The Mesabi East Schools Eastline December 2013 Somebody’s Noblesse Oblige and senior years to get nominated Watching You to apply to NHS. People who meet Ben Sulsavich the cumulative grade point aver- Staff age of 3.4 or higher are eligible to receive a letter with an applica- On September 31, 2013, Michelle tion. After a select board of teach- Cataleno Googled pressure cook- ers meet, they decide who will get ers while her husband looked up letters. After the letters are distrib- backpacks online. That day, six uted, recipients are then eligible to armed men from a joint terrorism complete the application process squad broke down the door and by a certain deadline. Once the ap- began questioning Michele’s inno- plications are submitted, the board cent family. This simple family of of teachers meet again to decide four just happened to be Googling who will be accepted. Then after an the wrong things at the wrong time. induction ceremony, the students The Boston bombing had happened DUH RIÀFLDOO\ PHPEHUV RI WKH 1D- a short time before, but how exact- tional Honor Society. ly did the government know what National Honor Society is a pres- Nicole Hanson Michele’s family was Googling? advisor Mr. Swanson, the members tigious organization that has been Staff We are tracked and monitored of the National Honor Society do around since 1921. The purpose digitally today more than ever. This year’s National Honor So- many volunteer events, such as or- of the organization is to recog- Companies and organizations from ciety is made up of eight seniors: ganizing blood drives, doing high- nize students who have excelled E-Bay to the NSA, monitor our Sam Johnson, Evan Kalb, Dono- way cleanup, and soon they will be in school, as well as showing char- web activity constantly. On May van Walchuk, Joe Radtke, Elyssa assisting with tutoring during Ad- acter, scholarship, leadership, and 20th, a former CIA technical as- Erickson, Nicole Hanson, Aimee visory. NHS continued on Pg 11... sistant named Edward Snowden, Allen, and Alexa Leffel. Led by Students are eligible their junior ZKRZRUNHGIRUWKH16$RIÀFHLQ Hawaii, boarded a plane for Hong Kong. Before leaving, Snowden re- Light ‘em Up! leased to The Guardian of London started in his backyard in Ekso in the extent of NSA’s clandestine 2004. He built different attractions program, PRISM. PRISM is a clan- like the "Cookie House". This was destine mass electronic surveil- a building designed to offer free lance data mining program that has cookies, coffee, and apple cider to been in existence since 2007. This the visiting guests. After hosting “Top Secret” program allows the %HQWOH\YLOOH DW KLV KRPH IRU ÀYH Federal Government to collect any years, Bentley took a year off to or- and all the data it wants from com- ganize things for the next year. panies such as Google and Yahoo. In the fall of 2008, Bentley ac- The data that is collected can be cepted an offer to do a trial run of everything from a person’s internet holding Bentleyville at the Bay- history to sensitive emails. The rea- front Festival Park in Duluth. son that this is legal at the moment Bentleyville in Bayfront Park was is because a person’s Constitutional a hit. There was space for parking Rights end when they enter the In- http://www.exploreminnesota.com/memberimage. and a bigger area for display. Over ashx?id=9179&width=900&mar=1 ternet. 150,000 people visited. Duluth The Constitution is the supreme Aubri Ribich Alexa Leffel tween November 23 and Decem- &LW\0D\RU'RQ1HVV RIÀFHPDGH law of the United States; no other Senior Editor Staff ber 28, you will want to stop on a commitment to host Bentleyville law made anywhere in America su- by. Bentleyville is a free attraction at the Bayfront Park for the next persedes it. The Fourth Amendment It's that time of year again; the offered to the public during the three years. prohibits unreasonable searches most wonderful time of the year. holiday season. “Seeing all the lights was super and seizures and requires a warrant The holiday season offers many Bentleyville was created by Na- neat, I also never thought I would to be judicially sanctioned and sup- perks. One of which includes Bent- than Bentley, who loved decorat- see a light up Christmas tree with ported by probable cause. leyville, The Tour of Lights. If you ing his house with thousands of a million lights! Also roasting happen to be around Duluth be- Christmas lights. Bentleyville was Bentelyville continued on Pg 7... NSA Continues on Page 3... Page 5 Page 9 Inside This Issue... Deer Opener & Chrismas City of the N Senior Spotlight Page 2 Page 6 Page 10 Athletes & Drama Llama Ads Entertainment Page 3 Page 7 Page 11 NSA & Music and Its Effects Food Drive & Cooking Corner New Students Page 4 Page 8 Page 12 http://scienceillustrated.com.au/blog/wp- content/uploads/2012/06/music.jpg Giant’s Ridge & Minecraft Boys BBall & Girls Hockey Elementary Unleash your happiness with music on page 3 Mesabi East Schools 2 December 2013 Athletes of the Issue Sophomore Sam Mugge carries the Cole Kopp tangles with a Wadena-Deer Danny Radtke stands next to the previ- Suvi Rova is chipper and excited for puck past a Silver Bay defender. Creek player at a face off. ous section victors pictures. the upcoming season. *LUOVKRFNH\EHLQJWKHÀUVWZLQWHU Coming in to his second year on the Danny Radtke has been a force on Suvi Rova is looking forward to sport to start practice gives Soph- boys varsity hockey team Junior the basketball court. With his ath- Alpine Skiing this year. Going more Sam Mugge a good head Cole Kopp is looking to improve on letic ability mixed with speed, Dan- from sking in the mountains of start on the winter season. Sam has his already impressive rookie year. ny is hard to defend against. Danny Montana to skiing at Giants Ridge been playing hockey for 13 years. With 6 goals and 13 points as a mixed with his older twin brothers, is gave her a little trouble at the She started playing varsity as an sophomore. “Hockey season is the Joe and Steve, is nearly unstop- start, but she slowly grew accus- 8th grader. “Hockey season is what best part of the year,” says Kopp, pable. The connection between the tom to the Northern Minnesotan I look forward to every year” says “I look forward ot spending time three brothers is unbelievable. He weather. The coaches see a lot Mugge. Sam and the Eveleth-Gil- ZLWKWKHER\Vµ.RSSLVRQHRIÀYH has been playing basketball for a of potential for the young skier. bert Area Golden Bears are look- Mesabi East Juniors playing for few years and is working on per- They are looking forward to seeing ing to take it one game at a time the Golden Bears looking to build fecting his technic and his game. Suvi’s improvement through this and reach the State Tournament as RIIRIWKHLUÀUVWORRNDWKLJKVFKRRO In past seasons, Danny played both coming season. She has shown that they did in the 2010-2011 season. hockey last year. Junior Varsity and Varsity. she can be a strong competitor for the Junior Varsity team and hopes to make Varsity this season. Feel Good Animal Edition The 601 North First Street West, Aurora, MN 55705 -Otters hold hands when they go to sleep so they don’t 218-229-3321Eastline ext 264 drift apart and get lost. The Eastline is a student written monthly newspaper for the Mesabi - Sloths mistake their arms for tree branches sometimes East High School serving the areas of Biwabik, Aurora, and Hoyt and will fall to an untimely demise. Lakes, MN. 3XIÀQVPDWHIRUOLIHDQGPDNHKRPHVLQFOLIIVLGHV Editorial Policy: The Eastline’s major functions are to convey the news of Mesabi East High School to the students, to entertain, to act as a forum for student opinion, where they make a side room for a bathroom. and to take stands on issues affecting our school and community. The content should UHÁHFWVWXGHQWLQWHUHVWDQGVHUYHDVDQRSSRUWXQLW\IRUVWXGHQWVWRTXHVWLRQLQTXLUH - Hundreds of trees grow yearly because squirrels forgot and exchange ideas. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the stu- dents body, faculty or school district administration. where they buried their nuts. Our editorial stands are based solely on the opinions of members of the journalism class. The content of the Eastline will be examined for accuracy and fairness by the editorial staff and the advisor. Columns bearing a byline and letters to the editor do QRWQHFHVVDULO\UHÁHFWWKHYLHZVRIWKHQHZVSDSHUVWDII&DUWRRQVDQGRWKHUDUWZRUN represent the viewpoint of the artist and not necessarily the newspaper. Letters to the editor from students, faculty, administrators, and other readers are strongly encouraged, as they give readers a chance to present their views. Letters must be signed; however in rare circumstances, letters may be printed anonymously. The Eastline reserves the right to edit or shorten letters. The Eastline will not print anything that is considered to be libelous, obscene, or that will promote any action that will cause substantial disruption. Letters may be given to the editors, advisor, and The Staff EastlineEastline Editors: August Moehrke, Kassie Strand, Tristan Larson and Aubri Ribich Writers/Photographers:Alexa Leffel, Savannah Robertson, Nick Maki, Steve Radtke, Joe Radtke, Ben Sulsavich, Levi Shultz, Kyle Wil- liams, Sara Wefel, Bobby Thomas, Bailey Dewhurst, Heather Vaughn, Nicole Hanson, and Elyssa Erickson Advisor: Pete Klabechek Mesabi East Schools 3 December 2013 Music and Its Effects On The Brain ity. An example is if a person who sic has also been shown to help re- normally listens to orchestral mu- duce stress, relax the listener, and sic were to listen to heavy metal.
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