Department of Political and Social Sciences The Accommodation of Nationalism Regional Nationalist Parties and Territorial Restructuring in Great Britain, Spain and Belgium Simon Toubeau Thesis submitted for assessment with a view to obtaining the degree of Doctor of Political and Social Sciences of the European University Institute Florence June 2010 EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE Department of Political and Social Sciences The Accommodation of Nationalism Regional Nationalist Parties and Territorial Restructuring in Great Britain, Spain and Belgium Simon Toubeau Thesis submitted for assessment with a view to obtaining the degree of Doctor of Political and Social Sciences of the European University Institute Examining Board: Prof. Michael Keating, University of Aberdeen and EUI ( Supervisor) Prof. Peter Mair, EUI Prof. Kris Deschouwer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Prof. Charlie Jeffery, University of Edinburgh © 2010, Simon Toubeau No part of this thesis may be copied, reproduced or transmitted without prior permission of the author Toubeau, Simon (2010), The Accommodation of Nationalism: Regional Nationalist Parties and Territorial Restructuring in Great Britain, Spain and Belgium European University Institute DOI: 10.2870/17572 Table of Contents Figures 3 List of Abbreviations 4 Acknowledgements 6 Abtract 7 1. Introduction 8 Part I: The Framework for Analysis 2. Regional Nationalism and Territorial Restructuring 17 The Structures of Multinational Societies 18 The Institutionalisation of the Territorial Cleavage 21 Territory and Nation in Party Competition 24 The Influence of Regional Nationalist Parties 28 3. Agenda-Setting, Decision-Ma)ing and Institutional Change 33 Strategies of Accommodation 34 Territorial Autonomy 40 The Constitutional Status of Regional Government 40 The Asymmetric Format of Regional Government 42 The Autonomy and Capacity of Regional Government 43 nstitutional Change and Territorial Restructuring 44 Agenda-Setting Power and Decision-Ma)ing Threshold 46 Rational Choice and Historical Institutionalism 47 Agenda-Setting Power 4, Electoral Arena 51 Parliamentary and Governmental Arenas 55 Decision-Making Threshold 57 Summary of Hypotheses 5, Research Design 60 Case Selection 60 A Structured Focused Comparison 63 Collection of Evidence 65 Toubeau, Simon (2010), The Accommodation of Nationalism: Regional Nationalist Parties and Territorial Restructuring in Great Britain, Spain and Belgium European University Institute DOI: 10.2870/17572 Part II: Case Studies 4. .reat Britain 71 Scottish and Welsh Nationalism 72 Setting the Agenda in the /ritish Political System 75 Decision-Making Process 7, A False Start (1,66-1,7,3 80 Nationalist Parties at the Fringe (1966-19,4. 80 Setting the Agenda from the Fringe (19,4. 88 Decision-Making under Divided Government (19,5-1979. ,3 The Settled Will (1,7,-1,,73 101 The Eclipse of Devolution (19,9-190,. 102 The ‘Tartanisation2 of Labour (190,-199,. 114 A Decisive Moment for Devolution (19,0. 120 5. Spain 12, /as4ue and Catalan Nationalism 130 Setting the Agenda in the Spanish Political System 134 Decision-Making Process 140 Democratic Decentralisation (1,77-1,823 141 Political Opposition and Territorial Autonomy 141 Setting the Agenda of the Transition (19,,. 14, Forging the State of Autonomies (19,,-70. 153 Stabilising the State of Autonomies I (1900-1901 158 Symmetry from the Centre (1,82-1,,33 162 The Centre Sets the Agenda 162 Constructing the State of Autonomies (1902-1909. 166 Stabilising the State of Autonomies I (1909-1992. 173 .oing to the Heart of Spain (1,,3-20003 178 The Resilience of Left and Right 178 Nationalist Parties in the Driver2s Seat 183 Legislative Support for the PSOE (1993-1996. 186 Pact of Governability with the PP (1996-2000. 18, 6. /elgium 1,5 1lemish and Francophone Nationalism 1,6 Setting the Agenda in the /elgian Political System 200 1 Toubeau, Simon (2010), The Accommodation of Nationalism: Regional Nationalist Parties and Territorial Restructuring in Great Britain, Spain and Belgium European University Institute DOI: 10.2870/17572 Decision-Making Process 206 onsociational Accommodation (1,61-1,703 207 Diffusing the Community Problem (1961-1960. 207 The Split of the Christian Democratic Party (1960. 214 The Rising Salience of the Linguistic Issue (1960. 215 Consociational Constitutional Change (19,0. 218 The Problem of Territory 21,71-1,813 222 The Persistence of Regional Nationalism (19,1-19,4. 222 Preparing Regionalisation (19,4-19,,. 22, Dealing with Brussels (19,,-19,0. 234 The Demise of the Belgian Party System (19,0. 237 The Regionalisation of Belgium (19,9-1900. 23, ompleting the Federal Edifice (1,81-1,,33 241 Surrendering the Agenda (1901-190,. 241 Finalising the Federal Format (1900-1992. 248 Concluding the Third Phase (1993. 252 Part III: Comparative Perspectives 7. The Accommodation of Nationalism 25, The Creation of Decentralised Structures 261 The Empowerment of Regional Government 271 The Deepening of Territorial Autonomy 281 The Failure of Territorial Reform 2,1 8. onclusion 2,, Partisan Brokerage and the Nationalities Question 2,, Empirical Findings and Research Design 301 Theoretical Issues in the Analysis of Institutional Change 30, Accommodation in Multi-9evel Systems 312 7ibliography 317 2 Toubeau, Simon (2010), The Accommodation of Nationalism: Regional Nationalist Parties and Territorial Restructuring in Great Britain, Spain and Belgium European University Institute DOI: 10.2870/17572 Figures 3.1 Policy Responses to Regional Nationalist Demands 36 3.2. Range of Regional Nationalist Demands 62 3 Toubeau, Simon (2010), The Accommodation of Nationalism: Regional Nationalist Parties and Territorial Restructuring in Great Britain, Spain and Belgium European University Institute DOI: 10.2870/17572 ist of Abbreviations Name in Original Language Acronym English Name Great Britain Alternative Economic Strategy AES /ritish Election Study /ES onservative Party - 9abour Party - National E:ecutive ommittee NE Plaid Cymru P Scottish Election Study SES Scottish Home Rule Association SHRA Scottish National Convention Scottish National League SN9 Scottish National Party SNP Trades Union Congress TU 0elsh Election Study 0ES Spain Alianza Popular AP Popular Alliance /loque Nacionalista de Galicia /N. Nationalist Bloc of Galicia entro Democratico y Social DS Democratic and Social entre oalicion Electoral Es4uerra de EE 9eft Electoral Coalition for atalunya atalonia onfederacion Espanola de EDA Spanish Confederation of the Derechas Autonomas Autonomous Right onfederacion Nacional del NT National Confederation of Trabajo 9abour onvergencia Democratica de D Democratic Convergence of atalunya atalonia onvergencia i Unió iU onvergence and Union omissiones Obreras .OO 0or)er’s Commissions Es4uerra Republicana de ER Republican Left of Catalonia atalunya Herri Batasuna 5/ Unity of Bas4ue People Eus)adi)o Es)erra EE /as4ue Country Left Eus)adi)o Ta Al)atasuna ETA /as4ue Land and Freedom Eus)o Al)atasuna EA /as4ue Solidarity Iz4uierda Unida IU United Left 9ey Concierto Economico 9E 9aw on Economic onecert 9ey Organica de Armonización 9OAPA Organic Law for the del Processo Autonomico Harmonization of the Autonomic Process 9ey Organica por el Desarollo de 9ODE Organic Law on Schooling la Educacion Development 4 Toubeau, Simon (2010), The Accommodation of Nationalism: Regional Nationalist Parties and Territorial Restructuring in Great Britain, Spain and Belgium European University Institute DOI: 10.2870/17572 9ey OrgAnica de Financiación de 9O1 A Organic Law on the Financing of las Communidades Autonomas Autonomous Communities 9ey Organica de Transferencias 9ET Organic Law on Transfers 9ey Reguladora de las Bases del 9R/R9 Regulationon the Bases of Local Regimen Local .overnment 9ey de los Territorios Historico 9TH 9aw on Historic Territories Pacte Democratic per Catalunya PDP Democratic Pact for Catalonia Partido Communista Espanol P E Spanish Communist Party Partido Obrero Socialista PSOE Spanish Socialist Wor)er’s Party Espanol Partido Nacionalista Vasco PNB /as4ue Nationalist Party Partido Popular PP Popular Party Partido Social Liberal Andaluz PS9A Andalusian Social Liberal Party Partido Socialista Andaluz PSA Andalusian Socialist Party Partit dels Socialistes de PS Party of Catalan Socialists atalunya Partit Socialist Unificat de PSU United Socialist Party of atalunya atalonia Union del Centre Union of the Centre Unio del Centro Democratico U D Union of the Democratic entre Union Nacional de Trabajadores U.T National Union of Wor)ers 7elgium Algemeen Christelij) A 0-9NT National League of Christian 0e)ersverbond/Ligue Nationale 0or)ers des Travailleurs Chretiens hristelij)e Vol)spartij BP hristian Peoples’ Party 1Ddération GDnérale du Travail 1.T/ .eneral Federation of Belgian de Belgi4ue 9abour 1ront DDmocrati4ue des 1D1 Democratic Francophone Fron 1rancophones 9igue Nationale de Travailleurs 9NT National League of Christian 0or)ers Mouvement Populaire Wallon MP0 Popular Walloon Mouvement Parti de la LibertD et du Progres P9P Party of Liberty and Freedom Party des Reformes de des PR09 Party of the Reforms and Liberty 9iberte de Wallonia of Wallonia Parti Socialiste Belge PS/ /elgian Socialist Party Parti Social Chretien PS hristian Social party Parti Socialiste PS Socialist pary Partij voor de Vrijheid en PBB Party for Freedom vooruitgang Rassemblement Wallon R0 0alloon Rally Socialistiche Partij SP Socialist Party Blaams A)tie)omitee voor BAE 1lemish Action /russel ommittee for Brussels Blaams Blok B/ 1lemish Bloc Blaams National Verbond
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