Publication of the National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal PENTECOSTToda y October/November/December 2001 Volume 26, Number 4 RENEWAL AROUND THE WORLD What in the world is going on? ................... 1 LEADERS FOCUS Over the past thirty-four years, the Catholic Charis- matic Renewal has spread across the globe. Today Opening our ears to God ...................... 9 the movement thrives In some parts of the world; in Joseph DeBlassie shares how the prophetic other areas, it struggles. We asked four leaders to gifts of the Holy Spirit can help us recognize share their perspectives on what is happening in the the quiet ways God speaks to us in our ev- Renewal in their countries. eryday lives. The fruit of Jubilee 2000 .............................. 5 Newsbriefs ............................................ 11 Put Gerry Mader recounts the wonderful ways the Char- ismatic Renewal in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee The Catechism and the New Life in the marked the Jubilee, and the abundant fruit which their Spirit Seminars .....................................12 out celebrations continue to produce. The new seminar format makes extensive use of the Catechism of the Catholic Church Miracles in Asia ............................................ 6 to deepen participants’ awareness of Scrip- “Our God is truly alive and working wonderfully in ture, writings from the saints and church our midst!” proclaims Bob Canton as he recounts into the healing and evangelization which accompanied teaching. crusades in Thailand and Malaysia. Chairman’s Corner 2 Friends of the NSC 14 the Spiritual Formation The world and the Christian ........................ 7 From the Director 13 Ministry Update 14 Dorothy Ranaghan invites us to realize that what 2000 NSC Financial deep we do in this world really does make a difference. Statement 2001 Index 15 Photos: www.Comstock.com, Bob Canton Photos: www.Comstock.com, Renewing the grace of Pentecost in the life and mission of the church. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ PENTECOSTToday Chairman s Executive Director ○○○○○○ Corner○○○○○ Walter C. J. Matthews by Fr. Patsy Iaquinta Editorial Board 2001 Fr. Art Cooney, OFM Cap. Dr. Michele Greischar Virginia King Editor witnesses from throughout the world, we Ron Ryan Beyond borders come to the realization that we are a part of Production Manager For in one Spirit we were all baptized that body. Somehow, someway, we are con- Jean Beers into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, nected to what is happening in all parts of slaves or free persons, and we were all the globe. We affect and are affected by the For Your Information given to drink of one Spirit (1 Cor. 13:13). actions of other brothers and sisters. Although This is a publication of the National Service Committee of the Catholic our primary responsibility may be elsewhere, Charismatic Renewal of the United o often I question how we listen to we must realize our connectedness to all States, Inc. The mission of the NSC is and open the Scriptures. How univer- Christians. to stir into flame the grace of Pentecost Ssally do we apply the truths of the within and beyond the church, to Gospel? Do we indeed understand that we As St. Paul traveled, he shared gifts, person- broaden and deepen the understand- ing that baptism in the Holy Spirit is the are individual members of the world-wide nel and finances with communities that he Christian inheritance of all, and to ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ church family? What does this mean on the did not establish. He spent little time in the strengthen the Catholic Charismatic local level? What are the roles of brothers and Jerusalem community, yet he begged finan- Renewal. sisters as they relate to one another nation- cial assistance for the poor there. He wrote to ally and internationally? the Roman community before he met them, The National Service Committee- Chariscenter USA is a 501(c)3 non- giving instruction and encouragement. He profit organization. Contributions to We can never turn in on understood the body of Christ to be beyond defray the cost of this publication are ourselves because love the people to whom he directly ministered. gratefully accepted and are tax deduct- Although his primary ministry was to the ible to the extent allowed by law. Please demands that we reach out. Gentiles, he reached out to all, and through mail to: NSC-Chariscenter USA his writings continues to do so. PO Box 628 As a gifted and blessed people, we are to share Locust Grove, VA 22508-0628 this gift with those around us. How do we do If we are comfortable with where we are Tel. (540) 972-0225 this in the local prayer group and parish? right now, then the Lord is calling us to www.nsc-chariscenter.org What of the prayer group or the parish next growth and conversion, to take the next National Service Committee door? Do we have a sense of responsibility as step, to stretch. It may be within our local members: a part of the larger body? When we identify group or beyond it. But our life with the Fr. Patsy Iaquinta (Chairman) the gifts that we have in our assembly, how Lord Jesus is always growing and stretch- Dcn. William Brennan broadly do we apply them? When brothers ing. We share on regional, national and in- Josephine Cachia Fr. Art Cooney, OFM Cap. and sisters who are beyond our “usual” range ternational levels through publications and Dr. Michele Greischar of ministry are in need, how do we respond? gatherings. We become aware of other parts Rosbel Hernandez We can never turn in on ourselves because of the body of Christ. We can respond and Virginia King love demands that we reach out. If all that we strengthen the body as we challenge and Aggie Neck have is placed at the disposal of the body of are challenged to grow. Mark Nehrbas Rudy Pruden believers, then even this world is too small an arena. We are to reach out to the farthest lim- Let us become mindful of where the Lord © 2001, National Service Committee of its. Jesus’ death and resurrection impact not has placed us and of our responsibilities in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the only our lives but all of creation. our present circumstances. From here we United States, Inc. Not to be reproduced become aware of the Lord’s activity in our without permission. Our challenge is to move beyond “our” par- lives. And from his presence within, we A limited amount of advertising space ish, “our” prayer group, “our” diocese, and reach out into the deep. ✤ is available. For information call Jean understand that we are a part of something Beers, (360) 331-4860. much larger. As we live our life of Christ from Fr. Patsy Iaquinta is chairman of the National Service Committee. He is pastor of Sacred Heart Advertisements for events not spon- where we are, that love is extended beyond sored by the National Service Commit- what we can dream and imagine. As we read Parish in Bluefield, West Virginia. tee do not imply endorsement by the NSC/Chariscenter USA. 2 PENTECOST Today October/November/December 2001 FRANCE BENIN INDIA JAPAN India What by Fr. Fio Mascarenhas, S.J. he Catholic Charismatic Renewal began in the Tin India in 1972 and has spread to prac- tically all of the 140 dioceses of the three Rites (the Latin, the Syro-Malabar, and the Syro- world Malankara). It is most widespread in Bombay, Goa, Kerala, Delhi, Andhra, Bangalore and Madras. The National Service Committee has been officially recognized by the Catholic is going on? Bishops Conference of India, with Bishop Valerian D’Souza as Ecclesiastical Assistant. Cardinal Ivan Dias of Bombay and several other bishops are personally involved. I serve Benin France as Chairman. by Jean Pliya by Cathy Brenti There is reason for hope, because am very grateful to the Holy Spirit who he Jubilee years have given the Catholic many youth are being drawn, includ- Ihas blessed the Catholic Church of Benin, TCharismatic Renewal in France many op- ing some non-Christians who are West Africa, with the Charismatic Renewal portunities to interact with other Catholics finding in Jesus the answers to many movement. In 1975 the Christian faith in my and to be involved in various projects, at vari- of their life-questions. country was under some threat from the dic- ous levels. However it is clear that we are now tatorship of the Marxist-Leninist ruling at a turning point. Shall we go on trying to The Catholic Charismatic Renewal runs a power. Humiliated, Christians were fright- keep running those existing renewal groups residential Catholic Bible college for lay ened. I asked the Lord to show his power, so and other old church structures? Or shall we people, has a bimonthly national magazine, as to deliver us. He told me to proclaim the let the Lord set our hearts on fire for the re- CHARISINDIA, publishes many books and Good News according Mark 16:15-18, and newal of the whole church and all society? teaching materials in English and in ten other led me in 1977 to the renewal in Spirit. regional languages, and organizes at both na- Chains of prayer and fasting are developing tional and regional levels regular conventions, Nowadays there are more than 150 in order to intercede for loving relations leaders’ seminars and retreats, through which prayer groups, each one of them be- within families, for unity among Christians, it pastors the approximately 100,000 Catho- tween two hundred and a thousand for renewal of political life and a more hu- lics actively involved in the Renewal. (Per- members strong. mane economy. Indeed, as French Christians, haps another half-million Catholics have at- our diminishing ranks and shrinking institu- tended charismatic retreats and programs).
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