Armenlan nnd Turkish eonfltcts all lho dghtlng titmlltlev ,,t? hla prefloeoa- aorn nud surcoMfiors. nver lho country. Mohtmimed tnitisfoned hls cnpltnl to < No woman can be havo CANNOT PAY POLL TAX _ happy Thn Si'tinto nnd Deputies Kunipo. Ho mado Adrlnnople lho inf- iWW wiihout it is her a resoltilton at San Stefano, TITLES II. H% gl children; ndnpii-d OFFfCfAL (hn fropolla of Ottomntm. Murnd l^fn ij Muslnfii. Wf"^ nature to love them na much eniluul.i Ing :« rofjueat tu the ffovrrn- fought sucrni'sfull.v ngiilnst .Woman's_ _ ,___,__ "to SATURDAY n. snd hud him AFTER NIGHT sons nvut lo lho loeal prelnndor, hnngod it is (hc beautiful nnd order Iniperallvoly convlnco tho world thut ho waa an Jilf,r IJXlf/:!Hl} siithi.rltles to fitop tho dlsordor nnd Thc ordeal Impostor." m*.^'**^>~**'*mAmmmmBLlUin1 FImKL Pure< throtiRli piintsli th.- leaders, Ainbnssndnr Lolsh- Turks AVln Cnninlnnllnnple. Saloon Leaguo and tho liquor torcon W ightmare ^j^ ^ Heavy Rcgistration Really Due havo on expectent mother liiuii haa iraniinilttod tho following Ills son nnd sticccfflor, Mohnmrnod both beon tho alort, nnd lt must passis so full ofdread that the fills her With tnessngti: Abdul Hamid's Line Rulcd Over II. hognn tho slngo nf (,'onsltintlnoplo to Fossibility of Local Option Is understood tnat thelr efforts havo thought apprehension. "Hnplesa nutbrcnks nt Adana; natlve Aprll H, |.|3a, The clty wns nurrcndor- ,not been In vnln, Whatevcr mn.y havo There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be elther very blii-lfltlatia Kuitercd mueh loss of llfo Vast Tcrritory for Six od Iti Hfty-tliroa days. Sollni I. enn« Ellcction, Here. boori the movlhg causo,. howover, tho pain ful or dangcrous. The use of Mother's Frlend prepares the und iproperty. Thelr dlstrict ls iu i|uered Kgypt, nnd becamo not only thn toxfts havo boon pald, and tho votlng system thousnntls Centuries. Ust .has been for thc coming event, and it is passed without any danger. This llnines; 15,000 now destltuto; vlHbln chlef of tlie Mohniumodan stato, greatly augmented. """ -^' - i.r dollara raqtilred dally. They havo but nlso tlio revered hond of tho rn* CAMPAIGN GROWING WARM Sptirrlng for I'lnce. remedy Is applied externally, T"" bread nlono; luck medlcal supplies. Tho Every olllolal tltlo of Abdul Hamld Hglon of Islnm. Tho horetlcal Rhlaa Thn flrst real, old-fnnhlonod publlo and has carried thousandsof | four cmcrKoncy hospltals uro ulre'ndy ls tho rocord of a great vlctory won of Porsln deiiled hls clulm, but, meeting hold during the clty cam¬ women the crisis ovci-cruwriF-<l. Two largo orphanages hy ono of IiIb nnccators, but, alnco tho Indln, in nll parls of Asla nnd Afrlr paign was ln .lefferson "Ward on Sat¬ through un onco. authorlties Sattcrficld -and Smith Be nlght,. nnd vtnn n with but little required nt Tho decndence of the Turklsh tho where lho trndJI.toal Khalifato waa May urday tl\ero good suffering. MOTHEKS cannot. liieet tho present noeds. Tho Eniplre, roeognlzod, tho Ottomnn Sultan honce- Leaders in the Most doal of manoe|.vrlng botwoon two of Book eontalnlnf* Informntlon of T»tna iiiicf commlsslon has begun work, but flrst slgna of whlcll camo after lhe forMi wns tlio supremo chlof of the Ag- tho candldates for City Sorgonnt ns to to all c__pc.ii.nt mother* malled free. lnnds aro needed." death of Hollmnn tho Mngnlflcent, Church nnd Hticcensor to tho splrltunl gressivc Fight. whlch should speak llrst. Thls, and BRMOriELD ntraULATOH oo. Slrmigern Ounrd SnKiin. three ccnturlea ago, not ono of the prestlge of thc- long llno ot Khallfa, tho flcry romarhn of ono of thom lator Atimntsu Om. To-nlght unaympattietlc nnd resolut-s Sultans hns had so many tltlcs whlch It Is doubled that tlils now tltlo com- oft, /Indlcatod clonrly that tlioro wlll FRIEND strnngiis are on gunrd nrouinl the nro hlstorlo nnd no more. mands tho homngo of tho orthodnx nv C. A. BOYCE!. be. aomo. heavy scrnpping oyor thls luoratlva boforo tho Sultan nr< a precailtion agalnst hls Turkey onco comprlsed, besldes Its Moslem wor'# but it ndds tindoniably If basoball parlanco may be Invoked posltlon campaign fflnndg. He ha.s not been deposed its presont terrltory, Oreoce, Bulgarla, a renl nnd nulhOrlty to tho Is far'spent. I'portant to doscrlbn u. political Altuatlon, Rlch¬ was hut hla talk openly of Eastern Itouinclla, Servla, proctamtttlons of tho .Stiltun. a Sergeant Smlth Just outslde thn rnir<r, sulljccta Roumanla, mond ls about to ohter upon atronu- door when Chalrman Wood called Where on Tvhether lio Bhall remnln oven ihe nom¬ Bosnia, llerzogovlnn, a portlon of In 1520 Spllsinn thc Mngnlflcent mnde oua "double-hoador" campaign, and upon Tag Day Stations Will Be Found May 5 lnal head of iho cmplro. Southorn Ilussla, Asln Mlnor to tho gront fnr Ktnplre tho ago vorlly, thoae,who hungor and thlrat a,f- him bb tho. first spoaker for'that offlce. ls bordera of PerBla, Syrla, Trlp- whlch horuitVdth^/ottomnnIn of Charlos V. Ho sont word that ho was ongagod In Streot Tho constl'tutlohftj party supreme Egypt, Hpnln tcr political oxcltonicnt wlll not bo at tho would Byrd Station, Brlggs's Drug Store, Harrlson Street; Brlggs'a bui tho zealots are Iti tho oll, Tunis, Alglers and numeroua Isl¬ nnd In Franco of Francis T. Ilo cup- convorsatlon tlmo. but Drug Store, Flrst and Mnln Store, and Main agaln, busy ands dlsappolntcd. '**>_ bo In wlthln a fow momcnta. Menn- Streots; Harpor's Drug Flfth cHstern provinces, strlvlng to arouse ln tho Moditerrnnean. ttired In four years Bolgrade, Ttho.les, At llrst lt looked as though tho State Streets; Y. M. C. A. Claleskl's, It. L. Christian's, Boll Book Company, Mutual lnfl- Accordlng to his vnrlous tltlcs Ab¬ thn rond to Httngry npd the Levnn- would bo whlle, ono of hla compotltors, Alder¬ Chamber of Aalatlc Moh'ammedaplsni agalnst dul llnnild and clty campatgns heron man Jno. L. Sattordold, wns called Bulldlng, Commerce? Amerlcan National Bank, Flrst National df culture, rolgns over a population of tlno waters. tho fleld of Mrtlidca chlefly remarkable for thelrsdullness Bnnk, I'lnntors* Bank, Merchants' Bnnk, Bnnk of Rlchmond, Chosapeako 50,000,000, nnd nn area twlco tho slzo mnde nn Ottomnn of upon, and as he was advanclng to. nnd Small rlslngs are llkely to occur Iltingnry provlnco and a Inck of interest on the part tho front, Mr. Smlth camo ln. Mr. Ohlo Bulldlng, Crcnshnw Bullding, Polk Mlller Drug Company, Frnyaer east of tlio Bosporus, but they nlso of Europo without Bussla. In roallty, for 140 yenrs. He loft to hls suocos- the votors, but recont developmonta Drug Company, Nlneteonth nnd Main Strcots; Tho Tuxedo, Alglors and Tunls, 175,000 square sor nn to tho extent of whlch Sattorflold wanted to glvo way to Mm, Mlnnchoya, tiro llkely to he put down by tho re- omplro havo brought about changed condl¬ a sent l'ost-ofllco, Branch Allcn'n, Shcnamloah Flnts, Monroo Pnrk, Jefforson mllea nnd 5,000,000 Inhabltanta, aro fow permanent addltlona ever trans- hut Mr. Smlth took and sald: Hotol, sources of ihe government moro fully wero tions, enough having elready that's all rlght, go, ahoad." Franklin Street; jofferson Hotel, Mnln Streot; Commonwcalth Club, Ches- thoso seck- Fronch. Egypt, 500,000 mlles nnd over made. excopt tho Island of Cyprus ond to indlcato that tho blggost "No, you thnn ever at tho hands of 6.000.000 lnhabltants, la Independont. Candla, plred "Vctb. are foxy, all rlght," replled tho torilcld, Iluogor's, Mrs. Uowors's, Rlchmond Collego campus, Capltqj Squar-., lng to upllft tlio wholo country. His domlnlon comprlsed all atakes contonded for wlll not bo won nnd "Never mlnd."' Woman's Kxchangc, Associated charitles, Bromm's Bakory, Monroo Servla and Bosnia, 40,000 mlles and tho most celebrated citles ,of blbllcal on ot Alderman, added, Street; '. without hard struggles tho part I'll got a chanco to follow somo- Mosby & Company, Chlldrcy Company, Broad Strcct; S.DOO.poo lnhnbltanta, ore Auatrlan. and classlcal history excopt Bome. tho candidates, and that Into thouo ypu Drug Shophord's, NEWS Wallachla and Moldavla, 46,000 mllea .Syraciino and sites of tltnc." Founiurcnn'o, Cohon Company's, Clty Hall, Hchmldt's, Mlller & Ithoads's, T. In"wASHINGT0N Perscipolis. Tho atruggloa wlll be thrown onough splrit All thls. wna apparently in good A. Mlllor's, Globo Murphy's and 5,000,0*00 inhabltanta, aro United Carthngc, Memphls,. arouee tho votora, and' hy- Clothlng Company, Hotol, Tyler's, Flr-U ln tho of Kou- Tyro, Nlnoveh, and enorgy. to mor, but more than half of lt waa and Broad Btrcctn; Market, Soventh Street; Cublo Mlllor Grrnt Itrltnln Snyn Her Shlpn on Sccno lndopendcnt klngdom Bahylon. nnd Palmyra wero Ottoman causo thom to rally wlth onthuslasm Company. Hotel, mnnla. Bulgarla, Jndopendent, und ond meant, ns- was shown by tho vigorouo Virginia Hospltal, Unlversity College. Woman's College, Fannyo, Straus Are Adrqunte. ground. tho citles of Alexandrla, around the standarda of thelr rcspec- manner ln whlch Mr. Sattordeld WASHINGTON. D. C. Aprll 25.. Kastorn Boumella, ln fact a part of .Torusalcin, Damascus, r*'leo, tlvo favorltos. spoke Clgar Company, Hutzlor & Company, Bankers; C'llff W6U Clgar Company. Bulgarla, 40,000 aquaro mllea and 3,- Smyrna. of Improvlng condltlons at tho Jail and Amerlcan Can Company, Carrlage collection, Klrkwood'y, While condltlons ln tho near Hast con¬ Brusa, AthotiB, Phllippi nnd Adrianople, Tliere aro two soparato and dlfltlnct modern methods Kaufmann's, 000,000 Inhabitnnts, ond Groece, 1.25.000 bosldes but not cam¬ Introducing prison Lexington Hotol, Branch Allcn's, Fotirteenth nnd Mnln Strcots; Nurses' Set¬ tinue to bo alarmlng, the Stato Do mllea nnd many of later inferior Meccaa ln thls "double-heador" should ho bo elected.
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