****************ECRWSS***** PRSRT. STD. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Elmwood, Illinois Permit No. 13 Friday Carrier Route Presort March 19, 2021 The Prairie News RURAL BOXHOLDER Vol. 19, No. 7 LOCAL P.O. BOXHOLDER Hot news tip? “The Voice of Stark and eastern Henry counties” Want to advertise? Serving the fine communities of Wyoming, Toulon, Bradford, Duncan, Galva, LaFayette, Stark, Speer, FREE! Call (309) 286-2185 Castleton, -Bishop Hill, Camp Grove, Princeville, Edelstein, Laura, West Jersey, Monica, Elmira, Modena, Saxon, Lawn Ridge, Broadmoor, Compliments of Elmore, Lombardville, Milo and rural customers at Kewanee and Williamsfield. Our Fine Advertisers! Stark Co. board hears update on new school By JOHN A. BALLENTINE could be constructed in 2023. The For The Prairie News new gym would be located where WYOMING – The Farnsworth the existing school building sits. Group presented an update on The existing gym, built in 1960, budgeting and scheduling of the would still be used, as would the proposed new high school build- Junior High’s small gymnasium. ing in Toulon at Monday’s meet- Also, the school district has indi- ing. cated that additional parking Speaking to the board were spaces are desired beyond those Farnsworth Group representative currently planned with the new Scott Burge and CORE Construc- school building. The new spots tion director of preconstruction would be part of the $15 million Caleb Wyss. Both agreed that a project cost. $15 million price tag for the proj- There was also discussion con- These two historic buildings on Front Street in downtown Galva, Liberal Hall to the left and the Loomis Building to ect is feasible. cerning heating and air-condition- the right, face an uncertain future, as they will be sold at a tax auction later this year. Pictured below is an 1873 In addition, Burge said that the ing systems in the Junior HIgh advertisement for Liberal Hall. Photos by Carol Townsend. school district has a “wish list” of building, but Wyss said that at this items connected with the project. time the estimated cost of $3 to $4 The big ticket item is a new gym- million is not feasible. Galva’s latest downtown challenge nasium at the high school, which Highlights from the proposed By CAROL TOWNSEND is not part of the $15 million total. project timeline includes a bid For The Prairie News Wyss said he estimated the cost of period from June 21 to July 9, GALVA – Many downtown building a new gym would be ap- 2021. Construction of the new buildings here have been revi- proximately $2.4 million and Continued on Page 2 talized in recent years, includ- ing the former Opera House, which had a grand reopening Galva returns to five-day in late February for Anderson INSIDE: Pie Day Friday is Family Coffee and the Beatle a hit at Anderson Family school week, seeks grant Box Emporium. Coffee in Galva, Page 5. But the City of Galva faces By CAROL TOWNSEND make remote learning easier. other challenges downtown, sound, according to Dyer, and For The Prairie News The grant would also provide tu- including the historic building would need costly renovation. GALVA – With students headed tors for students to catch up on at 314 Front St., the address Both buildings now are in back to in-person schooling five credits and pay for some student- given to the former Liberal violation of city code and the days, the Galva School board on courses at Blackhawk College. Hall and the Loomis Building. city hired a company to board Monday heard about an Esser II The board approved Galva stu- According to City Adminis- up the windows outside the COVID Relief Grant that could dents returning to school five days trator David Dyer, back taxes old Liberal Hall. The city has bring $524,000 to the district. a week starting March 16. The on the building were sold to a also poured new sidewalks Outgoing Superintendent Doug day is 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Students O’Riley said his successor, Joe get a snack about 9:30 a.m. and Henry County trustee. Dyer water off. around much of the building, redone the sewer lines and in- Becker, are working on the grant lunch is sent home. The district said the building will be up for Dyer said the city had an a tax auction after July 31, stalled new electrical service. application that is due June 30. hopes to have as many students engineer inspect the buildings. after which much about its fu- The city even tried to nego- O’Riley said they were applying back as possible for the last nine While Liberal Hall checked ture will be determined. Dem- tiate a sale with present owner, for cleaning supplies, windows in weeks. Parents can still keep stu- olition is an option. seemed OK at that time, the Renae Keysmith, but Dyer both buildings, an air conditioner dents home for remote learning. Dyer said nobody has occu- next door Loomis building did said she was “not interested.” for the weight room, fee waivers Junior/Senior High School Prin- pied the buildings since Jan. 2, not. Built in 1914, the Loomis While all of that leaves the for parents, free breakfasts and cipal Joe Becker said plans are un- 2018, when the city shut the Building is not structurally Continued on Page 8 lunches and replacement of some derway for an outdoor high school projectors and smartboards to Continued on Page 8 Page 2 THE PRAIRIE NEWS • March 19 2021 www.illinoisweeklies.com SCHOOL: Board approves $15 million in bonds Continued from Page 1 eral services provided to the school which several board positions are building would be from Aug. 16 to district: a bus lease with Midwest being voted upon. Board President Aug. 5, 2022. Demolition of the ex- Bus Sales for $15,035; a contract Ann Orwig said a special meeting isting school building would be from with M&M Lawn Service to mow may be needed to seat any new Sept. 1 to Oct. 1, of 2022. the Wyoming football stadium from members prior to the regularly sched- In conjunction with the Toulon ren- April to November for $35 per hour, uled April 19 board meeting. ovation project, there was a public up to 200 hours; and for Shirley After executive session, the board hearing on the issuance of $15 mil- Striping to paint lines on the football approved changing the title from lion funding bonds. There were no field for $1,500. Dean of Students to Assistant Princi- comments, as nobody from the pub- Also approved was the intergovern- pal; gave 3 percent salary increases lic attended the board meeting. There mental agreement with Black Hawk to elementary principal Jenna Bibb, were also no written testimonies. College for dual credit courses. In “assistant principal” of the Junior/Se- The board approved a “resolution addition, approval to post and hire nior High School Anne Snyder, and of intent to issue $15 million in student workers for 2021 was given. Tech Director Dale Heinold. Alli bonds for the purpose of paying There will be seven custodial helpers Chasteen was hired for fiscal year claims against the School District” and one tech-support worker hired. 2022 as an elementary teacher and for the project. Discussion without action occurred Victoria Harmon was hired immedi- Approval was also given for sev- concerning the April 6 election, in ately to be the musical art director. More charges possible against Toulon By JOHN A. BALLENTINE said two Class A criminal Slightom currently has nu- tion denied,” ruled Circuit For The Prairie News misdemeanor charges of re- merous current charges Judge James A. Mack. TOULON – Additional sisting a peace officer against him in three, pos- McBride then entered a charges could be filed could be filed. sibly four, counties. She not guilty plea to the two against Shawn A. For the bond reduction, said Slightom has violated recent felonies charged Slightom, 31, a Toulon McBride said Slightom has probation on past charges, against Slightom, which in- man who appeared in minor children who he refused chemical drug test- cludes burglary, possession Stark’s Circuit Court wants to see, but noted that ing mandated for that pro- of methamphetamine, driv- March 12 for a review and there is currently an out- bation, and missed ing on a revoked/sus- bond reduction motion standing Knox County ar- probation appointments. pended license DUI, and filed by his public de- rest warrant with a $10,000 “There is a pattern here aggravated battery of a fender, Robert McBride. bond pending should his regarding Mr. Slightom,” peace officer. During testimony, Stark client be released on bond Borden-Campion said. She Mack said a jury date County State’s Attorney from Stark County. said Slightom has missed would be required in June Caroline Borden-Campion Borden-Campion argued probation requirements in for a special jury setting be- other counties, as well, and cause of time related re- requested that Slightom’s quirements concerning a bond not be reduced. speedy trial. Slightom re- “Given the sheer number mains in custody at the of offenses while in cus- Stark County Jail and has tody and on other charges, I another court appearance cannot reduce bond – mo- scheduled for March 26. The Voice of Stark and eastern Henry Counties www.illinoisweeklies.com THE PRAIRIE NEWS • March 19, 2021 Page 3 PUBLIC RECORD Incidents & Accidents Street to check a business where the plaint. alarm was activated, the door was 3-10– As the result of a traffic stop Stark County unlocked and nobody was present.
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