S96 Elland-cum-Greetland. Holroyd & Fidden, cotton spinilers, Onecliffe l\Iill, West- Lord J ames, hydropat hie bath & pleasure gardens propr. gate Elland road; ancl Brighouse Holroyd J ames, farmer, GreetLwd • Lord Stansfield, clogger and boot maker, \Vestgate IT olroyd J oseph, farmer, Greetland Lord Wm. woollen mfr. Bridge Field 1\Iill; h Elizabeth st Holroyd J oseph (R. & J.) ; h Holywell green Lumb Abrah;tm, woollen m:1nnfacturer, James street Holroyd Rowland, yeast importer, Timber street Lumb Abraham, woollen yarn spinner, Farrar Mill; h Holroyd R. & J. cotton spinner:~, Spring Wood :Mills, Huddersfield road Holywell green Lumb Bros. coal merchants, Station Holroyd Stephen, confectioner, \Vest vale Lumb George, wheelwright and blacksmith, South gate; h Borne Samuel Hoyle, grocer and provision dealer, fire- Langdale street light m fr. and ea~ proprietor, \V est vale. (See Advt.) Lum b Geo. cotton spinner, \Vellington ~I ills, Quebec st Hors fall J ames, farmer, El land Upper edge Luru b J am,es, brass and steel founder and finisher, Per- Hors fall ::\Irs ~Iartha Ann, N ewcombe street severance l\Iills, Providence street ; h Quebec street Horsfail Samuel. groeer, Greetbwd Lumb J ames, draper, Church street Howe Arthur, shoddy dealer, IVes~ vale Lum b 1\Irs l\Iartha, dressmaker, Church street Howe Henry, coal and lime merchant, \Vest Yale Lumb Oli'l'er, cotton douuler, Elland ~1ill Ho we llumphrey, coal merchant, Greet land Lumb William, wheelwright and blacksmith, and dray Hoyle George, ~LB. & C.l\L surgeon, Eliz;tbeth street builder, Park road; h Woodland terrace Hutchinson Chas. slater, plasterer & painter, Timl1er st Luty E. & Sons, manufacturers of best glass house pot Illingworth Thomas, chemil·al mfr. North Dean Chemical clay & fire bricks, .Newball Fire Clay Works, Elland In Works; h Halifax Luty Elijah (L. & Sons); h Elland ]atJe Jngham R. G. dyer, Halifax; h Hullen edge 1\Iarkrell J ames, millwrights, engineers & iron & brass Ingham Geo. worsted spinner, Prospect Mills, \Vest Yale; founders, Union Foundry, Elland lane ; h N ewcombe st h The Crescent, llipperholme 1\Iallinson Edward Henrv• Clarke, wholesale and ret:lil Ingham Sydney, shopkeeper, North dean grocer and flour dealer, Southgate Iredale Benjamin (W. & Co.); h Westbmy street Manks George Hy. maltster, Bridge kilns; h High field hs Iredale Edwin, earthenware dealer, Southgate Marsden Feargus E. woollen manufacturer, Commercial Iredale 1\-Irs Sarah, \V oodside :l\Iill, Timber street; h Elizabeth street Iredale William & Co. woollen mfrs. West bury Mills Marsden Richard, stone merchant, Elland Upper edge Jackson George, vict. New Inn, Briggate l\Iarsden Samuel, woollen manufacturer, South Lane Mills; Jackson Thomas, yict. Queen's Hotel, \Vest vale h Elizabeth street Jackson William, farmer, Greotland l\Iarshall J. H. & Co. drapers and hosiers, The Cross J agger Ed win, boot and clog maker, J ames street l\Iarshall Rev. John, vicar, Greet land J agger Mrs Frances, carriH, So ut hgate l\Iarsland \Villiam, coal merchant, Greetland J agger Richard, cart owner, South gate l\Iatthews John, machine maker, Commercial :l\Iills, Tim· Jagger Samuel (S. & W. H.); h Elizabeth street ber street; h Commercial street J agger S. & \V. H. plumbers and glaziers, and gas and. 2\Iaud DaYid, greengrocer, Greetland .steam fitters, Elizabeth street Maude Isaac, monumental mason, Greetland Jagger Thomas, vict. Malt Shovel Inn, Bridge end J\Iaudc Isaac, farmer, West vale Jagger Wm. Henry (S. & W. li.); h Elizabeth street l\Iaude John, architect, Southgate J owett Alfred, farmrr, Greetland .Maude l\Iatthew & Sons, woollen manufacturers, West J owett J onathan, farmer, N ewhall vale; and Greetland Joy Robert, watchmaker and jeweller, \Ve~t Yale l\Iercer J oseph, bootmaker, \Vestgate Kaye J oseph (Robert & Sons); h J ames street l\Iilner John F. corn miller, V{oodside Mills; h Long Lee hs Kaye J oseph, bookseller and newsagent, West "l""ale Mi lner Pickles, butcher, Southgate Kayo Robert & Sons, woollen mfrs. Albion Mill, Jamcs st -:\Iitchell George, grocer, Greetland Kave R. W. & Co. woollen mfrs. Marshal! Hall Mill • l\Iitchell J ames, glass and china dealer, \Vest vale Kaye Robert Wilkinson (R. W. & Co.); h James street l\Iorton J ames, beerhouse, W estgate Kaye Simeon (Robert & Sons); h Victoria road :Moss Samuel, shopkeeper, Quebec street Kaye William, deputy supt. of Fire Brigade, Crown street Musson Rev . .Francis, rector, The Rectory Keodall Mrs l\Luy, friHl fish dealer, W estgftte N cwsome J ph. coal mert. Park road; h Huddersfield rortll Kershaw Jas. maltster; & Halifax; h Stafford bs. Skircoat Nicholl Alfred, grocer & provision dealer, Xorthgate Kippax \Villiam, coal merchant, Greet land; h Salterhebble Noble Henry, shopkeeper, Huddersfield road Kitchen Cooper, ironmong-er & mill furnisher, Southgate Noble James (T. & J.); h Langdale Etrect Kitchen J ames, tea & coffee dealer, Langdale street Nnble T. & J. woollen mfrs. Providence Mill, Southgate Kitson 'I'itus, earthenware mfr. \Voodman House Pottery Noble Thomas (T. & J.); h \Vaterloo Park road Korner Henry, pork butcher, Soulhgato Noble Thomas, builder and shopkeeper, Greetland Lancashire and Yorkshire .Bank (lim.) (branch), ELland Normanton .Fred, stone merchant, Upper .Elland edge and \Vest n:e; and Sowerby bridge Normanton George, shoddy manufacturer, 'Vest \·ale Law John & fons, woollen manufacturers, Erigg Royd Nut tall John, general dealer, Greetlancl Mill, \Vest Yale Nutter Walter, tailor, Greetland Law Joseph & Samuel (John & Sons); h Greetland Nntton Eli, farmer, Greetland Law William (John & Sons); h Greetland Xutton James, rag dealer, West ya]e Lees James, fishmonger and fruiterer, West vale Ogdcn Eli, farmer, Greetland Lees Job, boot and shoe maker, Southgate Ormrod George, wheelwright and smith, \Vest vale Lee John, milliner and draper, Southgate Outam Benj n. & Co. dyers&finshrs.Elliston's Mls.Greetland Leeming Samuel, farmer, Greetlancl Oxley John, woollen mfr. Albion 1\Iills; h Outlane Linley Thomas, farm.er, Ainley top Park Hy. wln. finisher, Grove Mls. Elland ln.; h Quebec st Littlewood :Mr Hiram, Southgate Park J 011, butcher, Southgate Littlewood :Mr Joseph, Southgate Pea,rson Fred, stationer & newsagent, Southgate Littlewood Josepb, grocer & provision merchant, & corn Pearson Joseph Arch, butcher, Westgate; h Hudder~field factor, Soutbgate Pearson Solomon, butcher, Southgate; h N f'W street Longbottom Thomas, monumental mason, \V est vale Pearson Thomas, grocer and butcher, Grectland Lord .Mr David, Victoria road Peel Ephraim & Eli (William & Co.); h Elizabeth street .
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