The following supplement accompanies the article Influence of parasitism on bioturbation: from host to ecosystem functioning Annabelle Dairain*, Alexia Legeay, Xavier de Montaudouin *Corresponding author: [email protected] Marine Ecology Progress Series 619: 201–214 (2019) Supplement Table S1 List of bioturbating species occurring in coastal environments. For each species, one reference evaluating the role of the species as a bioturbator is given. Species Class Family Bioturbation parameters estimated References ANNELIDA Thalassodrilides sp. Clitellata Naididae Influence on sediments geochemistry (Ito et al. 2016) Influence on sediments structure, observations of Melinna cristata Polychaeta Ampharetidae (Persson & Rosenberg 2003) sediment reworking Quantification of bioirrigation and sediment Melinna palmata Polychaeta Ampharetidae (Massé 2014) reworking Abarenicola affinis Polychaeta Arenicolidae Influence on sediment topography (Goerlitz et al. 2015) Abarenicola pacifica Polychaeta Arenicolidae Quantification of sediment reworking (Swinbanks 1981) Arenicola marina Polychaeta Arenicolidae Quantification of bioirrigation (Delefosse et al. 2015) Maxmuelleria lankesteri Polychaeta Bonelliidae Quantification of sediment reworking (Hughes et al. 1996) Capitella cf. teleta Polychaeta Capitellidae Influence on sediments geochemistry (Ito et al. 2016) Quantification of sediment reworking, influence on Heteromastus filiformis Polychaeta Capitellidae (Quintana et al. 2007) nutrients cycling Heteromastus similis Polychaeta Capitellidae Influence on nutrients cycling (Figueiredo-Barros et al. 2009) Notomastus latericeus Polychaeta Capitellidae Quantification of sediment reworking (Giangrande et al. 2001) Notomastus sp. Polychaeta Capitellidae Influence on nutrients cycling (Kikuchi 1987) Observation of sediment transport, quantification of Cirratulus grandis Polychaeta Cirratulidae (Shull & Yasuda 2001) bioturbation rates Cirriformia filigera Polychaeta Cirratulidae Influence on nutrients cycling (Banks et al. 2013) Timarete (Cirriformia) Influence on sediments geochemistry (penetration of Polychaeta Cirratulidae (Zorn et al. 2006) luxuriosa oxygen in the sediment) Influence on nutrients cycling and sediment Glycera alba Polychaeta Glyceridae (Norling et al. 2007) geochemistry Lumbrineris latreilli Polychaeta Lumbrineridae Influence on nutrients cycling (Casado-Coy et al. 2017) 1 Axiothella rubrocincta Polychaeta Maldanidae Quantification of sediment reworking (Kudenov 1982) Influence on sediments geochemistry (penetration of Clymenella sp. Polychaeta Maldanidae (Zorn et al. 2006) oxygen in the sediment) Clymenella torquata Polychaeta Maldanidae Quantification of sediments reworking (Campbell & Lindsay 2014) Maldane sarsi Polychaeta Maldanidae Influence on sediments geochemistry (Dufour et al. 2008) Nephtys caeca Polychaeta Nephtyidae Quantification of sediment reworking (Piot et al. 2008) Quantification of bioirrigation and sediment Nephtys hombergii Polychaeta Nephtyidae (Murray et al. 2014) reworking Nephtys incisa Polychaeta Nephtyidae Influence on sediments structure (Michaud et al. 2010) Quantification of bioirrigation and sediment Alitta virens Polychaeta Nereididae (Murray et al. 2014) reworking Hediste (Neanthes) Polychaeta Nereididae Influence on nutrients cycling (Kikuchi 1987) japonica Hediste (Nereis) Quantification of bioirrigation and sediment Polychaeta Nereididae (Murray et al. 2014) diversicolor reworking Laeonereis culveri (acuta) Polychaeta Nereididae Influence on sediments structure (Palomo & Iribarne 2000) Perinereis aibuhitensis Polychaeta Nereididae Quantification of sediment reworking (Koo & Seo 2017) Perinereis nuntia Polychaeta Nereididae Influence on sediments geochemistry (Ito et al. 2016) Diopatra cuprea Polychaeta Onuphidae Influence on sediments geochemistry (Mayer et al. 1995) Kinbergonuphis Quantification of bioirrigation, influence on nutrients Polychaeta Onuphidae (Waldbusser & Marinelli 2009) (Onuphis) jenneri cycling Naineris laevigata Polychaeta Orbiniidae Quantification of sediment reworking (Giangrande et al. 2001) Quantification of bioirrigation, influence on Scoloplos armiger Polychaeta Orbiniidae (Valdemarsen et al. 2018) sediments geochemistry Owenia fusiformis Polychaeta Oweniidae Influence on sediments structure (Noffke et al. 2009) Lipobranchius jeffreysii Polychaeta Scalibregmatidae Quantification of sediment reworking (Lindqvist et al. 2016) Scalibregma inflatum Polychaeta Scalibregmatidae Quantification of sediment reworking (Caradec et al. 2004) Influence on nutrients cycling, quantification of Marenzelleria arctia Polychaeta Spionidae (Renz & Forster 2014) bioirrigation Influence on nutrients cycling, evidence of sediments Marenzelleria neglecta Polychaeta Spionidae (Norling et al. 2007) transport Influence on nutrients cycling, quantification of Marenzelleria viridis Polychaeta Spionidae (Quintana et al. 2007) sediment reworking Polydora ciliata Polychaeta Spionidae Influence on nutrients cycling (Bartoli et al. 2009) Pygospio elegans Polychaeta Spionidae Influence on sediments composition (Bolam & Fernandes 2003) Eupolymnia Polychaeta Terebellidae Influence on nutrients cycling (Marinelli 1992) heterobranchia Eupolymnia nebulosa Polychaeta Terebellidae Observation of sediments transport (Maire et al. 2007) Influence on nutrients cycling, quantification of Lanice conchilega Polychaeta Terebellidae (Braeckman et al. 2010) sediment reworking Pectinaria gouldii Polychaeta Terebellidae Influence on sediments resuspension (Davis 1993) Urechis caupo Polychaeta Urechidae Quantification of burrow irrigation (Osovitz & Julian 2002) 2 ARTHROPODA Influence on sediments geochemistry and nutrients Alpheus macellarius Malacostraca Alpheoidea (Holmer & Heilskov 2008) cycling Quantification of burrow irrigation and sediment Calocaris templemani Malacostraca Axiidae (Gagnon et al. 2013) reworking Corallianassa longiventris Malacostraca Axiidae Influence on sediments geochemistry (Abed-Navandi et al. 2005) Biffarius (Callianassa) Malacostraca Callianassidae Quantification of sediment reworking (Berkenbusch & Rowden 1999) filholi Biffarius arenosus Malacostraca Callianassidae Influence on sediments geochemistry (Bird et al. 2000) Callianassa subterranea Malacostraca Callianassidae Quantification of sediment reworking (Rowden et al. 1998) Callichirus (Callianassa) Malacostraca Callianassidae Quantification of sediment reworking (Branch & Pringle 1987) kraussi Callichirus islagrande Malacostraca Callianassidae Quantification of burrow irrigation (Stanzel & Finelli 2004) Defined as bioturbators, influence on sediment (Dworschak 2006, Kneer et al. Eucalliax panglaoensis Malacostraca Callianassidae structure 2013) Glypturus (Callichirus) Quantification of sediment reworking, influence on Malacostraca Callianassidae (de Vaugelas et al. 1986) armatus sediments structure Glypturus (Callichirus) (de Vaugelas & de Saint Malacostraca Callianassidae Quantification of sediment reworking laurae Laurent 1984) Lepidophthalmus bocourti Malacostraca Callianassidae Quantification of sediment reworking (Nates & Felder 1998) Lepidophthalmus Influence of bioturbation activity on contaminants’ Malacostraca Callianassidae (Klerks et al. 2007) louisianensis fate, quantification of sediment reworking Lepidophthalmus Quantification of sediment reworking, influence on Malacostraca Callianassidae (Nates & Felder 1998) sinuensis sediments geochemistry (Volkenborn, Polerecky, et al. Neotrypaea californiensis Malacostraca Callianassidae Influence on sediments bioirrigation 2012) Pestarella (Callianassa) Malacostraca Callianassidae Influence on sediments geochemistry (Papaspyrou et al. 2005) tyrrhena Influence on nutrients cycling, observation of Pestarella tyrrhena Malacostraca Callianassidae (Papaspyrou et al. 2004) sediment reworking Influence of bioturbation activity on contaminants’ Sergio trilobata Malacostraca Callianassidae (Klerks et al. 2007) fate, quantification of sediment reworking Influence on nutrients cycling, quantification of Trypaea australiensis Malacostraca Callianassidae (Webb & Eyre 2004a) bioirrigation Corophium arenarium Malacostraca Corophiidae Influence on sediments structure (Jones & Jago 1993) Influence on nutrients cycling, quantification of (Mermillod-Blondin et al. Corophium volutator Malacostraca Corophiidae bioirrigation 2005) Leptocheirus plumulosus Malacostraca Corophiidae Influence on sediments geochemistry (Chandler et al. 2014) Influence on sediments geochemistry, quantification Dotilla fenestrata Malacostraca Dotillidae (Bulcao & Hodgson 2012) of sediment reworking Victoriopisa australiensis Malacostraca Eriopisidae Influence on nutrients cycling (Dunn et al. 2009) Influence on sediments structure, quantification of Heloecius cordiformis Malacostraca Helociidae (Katrak & Bird 2003) sediment reworking Laomedia astacina Malacostraca Laomediidae Influence on nutrients cycling (Kang et al. 2018) Hemiplax hirtipes Malacostraca Macrophthalmidae Quantification of sediment reworking (Rowden 2016) 3 Macrophthalmus Malacostraca Macrophthalmidae Influence on sediments structure and geochemistry (Tanaka et al. 2017) japonicus Influence on nutrients cycling and sediments Mictyris longicarpus Malacostraca Mictyridae (Webb & Eyre 2004b) structure, quantification of bioirrigation Sarsamphiascus Malacostraca Miraciidae Influence on sediments geochemistry (Chandler et al. 2014) (Amphiascus) tenuiremis Austruca (Uca) annulipes Malacostraca Ocypodidae Quantification of sediment reworking (Ólafsson
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