Sports Information Book Welcome to the WFTDA Sports Information Book built for the WFTDA EUROPEAN CONTINENTAL CUP 2018 in TELFORD, UK and hosted by the BIRMINGHAM BLITZ DAMES. The data located in this booklet includes sanctioned game statistics and information submitted through WFTDA Games and Stats committees, as well as information collected during the season, as well as throughout the Playoffs intake process. You will also find team charters, skater transfer updates, skater name pronunciations and pronouns, multi-month rankings, individual player statistics, team trends, and more. These booklets are designed to give fans an in-depth view of WFTDA member leagues through recorded statistics as a companion to our Continental Cup Tournaments. The information in this book was compiled by our WFTDA Sports Information Committee. Questions about the data compiled can be set to: [email protected]. TABLE OF CONTENTS SKATER DATA SHEET LEGEND TEAM PAGES BG = Blocker Games Jjm = Average jams as jammer Kallio Rolling Rainbow 2 Bj = Blocker Jams Jt = Jammer season total points Bjm = Average Jams played as blocker JGSm = Average points per game Dublin Roller Derby 5 per game JjSm = Jammer jam Score average Dock City Rollers 8 BM = Blocker Penalties JM = Jammer Penalties BjM = Average Blocker jams/Penalty JjM = Jammer Jams per Penalty Tiger Bay Brawlers 11 Pj = Pivot Jams L = Lead Rate PH = Pivot Star Passes JH = Jammer Star Passes Central City Roller Derby 14 PjH% = % Jams received pass JHm = Average star passes per game Birmingham Blitz Dames 17 JG = Jammer Games jH% = % Jams with star pass Jj = Jammer Jams Newcastle Roller Girls 20 Middlesbrough Roller Derby 23 SPORTS INFORMATION COMMITTEE Officials 26 CHAIR: ObstiNate COMMITTEE: Amy Jo Moore, Mr. Whistler, Stonewallup Charts and Graphs 28 © Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Sports Information Book - Page 1 of 35 #41 Kallio Rolling Rainbow - Seed #1 Kallio All Colours Dark: Black Light: White LOCATION: Helsinki, Finland 2018 SANCTIONED RECORD (1-11) Kallio FINvitational 103 Bela Glukoosi* [they] 6/3/18 London L 256-123 113 L))) [she] p: just say the letter L 6/2/18 Stockholm L 216-181 13 Miss Chief* [-] 6/1/18 Rat City L 258-143 19 Katti Schrödinger* [she] p: CUT-tee SCHROE-dinger 4/29/18 Bear City L 200-230 2 Aika Helppo* [they] 4/28/18 Paris L 130-163 234 Edgehog* [she] EuroCup 2018 27 J. Karpov* [they] 4/8/18 Stockholm W 167-174 3 Kuutti [they] 4/7/18 Crime City L 444-82 410 Vattuvimma* [they] p: What-to-vim-ma 4/7/18 Helsinki L 326-142 49 Macho Bitchu* [they] 4/6/18 Rainy City L 281-76 57 Lionheart* [-] 3/24/18 Helsinki L 77-225 60 K.O.* [they] 2017 Intl. WFTDA D1 Playoffs Malmö 61 Noora Keskimäki [-] 9/10/17 Stockholm L 166-184 777 Gilbert* [they/she] 9/8/17 Detroit L 269-162 872 Laura Pönkänen [they] 9 T-Bag* [-] WFTDA POSTSEASON HISTORY 911 Ikonen* [she] p:I in Ikonen is pronounced like e [i] fka: Kaaos 2017 Intl. WFTDA D1 Playoffs Malmö 2016 Intl. WFTDA D1 Playoffs Montréal 10th Captain: Gilbert Coaches: KULTA-SEPPO [they/she], Poppers [they], Joined WFTDA July 2014 13 returning skaters (*) Transfers IN: L))) - Prague City Dec 17; Transfers OUT: none No longer on Charter: Maanatai, Minna, Kamasuttura, Doomey B. Hind, Darrabella, Salapulla © Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Sports Information Book - Page 2 of 35 Kallio Skater Data Table - 2018 Season Number Name BG Bj Bjm BM BjM Pj PH PjH% JG Jj Jjm Jt JGSm JjSm JM JjM L JH JHm jH% 103 Bela Glukoosi 10 212 21 27 7.9 5 0 0% 113 L))) 10 160 16 41 3.9 148 22 15% 3 12 4 12 4 1.00 3 4.0 33% 4 1.3 33% 13 Miss Chief 19 Katti Schrödinger 8 183 23 13 14.1 62 1 2% 2 Aika Helppo 10 201 20 30 6.7 0 0 234 Edgehog 6 29 5 4 7.3 1 0 0% 27 J. Karpov 1 3 3 0 0 0 10 74 7 158 16 2.14 5 14.8 19% 12 1.2 16% 3 Kuutti 410 Vattuvimma 10 207 21 25 8.3 104 13 13% 49 Macho Bitchu 10 212 21 19 11.2 40 4 10% 57 Lionheart 10 85 9 17 5.0 1 0 0% 60 K.O. 10 159 16 38 4.2 0 0 61 Noora Keskimäki 777 Gilbert 5 12 2 1 12.0 10 6 60% 10 164 16 641 64 3.91 26 6.3 51% 4 0.4 2% 872 Laura Pönkänen 9 T-Bag 10 211 21 48 4.4 29 2 7% 911 Ikonen 2 2 1 0 0 0 10 103 10 236 24 2.29 22 4.7 34% 20 2.0 19% TEAM BLOCKERS JAMMERS PIVOTS 10 Games 27.8 Blocker Penalties/Game 6.8 Jammer Penalties/Game 51 Star Passes 449 Jams 278 Blocker Penalties 68 Jammer Penalties 11.6% of jams 44.9 Jams/Game 6.3 Blocker Jams/Penalty 6.5 Jammer Jams/Penalty 5.1 Star Pass/Game 39% Lead Rate © Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Sports Information Book - Page 3 of 35 KALLIO ROLLING RAINBOW - GAME HISTORY Birmingham Never Played Versus 2018 WFTDA European Continental Cup Birmingham Teams Central City (2-0) 11/22/14 @ Central City W 133-137 6/1/14 2014: A Skate Odyssey* W 162-109 Games Played versus European CC teams: 5 (3 Sanctioned) 3/19/16 @ Doc City W 117-204 Dock City (1-0) Wins: 5 Losses: 0 Win Ratio: 100% Dublin (1-0) 4/4/15 @ Kallio* W 232-111 Never Played Most Recent Game: Middlesbrough 3/19/16 vs. Dock City @ Dock City W 117-204 Newcastle Never Played Tiger Bay (1-0) 9/19/15 @ Tiger Bay W 132-186 Oldest Game: * indicates non-sanctioned game 6/1/14 vs. Central City @ 2014: A Skate Odyssey W 162-109 Most Frequently Played Opponent: Central City (2-0) Has Never Played: Birmingham, Middlesbrough, Newcastle First Game: Game 1 (Sat. 9am) - vs. Middlesbrough Next Possible Games: Win - Game 7 (Sun. 9am) vs Winner Game 3 (Sat. 1pm) Central City vs. Tiber Bay Lose - Game 5 (Sat. 5:30pm) vs Loser Game 2 (Sat. 11am) Newcastle vs. Dublin All Time vs 2018 D1 Opp Season Average Points Scored in a Game: 184 138 Average Points Allowed to Opponent: 120 252 Average Point Spread: 64 115 Average Point Spread w/Win: 64 7 Average Point Spread w/Loss: NA 125 Average Score Ratio w/Win: 1.55 1.04 Average Score Ratio w/Loss: NA 2.23 © Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Sports Information Book - Page 4 of 35 #42 Dublin Roller Derby - Seed #2 A Team Dark: Black w/Light Blue Light: Light Blue w/Black LOCATION: Dublin, Ireland 2018 SANCTIONED RECORD (8-5) Euro Clash 2018 101 Ciara Powell* [she] rw: “towel” 5/20/18 Middlesbrough W 182-144 12 Flick le Bean* [she] short: Flick 5/19/18 Dock City L 199-222 123 Maria Von Slapp* [she] Southern Discomfort 2018 16 Jemerald [-] 4/29/18 Columbia W 91-155 169 Brewdoll E.Lowcock* [she] short: Brew 4/29/18 OKVD W 93-259 17 Dirty KneesLoueez* [-] short: Dirty 4/28/18 Charm City W 150-244 23 Greenhalgh-Cooney* [she] p: Green hall fka: Bloody Mary 4/27/18 Ann Arbor L 144-141 3 Valdemort* [she] 490 Malibruise Stacy* [she] short: Malibruise or Bruise 1/27/18 Auld Reekie W 226-100 53 Argie Bargie* [she] short: Argie p: both Gs are soft Gs, like a J 1/27/18 2x4 L 64-242 575 Pippa* [-] 2017 Intl. WFTDA D2 Playoffs Pittsburgh 7 Ellie Beating* [she] short: Ellie 8/20/17 Naptown L 215-144 74 Stabba* [-] 8/20/17 Paris L 152-259 777 Destroy McLure* [she] 8/19/17 Naptown W 161-158 8 Chancleta* [she] 8/18/17 No Coast W 166-165 800 Thea* [she] 8/18/17 Auld Reekie W 183-200 816 Bliss of Death [she] 83 Dashing Trudy Snow* [she] short: Snowy 90 Lana Pain* [she] short: Lana 95 Manija* [she] p: Man-EE-Yuh WFTDA POSTSEASON HISTORY 2017 Intl. WFTDA D2 Pittsburgh 4th Captain: Pippa Coaches: Kitty [she], Violent Bob [he], AK [she] p: A K Joined WFTDA 2014 18 Returning skaters (*) Transfers IN: none Transfers OUT: none No longer on Charter: 1118 K. T. Rex © Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Sports Information Book - Page 5 of 35 Dublin Skater Data Table - 2018 Season Number Name BG Bj Bjm BM BjM Pj PH PjH% JG Jj Jjm Jt JGSm JjSm JM JjM L JH JHm jH% 101 Ciara Powell 6 34 6 137 23 4.03 3 11.3 47% 3 0.5 9% 12 Flick le Bean 4 23 6 65 16 2.83 4 5.8 39% 5 1.3 22% 123 Maria von Slapp 3 26 9 2 13.0 0 0 16 Jemerald 169 Brewdoll E.Lowcock 4 68 17 15 4.5 48 2 4% 17 Dirty KneesLoueez 7 113 16 21 5.4 1 0 0% 23 Greenalgh-Cooney 2 3 2 0 1 0 0% 7 72 10 369 53 5.13 17 4.2 53% 5 0.7 7% 3 Valdemort 7 113 16 26 4.3 2 0 0% 490 Malibruise Stacy 7 112 16 10 11.2 0 0 53 Argie Bargie 7 109 16 13 8.4 44 7 16% 575 Pippa 7 137 20 16 8.6 0 0 7 Ellie Beating 74 Stabba 7 115 16 9 12.8 95 10 11% 1 1 1 4 4 4.00 0 100% 0 0.0 0% 777 Destroy McClure 8 Chancleta 7 131 19 23 5.7 53 14 26% 800 Thea 7 70 10 263 38 3.76 1 70.0 51% 10 1.4 14% 816 Bliss of Death 83 Dashing Trudy Snow 7 77 11 405 58 5.26 2 38.5 51% 13 1.9 17% 90 Lana Pain 6 125 21 20 6.3 6 0 0% 95 Manija 7 103 15 14 7.4 41 4 10% 3 14 5 65 22 4.64 3 4.7 57% 1 0.3 7% TEAM BLOCKERS JAMMERS PIVOTS 7 Games 24.3 Blocker Penalties/Game 4.3 Jammer Penalties/Game 37 Star Passes 291 Jams 170 Blocker Penalties 30 Jammer Penalties 12.7% of jams 41.5 Jams/Game 6.9 Blocker Jams/Penalty 9.7 Jammer Jams/Penalty 5.3 Star Pass/Game 51% Lead Rate © Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Sports Information Book - Page 6 of 35 DUBLIN ROLLER DERBY A TEAM - GAME HISTORY Birmingham (1-0) 3/31/18 @ Dublin* W 146-109 Versus 2018 WFTDA European Continental Cup Birmingham Teams Central City (3-0) 5/20/17 @ Dublin W 208-119 9/17/16 @ Central City* W 183-191 Games Played versus European CC teams: 15 (9 Sanctioned) 10/12/13 @ Dublin W 153-127 Wins: 8 Losses: 7 Win Ratio: 53% Dock City (0-2) 5/19/18 Euro Clash 2018 L 199-222 2/28/16 @ Dock City* L 170-133 Most Recent Game: 5/20/18 vs Middlesbrough @ Euro Clash 2018 W 182-144 Kallio (0-1) 4/4/15 @ Kallio* L 232-111 Middlesbrough (1-3) 5/20/18 Euro Clash 2018 W 182-144 Oldest Game: 10/22/16 @ Dublin L 87-249 10/12/13 vs.
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