COLORADO K. OF C. WILL TRAIN U Y APOSTOLATE FINE CAREERS Contents Copyrighted— Permission to Reproduce Giveh After 12 M. fe d a y Following Issue EVIDENCE GUILD Colorado CathoUci regard with great sympathy the battle of Cali* rornia prirate, non-profit schools BY GRADUATES WORK WILL b e to rid themseWes of haring to pay DENVER CATHOLIC taxes. The burden of many Cath­ U C I ' I T CIS v « i n v^ iv. Q j y Q j . olic parishes with schools has been unspeakable. When the writer was in California last fall, he was told FROM LORETTO hy a priest of one of the. large parishes that a check for ^ ,0 0 0 , representing the year’s taxes, had 101 ‘Seculars’ and 63 Religious Have Ob­ just been sent in. Just imagine New National Movement of Order to Get the annual anguish of making up tained Degrees From College a sum like that, on top of all First Start in Diocese of Denver other expenses. The parish in question was going badly into the ^ ; (By Marie McNamara) Colorado took the lead in one of the biggest move­ red. No wonder! The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have ments being sponsored by the Church in America when In Denver in the month of June several hundreds of Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, and Seven Smaller Services. the state convention of the Knights of Columbus, meeting The chief obstacle in the way high school boys and girls, college men and women, will at Canon City May 28 and 29, decided upon the establish­ of relieving the private schools of be thrust upon the ^orld in the form of graduation. Lo- ment of a lay apostolate among the Knights of Columbus this taxation has been the lofti­ VOL. XXVIll. No. 41. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1933. $2 PER YEAR ness of all taxes and the fear of retto heights college will contribute its share when on that will further the Catholic Evidence guild movement. the public that it would be further June 6 it will graduate sixteen young women with the With the approval of Bishop Vehr, it was decided to begin pressed if any property now tax­ degree of Bachelor of Arts. immediately in Colorado the training of men for this work, able were exempted. But if the This scene on June 6 recalls to and the movement will be recommended to the supreme private schools are crushed out of mind the stories of past gradua­ 5 to Be Ordoined Priests June l6 existence, and many of them are tions at Loretto Heights college council to be established throughout the nation. The K. actually jn danger today, the cost and the subsequent careers of the of C. participation in the campaign to bring a knowledge to the public will be far greater iVER jyRIlEES women that have left its portals. Will Work in Diocese of Denver of the Church to all people in the United States was insti­ than if they are made tax-exempt. The premier grraduation exer­ tuted by John H. Reddin, prominent Denver attorney, Some enemies of Church schools cise was held in 1921 with Miss are fighting the exemption under Mary Hayden as the only gradu­ member of the supreme board of directors of the order and the plea that the public schools ate. Miss Hayden chose the re­ supreme master of the Fourth Degree. An explanation o f . will suffer. The public schools do F ligious life in the Carmelite con­ the guild work was given in the National Edition of The as well in other states as they do vent as her work in this world. Register this week. in California, but only in Cali­ Since that date the college has Another important resolution fornia are private schools taxable. gradi^ed one hundred and one girlsr-'Besides this number sixty- urged the nationwide observance Graduate Chemist Is ' Our advertising manager in three religrious have received -de­ of the annual K. of C. corporate Nebraska informs us that the crop grees from the same institution. Communion in the Easter time. to Be Priest Wonderful demonstrations of the outlook in that state is better than Plans are virtually completed Of the hundred and one secu­ in years. The rains in Western for the celebration on Tuesday, order’s Catholic faith have been lars graduated, thirty-four are en­ given in Colorado the last two Nebraska this year give the most June 13, of the twenty-fifth anni­ gaged in the teaching profession, promising outlook in three years. versary of the priestly ordination years by this means. The con­ fifteen have followed the religious vention, one of the best attended With assurance of better prices, of Father Mark W. Lappen, pastor vocation, seventeen are married, the farmers and merchants are of Holy Family parish, Denver. and most successful in years in social service has called six, two spite of the financial stress of the happy. This should be good nows The jubilarian will sing Solemn, are engaged in department store to all of us, for when our neigh­ Mass at his church at 10 a. m., work, eighty-eight are secretaries, times, elected state officers for the following year, witnessed the ini­ bors prosper we share in their assisted by the Rev. Thomas T. one is making writing her career, tiation of a class of 26 candidates gain. Ryder, C.S.P., of Washington, D. two are attending business school, C., as deacon; the Rev. Harold V. thirty have done or are at present in the first three degrees of the order and held important business The editor of The Register will Campbell of Denver as subdeacon, engaged in graduate study, three sessions. leave Sunday afternoon for W i­ and the Rev. Adam Ritter of Den­ of this number having attained nona, Minn., where next Tuesday ver as master of ceremonies. The the degree of Master of Arts. DR. FRANK W. BLAMEY morning he will gire the com­ Rev. Hugh L. McMenamin, rector Of the religious graduated fifty- NEW s t a t e d e p u t y mencement address at the College of the Cathedral, Denver, will six have received the deg^ree of Dr. Frank W. Blarney of Pueblo o f.S t. Teresa. This large institu­ preach. The children’s choir of Bachelor of Arts, six the degree was chosen - state deputy to suc­ tion, which has an enrollment of Holy Family parish will sing. of Bachelor of Music and one the ceed Joseph C. Maguire of Den­ more than 700 women, is con­ Dinner will be served the visiL (Turn to Page 3 — Column 3) ver, who was completing his sec­ ducted by the Sisters of St. Fran­ ing clergy at Elitch’s gardens after ond term in that office. Others cis of the Congregation of Our the Mass. In the evening at 8 named are John 0. Haberman, La (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) o’clock the children of the school Junta, state secretary; H. H. Hale, wjll stage a play in the parish hall 35 Included in Fort Collins, state treasurer; in honor of Father Lappen. At James J. Connor, Victor, state Five Converts this concourse of parishioners a advocate, and William P. Dolan, purse will be presented to the pas­ 1933 Ordination Denver, state warden. The Most at Cathedral tor in the name of his parishion­ Rev. Urban J. Vehr, Bishop of ers. The children will present Denver, was named state chaplain. both a purse and a spiritual bou­ Class of Jesuits With the exception of the state The following group of converts quet. Rev. Damen McCaddon Rev. Herman Leite Rev. Andrew Topor deputy, all present officers were was received into the Church Mayi Father Lappen came to Denver Four young men, two of them Denver, attended St. Dominic’s re-elected. Mr. Maguire refused Announcement has been made nomination a third time. The 27 and received First Holy Com­ August 14, 1915, after seven years made that thirty-five Jesuits from natives of Colorado, will be or­ and Cathedral schools. Cathedral munion May 28 at the Cathedral: of priestly labor in the East. In dained priests for the Diocese of high school and Regis college be­ newly-elected officers will take the Provinces of Missouri, Chicago, office July 1. Mrs. Helen 0. Nothhaft, 1225 East his eighteen years in Denver dio­ Oregon and New Orleans'will be Denver at the Cathedral, Satur­ fore entering St. Thomas’ semi­ 14th av,enue, formerly a Lutheran; cese he has been stationed at Vic­ ordained to the priesthood on June day, June 10, and a fifth, who has nary in 1926. He will sing his Delegates to the supreme con­ Miss Olive L, Baker, 1220 East tor, Greeley, St. Patrick's church 28, 24 and 25 by the Most Rev. been studying for the Diocese of first Solemn Mass in the 0athe- vention were named as follows: 17th Avenue, formerly a Metho­ in Denver, St. Mary Magdalen’s Bishop Francis Johannes in the Monterey-Fresno, will serve in the dral, where he served for many br. Blarney as state deputy, Mr. dist; Miss Alice R. Palmquist, 1470 church at Edgewater (Denver) Chapel of the Immaculata at St Diocese of Denver after his or­ years as an altar boy, on Sunday; Maguire as past state deputy, South Pennsylvaniti street, form­ and finally at Holy Family par­ Mary’s college, St. Mary’s, Kans. dination. The two native sons are June 11.
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