BAH A I f NEWS PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY OF THE BAHA'lS OF CANADA No. 46 BAHA'I YEAR 110 Novembw, 1953 MESSAGES FROM THE GUARDIAN Sept. 20, Haifa. (and) Rex Co)Jison, Dunduzu Chisizwa, Islands comprising (the) orbit (of) His Transmit (the) following joyful tid­ Ruandi Urundi; Izzatullah Zahrai, South­ irresistibly expanding Faith, achieving ings National Spiritual Assemblies (of ern Rhodesia; Ghulamal Kurlawala, thereby. a feat paralleling, (in the) eyes the) Baha'i World. World spiritual cru­ Daman; Gail (and) Jameson Bond, (of) posterity, (the) triumphant com­ sade, mightiest agency yet conceived Franklin; Roshan Aftabi, Feroza Yaga­ pletion (of the) superstructure (of the) (for the) systematic execution (of) nagi, Goa; Rose Perkal, Jack Huffman, Sepulchre (of) its Co-founder (at the) Abdu1-Baha's Divine Plan (has been) Kodiak Island; Mr. (and) Mrs. Arthur . Baha'i World Center (in the) Holy befittingly ushered in through successive Crane, Key West; Saeed N ahvi, Shyan Land. magnificent victories won (by) Baha'u'­ Behrarilal, Pondicherry; Udainarayan (signed) SHOGHI. llah's ?"usaderS' (in) virgin territories Singh, Sikkim; Fred Schechter, French * * * (in) every continent (of the) globe. Somaliland; Virginia Orbison, Balearic TO THE NATIONAL TREASURER Four months (have) elapsed since its Islands; Mr. (and) Mrs. Amin Banani, July 26, Haifa. glorious inauguration amidst climax: (of) Greece; Abbas Vakil, Cyprus; Gertrude The beloved Guardian has received festivities commemorating (the) Centen­ Eisenberg, Canary Islands; Dick Stanton, your ~ov~g letter of June 26th, enclosing ary (of the) inception (of) His Mission, Keewatin; Mr. (and) Mrs. Jenabe Cald­ contributions from assemblies and indi­ immortalized (by the) opening (of) no well, Aleutian Islands; Edythe Mac­ viduals, for the Shrine of the Bab Fund less (than) twenty-eight territories. (and) Arthur, Queen Charl.otte Islands; Hush­ and has asked me to acknowledge it o~ islands, nine (in) Europe, eight (in) mand Manuchihri, Lichtenstein; Eskil his behalf. America, six (in) Africa, five (in) Asia, Ljungberg, Faroe Islands; Mildred Clark, He greatly appreciates the devotion constituting (a) dispersal unprecedented Loyce Lawrence, Lofoten Islands; Salisa which these contributions represent. En­ in its rapidity (and) scope (during) Kirmani, Shirin Nurani, Karikal; Ziaullah closed are receipts for them. The Guar­ eleven decades (of) Baha'i history. Asgarzadeh, Evelyn Baxter, Channel dian asks that you send them to the Islands; Kay Weston, Magdalen Islands; contributors, with his loving appreciation. (The) number (of) pioneers (who) Julius Edwards, Northern Territories The reports which are being received responded (to the) call (for) settlement Protectorate; Doris Richardson Grand in connection with the Ten-Year Crusade (of) open (and) unopened territories Manan Island; Charles Dunning: Orkney indicate splendid results. The Guardian (on the) planet passed (the) three Islands; Nellie French, Manaco. has been pleased with the cable which hundred mark: over (a) hundred (and) has been received from the Inter-Terri­ fifty {from) America, over fifty (from) Countries (in which) Baha'is reside now aggregate over. (one) hundred fifty. torial Committee, telling of the progress Europe, over forty (from) Africa, over of the settlement of the Canadian forty (from) Asia. (The) number (of} • Over seventy (have been) added (in ·:tj;ie) course (of the) nine years separat­ pioneers. He greatly values the sacrifices prospective pioneers (to) virgin areas and the devotion of the Canadian be­ (is) over forty. All Western .Hemisphere il}:g, t the) first (and) second Jubilees. 1Ihe}'.,:festivities (of the) Holy Year, lievers. They have great responsibilities, and Africa areas allocated (to the) but he knows they will fulfil all of the United States National Assembly, as well so · ~kndidly inaugurated, attaining (the) high water mark (on the) occasion tasks assigned to them. as all European areas allocated (to the) He certainly will pray at the Shrines various National Assemblies (have been) (of the) Ninetieth Anniversary (of the) declaration (of the) Mission (of the) for the guidance and confirmation of the assigned. Canadian Baha'i Community as a whole, {The) Roll (of) Honor designed (to) ~ound~ .<of the) Faith, (are) approach­ mg ( tlierr) end. Appeal entire body and the Baha'is, individually. perpetuate (the) memory (of the) ex­ The Shrine of the Bab is progressing· ploits (of the) spiritual conquerors (is) (of) His followers (to) exert (a) con­ certed, superhuman effort (to) celebrate, v_ery rapidly at this time. The golden already 4J,scribed (with the) names~(of tiles are more than half laid on the dome the)' ff:... wing pioneers, together (with through acceleration (of their) dispersal, adding to the splendor of the Shrine each their) i · .. ctive territories, amounting (the) conclusion (of the) world-wide day. (to) a . ost (a) fourth (of the) number rejoicings, (and) pay worthy tribute (to) The Guardian sends his loving greet­ required (for the) attainment (of the) His memory, through as close (an) ap­ ings to all of you. paramount objective (of the) opening proach (to the) two hundred mark as With warm Baha'i love, phase (of. the) ten year plan. Sohail possible (of the) total nm:~ber (of) (signed) LEROY I9AS, Sa.tnandari, Itd)4an Somalila1Ul; Mary sovereign States, Depend~ncies (and) · AsSistant Secretary. 2 November, 1953 THIRTY BASES The greatest satisfaction we can get. in our Baha'i life is participation. No one wants to miss his opportunity to Next month we hope to review the thirty outposts which serve. It may be his last one. We can only feel strengthened are to develop into assemblies during this Ten Year Crusade. by and grateful to the services of those faithful hearts who Before we do that, we shall take another look at our thirty remain loyal to their base, even at great personal sacrifice, and assemblies which are to serve as bases from whfch to launch thus honour our commitments to the Five Year Plan in order operation "dispersal". that we may face unfalteringly the trials and blessings of the ASSEMBLY COMMUNITIES IN CANADA, OCTOBER, 1953 Founde.cl City Baha'i Population Size of Locality Ten Year Crusade. "These Spiritual Assemblies are aided by the Spirit of 1922 Montreal 25 1,021,000 God, their defender is Abdu1-Baha. Over them He spreadeth 1927 Vancouver 36 345,000 His wings. What. bounty is there greater than this? ..• 1938 Toronto 56 675,000 These Spiritual Assemblies are shining lamps and heavenly 1938 Moncton 9 27,000 Guardians from which the fragrances of holiness are diffused 1938 St. Lambert 9 8,600 over all regions and the lights of knowledge are shed abroad 1942 Winnipeg 25 235,700 over all created things. From them the spirit of life streameth 1942 Hamilton 44 208,000 in every direction. They, indeed, are the potential sources of 1942 Halifax 9 85,500 the progress of men at all times and under all conditions." 1943 Edmonton 14 160,000 NATIONAL TEACHING COMMITTEE. 1944 Regina 13 71,000 1944 Charlottetown 6 16;000 AUDIO-VISUAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE 194& Ottawa 14 202,000 There are two Audio-Visual Aids which every Baha'i 1948 Victoria 11 51,000 community should own. One is a recording entitled "Words 1948 Scarboro 17 for the World", a melodious blending of the voices of David 1948 West Vancouver 11 Bond and Selma Solomon, in reading some choice selections 1949 Calgary 11 129,000 from the Baha'i Sacred Writings, with musical interludes. 1949 Vernon 14 7,800 This record sells for $4.25. For teaching purposes, an even­ 1951 Forest Hill 11 15,000 ing of recorded music is suggested, in which this Baha'i record 1952 North York 9 could be included. 1953 London 9 95,000 A second aid in teaching the Faith is a three-wing 1953 Verdun 6 77,000 display folder, 4' long by 22" high, showing views of the 1953 Saskatoon 9 53,000 Temple at Wilmette. It can be used for window display 1953 Oshawa 8 41,500 advertising or as part of a table display at public meetings. 1953 St. Catharines 5 38,000 Price is $4.00. 1953 Kingston 6 33,000 Regarding non-Baha'i teaching aids: The National 1953 New Westminster 4 29,000 Film Board have offices across Canada, in Vancouver, Ed­ 1953 Westmount 7 25,000 monton, Regina, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal, Fredericton, 1953 Belleville 9 20,000 Halifax, Charlottetown and St. John's, Nfld. Our committee 1953 Pickering 10 has investigated their film catalogue and find that there are 1953 Etabicoke 9 many films which illustrate Baha'i principles. United Glancing at this list we find that twenty-four of the Nations films are among those in this category. We would thirty assemblies nave less than fifteen members, which suggest renting a film for a public meeting, building. a Baha'i means that these bases have to be consolidated first before talk around it and using it as a discussion leader. they can effectively contribute to our expansion program. In many large cities, such as those mentioned above, Furthermore, we find among these twenty-four "weak" as­ there exists a Film Council. The purpose -0f this Council is semblies seven below strength and eight assemblies with to acquaint the public with the wide variety of educational only nine believers precariously holding their own. 16 mm. films available and to create an interest in the use Of our six "strong" assemblies, Toronto (56), Hamilton of films in programming, as well as to facilitate their use by ( 44), Vancouver ( 36), Montreal ( 25), Winnipeg ( 25), making available projectors, projectionists and information. Scarboro ( 17), Hamilton stands out as the second largest This committee strongly recommends that, if there is a Film Baha'i city, although it is listed seventh chronologically, and Council in your area, you make use of their services.
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