h ie SS u b iu s OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN PILOTS ORGANIZATION to the EDITOR Gabrielle Thorp poses with the T-38 trainer in which she earned her Air Force wings Dear Editor: berger. Together we visited the offices of Dr. morning with a very long but well-planned This is just a short note to thank you and Anne Spoerry. It was great to catch her on the agenda. We began p ro m p tly at 8:30, worked your staff for an outstanding job on The 99 ground, as she flies all over Kenya in her hard until 12 noon, broke for a one-hour NEWS. The last two issues have been im­ capacity as doctor to the needy and outback. lunch, then back to work until 5:30p.m. Sa­ pressive. She is in radio communication with over 100 turday was identical, and Sunday morning we I realize the many, many hours you and places that she serves. A beautiful person in met again from 8:30 a.m. until 11:30a.m. Then your staff spend putting every issue together every way. came the dash to our respective planes and and again want to extend my many thanks. I Denise, the present 99 governor, has built our homes in various parts of the USA and am sure all 99s appreciate your efforts. up a great flying club she calls the "99 Club" Canada. - M arion P. Jayne that includes many men. She is an instructor, Since the Board only meets twice a year, Palatine, Illinois and I was delighted to meet her. other than at the International Convention, Madeleine is the chapter treasurer and the we had a myriad of subjects to cover and Dear Editor: most popular safari pilot in Kenya, and it is problems to solve. Everyone was prepared for I think this November issue of The 99 not hard to see why. She is lovely to look at the meeting and had helpful suggestions to NEWS will do more for our International and tops in her trade. offer. We discussed the activities of each membership than anything we’ve ever done. Together we went to locate and see one of International Chairmanship and everything Thanks for using my two — even if Kim was the truly great of the early women fliers — from coloring books to the proposed new the only overseas member. Beryl Markham. We found her near the race FAA charts to bylaws revisions, upcoming - B etty M. M cNabb track where she has trained racing horses all Conventions and section meetings, resourc­ Panama City, Florida her life, as her father did before her. But she es and grants, USPFT, public relations, ways also learned to fly. After flying over Africa at & means, etc., etc., etc. night without any normal flying aids, it was, To sum it up. we worked hard, we enjoyed Dear Editor: apparently from the way she tells it, a simple w o rking together, and we had fun doing it. No This comes from o ^ of your ancient thing to hop the Atlantic from England to a Board can be productive without a great Charter Members. Ha! forced landing on Cape Breton, Nova Scotia respect of each of its members for the others. In October and November I was in Nairobi, in 1936! This Board has that respect. Each of us Kenya. I went over on a Christian Conference Her beautifully written book has just been brought a different area of expertise to the and then took in two safaris. All great. republished by N. Point Press. I cannot re­ meeting, and each of us welcomed the others' But while there I got in contact with 99s. commend Wesf with the Night too highly. o pinion s. I have always been proud to be a 99 Had lunch and spent the afternoon with This can add a bit to the good article in the and I am even more so now. Thank you, all of Denise Morchand and Madeleien Schnee- November issue. you, for providing me with the opportunity to - Nancy Hopkins Tier serve on this Board. May our actions always Denise Morchand (left) and Madeleine Schneeberger at Lakeville, Connecticut make yo u proud to be a 99. Wilson Airport in Nairobi. Kenya. - Marie Christensen Dear Editor: Dear Editor: On November 29,19831 received my wings In the December 1983 issue of The 99 as an Air Force pilot. NEWS, page 9, is the poem, "If You Have My undergraduate pilot training was com­ Flown." You state that the author is unknown. pleted at Williams AFB in Arizona. The author is Betty Huyler Gillies. Charter After survival training and KC-135 transi­ Member of the 99s, with a long string of tion training, I will be flying with the Arizona offices and achievements that you know Air National Guard’s 161st Air Refueling better than I. Group at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix, Betty wrote the poem in 1936 to deliver in a Arizona. speech about flying. In 1956 Betty sent me the - Gabrielle Anita Thorp poem to include in the July 1956 program for Arizona Sundance Chapter the All-Women Transcontinental Air Race, but had left her name off and wrote "author Dear Editor: unknown" at the bottom. A lot of years later I I would like to share my first impression of w rote her that I wanted to include the poem in m y firs t 99s International Board of Directors a book about Claire Walters, and was she. meeting with you. It is a professional, dedi­ Betty, the author? Betty wrote back that she cated, inspirational Board. was the author and gave me permission to I hope I can communicate to you the spirit use the poem. that was present at that meeting. We are so If Betty sent you the poem but didn't want fortunate to have such dedicated members her name on it, okay. But if you reprinted it serving on our Board of Directors. I feel from the program, then perhaps you can give certain that each of them gives much, much credit where it is very much due — and long more of themselves than we could ever hope. delayed. They seem to eat. sleep and breathe 99s. - Betty Loufek Our meeting began at 8:30a.m. on Friday Palms Chapter, Camarillo, California PUBLISHER The Nlnety-Nlnes, Inc. EDITOR Lu Hollander M S S n e i u s EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN PILOTS ORGANIZATION Nema Masonhall Nancy Smith VOLUME 11 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1984 NUMBER 1 ADVERTISING MANAGER Norma Vandergriff 7 Book Review: EDITORIAL CONSULTANT FEATURES Jan Million "The Other Side of the 12 Gift Boosts Ninety-Nines’ Airport" EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR History Program Loretta Gragg 8 Safety Education: 12 Flying with an Infant "Safety - Safety - Safety” HEADQUARTERS SECRETARY Pamela Mackey 13 Personality Profiles 8 1984 Whirly-Girls 20 New T reasures for Scholarships Presented International Officers 99 Archives 8 New Aviation Brochure Issued for 1984 Olympics PRESIDENT 24 Fly to the land of Marilyn Copeland Midnight Sun 9 1983-84 International 1308 Kevin Rd.. Wichita KS 67208 Forest of Friendship VICE PRESIDENT Charlene Falkenberg DEPARTMENTS 9 66 BASS News 618 Washington St., Hobart IN 46342 10 NIFA Report 2 Letters to the Editor SECRETARY 10 New Horizons Barbara Goetz-Sestlto 4 New Ratings 8041 Ravinia Ct., Fair Oaks CA 95628 4 Calendar 11 Fall Board of Directors TREASURER Meeting Betty Jane Schermerhom 5 The President's Message RR #1, Dunrobin, Ontario KOA 1 TO, Canada 11 Seek & Kelp 5 Gifts to International BOARD O f DIRECTORS 28 Focus on USPFT Marie Christensen Headquarters Janet Green 29 Chapter News Gene Nora Jessen 6 Aviation Activities Hazel Jones 46 Air Racing News Pat Roberts 6 Air Marking: ‘‘Some of the Ins and Outs" ADVERTISING The 99 NEWS 6 AE Scholarship Update International Headquarters 9 Grand Prix Air Race, Ltd. Terminal Dr. and Amelia Earhart Ln. 7 1984 National Congress P.O. Box 59965 on Aerospace Education 11 Jeanne Line Aviation Will Rogers World Airport Insurance Services Oklahoma City OK 73159 7 World Aerospace (405) 682-4425 Education Conference 15 Kitty Hawk Chapter Paperweight POSTMASTER: Send addr*M change* to 27 Wien Air Alaska The Nlnety-Nlnaa, Inc., P.O. Box 59965, Will Roger* World Airport, Oklahoma City OK 73159. 28 Classified CIRCULATION INFORMATION The 99 NEWS is published monthly except bimonthly ON THE COVER January/February and July/August Annual subscrip­ tion rate is $17.50 and is included as part of the annual New Photographs of Amelia Earhart membership of The Ninety-Nines. Inc. Subscriptions were recently given to Headquarters. are available to non-members at the rate of $17 50 per See page 20 for more on these year. Postmaster: Second class postage paid at Oklaho­ ma City and additional entry offices (ISBN 0273-608S). acquisitions. MambaraNp Count 6,192 at of January 20,1064 New Ratings Calender___________________ FEBRUARY MIDDLE EAST SECTION Feb. 12: 28th Annual Commemorative Amelia Earhart Brunch, co-sponsored by the four Gall John*. Greater Pittsburgh — CFI Michigan chapters. Somerset Inn, Troy, Michigan. Chairman Nancy Walters, 2522 Woodland, Emily Scott. Greater Pittsburgh — IFR Royal Oak Ml 48073. Ellen Hahn, Potomac — IFR Betty Ollvolo. Potomac — IFR Feb. 29: The 99 NEWS deadline for April issue. Beverly Sharp, Washington, D C. — IFR Morgan R. Hapeman West Virginia Mountaineer — BGI MARCH Mar. 3: USPFT local meet, sponsored by the Central Illinois Chapter at the Vermillion County Airport, Danville, Illinois. Entries accepted December 1,1983-February 15,1984. Meet kits, $2, NEW ENGLAND SECTION from Betty LeCompte, 501 W.
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