KJ1 3Q;a no RARY %' c il*2 '/Jr.-. Connecticut Daily Campus Seruing Storrs'Since 1896 u).\i&fcG8cur a VOL. CXVI, No. 115 STORRS. CONNECTICUT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1962 Something For Everyone ] At Tonite's Band Concert Carnival For Charity CD The University Concert Band ful concert tour, which carried frill present a concert in the Al- it to eleven Connecticut commun- bert N. Jorgensen Auditorium at ities. In addition it appeared on In Its Final Stages |:15 tonight. There will be no the This Is Uconn television pro- admission charge. gram last Saturday. The 14th annual CCC, coming man, has announced that today this year promises to be one of For Everyone Best College Band up Monday, April 30, is in its is the deadline for ail houses the best ever for amount and The program will offer some- The Concert Band, like its sis- final stages of planning. Begin- planning £o enter a booth. Living variety of entertainment provided 0wng fox everyone. It will in- ter organization, the Husky ning with the colorful parade, it units still wishing to participate by floats and midway booths. clude light pieces such as selec- Marching Band enjoys the en- will continue throughout the even- must bring their entries to the The 1962 theme, "CCC Visits the tions from West Side Story by viable position of being one of ing with the giant Midway in the APO office, HUB 211 this after- World of TV", offers a wide pat- Leonard Bernstein and the Sound the best college bands in New Field House, holding varied en- noon. tern of ideas, many of which are fi Music by Richard Rodgers, England. It is composed of 73 tertainment in store for all. Miss According to Dave Chase, gen- to be presented within the gaiety 0nd Osser's Beguioe for Band. undergraduates from several Uconn and her court will also be eral chairman of the 1962 CJC, of the carnival atmosphere. (Uso classical selections of symp- Schools and Colleges of the Uni- presented during the carnival. honic proportion including Tschai- versity. Many of its members al- fcawsky's 1812 Overture, and Al- so play in the Marching Band The final coffee for the purpose Jerseelcn by Richard Strauss. To and the recently organized Pep of selecting this year's Miss U- Advanced Undergraduates «take the concert complete sev- Band. oonn and the four members of eral stirring marches, such as New Height* her royal court will be held to- Sousa's Liberty Bell will be play- Mr. Gillespie was appointed to night at Webster House. Alpha Favored In Summer Program his present position in 1956. Since Phi Omega, sponsoring this con- undergraduaes will be stressed at chemistry during a special 8-week judilh Beiszad will be featured then the University Bands have test as part of the CCC, will an- the University of Connecticut's program from June 11 to Aug. 3. IK soloist in Concerto for Flute, risen to new heights in quality nounce the names of the winners' split Summer Session this year, One semeser course of interest Dp. 107, by Chaminade. Miss and popularity. Before coming to according to the judges- decision Stuart H, Manning, director, re- to science majors includes: Com- Beiszad is a sophomore in Arts Uconn the popular conductor, tonight . ports. parative vertebrate anatomy, hu- ■fid Sciences, and a resident of teacher, and adjudicator served According to the Executive The first of two 5-week terms man physiology and bacteriology. %Vest Hartford. as instructor and director of Committee, various important an- runs from June 11 to July 13, Among the courses offered in Concert Tour bands at the Minto, North Dako- the Uconn summer program are ta High School, and the Univer- nouncements concerning floats with the second scheduled from During the spring recess the and Midway booths should be July 16 to Aug. IT. Summer Ses- "Continental Geography" and band conducted a highlysuccass- sity of North Dakota. kept in mind by all living units sion programs are also listed con- "Political Geography" both for planning to participate. currently at the Uconn Branches advanced students. Eric Collett, CCC Parade Chair- at Hartford, Waterbury and Although the stress is on meet- APhA To Install Members man, has announced that this Stamford. ing the needs for upperclassmen, year's parade route will be a re- At the main campus, Mr. Man- Mr Manning noted that incoming Into Honor Society Tonight versal of the one used in pre- ning says, students will be able freshman can accelerate their vious years. The parade will as- to acquire from 12 to 14 college college carpers by enrolling in the Dr. George F. Archambault, include speeches by the out-go- semble on Stadium Road and turn credits—almost a complete se- second session. president-elect of the national ing President Joseph Krzanowski mester's work in one summer. "A comprehensive science cur- left onto Hillside Road, proceed- riculum has been prepared for American Pharmaceutical As- who will welcome the guest and ing toward North Campus. (Special Provisions discuss the events of the past freshmen who have been admit- •ociation will be the guest of hon- Reviewing Stand "Special provision has been •r at the Installation Banquet of year. Edward Hartranft will pre- ted to the University. By enroll- The judges' reviewing stand made for pre-medical and pre- ing this summer, they can pick the student branch of the Ameri- sent the future plans and aims of will be in front of the Albert N. dental students who wish to ac- up a half-semester's head start can Pharmaceutical Association the student branch. The Dean of celerate their undergraduate ca- the School of Pharmacy Harold Jorgensen Auditorium. Prizes will on their classmates." he declares •a the Commons Dining Hall at reers. They will be able to com- Transferable Credits Hewett will also speak. be awarded at the carnival for I p.m. tonight. plete 'one year' of general chem- The Uconn Summer Sessions di- Officers Installed The past year the student the best floats in three categor- ies, based on the judges' selec- istry or general physics and 'two rector also invited college stu- ' Those officers to be installed branch initiated a Career's Day years' of a foreign language dur- dents from other schoils to inves- for students in the high schools tions during the parade. •ere elected on April 4 and in- ing the double session," he points tigate the possibilities of earning clude Edward Hartranft, presi- throughout Connecticut. This was The parade will then turn right on North Eagleville Road and out . transferable credits at Storrs this dent; Gerald Dionne, vice-presi- the first of its type to be held on Upperclassmen at the main summer. To be eligible these stu- tent; Michael Fallon, treasurer; the Uconn campus. go past North Campus, con- tinuing to the right down Route, campus also will be able to meet: dents be in good standing at their Moreen Capana, recording secre- A program was carried out to a year's requirements in organic i own institutions, he notes. tary; and Janet Goodrige, cor introduce the freshmen and 195. All floats will turn off 195 responding secretary. sophomores in pharmacy to the onto South Eagleville Road; Also to be announced are the School in order that they might right on Westwood Road, and W-editors of the Pharma-Conn, become better acquainted with complete their route at the or- Skitzofunia Gathers $350 For the quarterly news bulletin. The their future field. iginal starting point. Bands and editors are Bill Smith and Gill The Association will end the marching units will turn into University Scholarship Fund Searegeant. year with a membership and his- South lot by the Fine Arts Cen- Program torical display during the Phar- ter. Thus the parade will make At the Annual Skitsofunia were Phi Sigma Delta and Ptit The evening's program will macy Open House on Sunday a complete circumference of the Show, held on Thursday, April Sigma Sigma. Theta Chi and from 2-5 p.m. campus, with many viewing 12, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Spencer A, Sprague Hall, and Delta Pi. points available to spectators. Phi Sigma Kappa won the dou- Letters concerning parade Class Rings Psychology Meeting route, marshaling areas and gen- bles trophy and Alpha Kpsilon Passover Services Several University of Connecti- eral parade rules are being sent Phi won the singles trophy. Passover festival services will Go On Sale cut Psychologists will play major to all participating houses this Winners be held at Hillel House in the roles at the meetings of the week. The winning doubles skit was evenings and on the morning* of Eastern Psychological Assn. April Booth Deadline entitled "My Fair Laddi." The the closing days of the Passrx er Today In HUB 26-28 at Atlantic City, N.J. Ron Abrahams, Midway Chair- skit incorrporated the music of holy day week. Following is the Dr. Alvin M. Liberman, head schedule of these services: "My Fair Lady," using new Students who were unable to of the Uconn Psychology Depart- Wednesday. 10:00 a.m. place orders for class rings be- ment, will direct a session on Studio Theater words in a description of the Wednesday. 6:45 p.m. fore the spring recess will have perceptual learning; Dr. Maria transformation of a Transylvan- Thursday. 10:00 a.m. •not her chance to buy rings this A. Rickers-Ovsiankina will lead ian "fink" into a monster. The The special Yi/kor Service of year. The sale time has been ex- a session on projective techni- tended because of the large Play Opens singles skit by Alpha Fpsilon Phi.
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