THE TEESDALE MERCURY Wednesday, December IStb, 1961. Births, Marriages & D eaths S ales & W a n ts Silver Wedding. CHRISTMAS DESIGN Wrapping BULMER (8a, Thorngate).—12th Paper. 2d. sheet at the Teesdale December, 1936. Congratulations, Mercury. For those extra special J. M. SWINBANK Mam and Dad. on your Silver gifts—Transparent Lid Boxes from \Medding.—Love, Danny, Jeanie 8d.; Holly and Fancy Covered from 13, HORSE MARKET and David. 4d. CRACKERS for all Festive Occa­ BARNARD CASTLE Deaths. sions. See the range of Mansell TEL. 2249 BAYLES.—(In hospital), December Crackers at the Teesdale Mercury, 5th, Harry, aged 53 years, of Dale and ask about the “ cuddly dog ” View. Cotherstone, late of Mount pincushion crackers at 5/- each with Pleasant, Bowes. Was interred built-in tape measure. The above Shop will be Open until in Cotherstone Cemeterv Decem­ ber 9th. FOR SALE, Pye Mains Radio. 5-30 this week and 6 o’clock all Christ­ GIBSON.—December 5th, suddenly, Nearest offer £9.—Apply L. Han­ at Hobart, Tasmania, Wilfred, cock Hancock & Teasdale, Star mas Week. aged 54 years, dearly loved second Yard. son of the late Mr and Mrs T. The Hairdressing Department, Gibson, late of Foundry Yard, HOUSEWIVES! Knit for profit Barnard Castle. Deeply mourned and pleasure with our knitting with or without appointments, will be by the family. machines. This exclusive and WILKINSON.—December 9th (in fascinating new knitting scheme open during this period. hospital), Carolina, aged 83, of 7, turns your hobby into cash, and Crook Lane. Barnard Castle, be­ helps pay for your luxuries.—For loved wife of the late William details write Dept. T.M., Ideal Wilkinson, also dearly loved House, Lumb Lane, Bradford, mother of Thomas, Anna and Yorks. William. Interment Wednesday, LARGE Rocking Horse Wanted, General Notices General Notices 13th, at 2-15 p.m., at the Ceme­ good condition.—Box C610. Tees­ tery Chapel, Victoria Road, Bar­ dale Mercurv, Barnard Castle. RABY CASTLE OLD WELL HOTEL nard Castle. Friends please meet CRICKET CLUB. at Cemetery and relations at 6. NEW STYLE unused Panel-end Zetland Road, and afterwards at Cot, Primrose/White. £4/10/- o.n.o. CHRISTMAS DANCE YEARLY CLUB the Glenton Cafe. —18. Vere Road. Barnard Castle. at the A.G.M. and Payout on THURS­ SCARTH HALL. STAINDROP. DAY, 14tb. DECEMBER, at 7 p.m. Acknowledgments. PHILIPS Tape Recorder. 4-track recording at 3$ i.p.s.; adaptable for FRIDAY, 15th DECEMBER. ALLISON.—Mrs S. Allison and stereo playback; £27 or nearest 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. BARNARD CASTLE family, Hillingdon Farm, Mar- GOLF CLUB. wood. desire to thank all relatives, offer.—School House. Lartington, Music bv the neighbours and friends for their Barnard Castle. RAMBLERS’ DANCE BAND Men's Section. kindness, letters of condolence RED DIAMOND Wellingtons. Admission 3/6. CHRISTMAS and lovely floral tributes in their Tough wearing, cushion insoles. MIDDLETON WANDERERS’ sudden sad bereavement. 49/11—From J. E. & V. Winter, COMPETITION BAYLES.—The relatives of the New Footwear and Repairs. Middle- A.F.C. late Harry Bayles. of Dale View. ton-in-Teesdale. Ladies' Supporters Club. 17th DECEMBER from 9 am. CotheTstone, wish to thank all A DANCE In the evening there will be a relatives, friends, and the Rev. TELEVISION, Radio Repairs. Presentation of Seasonable Prizes. J. W. Dent, for their extreme Same day service.—Staindrop_ Tele­ Watch his lo- k of de­ will be held in the Members, their ladies and friends, light when he finds your kindness, sympathy and help in vision Service. Phone Staindrop ASSEMBLY HALL. Gift is something he can their recent sad bereavement; also 301. SATURDAY, 16th DECEMBER. are cordially invited. Refreshments. wear or add *o his coinfort. for floral tributes. WANTED urgently. Paraffin Radi­ 8-45 p m.—11-45 p.m. And these are just the gifts and colours, from 19/11. BARNARD CASTLE Y.F.C. In Memoriam. ant Heater.—Box C611, Teesdale Music by THE NOVELTONES. you can find for menfolk of Gloves, fleecy or Acrilan Mercurv. Barnard Castle. Admission 2/6. GRAND DANCE all ages in our attract1 vely lined, crochet backed. 19/11. DOBSON.—In loving memory cf priced stocks. “ Morley ” Socks, in all our dear daughter and sister. WF, STOCK Pirelli Slippers for NEWSHAM W.I. HALL. at the shades and sizes. Price, per Frances, died December 13th. the family, as advertised on T.V. PARISH HALL, Wool and Art. Silk Dressing pair, 6/6. 1960. Ideal for Christmas Presents.— GRAND CHRISTMAS A loving nature, a smiling face, BARNARD CASTLE, Gowns, in 4 colours, 59/6. From J. E. & V. Winter, New Foot­ on Shirts in plain or checks. All And hundreds of Boxed Gifts A missing link we cannot replace. wear and Repairs. Middleton-in- WHIST DRIVE —Always remembered by Mam, FRIDAY, 15th DECEMBER, famous makes, from 29/6. Scarves. Ties, Handker­ Teesdale. FRIDAY, 22nd DECEMBER. Poplin Pyjamas, from 25/-. chiefs. Braces and Braces Dad, Sisters. Brother and Brother- with the MOON RAKERS. Championship Prize—Turkey Pullovers in popular styles Sets, etc., etc. in-law. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Refreshments. DOBSON (Barnard Casile).—Lov­ Situations Vacant & Wanted Other Prizes—Geese, Chickens, ing memories of a dear sister, Wines and Puddings. Frances, died December 13th. AN ATTRACTIVE AND MIDDLETON-IN-TEESDALE WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR FURNITURE SHOWROOMS FOR LOTS OF GIFT 1960. WORTHWHILE CAREER. Admission 2/6. OVER SIXTIES CLUB. SUGGESTIONS. Time is gently passing by, Young men and women, aged 18 But memories of you never die. years and over, who wish to make MIDDLETON-IN-TEESDALE. CHRISTMAS PARTY —Remembered by brother Bob. a career in nursing, are invited to Bourne Schoolroom, sister-in-law June. write to Matron of this Hospital for MONSTER CHRISTMAS details of the three years training FRIDAY. DECEMBER 15th, 1961. JOHN PARKINSON & SONS DOBSON.--Treasured memories of at 6-30. a dear granddaughter and niece, course. WHIST DRIVE (Barnard Castle) Ltd. Frances died December 13th. The Hospital provides compre­ Championship Prize 3 Gris, Gaydalians Concert Party 1960. hensive training facilities in modern (Darlington). One sad year has passed away. teaching units and up to date hos­ in the CLEVELAND HOTEL, HOUSE FURNISHERS - DRAPERS - CLOTHIERS Yet still we miss her every day. pital wards and departments. SATURDAY, 16th DECEMBER. —Always remembered by Gran Allowances during Training. Commence at 7-15 p.m. Sales by Auction and Uncle Norman. 1st year ... £299 Proceeds for local hospitals. 2nd year ... £315 BARNARD CASTLE&TEESDALE PICKALL (Mickleton).—In loving Admission 2/6. memory of our dear Dad, died 3rd year ... £336 FARMERS' AUCTION MART 30-32 Horse Market (Less £128 per annum When December 17th. 1958; also Mam. TEESDALE CO. LTD. Sadly missed.—Leonard and John resident.) Wednesday, 20th December: PRESTON HOSPITAL, CHECK TRADING FINANCE Robert. CO. LTD., Weekly Sale of DAIRY COWS, NORTH SHIELDS, STORE CATTLE AND CALVES. Birthday Memories. NORTHUM BERLAND. 9. Horse Market. Barnard Castle PORTER.—Birthday memories of a Barnard Castle. Sale 11 a.m. And Weekly Sale of Estab. 1870 Phone 2233 dear Mother and Granny. Edith BARNARD CASTLE SCHOOL. A CHECK BUYS AT CASH FATSTOCK. Sale 1 p.m.' Mary, December 12th. Required in January, 1962, a PRICES. You don’t have to spend Tuesday, 9th January. No card, no words, just memories. Head Porter-Cleaner.—Applications the check all in one shop. Special Sale of BULLS and —From Lucy. Andy and family. STORE CATTLE. should be made to the Bursar YOU CAN SPEND WHERE G. HARDY, MIDDLETON-IN-TEESDALE immediately. AND WHEN YOU WILL at any Tel. 3152 or 2223. Secretary. MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE shop listed in our comprehensive CHIMNEY SWEEPING orders guide. Yardman 2278. GRAND CHRISTMAS J. BOULTON, taken. Not electric.—N. Tinkler, 7, THERE IS NO TIME LIMIT. NEWGATE SALEROOMS, Zetland Road. You spend as you require to buv. BARNARD CASTLE For a Happy Christmas WHIST DRIVE Photographer DOMESTIC HELP Wanted, 2 YOU SEE +HE GOODS YOU T. H. WALKER, mornings per week; well equipped ARE BUYING, and can decide the Auctioneer and Valuer, on value for yourself before purchas­ will Sell v and a W arm New Year FRIDAY, 22nd DECEMBER. house. Apply evenings after 6 p.m. 7, CONISCLIFFE ROAD —Sheppard. 6. Vane Road. Barnard ing. TO-MORROW, Ladies’ First Prize: Castle. Agents at:— THURSDAY. 14th DECEMBER. Voucher, value £1. DARLINGTON. BARNARD CASTLE. at 1 p.m.. Gents’ First Prize: Telephone 67196. ELECTRIC SWEEPING, Price 10 - MIDDLETON-IN-TEESDALE. A LARGE QUANTITY OF Voucher, value £1. a Chimney.—Apply Carter, 24, Zet­ COTHERSTONE. FURNISHINGS AND TOYS incl.: Commence 7 p.m. Admission 2/- land Road. STAINDROP. Sitting Room Suite in figured grey moquette with 3-seater settee; Wal­ Nursing. BARNARD CASTLE FRIDAY, 29th DECEMBER, Church Notices nut and Oak Bedroom Suites; Oak AN ATTRACTIVE AND CRICKET CLUB. Sideboard; Limed Oak Bedroom in the ASSEMBLY HALL. WORTHWHILE CAREER. Suite: 4 Oak Dining Chairs and Trinity Methodist Church. Barnard Young women aged 18 years and GRAND ANNUAL BALL Castle.—Sunday, December 17th.— GRAND Table; Oval Mah. Table; Mod. Kit­ over, who wish to make a career chen Cabinet; Mod. China Cabinet; 10-30 a,m., Mr F. Barron. 6-30 in nursing, are invited to write to Music by p.m.. Rev. W. J. Arland. CHRISTMAS DANCE 6ft. Mah: Ped. Sideboard: Electric BLUE RHYTHM DANCE BAND. Matron of this Infirmary for details Radios: Single Oak Bed. Base and GUILD. Friday. 15th December, of the three years training course. in the Dancing from 10 p.m.—2 a.m. 7-15 p.m.: Guild Medical Missions Sp. Interior; Carpels and Stair- Admission 3/-. (film). The Infirmary • provides compre­ PARISH HALL carpet; Rugs. TOYS incl.: Girls' hensive training facilities in modern on Cycles; Trikes; Rocking Horse: .Refreshments at reasonable charges.
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