MORE PRIZE WIN G LETTERS ERE is the second group of announcer should announce these in I would have a magazine published prize - winning letters in the detail even if the program is to be such as Stand By to let the people H contest announced three weeks changed to a different station. The know about the players and programs. ago. Both radio workers and listeners newspapers have never gt'Ven me ac­ -Bill Fleck (13 yrs. old) , Gruver, Tex. will be interested in these letters on curate data as to "when" and the subject, "If I Ran a Radio Sta­ "where," when a program has been tion." Letters are still pouring in, changed. If a program is to leave and they show that listeners have the ail', that should be announced Would Be Genuine very definite ideas of radio and what also so that the listeners will then I would start the day with a two­ they would do t6 create interesting have a better chance to listen in on hour program like Smile a While. programs and features. Some valu­ the end of the story. This applies to packing into it all the happy, cheer­ able ideas may be found in the en­ continued dramas, of course. Also, in ful numbers I could. I would find a tries to the contest. Stand By will pay dramas, as each new player is intro­ minister (if possible) to broadcast a one dollar for every letter published. duced, I would tell his real life name few minutes daily who would give his ,,\11 letters will be carefully read by and what other parts he or she had listeners the soul uplift which Dr. the judges, whose decision is final. taken if any. Holland does. What are you ideas on radio? Why I would have a variety of programs I would pattern my weather, news. not let Stand By hear about them? through the day so as to interest ev­ market reports and time signals after You may be among the winners next ery type of listener. Some women, WLS with a view to giving the great­ week. Let's go! some men singers; some musical pro­ est service to the most people when grams; some dramas; some talks on they need it, with the addition of health and other interesting subjects; evening news if radio hours permitted. The Happier Side market reports; weather reports; hill­ I would not admit a commercial program if I had the slightest doubt If I ran a radio station. billy music; farm programs and any other program to create varity.-Mrs. of the genuineness of the article ad­ I really must confess vertised. I would have plenty of lively I'd banish all unpleasant scenes Eugene O. Kunce, 405 8th Ave" Bara­ boo. Wis. music; also ballads for those who like And portray-just happiness! such, with symphonic melodies and Hospital scenes, with pain and suf­ the glorious tones of the pipe organ fering, for those who can appreciate them. With amputation and such. And I would close my programs with Should really be baned off the air Shorter Programs a verse of an old familiar hymn. We'd appreciate it much! I would have just 15 or 30 minute I would give amateurs a break Quarrelsome, bickering family homes programs unless it was a dance, play whenever possible, lest the radio pub­ Shatter our ideals! or an amateur program which usually lic miss something they need to hear. Why not portray the sunny side? takes an hour or more. For plays that or someone lose the chance for self­ qive American life a square deal! were continued each day I would al­ expression, which is their right. I When we pull up our favorite chair low only about 15 minutes. I would would cut out much of the silly blah And idly turn the dial. prefer them played out on a stage that many stations use to fill time We want to forget each petty care before an audience. and take it for granted that my audi­ We need to dream a while. I would have about five minutes for ence appreCiated something finer. We want variation in music stock market reports and 10 minutes Lastly. I would have a late program For every mood and whim. for police broadcasts and lost and of dreamy, soothing music to help ill We like both jazz and classical. found reports. or nervous sufferers through the long night.-Mrs. W. McCloud, Morris, Ill. We love an old-time hymn. I would have certain kinds of pro­ We like the advertising grams for certain kinds of people. We like the household hints. such as western music in one pro­ ST AND BY We really like the recipes. gram to suit the people who liked it. BURRIDGE D. BUTLER, Publisher And the news about the ··quints". Then for other people who liked it I Copyright. 1936. Prairie Farmer Publishing Co. But after all is said and done would have organ music and church 1230 Washington Blvd .• Chicago Long live the radio! songs. Indianapolis: 241 N. Pennsylvania But just give us the "sunny side" I would not have so much advertis­ New York City: 250 Park Avenue And let the rest just go. ing. but when there was some I would Subscription Price, $1.00 a Year Mrs. E. R. Kreger, have it changed each day so the peo­ Single Copy. 5 cents 409 Caroline St .. Neenah. Wis. ple wouldn't get tired of it. For the singers I would have only Issued Every Saturday those who sang clearly-not through Ente red as second-class matter February 15. 1935. at the post office at Chicago. Illi­ the nose. The announcers would have nois. under the Act of March 3. 1879. Improve Dramas to be distinct speakers. JULIAN T. BENTLEY, Editor There are a number of things I would have news foul' or five would do if I ran a radio station. times a day with a news broadcaster June 20, 1936 First. as to time changes. I think the with a very distinct voice. VOLUME 2 NUMBER 19 by MARY WRIGHT .-1. Swiss delegate explains Switzer­ land's rural power s ystem to other delegates. Front row, I. to r., Mrs. J. M. Home, Winnipeg, Manitoba; Mrs. F, K. Rohner, Zurich, ·Swltzerland; Mrs. Frank A. Burford, Monmouth, 01. Rear row, Mrs. Mary W rig h t, Chicago; Mrs. Nellie B. Scott, Clayton, Ind; Mrs. S pen c e r Ewing, Bloomington, 111. ing of trees and preservation of trees Women Urge Greater Understanding to Promote Peace along the roads. • A highlight of the conference was N DAYS of old, women tilled the among the women to improve home the exchange among delegates of fields and kept the home fires conditions. It was indeed surprising ways in which the natural resources I burning while the warriors on the and gratifying to find how much we of the countries were used. In North battlefield tried unsuccessfully to set­ all have in common. Carolina, walnuts are used in making tle tl\eir misunderstanding by hu­ From among the study projects re­ buttons to swell the family income. man slaughter. But all this was ported by women of other countries, change the week of June 1 to 6, when these were noted as being similar to Cheap Swiss Power over 7,000 country women from 20 our own: food and nutrition, food In Latvia (better get your geography countries met in Washington. D. Coo preservation, clothing and handi­ out), wool is dyed expertly and made to attend the third triennial confer­ crafts <including all needlework. into most attractive clothing, and the ence of the Associated Country Wom­ leatherwork, upholstery, rug making. roots of trees are used in making en of the World. Peace throughout basketry. chair seating, glove making. utilitarian baskets. Porto Rican wom­ the world was the keynote of the con­ toy making and use of wool), house­ en carve beautiful dishes of various ference but resolutions on peace were hold management, gardening. farm kinds and sizes from gourds while in conspicuous by their absence. Why? markets, farm accounts. music, dra­ Georgia pota toes are used in making Women feel that peace can be se­ ma and the use of leisure time. Oth­ delicious ice cream. The use of melt­ cured only by a feeling for peace in ers, such as the study of folk dancing. ing snow and ice in Switzerland in the heart and this will result more folk lore. local government, travel. generating electricity has made it in­ quickly from a mutual understanding architecture and literature are in­ expensive enough that all farm wom­ of home life and conditions between cluded in various women's clubs and en can cook with electricity and use peoples of various countries. study groups in the U. S. A. it for power. for many labor saving The activities of our guests from devices. Although we have no Alps. Women May Have Answer other countries in helping the less possibly with a little concentrated Perhaps the women of the world. fortunate showed a similarity to that thought and effort. we may, in the 'w'orking together will solve the Gar­ of various organizations here. Among near future, have the advantage of gantuan question of securing peace. them were country vacation homes . electricity in all rural sections of the The program throughout the week for children, seaside and mountain United States. Of such significance was brilliantly planned with this holidays at low cost for women and is the use of rural resources that it is thought in mind.
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