BIODIVERSITY SURVEY HOME FARM, 122 MAIN STREET, ALREWAS, DE13 7AE Report Reference: AE20.110 February 2020 Client: SiDley Piper Homes LtD Site: Home Farm, 122 Main Street, Alrewas, DE13 7AE Grid Ref: SK 16994 15011 Report Ref: AE20.110 Prepared by: AnDrew BirD BSc (Hons.). 25/02/2020 Checked by: Alex GolDman BSc 28/02/2020 (Hons.). Liability Astute Ecology LtD has prepared this document in accordance with the instructions of its client, for their sole anD specific use anD has been prepareD baseD on a scope of works which has been agreed directly with the client. The content of this report is, at least in part, baseD upon information provideD by others anD on the assumption that all relevant information has been provided by those parties from whom it has been requested. Information obtained from any third party has not been inDepenDently verifieD by Astute Ecology unless otherwise stated in the report. Copyright © This report is the copyright of Astute Ecology. UnauthoriseD reproDuction or usage by any person is prohibited. Astute Ecology 47 Chadwick Ave Derby DE24 9DH HeaD Office: 07870 266446 Email: [email protected] Website: www.astuteecology.co.uk AE20.110 Home20 Farm - BioDiversity Survey Page 1 Contents 1 Summary ............................................................................................................................ 3 2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4 3 MethoDology ...................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Desk StuDy ........................................................................................................................ 6 3.2 Surveyor Details ................................................................................................................ 6 3.3 Survey ConDitions ............................................................................................................. 6 3.4 FielD Survey ...................................................................................................................... 6 3.5 Limitations ......................................................................................................................... 7 4 Results .............................................................................................................................. 8 4.1 Desk StuDy ........................................................................................................................ 8 4.2 Habitats ........................................................................................................................... 10 4.3 ProtecteD Species ........................................................................................................... 12 5 Evaluation ....................................................................................................................... 22 6 RecommenDations, Mitigation anD Enhancements ......................................................... 24 AppenDix 1. Phase 1 Habitat Plan .......................................................................................... 26 AppenDix 2. References .......................................................................................................... 27 AppenDix 3. Legislation anD MethoDology .............................................................................. 28 AppenDix 4. Existing anD ProposeD Plans .............................................................................. 36 AppenDix 5. MAGIC Map ........................................................................................................ 38 AppenDix 6. Ecological Data Search ....................................................................................... 42 AppenDix 7. Site Location ....................................................................................................... 45 AppenDix 8. Site Photographs ................................................................................................ 46 AE20.110 Home20 Farm - BioDiversity Survey Page 2 1 Summary Astute Ecology LtD were commissioneD by SiDley Piper Homes LtD to unDertake a BioDiversity survey incorporating a Phase 1 Habitat and Protected Species Survey on lanD anD buildings locateD at Home Farm, 122 Main Street, Alrewas, DE13 7AE. RecommenDations for further surveys, avoiDance, mitigation anD enhancement measures for protecteD species anD habitats are incluDeD in this report where applicable. Key Messages: • The proposeD plans inDicate there will be negligible impact to bioDiversity (floral habitats) at the site level. RecommenDations in section 6 are given to proviDe options on how to ensure a net gain to biodiversity as a result of this planning application. • Bats: It was not possible to concluDe that bats are not roosting within the BuilDings on site. The work to the roof anD roof voiDs of the builDings as inDicateD by the proposeD plans, poses a risk of Direct negative impacts (injury/death/loss of roost) to roosting bats. • To prevent any potential infringement of the law anD Direct impacts to bats anD their roosts, in accorDance with Natural EnglanD anD Bat Conservation Trust guiDelines, further surveys will be requireD to confirm if bats (anD what species, number, type of roost etc) are actively using the builDing, or not. These surveys must comprise: o Building 1 (MoDerate Potential) = 2x Bat activity surveys; comprising a single Dusk Emergence and Dawn Re-entry survey. o Building 2 and 3 (Low Potential) = 1x bat activity survey; comprising either a single Dusk Emergence or Dawn Re-entry survey. • The further bat surveys must be unDertaken between May and September (incl.) in accordance with Bat Conservation Trust Guidelines and are a material consideration at planning that cannot be conditioned. It is an offence to Damage or Destroy any bat roost, intentionally or recklessly obstruct a bat roost, Deliberately, intentionally or recklessly disturb a bat or intentionally kill, injure or take any bat. • Birds: Clearance of vegetation and works to builDings shoulD be preceded by a check for nesting birds (within 24 hours prior to commencement of works) to avoiD infringing legislation which protects all nesting birDs. • All nesting birDs are protecteD unDer the WilDlife anD CountrysiDe Act 1981, which makes it an offence to intentionally kill, injure or take any wilD birD or take, Damage or destroy its nest whilst in use or being built, or take or destroy its eggs. In addition, for species listed on Schedule 1 of the WilDlife anD CountrysiDe Act 1981 it is an offence to intentionally or recklessly cause disturbance at, on or near an ‘active’ nest. AE20.110 Home20 Farm - BioDiversity Survey Page 3 2 Introduction 2.1 SiDley Piper Homes LtD to unDertake a Biodiversity survey incorporating a Phase 1 Habitat and Protected Species Survey on land and buildings located at Home Farm, 122 Main Street, Alrewas, DE13 7AE, herein referred to as ‘the site’. RecommenDations for further surveys, avoidance, mitigation anD enhancement measures for protecteD species and habitats are included in this report where applicable. 2.2 The site is the subject of a proposed application for the conversion of existing resiDential building and barns into apartments, including works to roof voids and creation of car parking area. Topographical and proposed site plans provided by the client are included within AppenDix 4. 2.3 The application site is approximately 1500m2 (Figure 1) comprising buildings (a main resiDential builDing (BuilDing 1); a brick built two-storey building (approximately 250m2) with a multiple aspect tileD roof with internal loft spaces, anD two two-storey brick built barns with tileD roofs herein referred to as Building 2 (approximately 20m2) anD BuilDing 3 (approximately 110m2), amenity grassland, hardstanding and occasional scattered trees and ruDeral herbs. 2.4 The site (AppenDix 7) is locateD within an urban area bounded by resiDential dwellings, associated gardens and roads. Beyond the residential areas The Trent and Mersey Canal lies 200m north, and agricultural land dominates the surrounding landscape approximately 1000m from the site. 2.5 The legislation relevant to protecteD species within the UniteD KingDom is summariseD within AppenDix 3. 2.6 Results anD recommenDations containeD within this report have been prepareD by an experienced ecologist and are therefore the view of Astute Ecology. The survey is baseD on information provided by our client, the development proposals, and the results of the desk study and our survey of the site. This report pertains to this information only. AE20.110 Home20 Farm - BioDiversity Survey Page 4 Figure 1. Existing Site layout with building names. AE20.110 Home20 Farm - BioDiversity Survey Page 5 3 Methodology 3.1 Desk Study Data regarDing any known statutory or non-statutory sites in addition to any European ProtecteD Species License (EPSL) Application records within 2km of the site were searched for using The Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the CountrysiDe (MAGIC) on 25/02/20. An ecological Data search for protected species and designated sites was unDertaken and provided by StafforDshire Ecological RecorDs (SER) on the 28/02/20. 3.2 Surveyor Details The survey was undertaken by Senior Ecologist Andrew Bird BSc (Hons) GCN Licence Number: 2015-18442-CLS-CLS anD Level 2 Bat Licence Number: 2017-27866-CLS- CLS of Astute Ecology LtD. 3.3 Survey
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