Directions Stop 1: Beautiful Trees at University Church of St Mary the Virgin Street Trees of Oxford Getting there: If coming from Oxford Brookes Headington Cam us! you can take the U1 #us from sto B5 outside the %ohn Henry Brookes Building to the sto at &ueen's (ane or Carfax To)er* Legend: +lternatively it takes a#out half an hour to )alk straight do)n Headington ,oad )hich turns into 1 (ocation of Sto s High Street* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3ath of Trail Stop 2: Trees are .orth More at Oliver %ames 3ath #ack to Brookes Getting there: Use the crossing at the end of St Mary's Church to get to the other side of High Street* .alk to)ards the City Centre a#out 100m to King 1d)ard Street! a left hand turn* +#out 40m do)n on the right is Oliver %ames! an 1state +gent* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stop 3A: Busy 1nvironments Un leasant for 1veryone Getting there: Turn #ack to High Street and turn left on it! continuing do)n further into the City Centre* .alk a#out 200m until you reach the intersection of High Street 5)hich turns into &ueen Street6 and Cornmarket7St +ldates Street* Stop 3B: Trees .ould Make Things Better on Cornmarket Getting There: Carefully cross the roads to turn right on Cornmarket Street! a street for edestrians only. .alk a#out 180m to the intersection of Shi Street! St Michael9s and Cornmarket* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stop 4: Cele#rity Trees in Oxford Getting There: Continue do)n Cornmarket Street a)ay from the City Centre* +t the Martyrs9 Memorial! continue straight #ut on the far right side of the road that is no) St :iles* .alk 200m to the u# called (am# and ;lag* %ust #efore this u# is an o ening in the #uildings named (am# and ;lag 3assage* Turn right into this assage and sto at the large tree* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stop 5: Street Trees along St :iles Getting there: Turn around to go #ack out to the main road ! turning left #ack to)ards the City Centre* +long this road on #oth sides are several large street trees! many of )hich )e )ill #e looking at for this next sto * Some of these trees are amongst a road)ay and arking area* Be very a)are of the traffic at this sto and lease #e courteous to drivers* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Image©2016 DigitalGlobeDigitalGlobe Stop 6: Small Stream Ha#itats Im roving the (arger 1cosystem Getting There< Continue #ack to the Martyrs9 Memorial at the corner of St :iles! Magdalen and Notes: Beaumont Street* Turn right onto Beaumont and follo) this a#out 250m! turning left onto .orcester Street* .alk another 140m until you can make a right hand turn onto Hythe Bridge Street* .alk 100m until you reach the #ridge over the stream* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stop 7: ;uture Heritage = 3resent Conservation in ;rides)ide S>uare Getting There: Continue do)n Hythe Bridge Street a)ay from the City Centre* .alk a#out 200m until you reach ;rides)ide S>uare* Sto in front of the Said Business School at the raised lanters )ith trees in them* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Ho e: ;rom ;rides)ide S>uare you can take a U1 #us #ack to Headington main cam us from sto ,"/* +lternatively follo) 3ark 1nd Street a)ay from the S>uare! kee ing right on ?e) ,oad and then left on &ueen Street )hich turns into High Street )hich can #e follo)ed all the )ay Robinson©2016 #ack to the cam us* !eferences: Stop 3B: Figure 1 - +dd some trees to Cornmarket 1)ing! ,* and Bum#augh! 1* 54//A6 CThe #uilt environment and traffic safety’! Journal of Planning Literature! 4D526! *D2@-DE@* Stop 5: Figure 2 - "@@A 3rint of St :iles Street Trees Huxley, S* 54//A6 Oxford trees. Oxford< Huxley Scientific 3ress* Mullaney! %* 54/"$6 C+ revie) of #enefits and challenges in gro)ing street trees in aved ur#an environments9! Landscape and Urban Planning! "D2! *"$@-"EE* ?adels! I* B* and O#erlander! C. H* 5"A@@6 Trees in the city. ?e) Fork< 3ergamon 3ress* Sayers! B* (* 5"ADE6 Gaudy night* ?e) Fork< Har er* Seamans! :* S* 54/"46 CMainstreaming the environmental #enefits of street trees9! Urban Forestry and Urban Greening! "45"6! *4-""* Tro)#ridge! 3* %* and Bassuk ?* (* 54//26 Trees in the urban landscape. Ho#oken< %* .iley = Sons* " #ges Ma < :oogle 1arth 3ro @*"*$*"$$@! 4/"2* Oxford City Centre 51°45’13.54% & !15’37. '% ( ele)ation *+ [online] +vaila#le through< I)))*google*com7earth7index*htmlJ G+ccessed< 12 + ril 4/"EH* ;igure "< +uthor o)ned* ;igure 4< ,ooker! M* +* 5"@@A6 ,t Giles in Oxford Al+anac. G1ngravingH* +vaila#le at< Jenkins©2016 htt <77)))**uk7stgiles7oldK ictures7"@@A*html 5+ccessed< 12 + ril 4/"E6*.
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