—~ TV | loiatnumo* rftics, 12 00 pom 1 r,_ N_Meric-nniftU\- ).>>x.P„xrfVx.r.,«,,t 1 ^jou ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 16, 1914. I£■££:££££££“i No. 60. LOCAL AFFAIRS. and was followed by a ball, at whicl aabettBemtiUg. music w|0 furnished by the orchestra o ten NKW ADVERTI8KMBNT8 ISIS WKKK. pieces. ANNOUNCEMENT Miss Winifred Doyle is at home from Strand Theatre. STATEMENT normal Moore’* Drug Store. Cystine school and Miss Sylvia In its J A McGowd—Shoes* 1 Marshall from Coburn classical institute • OF tRe condition of the announcing membership iu Parker Clothing Co. for the Christmas recess. Century Boot Shop—Shoes. THE FEDERAL RESERVE New SYSTEM England Tel & Tel Co. The Thursday club of the Congrega- (in effect Nov. G A Parcher—Druggist. 18) Frank 8 8awyer—Opening sale. tional church last Saturday sent away twc Probate notice -Jeremiah T Giles. barrels of clothing mad# by the mdbiberi Union Exec L Welch. TrustCo. notice—JudRon BURRILL NATIONAL Writ of attachment—0 P Dorr. for the Belgian war sufferers. OF ELLSWORTH BANK, Notice of foreclosure —Edward E Harriman. OF ELLSWORTH H C Austin 8c Co—Undertaker and furni* Nicolin grang%will hold a masquerade * in re. ball at the grange hall in North Ellswortti Oct. 16, I9IA. assurance Sheriff’s can further that it is now, more than in an sale—Chandler M Wilson. give ever, Lost— Bank-book. on New Year’s eve, Thursday, Dec. 31, to render an unexcelled tax JOHN A. President HENRY advantageous position service, Nog-resident notice—Franklin. * Monaghan’s orchestra will furnish music PETERS, R. HIGGINS, Treasurer j combining —Castine. First” with in ** HENRY W. Vice-President ••Safety efficiency every department—Check, Sav- —Penobscot. The ladies’ aid society of the Methodisl CUSHMAN, Safe —Trenton. ings and Deposit. church will hold a sale of fancy article; —Surry. DIRECTORS: —Tremont. and home-made candy in the vestry thie L. A. Emery r B. B. F, A. Chandler Surry, Mb.: There will be a short musical Havey Write for the Booklet, “A Brief Explanation." It tells how in an evening. A. W. L. H. B. M. easy-to- H H Harden—Horses, cow, pang, etc. King Holmes Pike program. John O. John R. Graham H. > understand, readable way. Yours for the Bangor, Mr: Whitney W. Sargent asking. H. H. Dr. William Semple. For the benefit of Christmas Gray Eugene Hale A. B. Crabtree shoppers, W. F. J. A. Peters Portland, Mb.: Campbell A. E. Mace 0 the Strand theatre announces that there F. L. / for Twltchell-Chaplin Co. Hodgkins Henry W. Cushman O. W. Tapley Look the “Hember” will be matinees afternoon E. P. F. Nash sign Camrhidgb, Mass.: every next Spoflord C. J. R. Holmea R. B. Home Remedy Co. week, with a special program for Christ- 0 Holmes Nashua, N. H.: mas matinee. EXECUTIVE BOARD: Joseph Simon—Shoe stock wanted. Frank I. Higgins, of West Ellsworth, A, Writing, John O, Whitney, J. A. Peters, Henry W. Cushman, O. W. died fast at the insane Tapley CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Thursday hospital, ORGANIZED in JULY IB, 1907 Santa Claus Bank Books! Trains arrive at Ellsworth from the west at Bangor, aged sixty-nine years. The 7.13,11.45 a. m.« 4.14, p. m. remains were brought to West Ellsworth Hundreds cf Hooks from our Trains LIABILITIES. Deposit leave Ellsworth for the westat 11.06 a. for interment. m., §,85,10.62 p. m. Capital stock.. 00 have been on $100,000 Savings Dept, hung Irene chapter, O. E. 8., will have e Surplus. 100,000 OO trees in sale Undivided Christmas previous years; why 8CHEDULE OF MAILS Christmas pf fancy articles and home- profits. 31,575 62 made Savings deposits. 891,002 96 don’t YOU do this kind turn for someone AT RLLS WORTH POSTOFFICB. candy Friday afternoon, at Masonic Demand 93 hall. Cirdle supper at to be followed deposits. 567,174 * In effect 8ept. 27, 1914. 6.30, Certificates of in YOUR family this Christmas? We’ll installation. deposit. 36,227 59 by Due to other banks. MAILS RBCBIVBD. 8,964 27 start the deposit in the name of any per- Nokomis Rebekah lodge elected officers From W est—7.18 a m; 4.14, p m. son KNOW the will last evening as follows: Miss Ella $1,734,945 37 you say—you gift From East—11.06' 5.35, and 10.52 p m. N./tf., M. Jude; Y. G., Mrs. make a ! MAIL CLOSES AT POSTOFFICB Mary Hagerthy; RESOURCES. 8ure.“hit”. Mrs. Annie Loans and discounts. Going| West—10.30 am; 5 and 9 p m. secretary, Springer; treasurer. $809,903 24 Loans on of real GoiNOiF-AST—8.45 a m; 3.45 p m. Mrs. Letitia Brown. mortgages estate. 258,683 29 Overdrafts. 1,745 78 mins mimuuu luawmoer a lew spent Bonds and stocks .. Registered mail should be at postofflce half v 470,952 51 days the past week with her mother it Real an hour before mail closes. estate. 3,500 OO ■Ellsworth, on her way to her home ai Sea. Furniture and fixtures. 7,000 OO Harbor from the WEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. Machias normal school Cash on deposit1. 153,130 95 for the Christmas recess. Cash on hand 30,029 60 For Week Ending at Midnight Tuesday, The statement in lasl week’s America.-, * Dm. 1914. $1,734,945 3T 15, that George Whiting and wife in- observations taken at the WN Harry M. [From power tended to to Smith, Bank, Commissioner. station of the Bar Harbor & Union River tpove Pittsfield, was an Power CoH in Ellsworth. Precipitation is error. While they do plan to leave Ells- ►©♦<>sa*o<K'#©*a*o*Q*o#o given in inches for the hours twenty-four will not locate in Pittsfield. ending at midnight.] worth, they Weather Precip- The basket-ball game between the Old • ^ Temperature condRionb Ration % Town Indians and Ellsworth A. A., ♦ “If the man evfcr 4am 12 m forenoon afternoon young to in busi- t scheduled for Friday evening at Hancock expects encceec^ Wed 24— 29— cloudy,fair fair ♦ hall, has been cancelled, owing to ths ness he must be economical. No matter how, small Thurs 20— 25— cloudy cloudy death of the captain of the Old Town Fri 22— 32— clear clear the sum th? or man is team. $ boy young he should Sat 11— 32— clcsr clear receiving, Sun 13— 83— fair fair Mrs. D. Shirley Norris, of Bar Harbor, ♦ always save a portion of his income.” |Xmas Mon 41— 45— rain,fair fair 1.43 left to Mr. ♦ What is more and useful than a of Monday Join Norris ia New acceptableSlippersj pair J Tues 22— 28— clear c*«ar York. They will spend the winter ir Hancock 3 nice comfortable for a man, woman or child? 2 allon p. royal, observer. where Mr. County Savings Sank, slippers Florida, Norris’ run as Pull- | man conductor takes him for -the wintei ♦ Established 1873. Me. Miss Geneva Smith, of Rockland, is vis- season. Ellsworth, Hiawatha Indian 1 iting her mother, Mrs. Ida Smith. Slippers, Mrs. Clinton O. Ladd and son Kenneth Ellsworth’s share of the railroad and of Haverhill, Mass.; Miss Susan McIntosh $1.50 to $6 per pair. tax this is of Bar BLED TO | § telegraph year fl,177.12. Harbor, and Robert A. Campbel: PEATH. Derailed at Green Lake. The high school closed laBt Friday for were called here this week by the illneBs There was a slight accident op the rail- Felt 69c to $1.50 the Christmas recess of three weeks. of their mother and sister, Mrs. John W Capt. John K. Ray, sr., of Bayside, road just south of Green Lake station last Slippers, Victim of Accident. Saturday the tender of the | The two-days fair of the Baptist aid so- Campbell. forenoon,when | on John E. of was locomotive the north-bound passenger ciety last week was a financial success, the Fred P. Haynes, who for so long has Capt. Ray, sr., Bayside, J Leather 75c to z the victim of a accident train left the rails and wan dragged * Slippers, net proceeds being about |130. been delivery clerk at Austin H. Joy’s distressing yes- along has received notice terday afternoon, cutting himself with an the ties for 100 yards or more. Willis L. of 'mas- store, that he has beer Capt. Pratt, Bayside, axe while at work alone in the and The train was as a double- $1.50 I on R. F. D. 3. ex- woods, running ter of Green Mountain Pomona is appointed carrier He grange, before he reach home. and the tender of the forward pects to begin his duties on the route ths dying could header, attending State grange in Lewiston. first of January. Capt. Ray went to work on his wood- locomotive left the rails. No damage wbb C. E. Monaghan’s juvenile dancing class lot his son done except to the and the traffic * Mrs.* A. P. Wiswell yesterday morning alone, road, and Rubbers an left last week tc Full stock of Overshoes will give exhibition at the end of the John, who had been working with him, was delayed but slightly. | spend the winter with her brother, Hr. R ^ The Apeley Brand, the kind that Wears f term, the date to be announced later. remaining at home in the forenoon. H. Greene, in New York. 'She was accom- Shortly before 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Mrs. L. D. Foster left Monday for an panied as-far as Brunswick by Mrs. Ads his son AND A her Mrs.
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