA before apartheid) Illustration (a): Marabastad Exhibition Dipitsa ke Bophelo Exhibition {an exhibition on Pottery) National Symbols a nd Orders Poisoned Pasts Exhibition Objects with stories exhibition Women in the Arts Exhibition Alf Kumalo Photographic Exhibition Illustration (b): Dipitsa ke Bophe/o Exhibition M US E U M~ or ><• Ul ll MKJ( ,\ '· 11<-.....\fl,· ''"'•4 ,.-H • HM Historica Si e use s Kruger Museum Pioneer Museum Sammy Marks Museum Willem Prinsloo Agricultural Museum NG CHM: Kruger Museum IJllSLU'15 OF SOUTll .\JRIC·\ ., .........,vt .. l~:,;.'t· "'""'"'' a.o. IC.. • The original home of President Paul Kruger. Built in 1884 with era specific contents, Illustration (a}: The entrance to Kruger House 9 The struggle for freedom from British imperialism. Journey to Europe and exile. • Exhibition of the Presidential funeral. Illustration (b}: The dining room Inside the Kruger House NG C M: Pi n er use m Mll HU M ~ 01 ~l)U lll Ml<I C'I .... ~ ' ·'•• ~·· J'.'"'. ,... ~ Illustration (a}: The 1sr Pioneer Farm house as well as the vegetable garden located at Pioneer Museum The House is Located on what was Thatched roof and earthen floors. formerly known as "Hartebeestpoort Furnished in the 19th Century rural style. farm". Vegetable garden, orchard, furnished The house was built between 1848-1853. wagon house and vineyard. • Built of clay and local materials. Tourists listen to pioneer stories over a cup of tea and homemade bread. NG CH : Sammy Marks seum \IU\lllM~ Of SOUt H .\I kl(I\ .. ,...... ,.-1#• o.•.- . -r1tA~X·i1.u,r Illustration (a): The External elevation of the Victorian Mansion that belonged to Sammy Marks at the Museum Industrialist entrepreneur 1844- 1920. In Marc h 1989, the house was declared • Mining, industrial and agricultural a national monument. development in SA. • 983 of household contents originally Built a 40 room Victorian mansion where belong to the Marks family, with Bertha's he lived with his family from 1885 to 1909. formal rose gard en. C M: Willem Prinsl o Agricultural Museum M ll ~ (\1 \1~ 0 1 S O U Ill M k l t.I\ ..... q.lft-. :....,.... •.,..uo.-.a ., i Li&.• Illustration (a): Collection of tractors at the museum History of the development of Indigenous domesticdted farm animals: 1 agriculture in South Africa from the stone o Nguni and Afrikaner cattle age until 1945. o Colebrook pigs Collection of farming implements, o Painted Persian sheep tractors and animal-drawn vehicles o Indigenous chickens Historic farmyard from 1880 to 1920. NG CH . New develooments - ga on1e Alj\\ 11\h 11 ·o1l~ltH "' .I<..... ..... ._ ,, .......... - - JJ/ustration (a): The Exterior of gaMohle building: Cells were pass offenders were detained mm nm .mmu • Pre-feasibility has been conducted on The conversion will require funding and the conversion of Ga-Mohle into a fully relocating Head Office to a new fledged museum. location. The discussion will be carried • Ga-Mohle Building has been included in forward at the Core Functions the Tshwane Liberation Heritage. Committee. The History of gaMohle Officially known as the former Bantu Commissioner's Office and unofficially as gaMohle {'the beautiful place') and lnyoni ('the place of birds'). It played a key role in administering apartheid and pre-apartheid legislation in the City. It served as a court with jurisdiction over the administration and enforcement of civil and criminal law, especially with regard to the residential rights of black people in the Pretoria urban area. Part of its functions included to enforce influx control and pass laws. Couples were also officially married at gaMohle. The building complex includes 4 cells in the backyard where individuals were kept in custody, for minor offences such as not carrying a pass book. NG Nat~ona useu f Military istory IJ\t lf\l\ fir '\1HltH I• ,,.,.~~ ... ~-"'· ... -~. The Ditsong: National Museum of Military History, situated in Saxonwold in Johannesburg, houses the only national collection of militaria, in the country. The valuable collection of nearly 60 000 mili1·ary items ranges from Numismatics (Coins and Medals), Vexillology (Flags} and Insignia (Badges), • large external exhibits such as the Aircraft, Armoured Vehicles and Artillery collections. Initially established as a memorial to those who died in the two World Wars of 1914 - 1918 and 1939 - 1945 by Field Marshal JC Smuts PC, OM, CH, DTD, ED, KC. The scope covered by the collections includes Edged Weapons from the late 18th century, Medals dating to The Artie Medal 1857, Objects from o the South African Border Wars ( 1966- 1990) and o The Struggle for Liberation ( 1948 - 1994) and o the more modern day South African participation in the United Nations peace k_eeping
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