Commencement Exercises OFFICIAL SuMMER SEssioN 1968 THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME NomE DAME, INDIANA THE GRADUATE ScHooL THE CoLLEGE OF ARTs AND LETTERs THE CoLLEGE OF SciENCE THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING THE CoLLEGE OF BusiNEss ADMINISTRATION .. Stepan Center 11:00 A.M. (Central Daylight Time) Friday, August 2, 1968 (The processional will begin at 10:45 A.M.) • COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM Processional Music by the University Summer Symphony Orchestra Under the direction of Charles A. Biondo, D.M.E. Associate Professor of Music, University of Notre Dame (The audience is requested to please stand during the processional and remain standing until the conclusion of the National Anthem.) National Anthem-Orchestra and Audience Citation for Honorary Degree by the Reverend Ferdinand L. Brown, C.S.C., Ph.D. Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Presentation of Candidates for Degrees by the Reverend Paul E. Beichner, C.S.C., Ph.D. Dean of the Graduate School by Devere T. Plunkett, A.M. Acting Dean of the College of Arts and Letters by Bernard Waldman, Ph.D. Dean of the College of Science by Joseph C. Hogan, Ph.D. Dean of the College of Engineering by Thomas T. Murphy, M.C.S. Dean of the College of Business Administration The Conferring of Degrees by the Reverend Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C., B.C.S., C.P.A. Executive Vice President University of Notre Dame_ Commencement Address by the Reverend John E. Walsh, C.S.C., Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs University of Notre Dame Closing Remarks by the Reverend Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C., B.C.S., C.P.A. Executive Vice President University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Our Mother-Orchestra and Audience (Words are on inside back cover.) Recessional of the Platform Party Music by the University Summer Symphony Orchestra 3 I ; 1 I I l Degrees C()nferred- The University of Notre Dame announces the conferring of: The Degree of D.octor of Laws, honoris causa,- on:, Reverend Raymond W. Murray,_ C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL The University of Notre Dame confers the following degrees in course: The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy on: Mansell John Blair, Delburne, Alberta, Canada B.A., Assumption University of Windsor, 1959; S.T.B., ibid., 1962. Major subject: Sociology. Dissertation: Familism and Style of Participation in the Christian Family Movement in Canada. · John Anthony Brenner, Reseda; California B.S.M.E., Loyola University of Los Angeles, 1964; M.S.M.E., University of Notre Dame, 1966. Major sutiject: Mechanical Engineering. Dissertation: Optimal Design of Elastic Simply Supported Timoshenko Beams for Sudden Loading. Ray Wilford Brown, Junior, Memphis, Tennessee B.S.M.E., Christian Brothers College, 1962; M.S.M.E., University of Notre , ;Dame, 1964. Major subject: Mechanical Engineering. Dissertation: Analytical and· Experimental Studies of Double-Pipe Counter-Flow Liquid' Metal Heat Exchangers. · John R. Crutcher, Paxton,. Massachusetts B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1957;. M.A., ibid., 1960. Major subject: Government .and International Studies. Dissertation: . Political Authority in Ghana and Tanzania: ·The Nkrumah and Nyerere Regimes. John Robert Duray, Whiting, Indiana B.S., St. 'Procopius College, ·1962. Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: Isotopic Spin Violation in the N14(d,d-)N14 Reaction and Precision Determi· nation of the Excitation Energies of N14. Gerald A. Eddy, Royal Oak, Michigan B.S., Michigan -State University, 1953; D.V.M., ibid., 1955. Major subject: Microbiology. Dissertation: A Histological Study of Germfree Rats with an Induced. Immunological· Tolerance to Bovine Serum ·Albumin. Robert S. Gerke, Grand Rapids, Michigan B.S., Aquinas College,,.1957; M.A.,· University of Notre Dame, 1962. Major subject: English. Dissertation: Studi.,. in the Tradition and Morality of H~nryson's FABLES. Donald Theodore Haynes, Roseburg, Oregon A.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1959; M.A., University of Oregon, 1963. Major subject: English. Dissertation: The Evolution of Form in the Early Poetry of Robert Frost: The .Emergence of a Poetic. Self. Charles Francis Knapp, Evansville, Indiana B.A., St. Procopius College, 1962; . B.S.A.E., ·University of Notre Dame, 1963; M.S.A.E., ibid., 1965. Major subject: Aero-Space Engineering. ; Dis· seriation: An Experimental Investigation of the Mechanism of Hemolysis in Couette Flow. Charles Michael Lovas, Barberton, Ohio B.S.M.E., University o£ Dayton, 1961; M.S.M.E., University of Notre Dame,· 1963. Major subject: Mechanical Engineering. Dissertation:· Effect ·or Pressure and Temperature Dependent Viscosity on Hydrodynamic·· Full Journal Bearing Characteristics. 5 *' e:=rg; Robert David Lynch, Gloucester, New Jersey , · B.S.E. Villanova· Univenity, 19.53; M.S.C.E., Univenity of Pennsylvania, 1960. 'Major subject: Civil Engineering. Dissertation: The Applicatio~ of Dynamic Relaxation to the Finite Element Method of Structural Analysu. Thomas Anthony McCarthy, Springfield, Massachusetts B.S., College of the Holy Cross, 1961. Major subject: Philosophy, Disserta­ tion: Husserl's Phenomenology and the Theory of Logic. Bryan Peter Moran, Lafayette, Louisiana B.S., Southwestern Louisiana Institute, 19.59; M.S., Univenity of Notre Dame, 1966. 'Major subject: Mathematics. Dissertation: Solvable Series of Groups·. and Their Associated Rings. Bruce J. Morgan, South Bend, Indiana B.S.A.E., Purdue Univenity, 19.56; M.S.C.E., Univenity of Notre Dame, 1968. Major subject: Civil Engineering. Dissertation: The Application of the Finite Element. Method to a Problem in Stress Wave Propagation. Demetrios Petridis, Athens, Greece B.S., Univenity of Athens, 1960; M.S., Georgetown Univenity, 1966. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: Mossbauer and. Infrared Spectra of ·Some Tin (IV) Complexes and Studies of Some Tellurium (IV) Complexes. V. Frederick Rickey, Peoria, Illinois B.S., Univenity of Notre Dame, 1963; M,S., ibid., 1966. Major subject: Mathematics. Dissertation: An Axiomatic Theory of Syntax •. Francis Thomas Rush, Bayonne, New Jersey . A.B., St. Peter's College, 19.56. Major subject: Mathematics. Dissertation: Subgroups of Primary Abelian ·Groups. Philip J. Ryan, Jr., Waukegan, Illinois . B.S.Ch.Eg., Univenity of Notre Dame, 1963; M.S.Ch.Eg., ibid.~ 1965. ' Major subject: Chemical Engineering. Dissertation: Multi·Parameter Adaptive Control of a Chemical Reactor. Andrew Patrick Trout, Des Moines, Iowa B.S., The Creighton Univenity, 19.51; ·:M.A., ibid., 1953.· Major' subject: ·History. Dissertation: The Jurisdiction ·and the Role of the Municipality of Paris during the Colbert Ministry: A Study Based on Registres des Deliberations du Bureau de /a Ville. The _Degree of .Masi~r of Arts on: Sister Jeannette Abi-Nader, Sisters of the Humility of Mary, Villa Maria, Pennsylvania . B;A., Seton Hill College, 1961. Major subject: Communication Arts. Sister Marianna Ableidinger, Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adora­ tion, Mondovi, Wisconsin . B.S., Viterbo College, 1963. Major subject: Education. John George Adorjan, Massillon, Ohio B.A., Walsh College (Ohio), 1966. Major subject: History. Joseph Paul Ahearn, Framingham, Massach\ls~hs - . •B.A., Univenity of Notre Dame, 1967. Major subject: Education. Sister Joseph Andre Ahl, Sisters of Charity, Cincinnati, Ohio B.S., College of Mount St. Joseph on-the-Ohio, 1960. Major subject: Art. Sist'~r Mary A~toinette Atkielski, School Sisters of Ncit~- Dame, Mil­ waukee, Wisconsin B.A., Mount Mary College, 19.54. Major subject': Education. 6 Sister Paul Therese Babcock;' Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Detroit, Michigan B.A., Marygrove College, 1953. Major subject: Classics. Sister Mary Arlene Baber, School Sisters of Notre Dame; Mankato, Minnesota B.S., Mount Mary College, 1952. Major subject: Art. Brother David R. Baker, Congregation of Xaverhiri Brothers; Brook- lyn, New York _ . A.B., The Catholic University of America, 1962. Major subject: Classics~ Jose Felix Ballester, San Juan, Puerto Rico · · · B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1966. Major subject: Economics. Brother Peter Paul Baltrinic, Congregation of Holy Cross, Akron, Ohio A.B., St. Edward's University, 1962. Major subject: History•. Brother Joseph F. Barrett, Society of Mary, Detroit, Michigan B.S., University of Dayton, 19-«i. Major subject: Education. Mrs. Brigitt Bauer, Kempten, Bavaria, Germany Diplom - Ubersetzer, University of Heidelberg, 1962. Major subject: Modern Languages (German). Germain Bergeron, Laval, Quebec, Canada Bacc. es arts, University of Montreal, 1963. Major subje~t: Art. ,Sister Ann Christine Bessler, Sisters of Charity, Mount St. Joseph, Ohio A.B., College of Mount St. Joseph on·the·Ohio, 1944. Major subject: Art. :Sister Mary Jean Francis Boes, Sisters of Notre Dame, Toledo, Ohio A.B., Mary Manse College, 1961. Major subject: History. Sister Corlita Mary Bonnarens, Religious Sisters of Mercy, St.. Louis, Missouri · B.A., Fontbonne College, 1959. Major subject: Art. Brother Maurus Bordelon,· Institute of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, New Orleans, Louisiana B.S:,. Spring Hill College, 1962. Major subject: Theology. Lee Reese Boyer, Lakewood, Ohio B.A., Mount Union College, 1959. Major subject: History. Rev. Edmond Joseph Brochu, Order of Friars Minor, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada B.A., University of Ottawa, 1960. Major subject: Liturgy. Sister Mary Rose Elizabeth. Brown, Congregation of the Sisters Marianites of Holy Cross, New Orleans, Louisiana B.A., Our Lady of Holy Cross College (Louisiana), 1956. Major subject: Communication Arts. · · · Sister Mary Sheila Brown, Sisters of St. Dominic, Springfield,
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