GUIDE to the NATIONAL LEAGUE PAPERS National Baseball Hall of Fame Library National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum 25 Main Street Cooperstown, NY 13326 www.baseballhall.org Collection Number BA MSS 26 BL-517.2011 Title National League Papers Inclusive Dates 1883 – 1998 Extent 25.3 linear feet (58 archival boxes) Repository National Baseball Hall of Fame Library 25 Main Street Cooperstown, NY 13326 Abstract This is a collection of correspondence, questionnaires, subject files, press releases and statistics. Provenance This collection was donated to the National Baseball Hall of Fame by the National League Office. Preferred Citation National League Papers, BA MSS 26, National Baseball Hall of Fame Library, Cooperstown, NY. Access By appointment during regular business hours, email [email protected]. Property Rights This National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum owns the property rights to this collection. Copyright For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the library. Processing Information This collection was processed and organized by various staff members over two years. Claudette Scrafford did a final review and wrote the finding aid. Scope and Content This collection is organized into six series by subject matter. Series I are correspondence files, alphabetically by surname. The folder heading refers to the subject matter of the correspondence. Series II are questionnaires which were given to players to fill out. The year(s) following their name is the year it was completed. Series III are subject files, listed alphabetically. Series IV are press releases by team, All-Star, World Series and various. Series V are statistics. These are player index cards, batting and pitching. Series VI are oversize items such as scoresheets and seating diagrams. Content List Series I Correspondence Folder subject heading, in most cases, is the subject of the correspondence. Box 1 Folder 1 Adams, Ace 1944 Folder 2 Adams, Charles B. “Babe” 1936 Folder 3 Adams, Elvin “Buster” 1943 Folder 4 Adcock, Joseph Wilber 1954 Folder 5 Ainsmith, Edward 1935 Folder 6 Alexander, Grover 1919-1963 Folder 7 Allen, Lee 1938-1945 Folder 8 Alston, Walter 1954-1963 Folder 9 Altrock, Nick 1936 Folder 10 Ambrose, Pat 1945 Folder 11 Anderson, John “Goat” 1935 Folder 12 Ankenman, Fred N., Jr. 1943 Folder 13 Ashburn, Richie 1954 Folder 14 Aspromonte, Robert Thomas 1964 Folder 15 Averill, Earl Douglas 1959 Folder 16 Bailey, L. Edgar, Jr. 1961-1963 Folder 17 Baldwin, Charles B. “Lady” 1936-1937 Folder 18 Ball, Neal 1935-1948 Folder 19 Banks, Ernie 1960-1970 Folder 20 Barrett, Charles “Red” 1943 Folder 21 Barrett, John 1944 Folder 22 Barrow, Ed 1934-1937 Folder 23 Barry, John J. 1935 Folder 24 Bartell, Richard 1935-1945 Folder 25 Bassett, Charles E. 1936 Folder 26 Bates, John W. 1935 Folder 27 Bauers, Russell 1936 Folder 28 Bavasi, E.J. “Buzzy” 1967 Folder 29 Beck, Clyde 1928 Folder 30 Becker, Beals 1935 Folder 31 Bell, Lester 1936 Folder 32 Bench, Johnny 1974-1983 Folder 33 Bender, Chief 1935-1952 Folder 34 Benswanger, William E. 1935-1945 Folder 35 Benton, Larry Folder 36 Bell, Herman Folder 37 Benton, John “Rube” 1935 Folder 38 Benz, Joseph 1935 Folder 39 Berg, Morris 1937 Folder 40 Bergen, Billy 1935 Folder 41 Berger, Walter 1939-1952 Folder 42 Bernhard, William 1935 Folder 43 Bernier, Carlos 1953 Folder 44 Berra, Lawrence “Yogi” 1964 Folder 45 Bevan, Harold Joseph, Jr. 1960 Folder 46 Bierbauer, Louis 1935 Folder 47 Birmingham, Joe “Dode” 1935-1937 Folder 48 Bishop, Max 1935 Folder 49 Bissonette, Delphia Folder 50 Blades, Francis Raymond “Ray” 1939 Folder 51 Blattner, Robert G., Jr. 1941 Folder 52 Block, Seymour “Cy” 1941-1942 Folder 53 Blue, Luzerne Atwell 1935 Folder 54 Bluege, Ossie 1937 Folder 55 Bobek, Leonard 1944 Folder 56 Bodie, Frank S. “Ping” 1933-1936 Folder 57 Bollweg, Donald 1951 Folder 58 Bond, Thomas H. 1935 Folder 59 Bondy, Leo J. 1941 Folder 60 Bonura, Zeke 1945 Folder 61 Bowa, Larry 1974-1978 Folder 62 Bowman, Joseph 1940-1946 Folder 63 Bradley, Alva 1937 Folder 64 Brandt, William 1935-1945 Folder 65 Bramham, William G. 1947 Folder 66 Brannick, Eddie 1936-1944 Folder 67 Breadon, Sam 1931-1944 Folder 68 Bresnahan, Roger 1935 Folder 69 Bressler, Ray “Rube” 1935-1936 Folder 70 Bridwell, Al 1935 Folder 71 Bright, Harry James 1958 Folder 72 Brittain, August 1937 Folder 73 Brock, Lou 1961-1974 Folder 74 Brodie, Walter Scott “Steve” 1935-1938 Folder 75 Broglio, Ernie Folder 76 Brown, Mordecai 1938 Folder 77 Brown, Dr.Robert W. 1985 Folder 78 Browne, George 1937 Folder 79 Brubaker, Wilbur Lee 1936 Folder 80 Bruce, Robert James 1967 Folder 81 Bucher, James 1966 Folder 82 Buckner, William Joseph “Bill” 1982 Folder 83 Bulkeley, Morgan 1942-1976 Folder 84 Burns, George J. 1935-1943 Folder 85 Burpo, George 1944 Folder 86 Byrne, Robert M. 1935 Folder 87 Cadore, Leon 1935-1954 Folder 88 Cain, Cullen 1942 Folder 89 Caldwell, Ray 1936 Folder 90 Campbell, William “Bick” 1938-1939 Folder 91 Camnitz, Howard 1935 Folder 92 Campanella, Roy 1958-1959 Folder 93 Cardenas, Leonardo 1964 Folder 94 Carey, Max 1934 Folder 95 Carleton, James Otto “Tex” Folder 96 Carlsen, Donald H. 1952 Folder 97 Capenter, Lewis 1943 Folder 98 Carpenter, R.R.M. 1945 Folder 99 Carpenter, W.W. 1936 Folder 100 Carrigan, William 1936 Folder 101 Carsey, Wilfred “Kid” 1936-1939 Folder 102 Casey, James P. 1936 Folder 103 Castillo, Frank 1993 Folder 104 Cavarretta, Philip 1954-1972 Box 2 Folder 1 Cedeno, Cesar 1974 Folder 2 Cepeda, Orlando 1958-1968 Folder 3 Chalmers, George 1954 Folder 4 Chandler, Albert 1945-1949 Folder 5 Chaplin, James 1944 Folder 6 Charlton, Norman W. 1991 Folder 7 Chiti, Harry, Jr. Folder 8 Christopher, Loyd Eugene 1945 Folder 9 Clarke, Fred 1935-1937 Folder 10 Clarke, Justin J. “Nig” 1935 Folder 11 Clarke, Tom 1936 Folder 12 Clarke, W.J. “Bill” 1936 Folder 13 Clay, Dain 1966 Folder 14 Clements, John “Jack” 1935-1936 Folder 15 Clendenon, Donn Alvin 1962 Folder 16 Cobb, Ty 1952-1962 Folder 17 Coleman, Robert “Bob” 1945 Folder 18 Collins, Jimmy 1935-1943 Folder 19 Collins, Warren “Rip” 1935-1936 Folder 20 Comisky, J. Louis 1937 Folder 21 Conlan, Jocko 1958 Folder 22 Connor, Roger 1935 Folder 23 Conroy, Wid 1935 Folder 24 Cooley, Dick 1936 Folder 25 Cooper, Morton 1942-1969 Folder 26 Corcoran, Tom 1935-1938 Folder 27 Corkhill, John S. “Pop” Folder 28 Coscarat, Peter, Jr. 1938 Folder 29 Coughlin, Bill 1935-1936 Folder 30 Coveleskie, Harry 1937 Folder 31 Cox, Bill 1945 Folder 32 Craig, Roger 1955 Folder 33 Crandall, Dell 1949 Folder 34 Cravatti, C.C. 1942 Folder 35 Creedon, Connie 1945 Folder 36 Cronin, Joe 1960-1966 Folder 37 Crosby, Kenneth 1976 Folder 38 Crosley, Powel, Jr. 1938 Folder 39 Cullen, Blake 1976 Folder 40 Culler, Richard 1947 Folder 41 Cunningham, Joseph Roberts 1954 Folder 42 Cutshaw, George 1935 Folder 43 Cuyler, Hazen Folder 44 Dalrymple, Abner 1935-1948 Folder 45 Daly, Tom Folder 46 Dark, Alvin 1961-1964 Folder 47 Davenport, James 1968 Folder 48 Dean brothers 1935 Folder 49 Dean, Dizzy 1931-1944 Folder 50 DeBerry, Hank 1942 Folder 51 Decker, Frank 1935 Folder 52 Delahanty, Ed 1935 Folder 53 Dempsey, Rick 1990 Folder 54 Devine, Bing 1940 Folder 55 Devore, Josh 1949 Folder 56 Dexter, Charles 1935 Folder 57 Dibble, Robert Keith “Rob” 1991-1992 Folder 58 Dickey, Bill 1938 Folder 59 Dickinson, Joseph 1939 Folder 60 Dittmer, John “Jack” 1957 Folder 61 Doak, Bill 1955 Folder 62 Donahue, Margaret 1935-1944 Folder 63 Dougherty, Patrick 1935 Folder 64 Douglas, William 1935 Folder 65 Drake, Charles F. 1935-1942 Folder 66 Dressen, Charles 1935 Folder 67 Drysdale, Don 1961-1968 Folder 68 Dubuc, Jean 1935 Folder 69 Dugan, Joe 1935-1947 Folder 70 Duggleby, Bill 1936 Folder 71 Duncan, Louis B. “Pat” 1939 Folder 72 Durochek, Leo 1944-1945 Folder 73 Duryea, James 1935 Folder 74 Dykes, James Joseph 1939 Folder 75 Dykstra, Len 1990 Box 3 Folder 1 Earnshaw, George L. 1941 Folder 2 Ebbets, Charles H. 1909 Folder 3 Eckert, William 1965-1967 Folder 4 Edward, John 1962 Folder 5 Edwards, Henry P. 1941-1942 Folder 6 Ehmke, Howard 1935 Folder 7 Ehret, Phil “Red” 1936 Folder 8 Ehrhardt, Rube 1936-1938 Folder 9 Elberfeld, Norman 1935 Folder 10 Ely, Fred 1935 Folder 11 Emery, Cal 1961 Folder 12 Engle, Robert H. 1941 Folder 13 English, Elwood “Woody” 1956 Folder 14 Erskine, Carl 1953 Folder 15 Erwin, R.E. “Tex” 1935 Folder 16 Evans, Billy 1936-1945 Folder 17 Evers, John 1945 Folder 18 Ewing, Bob 1935-1936 Folder 19 Ewing, Buck 1939 Folder 20 Fonseca, Lew 1936-1949 Folder 21 Foster, Eddie 1935 Folder 22 Fothergill, Robert 1935 Folder 23 Face, Roy 1967 Folder 24 Farrar, Sydney 1935 Folder 25 Farrell, Kerby 1935-1943 Folder 26 Fenderson, John Folder 27 Ferris, Hobe 1935 Folder 28 Finch, Robert C. 1945 Folder 29 Fick, John 1944 Folder 30 Fields, John “Jocko” 1935-1947 Folder 31 Finky, Robert 1943 Folder 32 Finnes, Louis 1944 Folder 33 Flagstead, Ira 1936 Folder 34 Flack, Max 1934-1935 Folder 35 Foxen, William A. 1936 Folder 36 French, Walter 1938-1939 Folder 37 Forrester, Tom 1935-1944 Folder 38 French, Larry 1935 Folder 39 Frick, Ford 1935-1965 Folder 40 Fryman, Woody 1967 Folder 41 Fuchs, Charles 1943 Folder 42 Fulmer, Charles “Chuck” 1937 Folder 43 Fultz, David 1914 Folder 44 Furillo, Carl 1958 Folder 45 Gainor, Del 1935 Folder 46 Gallager, James 1941-1945 Folder 47 Galloway, Clarence “Chick” 1935-1943 Folder 48 Ganzel, John 1935 Folder 49 Gardner, W. Lawrence 1935-1936 Folder 50 Garriott, Cecil 1945 Folder 51 Garvey, Steve 1974-1983 Folder 52 Gastreich, Henry 1935-1936 Folder 53 Geisel 1982 Folder 54 Gelbert, Charles 1938-1945 Folder 55 George, Harold 1945-1946 Folder 56 Geraghty, Benjamin 1943 Folder 57 Gerbermann, George 1962 Folder 58 Gerheauser, Al 1943 Folder 59 Getz, Gustave 1935 Folder 60 Giel, Paul 1959 Folder 61 Giles, Warren 1944-1967 Folder 62 Glasscock, J.W.
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