We Would Like to Wish Bringing the news Our Readers to generations of a Joyous New Year The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 10, ISSUE 481 December 30, 2006 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO Ford Might Few Visitors in Christ’s Have Won Birthplace for Christmas, in 1976, but Christian Presence Falls A Battered Bethlehem Celebrates Christmas as For Ill Fate Christian Numbers Dwindle in the Holy Land “Demetracopoulos By Dallia Nammari year added to the woes of Bethle- Affair” Kept Ford from Associated Press hem, which is already suffering from international sanctions im- Picking Right VP Mate BETHLEHEM (AP) – Hundreds of posed on the Hamas-led Palestinian people packed the Church of the Government, as well as Israel's sep- By Dimitri Soultogiannis Nativity on this past Monday to cel- aration barrier. The massive barrier Special to the National Herald ebrate Christmas Day at Jesus' tra- encloses Bethlehem and separates ditional birthplace, but few foreign it from neighboring Jerusalem. WASHINGTON, D.C. – Former tourists were among the worship- "The economic situation is very President Gerald Ford, who died pers, putting a damper on the holi- much affecting the Christmas at- this pat Tuesday at 93 years of age, day cheer. mosphere here," said Mary Bader, could have won the 1976 Presiden- Bells pealed, and decorative who came to celebrate from tial elections against Jimmy Carter, lights shone in Manger Square. But Jerusalem. had he been more insistent on his most of the visitors were Palestin- The Israeli army said a total of initial choice to make John Bowden ian Christians or Israeli Arabs. For- 12,000 people had traveled from Connally his running mate, accord- eign visitors, who are critical to Jerusalem to Bethlehem for Christ- ing to retired journalist Elias Deme- Bethlehem's economy, were largely mas celebrations. Most of the trav- tracopoulos, who was living and absent, apparently deterred by re- elers appeared to be Christians liv- working in Washington at the time. cent Palestinian infighting and ing in Israel. But powerful members of the TNH ARCHIVES years of conflict with Israel. The Palestinian Ministry of Republican Party deterred Mr. Ford U.S. Senator Paul Sarbanes of Maryland, now retired after serving in the U.S. Congress for 36 years, 30 The tensions did little to dash Tourism said 3,500 foreign pilgrims from doing so due to fear of a scan- of them as a senator, has left an indelible mark on the annals of American history with the Sarbanes-Ox- the spirits of foreign pilgrims who dal involving Mr. Connally and Mr. ley Act of 2002, of which he was the primary author. His long and distinguished service to this country, made the journey to the Holy Land. Continued on page 5 Demitracopoulos, who was the po- and his strong advocacy for Hellenic issues, qualify him as the National Herald’s first Man of the Year. "The experience was incredible," litical correspondent for Kathimeri- said Nick Parker, 24, of Goodland, ni at the time. Kansas who was visiting Bethlehem Mr. Ford’s chances of winning for the first time. "I could feel the the 1976 election with Mr. Connal- true spirit of Christmas here in ly as his vice president is also re- TNH Man of the Year: Paul Sarbanes Bethlehem." George flected in “The Lone Star: The Life Father Larry Sullivan, 40, a Ro- of John Connally,” James Reston With this, our last edition of He has represented the resi- dal, he drew national attention in man Catholic prelate from Chicago, Heraklides: Jr.’s book about Mr. Connally, the year 2006, the National Her- dents of Maryland in the U.S. Con- 1974 as he introduced the first ar- said Christmas in Bethlehem was which also discusses the “Demetra- ald begins a new tradition of se- gress for almost four decades. He ticle of impeachment against Pres- all the more special because of the copoulos affair,” as well as in a let- lecting the community’s man of was elected to the U.S. House of ident Richard M. Nixon. sense of unity which emerged from Model Titan ter Professor Nikolaos Stavrou sent the year. This year’s selection is Representatives in 1970, and then During his tenure in the Sen- the conflict. to the Washington Star. not based simply on one’s individ- to the U.S. Senate in 1976, where ate, Mr. Sarbanes was best known "It was a very moving experi- But who was John Connally, and ual or singular accomplishments he has been faithfully serving the for his role as the Ranking Democ- ence," said Sullivan, who was also By Steve Frangos why is he important? He was the 39 in the past year. It is also rooted in Old Line State ever since. rat on the Banking, Housing & Ur- on his first visit to Bethlehem. "The Special to The National Herald governor of Texas (1963-69), a the perspective of the whole per- He is the longest-serving sena- ban Affairs Committee since spirit of Christmas is filled with powerful American politician from son, as well as his overall contri- tor in Maryland’s history. He 1995. He made his biggest mark great enthusiasm and great happi- Beginning in the middle 1880’s, the state of Texas who was initially butions to Hellenism and the reached an important milestone serving the panel as chairman for ness, with people from all walks of Greek strongmen began to perform a member of the Democratic Party, Greek American community. on March 21, 2003 when he cast the 19 months when Democrats life coming here to share this expe- at circuses, music halls and arenas all who then switched allegiance to In that light, and also from the his 10,000th vote in the Senate on controlled the Senate, starting in rience." across the United States of America. the Republican Party in 1973, at standpoint of starting a new tradi- behalf of his state, thereby becom- June 2001. For local residents, the atmos- Massive strongmen such as Heracles the height of the Watergate affair. tion in a sound and respectable ing only the 23rd senator in U.S. In 2002, after a wave of ac- phere was gloomier. "On Christmas Koutalianos, Theodoros George Mr. Connally was an aide to for- manner, retiring U.S. Senator Paul Senate history to achieve that dis- counting scandals struck the na- Eve, people were afraid of the polit- Costakis, Nicholas Protopapas, Anto- mer President Lyndon Baines John- Sarbanes of Maryland, who has tinction. He has since cast more tion, he and Rep. Michael G. Ox- ical situation," said Jane Zakariyeh nio Pierri and numerous others son when LBJ was a young con- just completed his fifth and final than 11,000 votes, reaching that ley (R-Ohio) spearheaded the of Bethlehem, referring to Palestin- toured the nation performing feats of gressman, and maintained ties to 6-year term in the United States new milestone just this year. landmark legislation now known ian infighting which has caused the strength which, up to that time, had Johnson throughout his career. Senate, is a most worthy choice. He is a 1954 graduate of as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which deaths of 17 Palestinians in recent only existed in the imagination. During the Vietnam War, Mr. Con- Senator Sarbanes’ dedication Princeton University, a Rhodes was a response to corporate weeks. These Greek athletes were known nally urged President Johnson to to the Greek American communi- Scholar and a 1960 graduate of malfeasance at Enron, WorldCom Shop owners, who make most of not simply in the major urban centers “finish” it by whatever military ty, and to this country, can not be the Harvard University School of and elsewhere. their income during the Christmas but literally all across the country. means necessary. disputed to any notable degree by Law. While serving as a member of The bill, which broadly over- season, complained that this year Towns, hamlets, and rural centers In 1961, President Kennedy, at any serious-minded individual or the House Judiciary Committee was among the worst in memory. such as Atlanta, Georgia; Galveston, Mr. Johnson’s request, named Mr. critic. investigating the Watergate scan- Continued on page 6 The subdued Christmas this Texas; Atchison, Kansas; Fort Wayne, Connally Secretary of the Navy. Mr. Indiana; Bismarck, North Dakota Connally resigned 11 months later and elsewhere not only regularly saw in order to run for the Texas gover- these men perform, but also eagerly norship. He was elected governor anticipated their next scheduled vis- as a Democrat, first defeating liber- it. al Democrat Don Yarborough in a XMAS with Academic writings on the estab- close primary, and then turned lishment of the Greek American com- back a determined bid by the Re- Pan-Cretan munity do not recognize the symbol- publican Jack Cox of Houston. Mr. ic significance of these exceedingly Cox had run two years earlier in the prominent men. The cultural impact Democratic primary against then Association of these quintessentially Greek per- Governor Marion Price Daniel. Mr. formers offers an important counter- Connally received 847,036 ballots part to the downtrodden immigrant (54 percent) to Cox’s 715,025 By Theodore Kalmoukos workers so often characterized in (45.6 percent). Special to The National Herald standard historical accounts. Mr. Connally faced weak Repub- Just as the direct involvement of lican opposition from Jack Crichton BOSTON, Mass. – The Cretan As- Greek immigrants in the American and T.E. Kennerly in the general sociation of Boston, Radamanthis- labor movement is, for the most part, elections of 1964 and 1966, win- Ide, celebrated its annual dinner ignored in historical accounts, so too ning those contests by margins of dance which this year was a combi- is this class of traveling performers.
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