Mazel Tov Mazel Tov to Daniel and Perri Kutoff on the birth of a grandson, Yehuda s"xc Baruch born to their children, Elly and Chana. Mazel Tov to the great- Schedule of Services/Events HE AIS ISROEL grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Label Kutoff. Mazel Tov to the entire Mishpocha. T B Y *** Mazel Tov to Chaim Eliahu and Tzippy Weinberg on the engagement of their daughter, Raizy to Yehuda Lieber. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Mr. Shabbos Parshas Yisro SHABBOS OBSERVER and Mrs. Henry Weinberg. Mazel Tov to the entire Mishpocha. Shacharis 8:30 A.M. Issue Number 553 19 Shevat 5764 Parshas Yisro January 28 & 29, 2005 Kiddush Mincha 4:45 P.M. Kiddush is sponsored by the Tirado family in honor of the birth of their Shabbos Over 6:08 P.M. The Bais Yisroel Shabbos Observer is a weekly publication that brings you divrei Torah on the week's parsha from around the world and around the block as well as events going on in the Bais Yisroel Community. To submit a dvar Torah or item of interest to the daughter, Adina Leah. Please wait for the Rav to make Kiddush. community, please contact Hindy or Arnie Frishman at 952-927-5134 before Thursday of each week. Sunday Page Numbers Shacharis 7:00 & 8:00A.M. Shabbos Parshas Yisro Artscroll p. 394, Hirsch p. 276. Haftorah Artscroll p. Mincha 5:05 P.M. 1154, Hirsch p. 854. Second Maariv 10:00 P.M. WITS Recruitment Shabbaton Monday - Thursday Due to an increased interest in the yeshiva, Wisconsin Institute of Torah Shacharis 6:40 & 7:00A.M. Study is holding a recruitment Shabbaton February 4 thru 6th for 7th and 8th Mincha 2:45 & 5:05 P.M. graders from the Twin Cities. If you are interested in accompanying your Second Maariv 8:00 P.M. son to the Shabbaton, please contact Wendy Runge by February 1st. Third Maariv 10:00 P.M. Swimming for Boys Erev Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim There will be swimming for boys this Sunday, January 30th from 6:00-7:00 P.M. Cost: $3.00 For more info call Leah Weinreb at 922-3364. Shacharis 6:40 & 7:00 A.M. Candle Lighting 5:08 P.M. Taharas Hamishpacha Review Mincha 5:10 P.M. Men’s Tahara Hamishpacha Review Course this Sunday Evening Rabbi Lieff will be giving review courses for the Worldwide Taharas Shiurim Given by HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff: Mishpacha/Family Purity Shovavim Project 5765. All married people are invited to review the fundamental Halachos and Haskafos that preserve the Sunday: Taharas HaMishpocha for Men 7:30 P.M. sanctity of the Jewish Home. Men’s Course- This Sunday January 30th at M - F: Mesechta Bava Kamma at 6:30 A.M. 7:30 PM. Women’s Course-Sunday Feb 6 at 7:30 PM. M &Th: Mesechta Kiddushin at 7:15 P.M. Father Son will be going out to the Tropical Swim next motzei Shabbos. See the M & Tu: Mesechta Chagiga at 8:15 A.M. poster in the foyer or contact Rabbi Mayer Roberts for more info. Pictured here is Thursday: Hillel UoM 3:00 P.M. Moshe Dovi Roberts Gossip, Lies and Lessons ;hk vhcuy van Lori Palatnik will speak on Wednesday, February 9th at 7:00 PM on Gossip, ktrah ,hc ,khve cr Lies and Lessons, an event sponsored by the Minneapolis Jewish Federa- Message From the Rav vyuxhbhn w xhkupthbhn tion Young Women’s and Women’s Divisions, Sabes JCC. The cost is $5 per For membership information or general information regarding activities and events Now person. She is the author of several successful books, has received high at Bais Yisroel, write Congregation Bais Yisroel, 4221 Sunset Blvd., St. Louis Park, Hashem has great love for Klal Yisroel. ohngv kfn vkdx hk o,hhvu h,hrc ,t acclaim for her latest—Gossip—Ten Pathways to Eliminate it From Your Minnesota 55416 or contact HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff at (952) 926-7867 or (952) 922 8881. E-mail: [email protected] Be sure to visit the Bais Yisroel We are his most beloved treasure. — And now if you listen well to Life and Transform Your Soul. Mrs. Palatnik hosted the Canadian television Website at http://www.baisyisroel.org. The BYSO is published in conjunction o,rnau hkuec ugna, guna ot v,gu me and maintain my covenant, you show The Jewish Journal, and is a much sought-after international speaker, with Puma Press. having presented to audiences in South Africa, the United Kingdom, Israel The BYSO is sponsored "in honor of our father and husband. Daddy, we and throughout North America. Her wit and wisdom make her one of the B Y are so proud of your learning and the time you take to learn Torah with us. most popular speakers in the Jewish world today. She is a regular contribu- May you continue to grow in Torah and with us. We love you bigger than tor to Aish Hatorah website (aish.com). S O the sky. BA" shall be the most beloved treasure of all people, for the entire world is Parsha Thoughts mine. (Yisro 19:5) The Shem M’Shmuel explains that v,gu — and now sets Rabbi Yechezkel Greenberg the stage for kabolas HaTorah. To accept the Heavenly reign of Hashem honestly and completely is only possible through a state of complete free- Moshe names his eldest son Gershom, because he was a "Ger" (stranger) in dom — i.e., when the nation or the individual is not subordinate or sub- a foreign land. His second son is named Eliezer, since G-d was his "Ezer" jected to anyone or anything. Dependency on any creation prevents com- (savior) rescuing him from Paroh's sword. The sequence of events actually plete allegiance to and faith in Hashem. happened in the reverse order. First he was saved and then he fled to a foreign land. Shouldn't he have named his first son Eliezer? The Chofetz The Talmud Yerushalim states that an eved Cannani is exempt from krias Chaim explains that a Jew must always understand that we are "strangers" to Shema because he has another master he must serve aside from Hashem. Parshas Yisro this world, here only on a short visit. This is a basic premise in Jewish The slave is subordinate to his master, a fact which precludes him from being thought and must be understood before all else. Therefore, Moshe felt it able to recite Shema with complete feality. Thus, it is impossible for him to 1. Yitro had 7 names. Why was one of his names Yeter? proper to name his eldest child Gershom to underscore the importance of accept Hashem's reign in its totality as required by the recitation. The Torah, 2. News of which two events motivated Yitro to come join the Jewish this concept in his life. Food For Thought: Where did Klal Yisrael travel the therefore, underscores v,gu == And now, now that the Jewish nation has People? night before they left Mitzrayim? Last Week's FFT: How many donkeys been freed from slavery and has left completely the Egyptian tyranny, hav- 3. What name of Yitro indicates his love for Torah? filled with Mitzrayim's treasures did each Jew take out of Mitzrayim? An- ing no vestige left of servitude to anyone or anything. Now, they can accept 4. Why was Tzipora with her father, Yitro, and not with Moshe when Bnei swer: 90 donkeys. (Bechoros 5b) upon themselves the reign of Hashem. Now, they can become the beloved Yisrael left Egypt? segulah, treasure of Hashem. Being a member of the am segulah means 5. Why does verse 18:5 say that Yitro came to the desert - don’t we already living like the am segulah. By strengthening ourselves in Torah and Mitzvos, know that the Bnei Yisrael were in the desert? in our commitment and observancre, we secure our future as Hashem’s trea- Sha’arim to Host The ABC¹s of ADD - Feb. 6, 2005 This all-day seminar 6. Why did Moshe tell Yitro all that G-d had done for the Jewish People? sured nation. features Dr. Edward Hallowell, Bestselling Author of "Driven To Distrac- 7. According to the Midrash quoted by Rashi, how did Yitro respond when tion" and soon to be released “Delivered From Distraction” Detailed semi- he was told about the destruction of Egypt? nar session information, driving directions, etc. is available at 8. Who is considered as if he enjoys the splendor of the Shechina? www.ticketworks.com - look under “Events by Date” and scroll to “Feb. 6, 9. On what day did Moshe sit to judge the Jewish People? 2005” and click on “The ABC’s of ADD.” For more information, contact 10. Who is considered a co-partner in Creation? either Chana Shagalow at 612-843-0333or Lisa Etziony at 952.925.5502. 11. “Moshe sat to judge the people, and the people stood before Moshe....” What bothered Yitro about this arrangement? Bais Yaakov Production 12. Why did Yitro return to his own land? Bais Yaakov Presents The Song Within: A Musical Drama for Women and 13. How did the encampment at Sinai differ from the other encampments? Girls (1st grade and up), Sunday Eve. Feb 13, 2005, 7:00 PM at the Sabes JCC. Parlor Meeting THIS Motzei Shabbos for Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon 14. To whom does the Torah refer when it uses the term “Beit Yaakov”? 15. How is G-d’s protection of the Jewish People similar to an eagle’s Sid and Bonine Kass invite the community to a parlor meeting for Yeshivas Worldwide Taharas Mishpacha/Family Purity Shovavim Project 5765 protection of its young? Ohr Elchonon, founded by Rabbi Simcha Wasserman, ZT”L, this Motzei Rabbi Lieff will be giving review courses for the Worldwide Taharas 16.
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