•-t-•- ·••• l -~:. Tem?l ~ Bet h El 10 70 Or chard, Ave. Prov i de nc e, R. r •. TEMPt'" ~!l-tf 1.:.11tMf NEWS Eshkol ·Reveals 8Jtifl/d. Investment Plan ARRfflT ORDERS HAVE BEEN issued for 22 former staff mem­ THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. For $3 Billion bers of the infamous Auschwitz JERUSALEM Israel will death camp and 50 more are "un- VOL, XLV, NO. 22 FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1961 12 PAGES der heavy suspicion", it was an- ____________:...._ ___________________ _________ ___ need nearly $3,000,000,000 for in­ vestments in new development nounced by state prosecutor Fritz 5 programs in the next five yejl.rB, Wolf, who said some 1,000 were UrYeJ Notes Conservative, Reform Faith~ Finance Minister Levi Eshkol · an­ under investigation. The trials will nounced. He listed the figure' start in 1962. Twenty-tour of the while addressing the opening ses­ 50 are under criminal investiga­ Progress In Called Divisive Influence sion at the Hebrew -University tion. · Among the arrested is the NEW YORK - An Orthodox Maurice N . Eisendrath, president campus, of a ten-day conference last commandant of Auschwitz, Anti-Bias Law rabbi warned last week that the of the Union of American He­ convened by the Israel Bond Or­ · Richard Baer. ganization. The parley is being at­ • ·!l'BERE IS MORE FREEDOM IN NEW YORK - A nationwide introduction of Conservative and brew Congregations. the parent survey by two major Jewish or­ Reform Judaism in Israel "can body o fall Reform congregations tended by 350 delegates and na­ Israel than in any other country ganizatlons of civil rights legis­ only serve as a divisive influence," in the Western Hemisphere, re- tional Bond leaders from abroad. and human rights in the country lation enacted this year by the according to Irving Spiegel of the ported that there were several Re- President Izahk Ben-Zvi and - are as secure as in the most ad- vanced countries, Premier Davie! states disclosed that greater pro- New York Times. form congregations in Israel. Jerusalem Mayor Mordechai Ish- Ben Gurion told an election rally gress has been made from January Rabib Israel Miller of New Ortbo-aox Religion Ba.eked Shalom greeted the conference. of more than 10,000 at Herzllah. 1 through mid July than in any York, vice president of the Rab­ In his statement. Rabbi Miller Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, execu­ comparable period in history. All binical Council of America, the said that the introduction of Con- tive vice-president of the Israel THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, areas of the country, other than largest Orthodox Rabbinic group servative and Reform Judaism Bond Organization, presided. in reply to a query by Represen- the deep South. contributed sig­ in the United States, asserted that "will pit groups against each DetaUing the five-year develop­ tative Halpern of New York, said niflcently to this record. Reform and Conservative Judaism other and sever the religious ties ment plan for Israel, Mr. Eshkol it was checking on the activities Housing- Laws "will not strike roots" here. whic~ bind the world Jewish com- said $1 ,000,000,000 will be needed of George Lincoln Rockwell found- The survey was conducted by ~bbl Miller's criticism was mumty with its brethern in Is- "in the field of industrial electric er and leader of the American the American Jewish Commit­ made at the closing session of the rael.' power and mining deveiopment; Nazi Party. As to placing the_ tee and the Anti-Defamation council's special religious convo­ Rabbi Miller stressed that the $700 000 000 for the construction Nazis on the subversive list, the League of B'nai B'rith. It es­ cation. "vast overwhelming majority of of 150,000 housing units; $500,­ letter said the Justice department tabltshes that discrimination in 3 Branches In U. S. the Jewish people in the world 000,000 for irrigation and agrt­ was considering such a move. housing was a major civil rights There are three branches of still practice their religion in ac- culture; another half-billion dol­ PRISON TERMS RANGING concern of the state legislatures. Judaism in the United States: ~orda,nce with Orthodox Juda- Jars for expansion of Israel trans­ from three to ten years were im- Pensylvania, Minnesota, New York Orthodoxy, which represents the ism." port services; and $250,000,000 for posed in Munich on three former and New Hampshire enacted laws strict adherence to the legal tra­ He called on American Jews to service industries, including tour­ Nazis convicted of killing thou- prohibiting discrimination in pri­ ditions of Judaism; Conservative. "do all in their power too assist ism. sands of Jews in Poland and Rus- vate housing. They thus joined which interprets the legal Reform, in the development o fthe native sla during the last war. The heav- the four states that had previously which accepts only the ethical Orthodox religious expression." lest penalty, ten years was im- passed such measures: Colorado, imperatives of Judaism. In Israel, He urged that American J ews "not EPISCOPALIANS GIVE MONEY posed on a Nazi accused of com- Oregon, Massachusetts and Con­ Orthodoxy is the dominant re­ add another problem to the many ST. LOUIS - The Episcopal plicity ·in the slaying of 15,000 nectlcut. Both Massachusetts and ligious force. which the young J ewish state is Diocese of Missouri is contribut­ Jews. Connecticut strengthened their The leaders of American Re­ faeing." "Israel Jews are unified ing $2,500 to the building fund of FOUR ALLEGED SPIES FOR IS- statutes on housing. Bills on hous­ form Judaism, known alsos as in their religion," he asserted. Temple Israel, a reform congrega­ rael were sentenced to death by Ing discrimination are still pend­ Liberal Judaism, have been crit­ Rabbi Hershel Schacter of New tion. In announcing the contribu­ the United Arab Republic and ing in several other states, includ­ ical o !Orthodoxy for resisting at­ York, co-chairman of the religious tion to the temple, Bishop George two were given prison terms, ac- Ing New Jersey. tempts by other branches of convocation, said the convocation L . Cadigan said it was a gesture cording to a report from Cairo. Fair Employment Judaism to obtain a footing here. manifested "the close warm ties of thankfulness for the "Judeo­ The alleged spies were seized last This year thus tar has also been However, there have been several which bind Israel and American Christian heritage which is ours, week in the Gaza Strip. important for the enactment of modest ripples of Liberal Judaism Jews." He hailed Isr ael as the and particularly for that kind­ MORE THAN 38,000 PERSONS fair employment laws. Here the in Israel . "foremost ally of the Western ness and charity which stems overseas received last year ed- activity was centered in the mid­ Recently in New York, Rabbi democracies in the Middle East." from this Temple." ucational and economic assis- west, since most eastern and far­ tance through ORT, according to western states already have FEP ORT Yearbook. A . highlight of laws. Illinois, Kansas and Miss­ the reoprt is the changing Jewish ouri passed fully enforceable fair Justifies Israeli Objection To Missionary Work occupational pattern. employment practice laws, while ITHACA, N. Y. - "The recent I here as the preachers of a new testant theologian in the United ' THE ILLINOIS LEGISLATURE Idaho made discrimination in em- trouble over a fundamentalist gospel to an 'unenlightened States, that the Christian churches has passEd a bill to permit the use ployment a crime. church in Jerusalem needs to be people,' then, to the extent that I ought to end their efforts to con­ of absentee ballots when an elec- J Indiana strengthened its FEP seen against a wider background am interested, there is no room vert Jews to Christianity. This tion falls on a religious holiday. law, which at this point is not a in order that the incident be prop- for you." liberal position has not been ac­ The measure corrects a voting re- 1fully enforceable statute, by in­ erly understood," Profesor Milton No Preachers! cepted by the Church groups quirement which has hampered ·, eluding subpoena power. In Il­ R . Konvitz told a large audience This position, said Prof. Kon­ generally, and the last ones that Orthodox Jewish voters in exer- linois, the enactment of a fully at Cornell University here last vitz, was reflected in a statement can be expected to accept this cising their voting rights. !enforceabl~ FEP law fulfilled week. made to him two years ago by position, said the speaker, are the THE OFFICE OF THE WEST 1· more than 16 years of legislative Israel Not Unique an African leader, himself a fundamentalist, evangelical chur­ Berlin prosecutor last week an- effort in this field. Missouri is The speaker, an authority on Christian, who said that his ches - like tlie one that was at­ nounced the arrest of a former particularly s!gn!ficent because it American constitutional law and African country would welcome tacked in Jerusalem. Gestapo colonel accused of killing · is a southern border state. There Professor of Law at Cornell, said Christian missionaries who would Professor Konvitz also called twenty-seven Jews with a sub- are now 20 states with fully en­ that Israel was not unique in be­ come as physicians, teachers or in attention to the fact that some machine gun in Alexandrovsk in forceable FEP laws. ing aware of a missionary pro­ whatever other capacity, as long of the important church bodies 1939. The accused man is former Ban Dlserlmlnation blem. In many countries through­ as they would come to render have adopted resolutions not .to SS colonel Leo Patina.
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