SHOW TIME RadioClassics (Ch. 148 on SiriusXM) radioclassics.com June 28th - July 4th, 2021 SHOW TIME PT ET MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY PT ET 9pm 12mid Suspense Suspense 9/16/42 The Whistler X-Minus One 2/15/56 Boston Blackie 7/9/46 The Couple Next Door 1/21/58 The Aldrich Family 9pm 12mid Prev You Were Wonderful 11/9/44 Philip Marlowe 7/28/51 Two Smart People 9/30/51 X-Minus One 7/14/55 The Falcon 6/20/51 The Couple Next Door 1/22/58 Mr. Aldrich Cooks Dinner 12/8/48 Prev Night Night Blue Eyes 8/29/46 Duffy's Tavern 1/25/44 Can't Trust A Stranger 7/27/52 Gunsmoke Fibber McGee & Molly 9/5/39 Jack Benny Program 2/17/52Detention Or Basketball Game 10/28/48 Great Gildersleeve 9/18/46 Life of Riley Escape 7/12/53 Last Fling 2/20/54 Phil Harris & Alice Faye 3/2/52 X-Minus One 4/3/56 The Chase 5/4/52 Jack Benny Program 11/16/47 Cissie's Marriage 3/24/50 I Was Communist/FBI 10/29/52 Cara 5/1/54 Going To Vegas Without Frankie X-Minus One 1/23/57 X-Minus One 6/27/57 11pm 2am The Green Hornet Screen Director's Playhouse 3/31/50 Our Miss Brooks 11/13/49 Duffy's Tavern Columbia Presents Corwin Dimension X 5/13/50 Fort Laramie 9/9/56 11pm 2am Prev Murder Trips A Rat 9/19/42 Academy Award Theatre Jack Carson Show 4/2/47 Susan Hayward & Frank Buck 7/25/43American Trilogy Carl Sandberg 6/6/44 Inner Sanctum Mysteries Gunsmoke 6/15/58 Prev Night Night Green Hornet Goes Underground 10/3/43Hold Back The Dawn 7/31/46 Lum & Abner 1/19/43 Guest: Shelley Winters 2/16/50 An American Gallery 1960s Death In The Depths 2/6/45 Command Performance Great Detective 12/26/44 Cheers For Miss Bishop 11/6/46 Lum & Abner 1/20/43 Pat Novak For Hire 6/4/49 Inheritance 9/25/49 I Want To Report A Murder 6/18/46Guest: Benny Goodman 12/20/43 Rocky Fortune 2/2/54 Charlie McCarthy Show 10/1/44 Lum & Abner 1/21/43 Gangbusters 1/24/48 The Unexpected The Whisperer Alan Young Show 8/28/45 1am 4am Dragnet Gunsmoke The Six Shooter 6/24/54 Inheritance 6/20/54 Chase & Sanborn Hour 8/15/37 The Quiz Kids 4/16/41 The Whistler 1am 4am Big Seventeen 9/6/51 Bone Hunters 12/11/54 Gunsmoke 2/13/54 CBS Radio Workshop 11/18/56 Your Hit Parade Jack Benny Program 4/6/41 Two Smart People 9/30/51 Big Crazy 8/30/51 Unwanted Deputy 5/3/59 Mr. & Mrs. North 1953 Screen Guild Players 10/19/42 With Kenny Delmar 12/18/43 Can You Top This? 4/23/48 Can't Trust A Stranger 7/27/52 Behind The Mike 2/9/41 Gangbusters 5/7/49 Mr. District Attorney CBS Radio Workshop CBS Radio Workshop Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 9/12/42 Escape 7/12/53 CBS Radio Workshop 9/1/57 Tales Of Texas Rangers 7/13/52 Desert Killer 1950s Sounds Of A Nation 11/18/56 Joe Miller Joke Book 11/4/56 Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 11/26/48 I Was Communist/FBI 10/29/52 3am 6am The Aldrich Family Suspense Boston Blackie 7/9/46 Johnny Dollar Let George Do It 8/9/48 Suspense Gunsmoke 3am 6am Mr. Aldrich Cooks Dinner 12/8/48 Man Who Knew How 8/10/44 The Falcon 6/20/51 Shady Lane Matter 7/9/56 Johnny Dollar 4/4/50 You Were Wonderful 11/9/44 Bone Hunters 12/11/54 Detention Or Basketball Game 10/28/48 De Mortius 2/10/49 Fibber McGee & Molly 9/5/39 Casey, Crime Photographer 11/6/47 Sherlock Holmes 10/21/2007 Blue Eyes 8/29/46 Unwanted Deputy 5/3/59 The Chase 5/4/52 Duffy's Tavern 4/18/44 Phil Harris & Alice Faye 3/2/52 Blackstone, Magic Detective Blackstone, Magic Detective Great Gildersleeve 9/18/46 Gangbusters 5/7/49 X-Minus One 6/27/57 A & C w/ Charles Laughton 2/10/44 Going To Vegas Without Frankie The Reluctant Saw 10/10/48 Hand Of Cagliostro 2/20/49 Jack Benny Program 11/16/47 Tales Of Texas Rangers 7/13/52 5am 8am Dimension X 5/13/50 X-Minus One 2/15/56 Lux Radio Theatre Dragnet Fort Laramie 9/9/56 WHEN RADIO WAS Duffy's Tavern 5am 8am Inner Sanctum Mysteries X-Minus One 7/14/55 Buck Privates 10/13/41 Big Seventeen 9/6/51 Gunsmoke 6/15/58 Dennis Day Show 1/16/55 Susan Hayward & Frank Buck 7/25/43 Death In The Depths 2/6/45 Gunsmoke Lon Chaney Steals Lou's Girl 6/2/48 Big Crazy 8/30/51 Command Performance Jack Benny Program Pt 1 4/14/40 Guest: Shelley Winters 2/16/50 I Want To Report A Murder 6/18/46 Last Fling 2/20/54 Lou Tries To Get Girl A Job 10/4/45 Behind The Mike 2/9/41 Guest: Benny Goodman 12/20/43 Murder By Experts 7/4/49 Pat Novak For Hire 6/4/49 The Whisperer Cara 5/1/54 Who's On First Skit CBS Radio Workshop 9/1/57 Alan Young Show 8/28/45 The Chase 2/1/53 Gangbusters 1/24/48 7am 10am The Couple Next Door 1/21/58 Lux Radio Theatre The Quiz Kids 4/16/41 Suspense 9/16/42 Our Miss Brooks 11/13/49 Screen Director's Playhouse 3/31/50 Boston Blackie 7/9/46 7am 10am The Couple Next Door 1/22/58 The Thin Man 6/8/36 Jack Benny Program 4/6/41 Philip Marlowe 7/28/51 Jack Carson Show 4/2/47 Academy Award Theatre The Falcon 6/20/51 Jack Benny Program 2/17/52 Johnny Dollar 2/3/57 Can You Top This? 4/23/48 Duffy's Tavern 1/25/44 Lum & Abner 1/19/43 Hold Back The Dawn 7/31/46 Fibber McGee & Molly 9/5/39 X-Minus One 4/3/56 Bill Stern Sports Newsreel Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 9/12/42 Life of Riley Lum & Abner 1/20/43 Cheers For Miss Bishop 11/6/46 Phil Harris & Alice Faye 3/2/52 X-Minus One 1/23/57 Guest: Ezra Stone 12/21/45 Bill Stern Sports Newsreel 11/26/48 Cissie's Marriage 3/24/50 Lum & Abner 1/21/43 Charlie McCarthy Show 10/1/44 Going To Vegas Without Frankie 9am 12 WHEN RADIO WAS WHEN RADIO WAS WHEN RADIO WAS WHEN RADIO WAS WHEN RADIO WAS The Mysterious Traveler 4/4/50 The Green Hornet 9am 12 Noon Our Miss Brooks 11/28/48 My Favorite Husband Pt 2 7/1/49 FBI in Peace and War 8/7/52 Academy Award Theatre 10/9/46 Casebook/Gregory Hood 10/14/46Casey, Crime Photographer 7/17/47 Murder Trips A Rat 9/19/42 Noon My Favorite Husband Pt 1 7/1/49 Frontier Gentleman 5/11/58 Superman 3/4/48 Couple Next Door 2/17/59 Johnny Dollar 12/5/56 Columbia Workshop 2/23/46Green Hornet Goes Underground 10/3/43 The Saint 10/29/50 Quiet Please 1/2/49 Murder By Experts 7/4/49 The Saint 10/29/50 Quiet Please 1/2/49 Police Headquarters Great Detective 12/26/44 The Whistler 9/13/42 The Whistler 7/16/47 The Chase 2/1/53 The Whistler 9/13/42 The Whistler 7/16/47 John Fleming Confesses 1932 Rocky Fortune 2/2/54 11am 2pm Inheritance 6/20/54 Duffy's Tavern Columbia Presents Corwin The Mysterious Traveler 4/4/50 The Whistler Suspense Lux Radio Theatre 11am 2pm CBS Radio Workshop 11/18/56Susan Hayward & Frank Buck 7/25/43American Trilogy Carl Sandberg 6/6/44Casey, Crime Photographer 7/17/47 Two Smart People 9/30/51 Man Who Knew How 8/10/44 The Thin Man 6/8/36 Screen Guild Players 10/19/42 Guest: Shelley Winters 2/16/50 An American Gallery 1960s Columbia Workshop 2/23/46 Can't Trust A Stranger 7/27/52 De Mortius 2/10/49 Johnny Dollar 2/3/57 CBS Radio Workshop Pat Novak For Hire 6/4/49 Inheritance 9/25/49 Police Headquarters Escape 7/12/53 Duffy's Tavern 4/18/44 Bill Stern Sports Newsreel Sounds Of A Nation 11/18/56 Gangbusters 1/24/48 The Unexpected John Fleming Confesses 1932 I Was Communist/FBI 10/29/52 A & C w/ Charles Laughton 2/10/44 Guest: Ezra Stone 12/21/45 1pm 4pm Lux Radio Theatre Let George Do It 8/9/48 Fort Laramie 9/9/56 The Green Hornet The Six Shooter 6/24/54 Dragnet Suspense 9/16/42 1pm 4pm Buck Privates 10/13/41 Johnny Dollar 4/4/50 Gunsmoke 6/15/58 Murder Trips A Rat 9/19/42 Gunsmoke 2/13/54 Big Seventeen 9/6/51 Philip Marlowe 7/28/51 Lon Chaney Steals Lou's Girl 6/2/48 Sherlock Holmes 10/21/2007 Command Performance Green Hornet Goes Underground 10/3/43 Mr.
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