LOCAL MEMBER OBJECTIONS COMMITTEE DATE: 14/09/2011 APPLICATION No. 10/1681/DCO APPLICATION DATE: 08/09/2010 ED: PONTPRENNAU/ST MELLONS APP: TYPE: Outline Planning Permission APPLICANT: Heron Land Developments & Mr & Mrs James LOCATION: LAND AT CHURCH ROAD, LLANEDEYRN VILLAGE, PONTPRENNAU/OLD ST MELLONS, CARDIFF PROPOSAL: OUTLINE PLANNING APPLICATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF UP TO 150 DWELLINGS THE LAYING OUT OF OPEN SPACE NEW MEANS OF VEHICULAR ACCESS AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE ___________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That planning permission be REFUSED for the following reasons: 1. The proposal, by reason of the location and nature of the development, would represent an unsustainable form of development of land which is defined as ‘Countryside’ within the adopted City of Cardiff Local Plan, Policies H3 and C1 of the South Glamorgan (Cardiff Area) Replacement Structure Plan, Policies 2.39 (development within the countryside) and 2.43 (general landscape protection) of the Deposit Cardiff Unitary Development Plan (October 2003), and with advice contained in Planning Policy Wales (2002) which states that new development in the open countryside, away from established settlements should be strictly controlled. 2. The proposal, by reason of the location would represent an unsustainable form of development by virtue of poor connectivity due to unsatisfactory pedestrian access and a lack of alternative transport modes resulting in residents being car dependent in order to access services and facilities, contrary to the provisions of Planning Policy Wales, TAN 12, Policy 2.57 of the Deposit Cardiff Unitary Development Plan (October 2003) and the Cardiff Residential Design Guide Supplementary Planning Guidance (March 2008). 1. DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT 1.1 This outline application seeks permission for the construction of up to 150 dwellings, open space, new means of vehicular access and associated infrastructure. The application also includes a ‘Toucan’ crossing of the A4232 (Pentwyn Link Road) in proximity to the north western corner of the site, to link the proposed development to the centre of Pontprennau to the west. The means of access is a matter for consideration with all other matters being reserved for subsequent approval. However, an indicative site plan has been submitted for consideration. 2. DESCRIPTION OF SITE 2.1 The application relates to a greenfield site measuring 6.61 Hectares on land between Pontprennau and Llanedeyrn Village. To the immediate west the site is bounded by the Pentwyn Link Road, which joins the A48 Eastern Avenue to the M4. To the north of the site is Church Road as it curves around to join the Pentwyn Link Road. To the east of the site is Llanedeyrn Village and countryside beyond. To the south of the site is the A48 Eastern Avenue. 3. SITE HISTORY 3.1 04/2266E – Permission refused for the erection of 5 dwellings on part of this site - subsequent appeal dismissed. 4. POLICY FRAMEWORK 4.1 Planning Policy Wales, (Edn.3, July 2010) 4.2 Technical Advice Note 1: Joint Housing Land Availability Studies (June 2006): 2.2 Local planning authorities must ensure that sufficient land is genuinely available to provide a 5 year supply of land for housing. This land supply must inform the strategy contained in the development plan. Local planning authorities should also have regard to the requirement to prepare and provide timely housing land supply figures to satisfy the requirements of the Wales Programme for Improvement Core Planning Indicators3 and Local Development Plans Annual Monitoring Reports (AMR) 4. 5.1 The results of the Joint Housing Land Availability Studies should be treated as a material consideration in determining planning applications for housing. Where the current study shows a land supply below the 5 year requirement, the need to increase supply should be given considerable weight when dealing with planning applications, provided that the development would otherwise comply with national planning policies. In addition, Local Planning Authorities must take steps to increase the supply of housing land. This may include reviewing the development plan, releasing land in its ownership, expediting planning applications or securing the provision of infrastructure for particular sites, which prospective developers may be prepared to finance in whole or in part. The local planning authority must include a statement in the JHLA study outlining the measures it is taking to address the shortfall in housing land supply. 4.3 TAN 12: Design, (2009) 4.4 TAN 18: Transport, (2007) 4.5 The site lies within an existing area which is identified as Countryside and Urban Fringe, as defined in the City of Cardiff Local Plan. 4.6 The application should be considered against the following policies of the adopted City of Cardiff Local Plan: Policy 5 ‘The Countryside Including the Urban Fringe’ Policy 7 ‘Open Space’ Policy 8 ‘Nature Conservation’ Policy 11 ‘Design and Aesthetic Quality’ Policy13 ‘Energy Use’ Policy 17 ‘Parking and servicing requirements’ Policy 31 & 32 ‘Community Facilities’ 4.7 The following policies of the Deposit Cardiff Unitary Development Plan (October 2003) are relevant: Policy 1.A: General Principles for the Location of Development Policy 2.20 ‘Good Design’ Policy 2.24 ‘Residential Amenity’ Policy 2.26 ‘Provision for Open Space, Recreation and Leisure’ Policy 2.43 ‘General Landscape Protection’ Policy 2.45 ‘Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows’ Policy 2.48 ‘Biodiversity’ Policy 2.57 ‘Parking and Servicing’ Policy 2.58 ‘Impact on Transport Networks’ 4.8 Cardiff Residential Design Guide, Supplementary Planning Guidance (March 2008) 4.9 The South East Wales (Sewta) Regional Transport Plan (2010) 5. INTERNAL CONSULTEE RESPONSES 5.1 The comments of the Strategic Planning Manager are contained within the Analysis of the report. 5.2 The comments of the Strategic Planning Manager (Countryside) are contained within the Analysis of the report. 5.3 The Operational Manager Environment (Pollution Control) has no objections subject to conditions ground gas, contaminated land measures and imported soils and aggregates and advisory notes relating to construction site noise, radon gas protection and contaminated and unstable land. 5.4 The Chief Highways and Waste Officer (Drainage) advises: ‘The applicant has carried out a preliminary land drainage assessment of the site which has identified certain land drainage features situated both within and outside the curtilage of the application site and reference is made to the possibility of constructing an off-site culvert to be thrust bored beneath the A48, outfalling directly into the Rhymney River. Consultation with the EA, the Council and Dwr Cymru Welsh Water has taken place regarding drainage matters and an assessment into any potential Flood Risk to the site has been carried out. A site investigation has also been carried out which appears to rule out sustainable Drainage Techniques as an option for draining surface water from the completed development although this option cannot be ruled out at this time as more detailed investigations including permeability testing will need to be carried out. In the light of the above and in order to minimise any risk of flooding and pollution and to ensure an orderly development I request that the following condition be applied to any granted planning permission : ' No development shall take place until ground permeability tests have been undertaken to ascertain whether sustainable drainage techniques can be utilised and a comprehensive drainage scheme for the disposal of both surface water and foul sewage has been submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority in consultation with Dwr Cymru Welsh Water and the Environment Agency. ' 5.5 The Operational Manager Waste Management advises that no details of storage for waste and recycling is shown on the submitted plans. 5.6 The Operational Manager Transportation initially considered that there was a lack of information contained within the submitted Transport Assessment. In particular the Transport Assessment was considered not to address the issue of impact that the introduction of a controlled crossing of the Pentwyn Link Road would have on traffic at the Pentwyn Link / Heol Pontprennau roundabout junction – nor the safety implications. In response to the comments of the Operational Manager Transportation a Transport Assessment Addendum was submitted. Following consideration of the additional information the Operational Manager Transportation advised that there would be no objection on Highway grounds providing a number of conditions were met: (i) The upgrading of the proposed pedestrian crossing to a ‘Toucan’ crossing, with a central refuge of at least 4 metres; (ii) A minimum 2 metre wide refuge would be provided within the splitter island adjacent to the left turn lane into Heol Pontprennau. (iii) Existing footways from the ramped access from the site to the fire training centre access road – to the start of the new crossing, and from the other side of the new crossing to the existing crossing on Heol Pontprennau should be widened to 2.5 metres to make them suitable for shared use by pedestrians and cyclists. (iv) The provision of a CCTV camera is required to monitor traffic conditions at the intersection of the Pentwyn Link Road with Heol Pontprennau. (v) The provision of street lighting along the full length of the Pentwyn Link Road between the junctions with Heol Pontprennau and Eastern Avenue. In addition Vehicular traffic
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