California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Hispanic News John M. Pfau Library 12-9-1987 December 9 1987 Hispanic News Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews Recommended Citation Hispanic News, "December 9 1987" (1987). Hispanic News. Paper 3. http://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/hispanicnews/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the John M. Pfau Library at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hispanic News by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. WE WISH YOU A SAFE AND HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON INLAND EMPIRE my A Publication of the Wednesday Hispanic Communication Decembers, 1987 and Deveiopment Corp. HISPANIC NEWS Voiume 1, Numbers mVolunteers for Youth Honored The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency teens and unemployed youth. Prevention Commission will host its third The Commission is composed of 15 annual Recognition Luncheon and members selected from each of the super­ Awards Wednesday, December 9, to visorial districts in the county. Appoint­ honor volunteers from throughout San ments to the Commission are for a term of Bernardino County who have provided four years and are made by the Presiding exceptional service to youth. Judge of the Superior Court with the 1^- Established through the provisions of concurrence of the Presiding Judge of the the California Welfare and Institutions Juvenile Court. The Commission and the Code, the Commission's purpose is to Court work together to select new mem­ provide citizen leadership for the support bers who have demonstrated their knowl­ and evaluation of existing programs and edge and experience in youth-related ac­ for the development of new and improved tivities, who have shown their ability and programs which reduce delinquency and commitment to be community leaders and divert young people from the juvenile the willingness to unselfishly give their justice system. time and energy to young people in our Among the honorees are Lupe and county. Victor Gamboa of Colton who will be The luncheon will take place at 11:45 recognized for the many years of their a.m. at the San Bernardino Community care of foster children in San Bernardino Hospital Auditoriiim located at 1500 West County. Other honoreers include. Mayor Seventeenth Street in San Bernardino. Evlyn Wilcox as founder of San Bemar- Pno Community Against Drugs, Inc. and the National Council of Negro Women, Inland Empire Section for sponsoring the Mary McLeod Bcthune Youth Career Center for school dropouts, pregnant Help is a Phone Call Away at The Resource Center Boykins, unit director. the resources available throughout the PERSONAL PROFILE The magic number is (714) 825-3883. Boykins explained that self-help San Bernardino County and provides alist Do not forget that number if you or some­ groups include Alcholics Anonymous of programs that are located nearest to the one you know needs some assistance with and Cocaine Anonymous. 'They have caller. It is not necessary to identify the their drug or alcohol problem. If you dial individual sessions as well as group ses­ caller's name or address at any time. that number you wiU contact The Re­ sions," he noted. Since the computer is capable of search­ source Center which provides state-of- Because the center is county funded, it ing the entire county in two to three min­ the-art computer assisted substance abuse is free of charge to the caller. All calls are utes, the caller can receive a comprehen­ information, referrals for any drug or received completely anonymously, un­ sive list of treatment programs in a very alcohol service and bilingual speakers, less the caller wishes to volunteer their short time. films and other resources - Monday name and address to obtain information "When we start asking more specific through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. through the mail. questions such as their address, some­ Open since April 1987, The Resource When a person calls, the referral is times callers get suspicious, but we're not Center is a county funded, bilingual completed through a computer that will going to call the cops, we just want to find computer based service available to pro­ search the entire county for a program that a convenient location for them," said vide information and referral for drug and will fit the needs of the caller. When a call Boykins. LENO DIAZ alcohol treatment services as well as self- is received, a trained resource specialist The Resource Center does not provide help groups anywhere in San Bernardino wUI ask specific questions regarding the walk-in counseling, only referrals, but ..A Lifetime spent for the County. nature of fte drug or alcohol problem. As does accept collect telephone calls. education of children.' "Presently we have about 200 agen­ the caller responds, their answers are cies, 97 treatment centers and 110 self- entered into the computer. The computer help groups in our data base," said Kerry then matches the needs of the caller with Editorial West Side Business Entertainment Reagan's Racism Voices in The Crowd: Your Metropolitan Technical Insti­ Estrellas Del Mundo Christmas Wish? tute and Business College Deathwish 4 1 2 3 6 10 2 Editorial Inland Empire Hispanic News Wednesday, December 9,1987 Reagan's Racism United States society has benefitted short-sighted announcement was imme­ from successive waves of immigrants. diate and predictable, if not understand­ These new immigrants have added greatly able — riots and hostage-taking. to our cultural and social heritage. How­ Now, thankfully the crisis has been ever, the recent riots in Atlanta, Georgia solved with the release of the hostages, and Oakdale, Louisiana have underscored put there are still important lessons in the basic unfairness of U.S. immigration this unfortunate incident. policy and its underlying attitude of racism. First, the U.S. government would In the late 1970's during President never treat refugees from Westem Eu­ Carter's Administration refugees from rope or the Soviet Union in this manner. Castro's Cuba were allowed passage from It is important to note the hostile and the Cuban Port of Mariel. These Marielitos unmerciful attitude of the Reagan Ad­ included decent law abiding citizens as ministration towards Latin American well as others that Castro was anxious to refugees when compared with political deport. Many of these Marielitos have refugees from Europe and the Soviet found there way successfully into the main­ Union. stream of U.S. Society. Second, the sheer insensitivity of However, 3800 Marielitos remained in announcing near certain death sentence prison awaiting some determination of deportations to imprisoned refugees is their fate. While waiting, in many cases for not worthy of a humane nation and years, they faced an uncertain future. But superpower such as the United States. many figured that even U.S. prison was Fortunately tragedy was averted by a better than being deported to Cuba with its negotiated settlement that freed the hos­ nearly certain persecution and death. Two tages in exchange for promises of no weeks ago the federal government took deportations to Cuba. The U.S. govern­ away these prisoners' last hope by an­ ment should consider basic faimess in nouncing their deportation to dealing with future refugees from Latin Cuba. The prisoners' response to tliis America. Hispanic Link Correction Notice: The In­ RODOLFO VISITS THE TWILIGHT ZONE* land Empire Hispanic News Rodolfo Visits The Twilight Zone will correct aU factual erroi^| Slpwly, Rodolfo was able to pay off pay. Such situations are increasingly part By William Medina in its columns or clarify mis­ the coyote as he earned his keep doing of life for men and women who must con­ what he knew best — indoctrinating tend with the reality of U.S. "immigration leading information. Please horses to the ways of man. He awakened reform." call (714) 381-6259 Rodolfo is 34 years old. He comes from early each moming, fed, saddled, rode He left and returned to Southem Cali­ a smaU village itHhe central Mexico state of and groomed his television set. They fornia, to a new series of jobs that ap­ Guanajuato. He was raised on a ranch and watched such rerun fare as "The Twi­ peared and disappeared. learned to understand the ways of horses light Zone," with its bizarre stories Today, Rodolfo's mood is melan­ very weU, better, certainly, than he fathoms tinged with mysticism. Each night choly. Sometimes he longs to retum to his the logic and behavior of his feUow man. Rodolfo went to bed sore and satisfied. village in Guanajuato, but the letter he Since he was a boy, he tended horses. Over He liked his job and could send money receives tell him that it would be a foolish the years, he developed a reputation for his home. move. There is nothing there to sustain HISPANIC NEWS ability to tame even the most unmanage­ This year, the actions of U.S. law­ him. He would be of little or no help to able of them. makers, nearly 3,000 miles to the east, those who have come to depend on him. Like so many communities in Mexico, changed Rodolfo's life dramatically. By living a bare existence, he still Wednesday, December 9, 1987 Vol. 1-No.^ his village has suffered in the '80s. When They passed an immigration bill that manages to send a few dollars home. He he was there last, a favorite pastime of the penalized employers for hiring workers yeams for his family and friends. Some­ The INLAND EMPIRE HISPANIC NEWS is a weekly was to congregate and share the young men who did nothave proper papers.
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