KZIP(AM) -Sep 15, 1955: 1310 khz; 1 kw -D. c/o 814 KCSW(FM) --Listing follows KNOW(AM). Texas Radio W. 9th (79101). (806) 359 -8561. Del Norte Inc. (acq 11- 30 -84). Net: UPI. Rep: Masla. Format: Rock & roll. KHFI -FM- 1950: 98.3 mhz; 1.3 kw. Ant 420 ft. Stereo. Spec prog: Sp 4 hrs wkly. Dale Miller, prog & mus 1219 W. 6th St. (78703). (512) 474 -9233. Central dir; Jerry Hickman, chief engr. Rates: $15; 13; 15; - Texas Bcstg Inc. (acq 7- 25 -80). Rep: Christal. Format: Top -40. Richard Oppenheimer, pres; Chris Wegmann, gen mgr; Barbara Smith, gen sis mgr; KZZQ(FM) -March 11, 1976: 101.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Waylon Richards, prog & mus dir; Steve Nikazy, news Ballinger 730 ft. Stereo. 810 N. Pierce (79107). (806) 372-4444. dir; Warren Brown, chief engr. Rates: $170; 120; KRUN(AM )-August 1947: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- Charles Woods (acq 6- 25 -85). Group owner: Charles 160; 75. Woods Communications. Net: MBS. Format: Adult N. Box 351 (76821). (915) 365 -3544 & 754 -4136. contemp. Chris Bence, exec VP; David Swaim, stn Central West Bcstg Co. (acq 1- 1 -53). Net: Texas State. 1959: khz; 1 kw -D, 1018 mgr & mus dir; Rick McConnell, prog dir; Weldon Irian, KIXL(AM) -Aug 8, 970 DA. Rep: Milam Cowart. Format: Adult contemp, farm. chief engr. W. 11th (78703). (512) 477-9926. Austin Bcstg Corp. Spec prog: Sp 4 hrs wkly. Dean Smith, pres & gen Net: ABC /E. Format: Relg. Richard Oppenheimer, mgr; Jo Ann Barta, office & coml mgr; Pam Connor, pres & gen mgr; Gene Bender, coml mgr; Dave Jones, news dir; Lynn Smith, prog dir & chief engr. prog dir. Rates: $10; 10; 10; 10. Andrews KRUN -FM-August 1977: 103.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Format: KLBJ(AM) -1939: 590 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, DA -N. Stereo. Box 103 (76821). (915) 365-5500. KACT(AM )-Jan 12, 1955: 1360 khz; 1 kw-D. Drawer 910 Brazos (78701). (512) 474 -6543. The LBJ Co. C &W. Sue Barkley, gen mgr. 308 (79714). (806) 523 -2845. Zia Bcstg Co. (acq 5-25- (group owner; acq 1943). Net: CBS, MBS. Rep: East- 76). Net: Continental News Service. Rep: Paul Miller. man Radio. Format: Talk, news. Donald Thomas, Format: Reig, talk, C &W. Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly. pres; E.A.W. gen mgr; Martha Brewster, coml Lonnie Allwup, pres; Don Hightower, gen mgr; Smith, Bandera mgr; Frankie Rodriquez, prog dir; Mark Caesar, news Johnny Sharp, prog dir; Jimmy Davis, coml mgr; John dir; Bryan King, chief engr. KHLC(FM) 11, 1981: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Roberts, news dir; Randy Hays, chief engr. Rates: -July 998 Sidney Baker S., Kerrville (78028). (512) 796- $3.25; 3.25; 3.25; -. KLBJ -FM -1960: 93.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,725 ft. Prag 3033. Big Pine Bcstg Inc. (acq 7- 27 -84). Net: Tex State Net. Format: Adult contemp, MOR. Terry J. KACT -FM -1980: 105.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 210 ft. Box sep from AM. Stereo. Format: AOR. Kitzi Stenicka, Wineriter, pres, gen & gen sis mgr; John Lackness, 1907, Clovis, N.M. (88101). Format: Standard pops. gen sls mgr. prog & mus dir, prom mgr; Paul Hughey, news dir; Denny Pierz, chief engr. Rates: $14; 11.50; 14; 10. KMFA(FM)- January 1967: 89.5 mhz; 6.5 kw. Ant Anson 880 ft. Stereo. 3001 N. Lamar, Suite 100 (78705). (512) 476 -5632. Capitol Bcstg Assn. Format: Class. John KTCE(FM )-Not on air, target date unknown: 103.1 N. Eddins Jr, gen mgr; Leonard Masters, prog dir; Bastrop mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. 8336 South Fifth St., San Tom B. Morris, chief engr. KELG- FM-Not on air, target date unknown: 107.1 Joaquin, Calif. (93660). Lilly Amador. mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. 8118 Raintree Place, Austin KOKE(AM)-Aug 12, 1958: 1370 khz; 5 kw-D, 500 w- (78759). Longcrier Communications Inc. N. DA -2. Box 1208 (78767). (512) 454 -2682. KOKE Arlington Inc. (acq 8-63). Net: Span Info Svc. Rep: Caballero. Format: Sp. Jim Ray, gen mgr; Scott Gillmore, gen Bay KLTY(FM )-April 1949: 94.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,140 sis mgr; Joe Morales, prog dir & prom mgr; Harvie City ft. (CP: Ant 1,508 ft.). Stereo. 2216 S. Cooper (76013). Jordan, opus mgr; Hernando Merino, Raul Feliciano KIOX(AM )-Aug 1, 1947: 1270 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N, 265 -3101. Inc. Sanchez, news edits; Kevin Stone, chief engr. (817) Statewide Bcstg of Dallas (acq 5- DA -D. Box 1391 (77414). (713) 245 -4642. Bay Bcstg 85). Net: AP. Format: Relg. Jimmy Swaggart, pres; Ltd. Net: MBS. Format: C &W (day), top-40 (night). Jack Rabito, gen & gen sis mgr; Paul Hughes, prod KOKE -FM -Jan 5, 1968: 95.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,000 Spec grogs: Farm 7 hrs, Sp B hrs wkly. Marie mgr; mus Kim 1208 Barbara Bates, trait & dir; Willis, prom ft. Stereo. Box (78767). (512) 454-2561. KOKE Mulligan, stn mgr; Ann Baker, coml mgr; Brad Weiss, mgr; Mal Couch, news dir; John Allison, chief engr. Inc. (acq 8 -63). Rep: Selcom. Format: Adult contemp. news dir; Joe Siptak, mus dir; Carl Puckett, engr Rates: $32; 28; 30; 22. Iva Lea Barton, chmn; Bob Cole, prog dir; Bill Tate, operator. Rates: $9.05; 7.70; 9.05; 7.70. news dir. KMKS(FM) -July 27, 1984: 92.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Athens KNOW(AM)-1922: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Box Stereo, 1,627 1/2 Seventh St., Box 789 (77414). (409) 2197, 1907 N. Lamar (78768). (512) 477 -9841. KNOW 244 -4242. Sandlin bcstg Co. Inc. Format: Adult KBUD(AM) -May 17, 1948: 1410 khz; 1 kw -D. Box Radio Inc. (group owner; Hicks Comm, acq 12- 4-81). contemp. Margaret K. Sandlin, pres; Joseph L. 309 (75751). (214) 675 -2277. Henderson County Net: ABC /I. Rep: Torbet. Format: Oldies. Steve Sandlin, gen mgr & chief engr; Robin Mac Mackin, Bcstg Co. Net: Texas State. Format: C &W. Spec Hicks, pres; Mark A. Kieste, gen mgr; Caroline Devine, gen sis mgr; Alan Wood, Darline Sandlin, mus dir; Gail progs: Relg 10 hrs wkly. hrs wkly. Andy McNutt, stn gen sis mgr; B.D. Adams, prog dir; Denny Craig, prom Hall, prom mgr; William Idle, news dir. Rates: $18.64; & gen sis mgr; Jim McNutt, bus mgr, prog & mus dir; mgr; Jerry Johnson, news dir; Steve Freeman, chief 14.90; 18.64; 14.90. Frank Sopuch, news dir; Billy Rasco, chief engr. engr. Rates: $40; 35; 35; 18. Rates: $7; 7; 7; -. KEYI(FM) -(San Marcos) Co-owned with KNOW(AM). Baytown Malakoff. KCKL(FM)-See 1971: 103.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 580 ft. (CP: Ant 1,266 ft.). Stereo. (512) 477 -6375. Format: Adult contemp. KBUK(AM)-1947: 1360 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -2. 4638 Rates: $140; 125; 130; 90. Decker, Box 419 (77520). (713) 424 -5531. Gross Atlanta Comm. (acq 1-78). Rep: Riley. Format: Country. Ray mgr; KOKE -FM- Listing follows KMMM(AM). Laurence Gross, pres; Lacey, gen Jim KALT(AM)-Oct 18, 1950: 900 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 858 Corley, prog dir; Larry Tillis, mus dir; David Edwards, (75551). (214) 796-2817. Ark -La -Tex Bcstg Co. (acq news dir; Chuck McLeod, chief engr. Rates: $18; 15: 1974). Net: TSN, Rep: Riley. Format: C &W. Spec prog: KPEZ(FM) -Aug 13, 1976: 102.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 18; 12. Black 2 hrs wkly. Christine Womack, pres; David A. ft. Stereo. 121 East 8th St., Suite 11 (78701). (512) Womack Jr., gen mgr; Nelda Daniels, off mgr; Susan 478-6900. Clear Channel Communications Inc. (group Moore, news dir; Steve McQueen, prog dir; Dick owner; acq 7- 15 -82). Rep: McGavren -Guild. Format: Beaumont Wetherbee, chief engr. Rates: $9.40; 5.90; 5.90; -. Btfl mus. L. Lowry Mays, pres; Stan Webb, gen mgr; Ken Cinco, próg dir; Brian King, chief engr. KAYC(AM) -1938: 1450 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 w -N, DA -1. KPYN(FM) -Co-owned with KALT(AM). Dec 22, 1978: Box 870 (77704). (713) 833-9421. Texas Coast Bcstrs 99.3 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 250 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. KRGT(FM) See Taylor. of Beaumont Inc. (acq 6- 1 -62). Group owner: Long - Format: Btfl mus. Rates: $9.40; 5.90; 5.90; 5.90. Pride Bcstg Co. Net: ABC /E, Rep: HR/Stone. Format: Austin KUT(FM) -Nov 10, 1958: 90.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 680 MOR. Gary Koeffler, gen mgr; Phil Williams, prog dir; ft. Stereo. Communication Bldg B, U. Texas (78712). Gary Hays, mus dir; Ken Johnson, news dir; Alvin (512) 471 -1631. U. of Texas at Austin. Net: American Kriegel, chief engr. Rates: $16; 13; 16; 8. THE Public, MBS, NPR. Format: Div. William S. Giorda, dir & gen mgr; Walter Morgan, prod mgr; Leonora Siedo, KAYD(FM) -Co-owned with KAYC(AM). 1948: 97.5 opns mgr; Cheryl Bakman, mus dir; Betsy Pilkington, mhz; 50 kw, Ant 320 ft. (CP: 100 kw). Stereo. Format: ONTCALM prom mgr; Malinda Wilson, dist mgr; Carr Strong, chief C &W. Bob Shannon, prog dir. Rates: $30; 20; 30; 1vI CO RPO RATION engr. 16. Media Brokers/Consultants 1947: 1380 khz; 1 kw-D, DA -D. Box 315 Second Avenue South KIEZ(AM) -July KVET(AM) -1946: 1300 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw-N, DA -2. 6067 (77705). (409) 842 -2210. Pyle Communications Seattk, WA 98104 Box 380 (78767). (512) 495 -1300.

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