PRICE, 10 CENTS FORTY PAGES THEATRES^ CIRCUSES FAIRS ~ MUSICIANS ;; * &><</.ft>.y fs-\ ''-A , iVftck^m^S Tfieedrricea Weekly Volume XVII. No. 7. aNONNATI-NEW YORK-CHICAGO. February 18, 1905. JESSIE BARTLETT DAVIS Tbe Weil-Known Singer Appearing in Vaudeville The Billboard one of the members of the firm was opouing in<i genial natnra bas b**n so protnaely Jlatrlh hli mall in which waa found twenty letters la nted that It has left him now la hla declining reply to bis ail in the pre<v<llng issue of The years under tht necessity of stoking aid from Billboard. his friend*. DRAMATIC MINSTREL A number of old soaK-lates. learning of his VAUDEVILLE BURLESQUE Irene Ackerman, author of The (Jold present distress, hsve undertaken «f their ow» Mine, The Chorus Girl, lues. A Corner uf Hogs, volition to appeal to all tb*ae with whom ti. MUSIC OPERA Rlcket, and several other plays, has just finished La* formerly hail buainess dosllags, and solid i a new play for American audiences which la •i.i-ii aid In obtaining sufficient funds to plar* highly spoken of by those who read the manu- him In some Institution, to be hereafter bolectfrd. Ward & Yokes cams to Broadway script. The new play is writttn for the road. where he msy pas< hla few remaining years last wetk. opening at the New York Theatre without asking the assistance of atrangers. For iu A Pair of Pinks (which means a pair of Louallie Dickinson, pupil of Irene be has but a short time longer to remain with FMnkerton detectlvea) and scored a success. The Ackerman, made her debut In original monol- us, being affected with Incurable Bright'* dls piece Is prettily staged, the music good and ogues last week at the Miller Studio building. ease and with paralysis uf one let, dl*qoall Things Theatrical In tbe Metrop- the chorus ample. The piece la acheduled for Among those In the audience were Kdyth Totten. tying him from ever helplug himself again. t two weeks' run with a cast tbat Includes the T. ticPhall, Laura Alberta. Anna Randall- Your subscription Is earnestly asked, sad will olis, and Bits of General following people: Hap Ward, Harry Vokea. Dlehl. Jeauette Wilder (sister of Uarahall), bt most gratefully received by the relief roin- Interest Discussed Chas. Howard, Will West, Tony Williams. Mrs. Geo. E. Spencer (May Muut-i). F. Sager- mltte*. Barney Link. W H. Uardner. Jo*. on tbe Klalto. David De Wolf, Lou Miller, Dan Coleman. Eddie sen, Messrs. Hennesay, Graham, Werner, Mayer. Judge, J. L. Allen. Will Smith. Margaret Daly Strauss. Urabam. Gregory, Johnson and Palmer. Mark all the checks pa.vnMe suit forward remittance to Jus. Mayer, treasurer, room IOK During the week I have received Vokes, Rose Bird, Ulllle Murrsy. Msrlone Priest and Lucy Daly. At the meeting of the Theatrical Townsend building. No. 112S Broadway. Xew many letters from actors, performcra ami agents York City, who will acknowledge receipt of commending my proposition to do what 1 can •»*••• Manager's Association of New York on Feb. 7, Messrs. Thompson £ Dundy, proprietors and same and later publish tbe names of contrib- throufh tbe columns of Tbe Billboard to aid The Lieblers have arranged with utors in theae columns. The list of contrlbatori In adjusting tbe difficulties arising from the Chaa. Frohman to star William Faverahaui In managers of the New York Hippodrome, ware elected members, and for the first time tbe up to this Mum appears «a another page of this question of commissions. Aa tbe commissioner i new play, Tbe Squaw Man, which will be issue. of licenses bas taken up tbe question Had Is <lven Its premier performance Easter Monday. Assoclstlon made concessions wltb reference to following up each point of controversy wltb Vprll 24. Tbe play la by Edwsrd Milton Itoyle. its advertising rules. No restrictions are to diligence and persistence, the contingency does be made on any advertlalng theae new factors Mile. Adeline Antonio, who haa junt *nd an excellent cast will be engsgod to sup- ronnded out a two years' engagement at the not seem very remote wben the actors' (rounds port Mr. Faversham. In N«w York amusement circles desire to place. for complaint shall baTe been entirely cleared They are to be free to make any contract! London Aquarium, la In thl* city awaiting tbe sway. There la no record of any license baring they desire for newspaper, billboard or other opening of tbe Hippodrome, where ahe will do been actually revoked, but it la abundantly ert- At The Yorkvtlle Theatre last week, advertlalng, the only agreement being that no for the first time In thin country her aortal dent tbat one or two disreputable and unre- where a stock company haa been Installed wltl, lithograph tlcketa are to be Issued in pnrsu- act, which baa astonished Kurupe an* which liable agents who bave been doing business In Mlaa Anne Sontherland as the leading woman ance of the policy Inaugurated by the New crowned head* have considered worthy of their nn illegitimate manner lure been driven out the latter'a Illness necessitated the aubstltotlon York Managera laat year. In view »t the fact praise. Rightly eallad "Qneen of The Air," of tbe business by one means or snottier, ta> nt an understudy. Miss Jessie Shirley, aftei that It baa been for some time considered Mile. Antonio performs a feat which she claim* the everlasting benefit and delight of tb» re- a few hours study, taok the psrt and played problematical whether tbe Hippodrome would no other acrobatic performer, whether man or liable agents as well as of those actvra who woman, haa ever attempted. From a swaying art forced to go to th« agents fir engagement!. trapeze ninety feet in the air over the audl Frederick L. Keating, the Hctoso commissioner, ence, she drops backward turning three complete who baa stirred things nn at the InsUuce of MASON AND HIS FIVE SOCIETY BELLES somersaulta landing In a net stretched across the actors and agents, la a young man wltb a the stage. The young woman, for ah« Is career ahead of l.lm. and be la working wltb acarcely out of her teena. la a member of a a view to making tbat career as bright and well known European acrobatic family, and promising as may be. But his work of Investl- haa ' '-. n doing tbe wonderful aerial drop for gatlon Is not limited to the theatrical agenclea. several yeara, shewing In England, Australia. It Includes employment bureaua generally. ID Africa. India and tbe Continent. Her act at fact, the general employment bureau seems to the Aquarium In London waa a "headllner" for offer the greatest offense to the law. For In- two yeara, an unprecedented run In a vnude stance, one young man who Is now Identified vllle honse, and wben her contract expired the with tbe theatrical business, but who some management of the theatre presented her with months ago—wltb a view to getting a perman- a silver loving-cup and a request to lengthen ent position with some straight commercial her time. She aald that th* act twice a day house, as Is the dream of thousands of pro- for two years had exhausted her, however, anil fessional people wearied of the peregrinations •be bad decided to spend six months taking of road engagements—registered with one of a well earned reat. Frederic Thompson of Hie largest and most pretentious employment Thompson A Dundy, aaw her act In England. agencies in tbe city. He writes that, upon and was so Impressed wltb It tbat he made registering with them, he "put op" five dollars her an offer to com« to the United States, registration fee, and slglrd an agreement to naming a figure that la perhapa paid no other l>ay them ten per cent, of Ms yearly salary woman In her line of business. This, coupled within two months after tkey secured a position with the fact that ahe had never been Iti Tor him. He learned later from an employer America, caused tho young woman to accept, whom these people approached, that the em- and she will be seen for tho frat time In this ployers for whom they secure people are also country In her sensational feat at the Hippo- required to give up ten per cent, of the yearly drome, opening on Feb. 25. The alllteratcur salary to be paid. So, he says, "they play of tbe circus that toured India and gave a I'i'tli ends against the middle. Where do I special performance to Lord and Lady Carnon U'-i off?" It seems the professional people are and the visiting English princes during the Dnrbar, described the performance as "A Phan- not the only ones wbo have grievance*. In The above photograph portrays Mr. Jack Mason and his Five Society Belles, receiving fact it will require direct and undlaputable instrnctlons from Mr. Mason before leaving upon an extended tour through the I'nltrd tom Flight From Dlxsy Height to Yawning evidence to convince me that there la a single States and Canada, prior to their leaving Amer lean soil for foreign landa. After playing In Depths lielow"; but tbla does not nearly pic- theatrical agent In New York of any standing every first-class vaudeville theatre in tbla country, thl* refined alnglng and dancing act la ture it. Imagine the woman standing on a to play the large vaudeville circuits of England, Germany, Frsnce and Australia. Credit mnat swinging bar so high above the audience thai who would perpetrate such Infamy against his be given Mr.
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